
She's a Keeper, Your Honor!

Christmas break started in one week, but unlike her fellow badgers who were excited to go home, Hitomi wasn’t. Her parents weren’t home, anyway—they never were. For the past years in Hogwarts, she hadn’t been home every Christmas. She wasn’t sad, but rather glad since she didn’t have to spend such a lonely time cooped inside her house. At least here, she had her Hufflepuff friends and other students that chose to spend their holiday here.


She wasn’t surprised when Minjoo said that she’ll be away for Christmas as it was mandatory to spend the day with her family, as per tradition.


“I wish that I didn’t need to go home,” Minjoo murmured to her, once she learned that Hitomi would be spending her break here instead of home. Again. She grasped Hitomi’s hands with conviction in her gaze. “As usual, once the traditions are done, I’ll go back here as soon as possible just so you won’t be lonely! Maybe I’ll skip it altogether—”


The reaction was immediate. Hitomi’s eyes flew up to her forehead, eyebrows hidden beneath her chocolate-colored bangs. Her jaw was slack, hung open in blatant disbelief. “You don’t need to do that,” the Hufflepuff hissed, but from the rosy color on her cheeks, it was possible that she was pleased. “You’re still the Heiress, you ought to do your part.”


Minjoo didn’t look convinced, but she relented in the end. She let go of her hands, unaware that Hitomi was already missing the warmth of her hands. “Fine,” she sniffed. “I’ll still go back here as soon as possible, though! This time I want to give you my gift myself!”


“Of course,” Hitomi smiled, already knowing Minjoo was lying through her teeth.





Honda Hitomi. Your typical hardworking Hufflepuff. Smart, kind, and basically had a little bit of skill about everything. A Jack of all trades, if you will. A perfect embodiment of the House she was sorted into. Her appearance wasn’t bad-looking, but she had to admit that she wasn’t beautiful enough for heads to turn at where she was. It was something very Hufflepuff.


And her student of some sort, Kim Minjoo. Not quite the typical Slytherin. She was ambitious and cunning but didn’t possess the usual ‘Noble’ cockiness that all Slytherin Pureblood seemed to possess. If anything, she was more similar to a Hufflepuff. She was very different from her older cousin who was basically the usual typical Slytherin snob.


Perhaps, that was the reason why someone that was deemed as a ‘mudblood’ like her could befriend someone from the purest of the wizarding bloodline. If Minjoo was anything like her cousin, Hitomi wouldn’t have dared to even try to befriend her.


But then again, it wasn’t Hitomi who tried to befriend Minjoo—rather, it was the opposite. Their relationship started in a very amusing way, from something that Minjoo started. And somehow they became friends along the way.





Second-year Hufflepuff Honda Hitomi was half-way finishing her History of Magic homework when she heard a commotion happening in the common room. Second-years’ rooms were placed a bit far from the common room, but sounds of commotion could be heard easily as the Hufflepuffs were hardly a rowdy bunch.


Hitomi was someone who couldn’t contain her curiosity, and was worryingly reckless whenever she was curious about something. This was why the Sorting Hat considered putting her on either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, before ultimately deciding to place her on Hufflepuff. Hitomi didn’t even think twice before she traveled to the common room, abandoning her homework that was actually due tomorrow.


There was someone shouting—repeating someone’s name. She sounded like a young girl, and there were voices that tried to placate the young girl. Her curiosity doubled, she stepped forward, wanting to see a clear view of the perpetrator—only to instantly regret it the moment one of her upperclassman acknowledged her presence and pointed his finger at her, shouting in glee. “That’s Hitomi!”


And the young girl suddenly whipped her head to where she was so quickly Hitomi was scared she might have snapped her neck accidentally. Thankfully the girl was alive, and she quickly marched to where Hitomi was, smiling broadly ear to ear. “Hitomi!”


Without her glasses, Hitomi could barely recognize Minjoo. She knew about her, of course—they always had double Herbology with Slytherin and there were talks about her being a Heiress. She had never talked with her before, though; and to have the Slytherin here and demanding to meet her was something she never expected.


“Hitomi!” Minjoo called her again, a little softer this time, but still very enthusiastic and loud. It kind of made her slightly dizzy. She released a squeak when the girl suddenly pulled her hands, then very surprisingly, took a knee.


