Chapter 8


Joohyun stared at Blackpink's dorm with a bundle of roses in her hand; it was a mixture of colors like red, lavender, and deep pink, and most of them are covered in white roses.


She slightly cursed herself for feeling so nervous when she performed for thousands of fans for years as an idol.



Yet here she is unable to knock on a simple door



Joohyun knows she's a very beautiful girl that others even Park Bogum tried to court her but she rejected them all.



Then came Park Chaeyoung



And Joohyun's now the one pursuing instead of the other way around


"I hope Rosie is home..." Joohyun bit her lip, she really didn't inform Chaeyoung that she would be coming but the younger girl did text her that they were almost done with a surprise meeting about their upcoming online concert today. She received a text yesterday from the younger girl that they were just done with the meeting and received another one today saying that the company suddenly contacted them for another meeting of their online concert.

Joohyun took note of the possible dates to make sure that she'll be available on that special day. She knew it would be a hectic day in the coming days so she'll make sure her schedules can be done earlier and finished as early as possible.

"What have you done to me, Rosie?" Joohyun chuckled to herself and murmured

"Well, here goes nothing."

Joohyun knocked on the door and even ring the doorbell, after a few minutes, nervousness settled in her stomach.

"Is she not home yet?"

Before she was about to call Rosie, she hears some footsteps and the door opening. Her lips began forming an excited smile as she readily greeted






Then her smile froze



Because it was not Park Chaeyoung standing in front of her



The smile that greeted her was not warm, and instead was filled with contempt and coldness



Plus the cat eyes formed a glare as soon as those eyes saw the flowers






Joohyun just nodded in greeting as she asked



"Jennie...where's Rosie?"





The reply was immediate and Joohyun has to clench her fist tightly around the flowers as this was the woman that Rosie has feelings for. Even though she was her best friend, Irene still can't shake the feeling of envy.

Well, they haven't really been acting as best friends ever since she came to Chaeyoung's life as more than a friend...

"I see." Irene said "I thought she was home after she texted you guys are almost done with the meeting hours ago"

"Of course, you would know that." Jennie said with sarcasm in her voice and answered Irene "The producers made her stay behind to talk about her solo song. One that even we didn't know about." She pouted unexpectedly at the thought of Rosie not telling them everything.

Irene's eyes widened for a bit "A song? The one she recorded years ago?" She suddenly said out loud

Jennie whipped her eyes at Irene sharply "You know?" She said in almost disbelief

Irene smirked "Maybe I do?"

Jennie growled before saying with fire in her eyes


"Stop it."



"Stop what?"



"Stop whatever you have with Rosie!"


Irene hates the way Jennie said 'Rosie' with such a beautiful accent

"...I don't have time to heads with you today Jennie" Irene stated and gave her the flowers while continuing with a sweet smile "Please give them to her when she gets home. I have a schedule after this."

"These roses...they all have meaning but as far as I know, white means new love..." Jennie gritted her teeth "What is this for?"

Irene shrugged and smirked "Just some valued efforts to let Rosie know that I'm proud of her." Irene watched in amusement as Jennie snatch the flowers angrily but said no words.

"See you around Jennie, I'll be expecting an awesome performance from you all"

Irene is about to leave but froze in shock at what Jennie answered to her



"What happened to your feelings for Wendy, Irene-unnie?"



Irene cursed quietly but replied



"What do you mean?"



Jennie crossed her arms "I'm not that slow unnie; even from way before during our hangouts, I can see how much you love Wendy-unnie from the way you talk about her."



Irene remained quiet as Jennie continued with determination and ice coldness




"...I know about your plan Irene"




Irene froze, heart, stopping "What?! H-how did she?"



Jennie's eyes burned angrily but with a hint of smugness seeing Irene so still, clearly not expecting that "I would have never thought that you two will go this far just to make me and Wendy-unnie jealous." Jennie watched in almost delight at seeing Irene clenching her fist angrily

Jennie walked closer to Irene as she continued talking

"Well, your plan worked. I was indeed jealous and have now shown my feelings to my Rosie" Jennie said possessively, clutching the flowers from Irene on her hand tightly "You go along and stop this charade now."



