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Author's POV


Being a parent is hard no matter how kind or how hard headed your kid is it will be hard it may be struggle for some. You can make decisions for them that all throughout your life is the best for them but sometimes you realize it way too late. Or for some they realize that they make bad decision for their kid when their kid had their own kid. And that's what happened to Mr. Kwon, all this time he thought that his decision are the best for Eunbi, but at the end he is just a control freak towards her daughter.


When Eunbi told him that she is pregnant without a husband he is fuming inside, but he can't just shout to his pregnant daughter because he remembered how sensitive his wife is when she is pregnant with Eunbi. At some point he just accept the fact that her daughter is pregnant and as of the moment she didn't want to do anything with the person who got her pregnant. Because he don't know what kind of boyfriend does she have back in Korea, he didn't what is the reason why Eunbi didn't want her ex to know about her pregnancy. He just assumed that, that person is not the greatest person or he may be an abusive boyfriend or anything in between so he just let it be, because for him it is way better for her daughter to be a single mother rather than to have an abusive husband and he wouldn't like that for her daughter.


But when he knew that Sakura is her ex and who got her pregnant he made his decision to do the most detailed background checking on him. He hired a private investigator just to follow him and dig around his past, his family background and all. He is a good guy based on his investigation but the biggest question is why did Eunbi didn't want Sakura to be involve in her life. He just think that we don't know what's happening behind the closed doors even if Sakura may seem to be a good person in the outside maybe he has some flaws in the inside.


Mr. Kwon changed a lot when Eunchae come in to their life even though Eunbi didn't notice that but he changed a lot. He let her daughter to make her own decisions but still from time to time he still give Eunbi some tips or some advice for parenting but Eunbi thinks that she was being scolded him or being told on what she should do, you can't blame her because all of her life his father is over protective and can be controlling. And that is the turning point for him he saw what he did wrong and now he wants to do everything right not just for her daughter but also for her granddaughter.


When Sakura came and he met him for the first rime he is still doubtful towards Sakura. It is the first day of work and some of the staff reported to him that Eunbi almost got in to an accident but Sakura helped her.


"Dad can you supervise Eunchae for a bit?" That made him frown.


"Why is there something wrong?"


"No nothing Mr. Miyawaki just needs some help and need to ask me some questions regarding the restaurant is that okay for you?" Mr. Kwon can tell that she is lying due to the nervousness in her voice.


"Okay." He simply answered he thinks that she can do what she wants to do with Sakura right now the ball is in her hands and it is up to her on how she would play with it and hopefully she played it right.


When Eunbi came back her hair is dump and he is not naive nor dumb on what just happened between Sakura and Eunbi, and based on everything that he knew her daughter is in the wrong she run away from him all this time he believe that his daughter is right even with all of those evidence he wants to believe that Eunbi is in the right. And he knows that he needs to deal with this as soon as possible.


Everything escalated quickly after that day their peaceful mansion become chaotic. But one thing is for sure he saw how good of a man Sakura is, he saw how he love and cherish his daughter, and he is so happy to see it. From time to time he saw how Eunbi and Sakura interact with each other, they are awkward but he can tell that with all of the conflicts between the two there is still love but he didn't want to force things they are grown-ups now and they know what to do.


Mr. Kwon is at his home office when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in."


"Good evening Mr. Kwon." Sakura greeted.


"Have a sit Sakura what can do for you?" He placed his pen down and give his attention to Sakura.


"Uhm I would just ask if are you okay if I dated tour daughter?" That was a surprise for him, he thought it would take a long time for him to heal or for him to ask this question but this fast this us very un-expected to him.


"Sakura I have to ask you something. Are you sure about it? Because I know the pain that you are going through right now isn't it too early for you to ask this?"


"I know that this is early to ask but I think this is the best thing to do right now."


"It is for Eunbi and for Eunchae but how about you? How about your feelings? I admire you stepping up as a man and you taking the full responsibility of this whole situation. But please consider your feelings too, I won't judge you for being selfish and I won't judge you for healing yourself first, because I know the pain that you are going through so please think about it, don't make rush decisions it may hurt not just you and Eunbi but also Eunchae."


Sakura looked at Mr. Kwon eye to eye and started to talk. "I've suffered enough. For five years I choose to give her space, I choose not to go look for her here because that's what she wants. But for once I want to be selfish, I want to be happy, even if it hurts right now but the happiness that Eunbi and Eunchae gives me will overcome those pain. I want to be with them for the rest of my life and if I am given a chance I would marry your daughter." Mr. Kwon smiled and stand up he walks towards Sakura and patted his shoulder.


"I admire you young man. Comeback to me after a week and if you didn't change your mind I'll give you an answer."


Mr. Kwon give Sakura time to think about his situation. He don't want some rush decisions just because of the rush of emotion overwhelmed him. He wants to be sure that Sakura is sure on dating Eunbi again. He admits that he is happy to hear that Sakura still wants to date her again but he understands that sometimes emotion overwhelms a person and it may happen to Sakura.


Almost a week has passed and he is already expecting Sakura for his answer. But instead of Sakura in his office his Secretary is there to report something.


"Sir, Ms. Eunbi have another fight with a staff again and it resulted in to the staff quitting." Mr. Kwon massage his forehead due to the stress that his daughter is giving him.


"Again? What did Mr. Miyawaki did?"


"He resolved it properly and talked to Ms. Eunbi in to his office and after that your daughter is suddenly in her best behavior." That's when he realized that the only person who can tame Eunbi is Sakura, and he is wondering how can Sakura tame her hard headed daughter.


"That's great to hear just post another job opening for that position and I am hoping that this will be the last time we will post a job opening since Mr. Miyawaki is in charge now." His Secretary just nods to him.


Few more hours before Sakura come in to Mr. Kwon's office. He looks way different from the other week that they meet. His posture are more stern and confident, his aura is intimidating it seems like he is not the same person within just a week ago. And that made Mr. Kwon smirk he likes this confidence no matter what will his decision may be he is sure that he likes Sakura for his daughter.


"Have a sit Sakura." He then pause and observe him even more. "I guess you already have a decision right?"




"Then what is it Sakura te

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1753 streak #1
Chapter 35: oh so good!!!!!!! i'm happy with the ending, this was a big rollercoaster of emotion!!
1753 streak #2
Chapter 34: oh my goodness!!! so many things happened! but i'm happy for everyone!
1753 streak #3
Chapter 33: woah! mr. kwon my opinion might've changed about you!

and and and what's going on!!?!?!???
yeonniestan94 #4
Chapter 33: A lot going on...
But Mr. Kwon was this strict father who didn't allow Eunbi to own even a phone before Kkura came back, and now he's all supportive? Why did he supposedly deny Eunbi so much?
I don't know if i miss some things but Mr Kwon and Eunbi's relationship needs more work
1753 streak #5
Chapter 32: oh wow wow!! so many things happened so fast!!!
1753 streak #6
Chapter 31: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

and mr. kwon!!!!! i don't know what to think!!!
1753 streak #7
Chapter 30: O.M.G!!!!!!!!!!!!! He knows! He knows! Sort of lol can’t wait to see/read his reaction!
Chapter 30: OH MY GOD!
so much is happening! I'm excited
I wasnt expecting for that slap from ting lol
thanks for the update
1753 streak #9
Chapter 29: oh boy a backstory for sakura!!! and side story!?!?!?! oh right!!!
Chapter 28: OMG