She could hear several gasps resounding all around the common room.


“I like you,” the Slytherin girl said very seriously, “Will you be my tutor?”





Well yes, their relationship started from there. Second-year Minjoo, who was struggling with Herbology and Potions, was looking for a tutor. She initially asked for help from her fellow Slytherin both from her year and older, but neither of them was that great of help since most Slytherin didn’t really care about Herbology and Potions. Ravenclaws were smart, but most of them just didn’t have an ounce of talent in teaching.


Hitomi, on the other hand, was already known as an excellent peer mentor since the first time she set foot here. She might be a muggleborn, but she had a scarily excellent grasp on wizarding subjects—especially Herbology and Potions—and had been a great help to her Hufflepuff’s year mate, especially the muggleborn ones.


Naturally, her choice fell unto her.


They met every Wednesday and Friday—sometimes on Saturday, too. It wasn’t always about studying, though. Sometimes, Minjoo would inform Hitomi about wizarding customs, and in return, Hitomi would inform Minjoo about the mundane muggle things she had always been fascinated about.


Usually, those conversations lead up to presents being exchanged on either of their birthdays or Christmas. Hitomi usually received fascinating wizarding books and Minjoo received a variety of muggle products Hitomi knew she was interested in. Like skincare products, for example.


This year’s Christmas wasn’t any different. Hitomi sighed as she picked up the gift with the prettiest wrapper she had ever seen—Minjoo’s gift, as she always wrapped her gifts with the same wrappers. It never changed for the past three Christmases.


To: Honda Hitomi

From: your favorite green thing:)

Merry Christmas! So I lied again, so what? You’ll still like it, right?


Hitomi sighed loudly as she read it, but there was a smile hanging on her lips. Minjoo had always talked about giving her Christmas present herself, but the reality was that her presence was required in her family and thus rendering her unavailable. Just the usual Heiress of Noble and Most Ancient House of Kim things, she supposed. Though, Minjoo always made sure her presents were there every Christmas.


“Well?” Chaeyeon, a seventh-year Hufflepuff, urged on impatiently, already looking excited with the thought of her favorite junior getting another present from her girlfriend. She knew that they weren’t dating, but they might as well be. After what happened in the Hufflepuff common room three years ago, Chaeyeon wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up marrying once they graduated. “Go on, open it!”


Hitomi didn’t waste any time after her encouragement, but she made sure she didn’t damage the expensive-looking wrapper that badly. She was impatient to know, yes; but she wasn’t going to waste such a beautiful wrapper.


It was a pretty pink-colored muggle hoodie jacket, but it was enchanted with a warming spell and anti-weather charm, making it water-proof. Hitomi quickly put it on, humming appreciatively when the jacket quickly shrunk to fit her body. It was warm and comfortable to wear.


“A sweater made from her love—” Her year mate, Mashiho, suddenly gushed with his hand over his heart. The boy’s eyes were tearful when Hitomi shot him a disbelieving look. He sniffed, wiping a tear off his cheek. Hitomi finally noticed that Mashiho was holding a note, and Hitomi cursed herself for not noticing the piece of peach-colored paper earlier. She tried to snatch it from Mashiho before he could read it out loud, but Mashiho was quick to flee and proceeded to do just that.


“She wants you to be wrapped in nothing but warmth since she knows that you are sensitive to cold. And I quote,” he sniffed again, “‘Let this be a temporary replacement for my warm embrace. Until my return, please wear this and remember me. Don’t get cold, Tomi. I don’t want you to get sick and risk myself getting another A in Potions.’” Mashiho nodded, looking like a proud mom as he returned the letter to Hitomi.


“Passable for a Slytherin, I tell you!” Chaeryeong, Chaeyeon’s sister and also Hitomi’s year mate, bellowed from the bean-shaped seat near the fireplace. Much like Mashiho, her eyes were teary.


Neither of them was surprised when Heesung suddenly joined them, already dabbing the corner of his eyes with the handkerchief he conjured out of nowhere. “Ah, young love,” he said, forgetting that he was the same age as Hitomi. “For a Slytherin, she’s definitely a keeper, Hitomi.”


“Isn’t she a Beater, though?” Wondered a boy that Hitomi vaguely recalled as one of Minjoo’s cousins, too. One of the few who wasn’t a complete arse.