Irene whirled around to glare furiously at Jennie



"Shut up." Irene snarled



Jennie just continued however and said



"I'm not going to let you use Rosie as your rebound from your failed relationship with Wendy-unnie"



"How dare she assume that!" Irene seethed and couldn't help herself as she pushed Jennie rather harshly



Jennie's back hit the door hard and she bit her lip to stop the shout of pain as Irene grabbed her collar harshly



"Don't you dare assume that I'm using Rosie! My feelings for her are genuine!" Irene yelled at her and sneered "I don't even see why Chaeyoung is in love with you"



Jennie is now starting to frown and took a deep breath to calm herself "You weren't there unnie" She grabbed Irene's hand and with some strength, pulled it away from her collar

"You weren't here seeing how we grew up and have been there for each other...I'm sure you would know because you're the same as Wendy-unnie"

"You..." Irene bit her lip and knew to herself that she was right. She and Wendy have been through so much that it was what made her fall in love with the younger girl in the first place.

"It doesn't have to be like this Irene-unnie," Jennie said calmly "You can go back and confess to Wendy-unnie because even I've seen that she's clearly in love with you and was hurt when you drag Rosie towards your room. If it makes you feel better, I'll really deliver this to Rosie instead of throwing it out."

Irene looked down, struggle clearly on her face "It's not like that anymore..." Irene imagined Chaeyoung finally being together with Jennie and looking at her with such a lovable look that Irene felt there was a black hole in her heart.


"It's not..."


"Stay away from Rosie, because I won't as hell let you take her from me"


With that, Jennie slammed the door leaving Irene in the hallway seething at her best friend


"I won't let that happen...I swear" Joohyun muttered angrily as she started going back to the van for her photoshoot.

During her photo shoot, Joohyun tiredly slumped on her chair while waiting for another change of clothes and retouched her makeup.

"What am I doing...?" Joohyun whispered to herself and clenched her fist angrily "How could I lose my cool like that?"

Joohyun rarely explodes out of anger but what happened back there...

"How did Jennie know? Did Rosie tell her?" Joohyun bit her lip "Are they...?"

Well, your plan worked. I was indeed jealous and have now shown my feelings to my Rosie" Jennie said possessively

"But Rosie said that she can't get me out of her head..."

(Author's note: Tbh when I wrote in Chapter 6 that Rosie said she can't get Joohyun out of her head and at that time Ready for Love was not yet released. Then Rosie sang that particular line in Ready for Love I was like...bro wtf HAHAHAH Anyways back to the story)


A ring on her phone and Joohyun, for the first time since she met Chaeyoung, felt hesitant on picking up her call.



But she did anyways





The cheerful chirp on Chaeyoung's voice was enough to calm the turmoil in her heart right now as she finally let out a small smile and greeted back "Rosie, did you receive my flowers?"

"I did! Thank you so much unnie, they're so beautiful" Chaeyoung grinned before it dimmed "I really appreciate it unnie, thank you. Looks like you really mean what you said about...liking me"

"Are you uncomfortable?" Joohyun said, worried that she might be making Chaeyoung uncomfortable

"Not really...well, I'm just conflicted you know?"

"Do you need space?"


Chaeyoung took a deep breath and whispered "I...please don't give me space." Her heart constricting at the thought of Joohyun giving her space and not replying to her

Joohyun smiled softly "Then I won't Rosie." She remembered something and took a deep breath to regain her composure

"Rosie, I want you to be honest and answer my question"

"Of course, anything for you unnie." Chaeyoung replied before saying playfully "You know I never lie to you. You're too perspective to know if I'm lying"

Joohyun laughed "Or you're just too talented at lying"

"Now I know you're messing with me"

They both laughed at each other; it was at this kind of moment that both of them knew they are truly meant to be in each other's lives.


But in what way?


