Chapter 1

Me or a plane.
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“Wooohooo…congratulation pal. Finally! You’re not solo anymore.” 

(Her ears are ringing with the repeated phrases throughout the whole celebration that night) 





“What? But you said – “ 

“Let me rephrase. The bet says, if Seungwan don’t find a girl during this summer breaks, she will have to go sky diving. It just says Seungwan. No Jessica and Seulgi’s name are mentioned in that bet.” 

“You guys are horrible.” 

(She’s friends with a bunch of horrible people.) 





Seungwan plopped her arms on the railings and takes in the fresh air. Jessica and Seulgi, and annoyingly Sooyoung’s too are draining her out with their keen questions. She had to wreck her brain into creating a fake scenario, an unplanned script of how she ended up confessing to her long time best friend. Thankfully they didn’t suspect anything and they seems to believe in everything she had told. She and Joohyun didn’t have time to discuss about their fake relationship. Hopefully, Joohyun version of the story and her version won’t clashed. 




Seungwan turn her head towards the familiar voice and smile. “Hey.” 


Joohyun return the smile and sneak a hand into Seungwan’s folded elbow, linking their arms. This isn’t something unusual. She has been friends with the girl since childhood and she already use to Joohyun linking arms habit. But the case right now is the people inside the hotel room. Seungwan heard whistles and few squeals from non-other than their friends, clearly teasing the new couple. 


“Ughhh…I have to get use to that.” Joohyun giggled and made a quick glance at the back. 


“Ignore them. They’re just happy.”


Seungwan lift a suspicious brow. “Really? Why’s that?”


“They have been shipping us for as long as I can remember. Especially my cousins.” 


Seungwan noticeably shocked as her brows flew, disappearing behind her bangs. “Really?” Joohyun simply nod. “Why though?” 


Joohyun shrugged. “They thought we are perfect for each other.” 




Seungwan suddenly goes quiet while Joohyun waits. They’ve been friends for a long time and Seungwan will only stop talking when she’s in a deep thought. 


“I don’t see any point.” She muttered after a long silent. She turn to look at Joohyun with a blank face. “Yeah sure, we have two or three things we are common with, but we are total opposite.” 


A small amused smile took over Joohyun lips. “So what you really wanted to say, we are not a perfect fit?” Seungwan nod and Joohyun chuckled. “That took a while and it only led you to this?” Joohyun shakes her head before turning her gaze to the front. The night is warm, perfect to be precise for Joohyun but probably not so much for Seungwan. But since Seungwan haven’t complain yet, Joohyun tighten her hold, pressing her weight onto the girl. 


“Aren’t you light.” Seungwan says, sarcasm evident in her tone and Joohyun just giggled. 


“But you’re right. We don’t fit together. We have different taste. I’m way too picky while you still hung up with your ex.” Another giggles slip at the short protest. 


Seungwan frown, lips jutting out. “I still don’t get what people sees in you. Mehhh probably the same reason why they broke up with you.” Seungwan hissed by sharp sting on her arm and throws a glare. 


“For your information, I broke up with them.” Seungwan rolls her eyes. “Second, you’ll have to find out yourself.” 


Seungwan seems to be confused. 


“Find out myself?” 


Joohyun clicked her tongue. “Did you already forget Seungwan? We’re now girlfriends.” 


“But we aren’t real though.” 


“But that doesn’t mean we won’t act like one.” 


Seungwan was speechless. After years of friendship, Seungwan still have a hard time to read her. 


Sensing Seungwan internal turmoil and because Seungwan is bless with expressive facial emotion, Joohyun explain. 


“Of course not when it’s only the two of us. I meant we still have to act like a couple in front of them.” She tilt her head slightly, motioning towards their loud friends. “And we both know Jessica likes to spend her time with her girlfriend, so I’m sure she would ask you to tag along because both of y’all girlfriends live in the same house.” 


Seungwan mouth form into an ‘O’ in understatement and then, she lightly shrugged. 


“Well, it’s not like I never tag along before.” 


“Well before we are label as friends and now we’re not.” 


Seungwan pressed her lips together and dive into a second round of deep thought. 


“So…” she hesitate for a brief seconds. “…Do I have to act like a different person? Less than a friend?” 


“Just be you Seungwan.” 


“So what makes difference then?” 


“You can be more affectionate.” 




“Be more like a girlfriend. Just like how you would treat your cheating ex-girlfriend before.” 


Seungwan groan. “Why do you have to bring her up again?” 


“A big picture for example.”  


Seungwan heaved out a long sighed. “Okay, more affection. Is kiss on the cheek okay for you?” 


Joohyun snorted. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna kiss your thumb again.” 


Seungwan chuckles by their supposedly first kiss that evening. All of her friends thought it was a romantic picture where the two kiss under the beautiful sunset, but fortunately they didn’t. When she pulled Joohyun into that kiss, she had placed her thumb over the girl’s lips. She kissed her own thumb under the beautiful sunset. Not romantic at all.  