Heesung immediately snarled in reply. “I mean not in Quidditch, Sunoo!”


Hitomi quickly tuned out as soon as she saw how the usually even-tempered Prefect launched himself at the now screaming fourth-year Hufflepuff. Instead of the chaos happening in the room, she focused her attention on admiring the details of the jacket. It took her a while to notice that the jacket wasn’t factory-made by muggle machines, but actually carefully sewn together by hands.


The fact that she saw the Disillusioned label was a clear clue that the jacket was actually made by a wizarding tailor. Minjoo must have made a custom order for this to a very skillful wizarding tailor, and certainly, whoever that was didn’t come from Diagon Alley. She couldn’t imagine how much money she spent on this jacket.


Apparently, Chaeyeon also noticed it too after a proper examination under her scrutinizing eyes. “She really is a keeper,” the older Hufflepuff remarked, patting her shoulder with an approving nod. “You must have saved a country in your past life or something to snag her, Tomi.”


Hitomi just offered a short laugh as her answer.


“I’m just her tutor,” she said softly, smiling when her eyes were once again finding the small note attached to the wrapper. “For three years. It’s quite a hardwork, really.”



Minjoo returned exactly three days after Christmas, one day faster than her usual return. She didn’t change much, but her hair was certainly shorter—and it was completely black now, not just dark brown. Her natural hair. Minjoo had always been a beauty, but her beauty somehow increased with those small changes.


Hitomi leaned her body back exaggeratedly, whistling as the Heiress walked closer to her. “Looking good, Heiress Kim!” She joked, laughing when Minjoo grinned broadly and posed as if she was in a magazine. The two girls shared a laugh as they sat on the bench. “That’s a cute-looking scarf, where did you get it?”


The dark-haired girl grinned, her finger fiddling with the scarf that truthfully clashed with the green aesthetic of her clothes. “From my most wonderful tutor in the world,” she husked, laughing when Hitomi shoved her shoulder. “I like this one. It’s soooo comfy and warm! Thank you, really.”


“You’re welcome,” said Hitomi, smiling. “I ran out of ideas on what things you might like, so I made you this. By the way, look familiar?”


“Charming,” Minjoo let out, smiling when Hitomi =opened up her winter robe, flaunting the pink-colored jacket she was wearing. “Do you like it?”


“Like it?” Hitomi’s grin was broad. “Love it, even. Thank you.”


The smile on Minjoo’s lips grew wider. “I’m glad. Oh, and I got here earlier because I got something for you.” She took something out from her robe pocket, and Hitomi’s heart skipped a beat when she saw that it was a small box—the one that usually held small jewelry inside it.


“Minjoo…” Hitomi held her breath. “This is a ring.”


“Yes, I’m aware.” Minjoo’s voice was sheepish, and like Hitomi, she was blushing from her neck up. “It’s not just a ring, actually. It can change to an earring, necklace, bracelet… but I want it to become a ring for this occasion.”


Hitomi frowned, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the hopeful tone in the dark-haired girl’s voice. “If this is a marriage proposal...” she trailed off, burdened.


“I know,” Minjoo’s brief chuckle was laced with disappointment, “Tomi, I like you. It hasn’t changed even now. As much as I want this to be a marriage proposal, I’d like to ask you to become my date at the Hogwarts Banquet in June.”


Hitomi’s eyes lit up. Hogwarts Banquet. An event for sixth and seventh years only. The purpose was for the students to meet the alumni and build connections before they graduate. Some noble families used this as a joint debutante of some sort. Bringing a date wasn’t a necessity, but perhaps Minjoo had her reason.


Whatever it was, Hitomi didn’t have any excuse to reject her.


“I’ll be honored.”


They weren’t dating, but they might as well be. Now that Minjoo had officially asked her to become her date on the Banquet—though that there wasn’t anyone to witness it—it was almost the same as them dating, but not quite officially.


Still, Minjoo would still like to act as if Hitomi is her actual girlfriend. In the next Hogsmeade Week next week, she would like to have Hitomi all to herself.



Minjoo scowled.


The Hogsmeade date was supposed to be a fun, relaxing event. But halfway through them scouring the bookstore to quench their curiosity of the bookstore’s new arrivals, they bumped into someone Minjoo never wanted to meet. Especially not when she was on a date with Hitomi.