"Earlier, it was Jennie who opened the door. I was planning to surprise you with those flowers but Jennie said that you were running late and had to stay behind for your song 'Gone' " Joohyun started

"Did something happen then?" Chaeyoung frowned, she fears that the two best friends have really fought this time

"...Rosie," Joohyun said seriously


"Jennie knows about the plan"


Chaeyoung almost dropped her phone in shock as she yelled out




Chaeyoung couldn't believe it, how could Jennie know about it? She hasn't even talked to the older girl since the kiss yesterday but seriously what the heck?



"I promise you unnie, it wasn't me that told her," Chaeyoung said "And...she was acting quite normal? I mean...if you count suddenly kissing me yesterday as normal well..." She rambled



"Wait wait," Joohyun said sharply "Jennie kissed you?"



Chaeyoung gulped at the hidden anger in her voice "Y-Yes it was so sudden because, at that time, I was opening up to Lisa and Jisoo about you being my first kiss. They seemed to notice how I'm out of it lately and the distance between me and Jennie as we fought a week ago"



Is it bad that Joohyun felt a teensy bit of joy hearing Chaeyoung and Jennie having distance?



Joohyun shook her head to get those negative feelings out of her head


"If that's the case...maybe one of the two told her, or even both of them told Jennie about the plan" Joohyun speculated and said "You do remember that we told Lisa and Jisoo about the plan when they first discovered about us in your kitchen dorm"

"I do..." Chaeyoung said softly as she went back to that time when they told Lisoo about the plan


They all looked at each other with Joohyun looking at Chaeyoung knowingly and the girl nodded before looking at Jisoo and Lisa as they started to talk.

"Lisa, Jisoo-unnie" Chaeyoung started "I'm sorry for not letting you know about me and Joohyun-unnie but we have this plan"

Jisoo narrowed her eyes while Lisa seems confused

"What plan?" Lisa asked

"This better not affect your career Park Chaeyoung" Jisoo crossed her arms "Especially since you claimed you don't talk to Irene-unnie that much when the scandal about the two of you was posted"

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes "Okay, first of all, that scandal is bull. How could they just assume that I and Joohyun-unnie are dating just because we wore the exact same clothes"

"Don't forget how unnie looks at you during award shows" Lisa piped in and yelped when Jisoo pinched and glared at her

Joohyun just looks at them in amusement and slight embarrassment

"I don't even notice that I look at Rosie like that" Joohyun chuckled "The Internet is a scary thing no?"

Lisa laughed nervously as even though Joohyun has a warm face right now (probably due to her best friend), she still feels intimidated by her. Jisoo however was careful especially since the scene earlier blares alarms on her head

"So, what is this plan you're talking about," Jisoo asked

"Well...we have this plan to 'look like' we have something" Chaeyoung pointed herself and to Joohyun "But we're not really dating"

"So...what for?" Lisa asked

Joohyun was the one who answered this time "To make Jennie and Wendy jealous"




Lisa shouted and Jisoo thanked the heavens that she's not drinking something right now

Chaeyoung stood up and covered Lisa's mouth "Can you not shout?! Jennie-unnie might come out!" She hissed

When Chaeyoung removed her hand, Lisa smiled sheepishly as she said excitedly "Wait, does this mean you have feelings for Jennie-unnie?!"

Chaeyoung blushed and nodded shyly

Jisoo pumped her fist up "I knew it! It's about time Chaeyoung-ah!" She finally smiled before turning to Joohyun "Does this mean you're also the same with Wendy-unnie?"

Joohyun smiled and nodded

"It is, we won't spare you the long story but from the looks of things," Joohyun gestured to Jennie's room "Looks like it's working. It won't be long until the plan is...done"


Joohyun suddenly seems to realize something and looks a bit...constipated?


