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Author's POV


"I am pregnant." Those magical words give new wave of feeling towards Sakura. It takes time before it sink in to him.


"Really?" Asked as if he heard it wrong.


"Yes I'm pregnant here is the pregnancy test." His girlfriend showed him five pregnancy test and it showed she really is pregnant. He then placed multiple kisses all over her face.


This baby isn't unexpected, Eunbi stopped taking her pills and one night they have decided to have unprotected and tried to make her pregnant it's just a gamble it's one of those days where Eunbi is fertile and just do they did. They agreed that if this leads to a baby they are happy with it but if she didn't get pregnant it's not the time for them to have another baby, but guess what that gamble leads in to Eunbi's pregnancy.


When Sakura realize that he's going to be a father again he couldn't handle his emotion and suddenly burst in to tears, and it made Eunbi worried. "Hey babe why are you crying aren't you happy about it?" She hugged Sakura tightly.


"No I'm just really happy." He buried his face into Eunbi's shoulder, and he finally realized that he can finally take care of Eunbi while she's pregnant. "How about Eunchae how will she react that she will have a brother or sister?"


"Oh gosh she will be happy she asks me from time to time when will she have siblings."


"Since when did she ask for that?"


"Ever since you came I don't know when did she get the idea that it takes two to make a kid but at least she is open with it." And speaking of the cute little angel she suddenly burst in the room.


"Mommy I'm hungry let's eat I already want to go to school." Gish it's only six in the morning and school doesn't start until nine she's the only kid they see who's this excited to go to school. but the little kid saw her father crying and turned her attention to her mother she looks angry and cute at the same time. “Mommy why did you make daddy cry? Bad mommy.” She then hit Eunbi on her lap which made the couple chuckle.


“No baby mommy didn’t make daddy cry. Daddy is crying because he is happy.” Her mother explained softly as she calmed her daughter down.


“No because when you are happy you smile and laugh like this ‘hahaha’.” Eunchae demonstrate how to laugh and her parents found it funny.


“No baby you can also be happy when you cry. When you grow up you will understand it okay.” The kid just pouted and nod. “Do you want to know why daddy is happy?”




“Mommy is pregnant.” Eunchae didn’t understand what her mother is saying, it is the first time that  she heard that word.


“What’s that are you sick?”


“No baby you are going to be a big sister soon.” Eunchae's eyes sparkle when she heard that she's going to be a big sister soon. She stretch her arms out wanting to be carried so her mommy who's still sitting on Sakura's lap carried Eunchae


"Where's the baby?" Eunchae innocently asked her daddy.


"In your mommy's tummy." She looks so confused.


"Mommy why is the baby on your tummy?" There is a curiosity in her eyes as she looks down on her mother’s tummy.


"Um the baby isn't born yet." And the endless question has started. She's not stopping asking to her parents, but her parents found it cute. It only stopped when Eunbi asked her if she wants to take a bath to go to school. after a few hours they dropped off Eunchae to school and guess what she told her classmates and teacher as soon as she arrive? Yes you are right she is already bragging that she will be a big sister soon to everyone that she knows in that school.


The couple has decided that they should go see the doctor before they go to work. They just went to the same doctor that checked Eunbi for her first pregnancy. While Sakura is parking the car he suggested that Eunbi go in first because there is no parking spot.


“Oh Ms. Kwon it’s been a while. How’s Eunchae?” The doctor greeted Eunbi.


“We just dropped her off the school.”


“Kids really grow up so fast right.”


“Yes they do.” They shared a small laugh.


“So what is the reason for your visit it is really early for your yearly check-up.” But before Eunbi answered a knock on the door caught their attention. “Come in.” The doctor answered thinking that it is her secretary, but to her surprise Sakura entered the room. “I am really sorry but I think that  you are at the wrong room this is the OB-GYN.”


“Oh he is with me come here Kkura.” Eunbi then patted to the chair beside her.


The doctor then observe Sakura’s facial features and pinpointed who it is. “You must be her husband it is good to meet you Mr.?”


“Sakura, oh and we are not yet married so soon to be husband.”


“Congratulations. You really look like your daughter.”