Karina’s lips were curled up to form a smirk as her gaze fell onto the muggleborn witch. “A mudblood date for The Heiress, hmm?” She sneered. “Were your study sessions for the past few years a pretense to indulge in inappropriate activities with such a low birth?”


“Got a problem with that?” Minjoo growled, snarling as she pulled Hitomi back, shielding the slightly smaller girl behind her body. “Who I hang out with isn’t your problem, innit? Not Minjeong’s, either.” Hitomi froze momentarily at the sudden mention of a very familiar name, but it didn’t look like both Slytherin Purebloods noticed it.


“Perhaps,” Karina coolly said, eyes narrowing. “But how about your parents? Surely they won’t approve of this… unfortunate reunion?” Her smirk grew wider, as if satisfied by the dark look on Hitomi’s eyes.


Minjoo quickly held Hitomi’s hand, growling. “That is no concern of yours,” her grip tightened, and she glared at Karina for one last time before she walked away, dragging Hitomi with her. “Let’s go, Tomi.”



Hitomi knew of Karina. She was in Slytherin like Minjoo, though she was one year older, making her a seventh-year. A Pureblood, also came from a Noble House if Hitomi remembered right. One of Minjoo’s cousins, Minjeong’s cliques. She was rather quiet, but from this encounter, she learned that she could be quite a Blood-Purist.


Minjoo was still silent, even if they were already sitting inside Madame Chang’s Delicacies’ building. Hitomi had purposefully sent the waiter away for now, wanting to let Minjoo calm down for a second.


“Minjoo?” She hesitatingly called. Minjoo didn’t answer, but Hitomi saw how her eyes twitched at the call. “Why did you bring up your cousin suddenly?”


She didn’t expect Minjoo to lift her head up immediately. “Well,” she mumbled, “the family is messy.”


“So is mine.”


“True,” Minjoo smiled bitterly, vaguely remembering Hitomi’s story. “By the way, are you okay?”


“Because of the insults? Not really. You’d be surprised at how many Ravenclaws insulted me that since I got straight Os on OWL. I guess I got immune from that”


Hitomi was acting nonchalant, but she saw how her hand twitched to her wand back then. Hitomi was mad, but she tried to hold herself back. The Slytherin frowned, dejected. “I’m so sorry.”


“Don’t be. Now, what’s with you and Karina? And… Minjeong?”


Minjoo didn’t look like she wanted to say anything, but in the end, she gave in. “Family feud,” she mumbled weakly. She flicked her wand, whispering Muffliato before resuming. “You know how Hogwarts Banquet is a debutante of some sort for us Noble Pureblood houses, right? Well, now that it’s my turn along with Minjeong’s… things are about to get heated.”


“What?” Hitomi cried out, leaning back in disbelief. “But… you’re the Heiress!”


A weak laugh was all that Minjoo could manage. She had her head on her palms, thumbs massaging her throbbing temple.


“I’m the Heiress, huh?” Minjoo’s smile was bitter. “Funny, because none of my family thought of me as the Heiress.”



When the Divination professor, Professor Kim-Jeon warned her about snakes, Hitomi didn't expect this.


“Hitomi,” Minjeong smiled at her. “Will you be my date for the upcoming Hogwarts Banquet?”


Hitomi felt like someone had casted a Confundo on her. “Will I become a what?” She hissed out her question, frowning with her body leaning forward in disbelief. “Did I hear that right? For the Banquet?”


Minjeong nodded. The Slytherin’s Princess smiled charmingly, her hand reaching forward to brush against Hitomi’s curled own. It was aimed to be a flirting gesture, but Hitomi felt nothing but repulsion. “You heard it right. I want you to be my date.”


This was suspicious. Very suspicious. Now that she was aware of Minjoo’s family feud, Hitomi couldn’t help but be very, very suspicious of people she knew Minjoo wasn’t comfortable with.


In other words, Minjeong and her cliques.


For Minjeong suddenly appearing out of nowhere asking for her to be her date would probably mean that she was planning to steal her cousin's girlfriend, as the whole school knew that they were ‘dating’. Or, since Minjeong loathed muggleborns, she wanted to prank Hitomi later by showing up with her real date. That, or she did harbor feelings for Hitomi.