"But she's probably just upset that I hid our relationship unnie" Chaeyoung pouted and that seems to snap Joohyun out of her thoughts as she smiled softly at the younger girl and pat her head lovingly

"Maybe?" She teased "Now go along and comfort her"

Chaeyoung nodded happily before standing up and excusing herself as she started walking toward Jennie's room


"Well, unless the three of you talked some more after I left but yeah that's the gist of it," Chaeyoung said


Joohyun was quiet and realization struck her as she recalled what happened next


"You know, it would be easier for all of you if you just confess" Jisoo added as the three of them are left alone

Lisa nodded "I agree Irene-unnie, don't you think it's just messing with their feelings?"

Irene hummed "You think of that but we don't mess with their feelings," She said "I and Chaeyoung talked about it, and we're unsure of what they really feel about us...especially Wendy for me"

Irene chuckled "Even I could see that Jennie has feelings for Rosie but Rosie is just too blind or dense to see it. It makes me wonder if actions speak louder than words for Rosie"

Lisa grinned and chuckled "Agreed unnie. That chipmunk of mine is too dense and comes up with reasons of Jennie not truly liking her"


"But don't you think the plan might backfire on you both?" Jisoo suddenly said


"What do you mean?" Irene asked


Jisoo looked at Irene who was confused at her question and shook her head "Nah, they won't fall in love with each other. Besides, it will be a matter of time until Jennie explodes and suddenly confess to Chaeyoungie. I hope I have my camera ready for that" Jisoo giggled before smiling toward Irene


"Well, we'll definitely help you with your plan Irene-unnie. Especially since this is for the happiness of my both stupid best friends"


Irene laughed and said in gratitude that finally made the atmosphere comfortable around them three


"Thank you Jisoo, Lisa"


"Rosie...I think it was Jisoo who told her" Joohyun said. She knows Jisoo is Jennie's best friend and from the way she...talked to her at that time, she has an inkling that Joohyun will indeed develop feelings for their main vocalist. 

Joohyun's confident that Jisoo is the one who told Jennie about the plan.

"What? But why would unnie do that?" Chaeyoung said, a bit upset that Jisoo did tell Jennie about the plan. She really hope that's not the case and that Jennie just heard her talking about the plan with them or Joohyun.

Joohyun was about to answer but she was being called again to continue her photoshoot. She sighed and said

"I'm sorry Rosie but I have to go. The photo shoot is not done yet" Joohyun could feel sadness at ending the call "If you want to confirm it, maybe you should go talk to Jisoo then"

"Maybe I will unnie or else I won't be able to sleep knowing that Jennie is aware of our plan now," Chaeyoung said nervously

"It will be okay Rosie, we'll get through this together," Joohyun said in a soothing voice that immediately melted Chaeyoung's nervousness away "You'll always have me"

"Thank you Joohyun, for everything, especially to the flowers," Chaeyoung said softly and even shyly "I..."


Joohyun sighed and whispered lovingly to her phone

"I'll talk to you soon. Love you bye"

Joohyun quickly ended the call and wanted to slap herself silly

"Love you bye?! Seriously Bae Joohyun!" Joohyun groaned out, her face a bit of red from embarrassment as she stood up while peeking a glance at her wallpaper...


Which is Chaeyoung looking like a blonde angel she is on one of their little dates. It was taken to during sunset.


Her heart skipped a beat at the wide smile from the chipmunk girl and it gave her enough energy to finish the day


"What have you done to me Park Chaeyoung" She chuckled to herself before locking her phone and going out to finish her photo shoot.


She just hopes nothing too draining will happen today, for the confrontation with Jennie has already drained her energy. If it wasn't for Rosie calling her and energizing her once again, she would have dropped this photoshoot and another scandal will probably happen.


"Here's to hoping for a good night’s rest later"

The moment Joohyun arrived home, her thoughts are eating her up before sagging tiredly as Jennie said some things that she knows she has to finish first.


Especially now since Jennie knows the plan


Joohyun doesn't want any more surprises so she better finishes things no matter what


"Even will cause some rift between me and my members"


Joohyun bit her lip in conflict


Would she really choose Chaeyoung over her members?


Her members who have been there for her for every up and down since they were trainees and rookies.