“It’ll be only on the cheek. I don’t have to use my thumb.” 


“Fair enough. As for me, you better get ready to be my personal blanket.” 


“Aren’t I already?” 


“True. But I’ll be extra clingy.” 


Seungwan hummed. “As long as you don’t annoy me.” 


“Sure. I won’t annoy you just like any other day.” She says with a playful glint making Seungwan’s laugh. 


“I had a short moment of memory lost there. I forgot that you are normally annoying every day.”  


“Still, you always come back for more.” 


Both went quiet after that. When there’s only the two of them, they appreciate the quietness. Talking is fun, joking around is fun, their playful banter is enjoyable but if they have to choose, they would definitely choose this serene moment. Enjoying the view, body pressed together like they are one. What matter is, in this particular moment when there’s no words exchange, Seungwan knows Joohyun will always be there for her and Joohyun knows Seungwan will always be there to watch her back. 


“How long do we have to do this?” Seungwan asks after sometimes. “You know pretending.” 


Joohyun lift her head and flash Seungwan a lopsided grin. “I think you know exactly when this will end.” Joohyun says giving Seungwan a knowing look. 


“Oh right.” Seungwan grin knowingly. “So until then. Cool. Should we make an agreement? Like what’s do and don’t. I have only one condition.” 


“That is?” 


“Don’t do unnecessary skinship – an extreme skinship. For example, like earlier when you forced me to kiss you.” 


“I only did that to prove a point.” 


“Exactly. I know you well. Too well. Next thing, you will straddle me in public and ask me to kiss you again just to prove a point. And I don’t trust you with Jessica and Tiffany.” 


“How shameless do you think I am?” 


“Too shameless to win a bet.” 


Joohyun scoff. “Just like how desperate you were trying to win a bet.” 


Seungwan clicked her tongue. “So that’s it. That’s my only don’t.” 


“Fine. I too have a don’t.” 


“And that is?” 


“Don’t fall for me.” 


Seungwan laughed so hard until there are tears in her eyes. “That’s your don’t? I don’t think we’re going to have a problem.” 


Joohyun groan, eyes rolling in annoyance. “So do we have a deal or not?” 


“Sure, sure. If you don’t have any other condition, I don’t see why not.” 


“Ughhh…you are annoying.” 






The next day… 


Seungwan covered a yawn with the back of her hand as she make her way to the hotel dining area. She rub her blurry eyes by reflex and blinks couple of times to adjust her vision. Not many guests are in the dining area and in an instant, she see her friends just two tables away from where she’s standing. When it comes to food, she is not surprised to see Seulgi is already awake. What surprised her was Jessica. The girl is not an early riser as far as she know. But judging from that darken face, Seungwan could guess Tiffany must had something to do with it. 


Seems like she was the last one to wake up. Soojung and Sooyoung have taken their seat just now and the only empty spot that’s left is beside Joohyun. None of them has realized her presence and a brilliant idea suddenly pop into her head. 


Basically, everyone knows that Joohyun is easily startled. And because her back is on her and because Joohyun is pretty much defenceless at this point, Seungwan tip toe slowly towards her favourite victim that morning. 


Tiffany notice her. 


Seungwan quickly put a finger over and did a small gesture with her eyes. Tiffany closes and bring her gaze to the girl enjoying her cereal before returning to Seungwan as she giggled, shaking her head. 


A nudge to the side and the instant Jessica had lift her head to look at her, she stop dead in her tracks. 


Yesterday event slide into her memory lane and she mentally curse herself. She isn’t the type who would scare the out of her girlfriend, won’t do stupid pranks to her girlfriend. Jessica knew that. So instead of doing a jump sca

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Chapter 2: I can't wait for Seungwan to finally break the 'don't'
I know Joohyun already love her tho
Chapter 2: Please update 🥺🙏
1693 streak #3
Chapter 2: How I miss this? But yeah, glad can catch up now... Seungwan so pabo~ I can see Joohyun already love her before this
Chapter 2: Hahaha seungwan
WluvsBaetokki #5
Chapter 2: Who's the boss eh Seungwan? Haha! Joo-Hyun is right, Seungwan is a pabo hahaha! I can't wait for the next update. I love this!
Chapter 2: When Bae Joohyun state her don't to Seungwan, I have a feeling she's been falling for Seungwan already. And now now, why Joohyun's smile doesn't reach her eyes tho?
Kutu_Asem #7
I have a feeling, joohyun have been falling in love with seunghwan
Chapter 2: Aww...
Finally your back with Wenrene again
Thank you
Next please
Btw, please update Troublesome! If you have time
Soshivelvett #9
Chapter 2: Awww so cuteee can’t wait for more