“Thank you.” Sakura shyly answered.


"So what's the reason for your visit?" She already know why they are visiting her but she still wants to hear it from the couple.


"I think I am pregnant again, I took five pregnancy test and it all showed that I'm pregnant we are here to confirm it."


"That's great to hear so let's run some tests." They all stand up and run some test to Eunbi. Sakura is nervous he doesn't know what to do during those test while Eunbi is the polar opposite she is so calm about it. But you can't blame Sakura it is his first time.


It just took them a few minutes but it felt hours for Sakura. After few more moments the doctor already called them. "Congratulations to the two of you she is 8 weeks pregnant." Finally the doctor saw a very genuine smile from the couple.


"Thank you doc." Eunbi said and then the doctor explained everything that Eunbi needs to Sakura. Sakura then asked if she is safe to travel because they are already planning to visit his parents in Japan and this will be a very good news to them.


After their trip from the doctor they have decided to break the news to Mr. Kwon since it is still early and they are not yet late from work.


"Dad!?" Eunbi shouted as soon as she entered their mansion.


"What is it I'm not deaf so don't shout too loud." Mr. Kwon said as he sip his morning coffee.


Eunbi rushed towards her father and sat beside him, while Sakura calmly walk. "We have a news for you."


"It should be a very good news because based on the time you will be late for your shift”


“You will be a grandfather again.”  That made Mr. kwon pause on what he is doing, and looked at his daughter then to his soon to be son-in-law.


“Really?” Eunbi then give her father the results of her test.


“Congratulations to you two. But can you still work?” He then hugged his daughter tightly.


“Of courser I am healthy and strong I can work.”


“Don’t worry uncle I am not letting her do some heavy work.” Sakura assured Mr. kwon on Eunbi’s pregnancy.


“that’s great to hear Sakura. Come here tonight and let’s celebrate this great news.” They have a few more chats before Sakura and Eunbi went to work.

Mr. Kwon is so happy right now, he still remembers the day that Eunbi told him that she is pregnant with Eunchae, she looks so down and lost that day but now is way different she is so bright and she looks like she is in the cloud nine.


For the whole day Sakura is just observing his girlfriend and you can say that he is too over protective of her right now. He won’t let Eunbi do some heavy nor dangerous work that may hurt Eunbi. Although he is over reacting on this, deep inside Eunbi is loving it she never saw Sakura this concerned in her entire life.


Dinner came and Mr. Kwon prepared a feast for them, and that dinner is one of the happiest dinner that he have in a while. After the dinner the little family have decided to sleep there because it is already getting late when they finished the dinner.


“Can’t sleep?” Mr. Kwon sat beside Sakura, they are in the garden. Sakura is there to get some fresh air because he is still overwhelmed.




“It is alright to feel like this Sakura, it is an overwhelming experience specially for you, this the first pregnancy of Eunbi that you will be by her side.”


“Yes, I am happy, concerned ugh. I don’t know what to feel.” He then ruffled his own hair.


“Sakura it is normal to feel like that, just do what you think the right thing to do or do some research. But don’t forget to ask Eunbi whether it is right thing to do or not because she knows what she is feeling as of the moment. And the most important advice that I can give you is just be by her side all the time.” They talked for hours there, sharing some thoughts, sharing some experience and some random topics that they thought for the moment. Their relationship is growing, they are getting closer and closer which is a very good thing for the whole family.


Sakura told Me. Kwon that they are going to Japan to visit his parents and he invited Mr. Kwon to join them so that he could meet Sakura's parents. But Mr. Kwon declined because he doesn't want to meet them, there are many reasons for it one of them is there's no one who will manage the restaurant, there are a lot of things that he needs to handle, and the most important stuff is he wants to learn how to speak Japanese or at least the basics so that he can have some proper conversation with them. In fact he is not just studying for it he enrolled himself to a class.


After a month Sakura, Eunbi and Eunchae is already at the airport to go to Japan they will stay there for a week then go back to France. It is Eunchae's first time traveling abroad Nd it is also her first time to ride a plane. She's a curious kid so she asked a lot of questions to her parents non-stop. Her parents don't mind it though they understand that their daughter is just amazed on everything besides it is part of growing up.