So many hateful comments and pressure were on her since she was declared the leader of the new group. They have been there for her in every way possible and Joohyun can confidently say that they're her family who would never leave her and will always be with her until the end of time no matter what happens.

"It's not like I'm leaving them for Chaeyoung..." Joohyun could feel hurt enter her heart at her next thought "But...they have been leaving me alone lately, like that dinner."

Joohyun could still remember the loneliness she felt and the small relief when Joy talked to her when everyone left

They have been so supportive of each other, heck Joy is the president of her and Wendy. She has been subtly shipping them and would find ways to show them to the camera.


Joohyun shook her head to regain some confidence in herself


To maintain her family, she knew she has to be honest and open to them. Not hiding like the plan was.


She needs to clear up the main person who is part of the plan. before they (together) talk to the rest of the group.


Joohyun just hopes that it will be a calm talk between the two...


"lovers? sisters? friends?"


Joohyun doesn't have time to think about it because as soon she entered the living room of the dorm, a certain hamster-like person is already sitting and looking at her with a strange calmness and a tiny bit of dread.


If Joohyun didn't know that person much, she would have been impressed at the calm demeanor she's receding










Joohyun seems to be surprised at seeing Son Seungwan in the living room, sitting as if she's waiting for her to come home. Her heart stopped beating when Seungwan faced her with seriousness on her face along with a tinge of vulnerability.




"We need to talk"




Joohyun sighed and nodded




Looks like the talk is sooner than she thought it would be

Finally, I kept my part of the bet! I hope you enjoyed these two chapters as there will possibly be more drama in the next. Stay tuned and once again, thank you all so much for the support I can't wait to see where this story will go. Stay safe everyone!

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Chapter 13: OMG you back authornim!!! 🎉🎉

I am glad Chaeyoung survived the gay panic she had in this chapter. I mean we can't blame her when there's two beautiful women showing their want on her 🤭 😂 But really though, even with all the gay panic and messed up situation they are in, its obvious that Joohyun was the one who handled it well even if one might think she's on the losing end. Chaeyoung is still confused and we can't really blame her for that. Coz if not for Jennie finally taking action of her feelings when Joohyun happened, Chaeyoung could easily move on knowing she already caught feelings with Irene. And this situation is the perfect example of who is really the one who is in tune with Chaeyoung's feelings. Joohyun may not have known Rosé for that long but her understanding of Chaeyoung is deeper than just feelings of love. She knew she loves Chaeyoung. But she doesn't force her feelings on her, she just let her know. And she stays understanding of Chaeyoung's predicament and be the bigger person in their messed up situation by being patient and attentive towards Chaeyoung without putting pressure on their relationship. On the other side, Jennie has the same feelings of love for Chaeyoung. But her expectations are different from Joohyun's. The way she approaches Chae is more on getting her feelings compensated for the sacrifice she did because she got afraid of ruining things between her and Chaeyoung. She's banking on the fact that Chae had feelings for her and to choose her because she's the one Chae has feelings first. But she didn't acknowledge until now that she has hurt Chaeyoung in the process when she kept her distance from her. And that she only panicked and made her move when she noticed Rosé having feelings for Joohyun. Coz if that didn't happen in the first place, there's a possibility that Jennie will keep suppressing her feelings until Chaeyoung gets tired in the end.

Anyways, still Team Renesé endgame here 😊 Looking forward for your next update!

P.S. solo Renesé moment pls 🙏*ehem ehem*
LillyMay1100 #2
Chapter 13: Maybe a throuple ending is a option, love that we are seeing development between both sides...

I'm still going to ship RosiexIrene ❤️
Crazy_Reader #3
Chapter 13: ahhhhhh..... this is just so confusing for Rosé but I'm still firmly on team Irene *shrugs* but I really hope that you don't make two endings which, just in my opinion - not to say you are doing it but- to me it feels too much like a cop out, I hope you make one ending, be it with Rosé and Irene or Jennie but a finality that I hope will cement to us the decision that Rosé makes.