But to be honest? Hitomi doubted the latter. She saw how Minjeong threw away her chocolate two years ago. Hitomi had to shamefully admit that she once admired the girl who was known as the Slytherin’s Princess, and even harbored a small crush on her during her fourth year in Hogwarts.


But it all quickly went to dust the moment Minjeong jinxed a Mouth-Sewing jinx on her because she thought it would be funny to practice it on the know-it-all mudblood Puff. The jinx made her unable to talk, eat, or drink for almost half a day, and only due to Chaeyeon she was back to normal before she dehydrated herself.


Before, she thought Minjeong was cool. Now, she thought Minjeong was nothing but a bully.


No way as hell she would agree to Minjeong’s proposal.


However, Minjeong was smart. She purposefully asked her out on the Great Hall—where all eyes were on them. Hitomi refusing in front of these hundreds of eyes would mean that she was insulting the family. Any sane witch and wizard wouldn’t dare to insult any member of that family so openly.


But Hitomi had a trump card, though. Minjoo asked her first. “Sorry, I’ve accepted Min—”


Minjeong cut Hitomi’s reply with a chuckle. “Is there anyone to prove it, though?”


Hitomi swallowed, feeling lost. Was there any? She never heard about how they needed someone to witness for it to be eligible. “Why are you asking me to be your date?” she whispered out, stiffening when she saw how Minjeong’s smile became more fixed.


“Do I need a reason?” The Kim questioned instead, her voice gentle and honeyed, but Hitomi knew that the sweeter it was—the more likely it hid poison.


But luckily, Minjeong was merciful. She sighed as she got up from the seat across Hitomi. “I’ll wait for your answer until the end of our exam,” she said with a smile, but the smile only made her words sound more like a threat, though Hitomi wondered if it still sounded the same for others. “See you after the exam. I’ll hope for a positive reply.”


Judging from the envious look from the people around her, it was clear that only Hitomi thought of it as a threat.



“I heard about it.”


Finally, Minjoo said something that didn’t have any connection with Potions. Throughout their time together today, Minjoo hadn’t been speaking at all. Only now she decided to open , right when they were about to retreat to their dorm as the clock struck eight.


“About what?” Hitomi carefully asked, an eyebrow shooting up behind the curtain of brown-colored bangs. She carefully set her thick textbook down when Minjoo didn’t move an inch from her seat. “About what, Minjoo?”


The Slytherin took a deep sigh before she turned to look at Hitomi. “How Minjeong asked you out, yesterday.” She sighed again as she ran her hand through her dark locks, a grim smile on her lips. “Well, are you going to accept her?”


Hitomi shifted uncomfortably, her hand rubbing her nape. A habit she adopted from Minjoo whenever she was feeling nervous. “I don’t know,” she whispered, sighing. “I’m scared what will happen if I refuse, but I don’t want to be her date, either.”


“Why don’t you? You like her.”


Hitomi made a face. “What? No. Where did you hear that?”


“Don’t lie to me,” Minjoo’s smile was sad as she pushed herself to stand after gathering her books in her arms, once again ignoring Hitomi’s sputter of protests. “You don’t… need to go as my date if you don’t want to. I’ll still like you, so go ahead, you can go with her. It's better that way, anyway.”


“But I’ve said yes to you!”


“We’ve been through this before,” Minjoo snapped tiredly, pain in her eyes. “I’m only a Heiress in name, Hitomi. You won't gain anything if you go with me. On the other hand, Minjeong—”


“Kim Minjoo!” Hitomi’s voice was shrill. It made Minjoo stop talking. The Hufflepuff hastily marched over to where Minjoo was, grabbing her shoulders firmly with her eyes blazing. “Are you insane? I don’t like Minjeong. I’d be crazy to choose her over you.”


“But Yuri said—”


“It wasn’t my fault that that news is a thing of the past, and Yuri is a liar,” Hitomi harshly cut her off, growling. She took a deep breath. “I like you, Kim Minjoo. Not Minjeong. You, Kim Minjoo. I want to go with you.”


There was a deafening silence following her words. Minjoo was speechless; her eyes were wide in disbelief and surprise, was gaping—as if trying to formulate a reply, but ultimately failed when Hitomi released her grasp, disappointment in her eyes.


“Fine,” the brunette spat, “I’ll go with Minjeong. You can go sabotage your own debutante for all I care.”





