
Would you be mine?
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Jahoon: This is the stage we are going to perform on tomorrow?

Manager: It is and there are going to be more than 40.000 people watching you perform. No pressure.

Jahoon: Yeah... no pressure at all...

I mumbled to myself as I kept investigating the arena. We were invited to perform at a festival that was happening in a few days. Today we got to see the stadium in real life as well as do a rehearsal to make sure that everything was as it should be. Our manager walked away after being called by one of the staff of the festival and I kept wandering around the stage while trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we were going to perform there. It seemed like Yujin noticed my "small" distress as she walked over to me with a worried look on her face.

Yujin: Are you alright unnie? You look kind of anxious.

Jahoon: Me? Anxious? Nah~ I don't even know that word. Is it not in my vocabulary. I'm not anxious at all.

Yujin: Unnie, you know that it is alright to admit that you are anxious. There is nothing wrong with that. We are all anxious about this stage. You are not alone.

Jahoon: Don't worry Yujinni~ Unnie is fine. Just a bit too excited. Nothing to worry about.

I smiled at Yujin and patted her head. Yujin pressed her lips together like she wanted to believe me but at the same time, she didn't. She sighed before she grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeeze.

Yujin: You know unnie, you are never alone. We are always here for you if you need to talk or if you ever just want a shoulder to lean on.

Jahoon: Thank you Yujinnie~ I'm so grateful to have you guys as my members~ I will remember it in the future whenever I need it but you don't have to worry about me right now. Unnie is completely fine. You should go around the stadium and investigate it. It is better for us to get familiar with it so it would be easier for us to do a good job when we are going to perform.

Yujin stared at me for a moment before she nodded and walked over to Wonyoung and Liz, who were talking with each other.

Jahoon: God ing damn it.... I really need to learn how to convey my feelings more instead of keeping them to myself.

I mumbled to myself and turned around to look over the currently empty seats that were going to be filled with all different kinds of fans in a few days. Let us just wish that everything is going to end well....




Manager: I know that we have all worked hard for it and I know that you will all do a good job but please do your best and make sure that everyone comes out of this safe without any accidents. Alright! Stand by everyone!

Our manager clapped his hands together and smiled at us. We all circled around each other and placed our hands together in the middle to do our cheer before we got up on the stage to perform. All of it was mind-blowing. Yes, we have been on a stage before and yes, we had fans cheer for us but all of this was on another scale. More than 40.000 people were anticipating us and waiting for us to perform for them. My throat began to dry a bit but I took a deep breath in with my eyes closed until I heard the music begin playing. I can do this. I can do this.

Everything went as planned. We were available to perform comfortably for the fans that had waited hours in the cold to see us. We performed a few songs and even got in a good laugh with some games and talked with our fans. It was time for us to perform the last rows of songs. We got into our positions and began performing as usual but suddenly I twisted badly on my ankle sending a stream of pain from my foot all the way through my spine. The only thing I could do was to bite through the pain and continue to perform until the very end but it was hard to kee

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1189 streak #1
Chapter 12: Oh this could have blew up so badly happy it ended well
1189 streak #2
Chapter 10: Aww this was cute 🥺😭
1189 streak #3
Chapter 3: Okay honestly that is very sweet and is definitely something to cry over 🤣