They arrive at the airport at around six in the evening and to Eunbi's surprise Sakura's parents are there to fetch them.

"Hi darling it's been a long time." Sakura's mom hugged him, while his father is just silently watching them. His the type of guy who doesn't say much.

"Mom Dad I told you that you shouldn't pick us up I can book some taxi."


"Oh no we are excited to see Eunbi and my granddaughter."


Eunbi then bowed a little as she great the Miyawaki's. "Good evening Mr. And Mrs. Miyawaki it's been a while."


"How are you Eunbi where's Eunchae?" The older Miyawaki asked. Eunbi then looked around and found her daughter hiding behind her and she can tell that she's really shy. Even though they have some video calls but it is still different when you met them in person.


Eunbi scoot down to her daughter and carried her, that made Sakura a little bit worried since Eunchae is getting heavy and Eunbi is pregnant so he stopped his girlfriend and instead carried his daughter. "Eunchae say hi to grandma and grandpa." Eunbi said softly.


"Hi grandma and grandpa." Then she got shy again and buried her face to her father's shoulder.


"Hi baby come to grandma." Mrs. Kwon rushed to his son to get her granddaughter. Even with the old age she can still carry a healthy five years old, but she's not as strong like before so she can feel the weight of Eunchae.


"Honey say something to your granddaughter. Don't just stand there." She scolded her husband a little bit, and to that Mr. Kwon go to his wife and carried Eunchae because he can tell that her wife is having a hard time.


"Hi there little angel." Sakura can tell that her dad is amazed by his daughter. "Sakura she really looks like you."


"Yes she's totally got her genes from me." He proudly said.


"Don't be foolish she may look exactly like you but she got her beauty from Eunbi." Mrs. Miyawaki said and that made Eunbi blush. Everyone that she met have told her that there's almost no resemblance of her from Eunchae but this is the first time she heard that Eunchae got her looks from her, and that made her happy.


"Ok I just came back you already started to roast me. Come on let's go home Eunbi and I still have a big news for you." With that the family go in to their car and went home. As they arrive Mrs. Miyawaki started to cook dinner for everyone, even though Sakura suggested that they should have just ordered something but her mother insist to cook for them she wants to feed them a home cooked meal and not serve them fast-food.


After the hearty dinner Sakura and Eunbi sat down to talk to Sakura’s parents they didn’t told them that Eunbi is pregnant, they want to see their rection in person when they told them.


"so what is it are you moving here in Japan?" Mr. Miyawaki asked because it's taking a lot of time for them to tell their big news.


"No it's not about moving places we are not yet stable enough to move." Sakura explained even though his restaurant is in a very good spot right now he wants to eaten more before settling down and besides they haven't decided to where will they live.


"So what is it?"



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1762 streak #1
Chapter 35: oh so good!!!!!!! i'm happy with the ending, this was a big rollercoaster of emotion!!
1762 streak #2
Chapter 34: oh my goodness!!! so many things happened! but i'm happy for everyone!
1762 streak #3
Chapter 33: woah! mr. kwon my opinion might've changed about you!

and and and what's going on!!?!?!???
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 33: A lot going on...
But Mr. Kwon was this strict father who didn't allow Eunbi to own even a phone before Kkura came back, and now he's all supportive? Why did he supposedly deny Eunbi so much?
I don't know if i miss some things but Mr Kwon and Eunbi's relationship needs more work
1762 streak #5
Chapter 32: oh wow wow!! so many things happened so fast!!!
1762 streak #6
Chapter 31: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

and mr. kwon!!!!! i don't know what to think!!!
1762 streak #7
Chapter 30: O.M.G!!!!!!!!!!!!! He knows! He knows! Sort of lol can’t wait to see/read his reaction!
Chapter 30: OH MY GOD!
so much is happening! I'm excited
I wasnt expecting for that slap from ting lol
thanks for the update
1762 streak #9
Chapter 29: oh boy a backstory for sakura!!! and side story!?!?!?! oh right!!!
Chapter 28: OMG