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"Let's go to the bedroom, how about that?"

"Oh? And what are we going to do in there?" a mischievous smile appeared on the younger's lips, along with his teasing and playful gaze.

"Kiss" Hyukjae stood up and grabbed the younger's hands to make him stand up. "You owe me a million kisses"


hello again! ♥ i'm sorry for any mistakes, as I already said - English is not my first language.

twt: @tanniebada
curiouscat: @tanniebada


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misshae227 #1
Chapter 1: This is all too cute and fluffy💙 i totes loved it. They always tease eo on the show. Earlier Haek said something like he is now manlier than before bec he does it for Hyuk. This was when their guest mentioned that Hae is a lot manlier now than before. Little things like this makes my heart flutter 🥰💙 thanks authornim💙😘
1588 streak #2
Chapter 1: Was getting really angry with the director for lecturing Hyukjae like that, but I'll have to calm myself by saying they were trying to protect D&E in their own insensitive way. Still, it's one thing to censor someone on a program because of behaviour that would be inappropriate even if it were a hetero couple, but another to basically threaten them after. I'd hate to imagine if they've actually dealt with this kind of treatment irl, considering they do seem like an open secret in the industry. They're allowed to be loving and playful and flirty, just never to the point of outright confirming anything. It's frustrating to think of what that could be like.

I like that this finished so cutely though. Donghae teasing Hyuk that he wants to be an exhibitionist, haha, love their banter. Even if they can't flaunt their relationship with kisses in public or on camera, they can have fun with countless kisses behind closed doors. ♡
Chapter 1: so cute, thanks for sharing🤍
Chapter 1: So cute:)
enpress_ellen #5
Chapter 1: All the fluffy feelings ♥️
Chapter 1: So soft and sweet. 🥰🥰🥰
Idaharith #7
Aaaa so cute and fluffy . 😘😘😘
Chapter 1: thank you for this. i am so soft for eunhae too and this type of drabble make me cry for them T_T
Peas89109 #9
Chapter 1: Lovin this Drabble!
Sometimes I wonder how they have so much self control, but then their relationship for each other is too deep to understand as well. Eunhae hwaiting!!!
Thank you so much!