From then on, Hitomi refused to meet Minjoo. She was aware that Minjoo had broken in inside Hufflepuff dormitory several times, asking for her presence but Hitomi had ignored her, still disappointed from their last encounter. As examination week was approaching, Minjoo gradually lessened her attempts, and by the time the exam finally started, Minjoo stopped coming.


And most likely, she won’t resume it in the future.


It scared Hitomi. By the time the final day of exam week rolled around, Hitomi made a decision.


A conversation was due. A final decision had to be made. For that to happen, she first had to meet Minjoo.


However, Minjoo seemingly disappeared right after the exam was over. How the tables turned, she mused, as her fourth attempt to meet Minjoo was warded off by Minjoo’s loyal friends.


But Hitomi wasn’t one to give up. After all, she was a Hufflepuff.


She was made for this.



She didn’t expect she was going to bump into Minjeong on her way to the Slytherin dorm to try her luck again. It was already the third day, but Minjoo still had yet to respond to her call. It was just her luck for her to bump into the unsavory Kim. Hitomi attempted to escape, but the older girl’s hand was quick to wrap around her thin wrist, holding her firm and forcing her to stay in her place. Minjeong wasn’t wearing her usual polite mask—and instead showing a deep scowl that reflected her sour mood.


“I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” The Slytherin’s Princess growled, her hold against Hitomi’s wrist tightening. Hitomi’s face twisted in pain, but Minjeong didn’t seem to pay any mind and yanked her close. “Well, Honda Hitomi?” Minjeong impatiently hissed as she cornered the younger brunette to the wall. “I hope you know that you’re not allowed to say no.”


Hitomi cocked an eyebrow up defiantly, and all of the sudden Minjeong was thrown backward, slammed against the wall across her. Minjeong groaned at the impact, fumbled to take her own wand, and hissed out an angry stinging hex.


Hastily recalling her practices with Minjoo, the Hufflepuff quickly deflected the hex with a quick of Shielding Charm. Almost quickly, too, she counterattacked with a finger-removing jinx and a mouth-stitching jinx before Minjeong could throw another spell at her.


“I’m afraid I have to refuse your offer, Minjeong,” smiled Hitomi when Minjeong continued to struggle on picking up her wand and casting a spell. Slowly, she backed away from the angry girl, still smiling so broadly.


“Nothing personal—actually, it kinda is. You’re kind of a —it’s just that Minjoo is the only Kim I like. Adios, then!”





Her nth attempt was again warded off by Minjoo’s friends. Defeated, she decided to call it a day and went back to Hufflepuff dormitory. She could always come back tomorrow.


But what a coincidence! She saw Ryujin was loitering around the Hufflepuff entrance, seemingly waiting for someone. Ryujin was Minjoo’s best mate, but had been away for several weeks due to an apprenticeship program and had only re the final day of the examination week. Certainly, she wasn’t aware of their little feud?


It wouldn’t hurt to try her luck. “Ryujin!”


The Slytherin was surprised at the call, but she didn’t look hostile when she realized that it was Hitomi approaching her and even beamed her a smile and waved her hand at her. Hitomi was right, Ryujin wasn’t aware of it. “If it isn’t Hitomi—the traitor.”


Hitomi stopped three feet away from Ryujin, her eyes narrowing to slits. Oh, she’s as snide as typical Slytherins, alright. She was quick to dismiss the thought away, though. Her friends probably filled her in and if she was in Ryujin’s position, she wouldn’t hesitate to draw out her wand and curse her.


“I need your help.”


Ryujin scoffed. “Boutta beg for Min’s forgiveness aren’t ya? Sorry, I won’t help you with that.”


A smile appeared on Hitomi’s lips. “I don’t plan on doing just that.”


“What are you planning, then?” Ryujin narrowed her eyes as she asked.


Hitomi took a deep breath before laying down her cards. “I’ll be honest with you: I like Minjoo.” Ryujin’s eyes brightened. “I’ve told her this, but she was very adamant about making me go with Minjeong. Since I like Minjoo, I was disappointed since I thought Minjoo liked me? Why would I need to go with Minjeong?”