And you are so correct about lesser and lesser new RV or BP fics on AFF anymore. It's the reality but it still hurts that this is really reality.
Chapter 11: I'm curious to know who's Rosie going to choose
Chapter 11: Hello honorable author, thank you for this new chapter.
I will try to be short and direct in my comment...
It's great that Jennie and Rosé finally talked, now we know Jennie's side... but I really disliked that Rosé started playing a double game, it seems to me that her character in this story would not react like that. It only seems that Jennie can get Rosé's attention through seduction and seduction or ual desire is not everything in a relationship. I love chaennie with all my heart, but it seems to me that Jennie in this story was very selfish and inconsiderate towards Rosé, Jennie made Rosé suffer for years.

It seems unfair to me that now that Rosé found Irene and they both connect on many levels... Jennie wants to enter the scene. In my opinion Irene really knew everything about Rosé, her defects and virtues and the same Rosé with Irene. The love between Irene and Rosé developed and grew, please, I need Jennie to get out of the way and understand that Irene is the best for Rosé. Jennie had her opportunity for many years and she didn't know how to take advantage of it, it's time for Jennie to let Rosé be happy.
loving is also learning to let go

Thank you author, I will be looking forward to your next update!!!!!!!!
LillyMay1100 #6
Chapter 11: I AGREE WITH THE COMMENT BELOW, I'm all for Rosie and Irene.
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Finally real new update 😂 There's quite some things to unpack here but first, even though I am leaning towards Renesé now, I am glad for this Chaennie chapter coz we finally got to know more of Jennie's feelings for Chaeyoung. From the first time she started to have feelings for Chae up until the point that she finally admitted to have fallen in love with her. But tbh, even if Chaeyoung is still conflicted with her feelings towards Jennie, I kinda feel like after that conversation, Chae can finally make her decision between Joohyun and Jennie. And I am still for Renesé. Jennie might have deserved the chance to chase Chaeyoung after her confession, but does it feel like its kinda too late? That for Jennie to finally act on her feelings towards Chae was because she was triggered by Joohyun catching up feelings on Chaeyoung. And its unfair for Chae to be pressured to choose when it was not her fault in the first place that she also caught feelings for Joohyun because Jennie pushed her away just like how Wendy kept Joohyun at arms length and also didn't affirm the latter's feelings why Irene fell out of love with Wendy. And the way that Renesé was spending more time alone, it was inevitable that they would start to catch up feelings with the way their emotional intimacy grew beyond their relationship with their group members like going out of the way to cater what the other needed despite having different schedules, etc. They may have started as a plan to make their supposed significant others jealous, but there's no denying that Renesé's relationship grew intimate without them knowing either. And the fact that they are also affected with how complicated their situation has become since all four of their feelings are already out means that they already have deep feelings for each other. Otherwise, Chae wouldn't be this torn of her feelings and Joohyun to finally realize that she had already fallen out of love. Despite that, I like how Joohyun is patient with Chaeyoung and not pressuring her to immediately sort out her feelings and let Chae figure it out on her own. I also like how confident she is with her feelings towards Chaeyoung and that she isn't scared of the complications if she really get to pursue her, that she's brave enough to fight for Chaeyoung if needed. And that is worth choosing for a partner.

P.S. Hoping for Renesé moment in the next chapter 🙏 (pls see suggestion from nishichan's chapter 10 comment 🤭)
Chapter 11: 😍😍😍
Crazy_Reader #9
Chapter 11: Waaaaaahhhhhh!!! It's been so long!! Welcome back Author-nim and a happy new year!!
I have read and reread this story so many times you have no idea I've even finished my first year of Uni now and this is just an amazing time for the update just as we go on a few days off.
I love Rosie but she's just so confused and honestly I feel like right now she still has Jennie in her heart even though she's gotten close to Joohyun it feels like she only sees her as a friend or maybe had a crush but now, now it seems like she's never going to be able to let go of Jennie and I just don't see Rosie choosing Joohyun 💔😥😢