Ryujin looked like she was considering it. “Now that you said that…”


“Of course I was wrong for being… such a hot-headed Gryffindor,” Hitomi added, smiling wider. “But you know how nasty Minjeong can be towards us Muggleborns. It’s almost a guarantee that she asked me out for a joke—and to sabotage Minjoo, since we’re ‘dating’ now.”


“Are you?” Ryujin curiously asked.


“Not yet,” Hitomi replied, her smile dropping. “But Karina saw us on a date. I guess that leads to that, and somehow Yuri is involved. Dunno.”


Again, Ryujin looked like she was thoroughly considering it.


And after a brief silence, Hitomi got her answer. Ryujin smirked at her, a mischievous gleam in her bright eyes. “The password is Thestral's Skeleton,” she suddenly took out her wand and threw a Cheering Charm spell at Hitomi. When Hitomi asked about the spell with her eyes, Ryujin only gave her a wink.


“Remember second-year?”



To say that Minjoo was surprised at the commotion happening in the Slytherin common room was an understatement. The dark-haired girl was shocked to see a wild Hufflepuff in the middle of the large room, screaming her demands to meet Minjoo.


Chaewon, one of Minjoo’s cousins but also one of her best mates, nudged her side. “Bet that Ryujin let her in,” the older Kim smirked. “I’m still pissed at her—but she worked hard these past few days. Wouldn’t hurt to ask what she wants now, would it?”


Minjoo grumbled, glaring at the older girl before she decided to step into Hitomi’s line of view and was not at all surprised when she felt a trace of Cheering Charms on the smiling brunette. It felt like deja vu. “Hitomi?” She called tentatively.


The only badger inside the snake’s den quickly whipped her head to the side. “Minjoo!” All of the Slytherin present in the room flinched, quickly covering their ears at the booming voice of the intruder. All except Minjoo who was too confused to react as Hitomi suddenly marched over to where Minjoo was, then kneeled with her hand holding a familiar ring.


It was the ring that Minjoo gave to Hitomi.


All of them gasped—some girls even squealing their excitement at the scene.


Minjoo’s jaw hung open, her large eyes blinking rapidly. “What—”


“In our second year, you asked me to be your tutor,” Hitomi interrupted, still on one knee. “Then earlier this year, you asked me to be your date for the Banquet. I’ve accepted you, but Kim Minjeong happened and—” she took a deep breath, scowling “—Let’s forget about her. Kim Minjoo, I’d like to go as your date at the Banquet instead of Minjeong and you know what? Let’s go on other dates officially too, because I like you and you’re the only Kim that matters to me.”


And as Hitomi anticipated, Minjoo was speechless for quite a time, still with that dumbstruck expression on her face. However, Hitomi didn’t need to proceed with her plan because Minjoo suddenly lifted her up by her waist and swung her around. Hitomi squealed, giggling at the happy look on Minjoo’s face.


Hitomi felt dizzy the moment her feet hit the ground again, but she was still radiating with joy. Ryujin’s Cheering Charm was very potent, but it was also reinforced by her own pure happiness with the situation.


“You like me,” Minjoo softly whispered to her as she cupped Hitomi’s cheeks. Like Hitomi, she was radiating with happiness. It was until to the point that she was tearing up and was ready to cry any second by now. “I can’t believe you like me.”


“Well, it’s been going since the fifth year and I’ve said it a few weeks ago but thank you for noticing,” joked Hitomi, smiling wider when Minjoo only giggled. “I’m sorry, I should have just rejected Minjeong right away.”


Minjoo laughed. “It’s alright. Even if you did decide to go with her, I’ll still like you a lot.”


“How sweet,” Hitomi crooned, a blush adorning her cheeks.


The sweet moment was unfortunately interrupted by Chaewon’s impatient and loud taps of her foot. It was then that the couple finally realized the countless eyes fixated on them. “So, aren’t you guys going to kiss or something?”


Hitomi and Minjoo shared amused laughter as their gaze met each other. “Well, if the audience demanded it,” the brunette purred, grabbed a hold of Minjoo’s tie, and tugged the taller girl closer until her lips crashed against her own.


There was a burst of fireworks inside her the moment their lips met and really, that wasn’t the Cheering Charms doing their work.

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1761 streak #1
Chapter 1: love this!!
reigngrey #2
Chapter 1: Sequel please or epilogue. What happens in the banquet?
Chapter 1: Awwww i thought something would happen at the banquet