Part 2: Into the Past

A Kind of Magic
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8. Strength

(Upright: Strength can be quiet; often she shines through patience and compassion, not aggression.

Reversed: Strength has lost her careful equilibrium, and with it, control of her inner beasts.)


To Soyoung, travelling feels weird. But in a good way. She was so used to staying back at the shop while Baekhyun went to travel on his own for months, but now they're doing it together; and for her, there's no better feeling in the world than this one. Feeling free, lively. Finally being able to travel and discover the world. She likes it, to walk beside him, with neither of them leading nor following, but just going together.

“What are you thinking about?”

Her train of thoughts gets interrupted by Baekhyun, who takes her hand in his. Sowon slides from his shoulders to Soyoung’s, squeezing, a reassuring presence during this new experience.

“Nothing really. It's just overwhelming, to finally be able to travel. There's so much to discover and yet, we're travelling just to invest a case. Not that it's a bad thing! I like it. It's a new experience, a very welcome one at that.”

Baekhyun nods his head and hums, agreeing with her. He doesn't have time to answer though, because Sowon suddenly stands upright on Soyoung’s shoulders, frantic and restless. The two magicians observe her in confusion, until she finally whispers “Him!” before disappearing in Baekhyun’s satchel. At that, worry starts seeping from Baekhyun. Soyoung observes the silent discussion going on between the snake and her master. The link between a familiar and its master, this is something she never quite understood. Having never had a familiar (not that she would remember, anyway), there are still some things she does not understand. But then again, the relationship between Baekhyun and Sowon is quite fascinating. Seeing them having a conversation, but one that goes on through their minds? Even if she can't hear it, Soyoung finds it fascinating. After a moment, Baekhyun finally turns to her.

“I know this is sudden, but let's climb up this rock. We'll be able to see the field from there.”

Soyoung doesn't question it and does as told, with the help of her master. Baekhyun does the same thing and they both look at the horizon, the palace being the most remarkable thing in the landscape.

“I can't see him, as I am protected from it. Can you?”

Soyoung starts scanning the fields, not quite sure of what she has to look for. And suddenly, she sees it. A pale, translucent creature standing on two legs, not human and looking like a goat. The creature is staring directly in Soyoung’s eyes.

“I think that's him. Goat-like, red eyes and black horns?” Baekhyun hums. “What is that?” she asks, looking at Baekhyun.

“That's Sehun. Or, what's left of him.”

“You know me. And I know you, Soyoung.”

Soyoung turns abruptly towards the creature, still staring at her. Fear starts to grow in the young woman, and it suddenly feels as if she can't control her thoughts anymore, as if they weren't hers. She keeps hearing his voice, repeating her name again and again, until fingers clasp around her hand and it stops as suddenly as it started. She looks back at Baekhyun and for the first time, she sees an expression she's not used to see on him: hate.

“Leave, Sehun. And leave her alone,” he says, his voice cold and low.

The creature's attention suddenly turns to Baekhyun. And then, it disappears, as if it never was there in the first place. The magicians get down of the rock, standing on the ground once again. Baekhyun immediately turns to his apprentice.

“Did he talk to you? He did to me. What did he say?”

“Just my name. What's going on?”

“I'll explain later. Just... Don't let him scare you. You're stronger than him. I'd be more at peace if I put protections on you though...”

Soyoung nods and lets Baekhyun’s magic wash over her, heightening her senses.

“Now that that's done... We better hurry and get out of here.”



Once they arrive to their destination, a little city going by the name of Nopal, it's already the evening. Both their bodies are aching, and the house in front of them seems very inviting. Baekhyun wanders around, looking at the dehydrated plants.

“Seems like I've been gone too long...”

Soyoung stands behind, observing her master. So he's already been there. Has she? Maybe before she died? Baekhyun drops his bag at his feet and unwinds his scarf before kneeling in front of the plants. The earth is dry and what looked like a fountain before is now filled with sand. Baekhyun holds a hand over it and closes his eyes, and seconds later, water replaces the sand. He then looks over to his apprentice.

“You look exhausted. Go lie down inside.”

Soyoung does as told, entering the inviting house. She barely notices her surroundings and goes straight for the bed, immediately falling asleep as her back hits the mattress.



On the next morning, Soyoung wakes up from the rays of the sun falling on her face. Baekhyun is still sleeping, next to her. Soyoung watches as the sun illuminates his features, but not for too long; her master starts to wake, his eyes blinking to get rid of the remnants of his sleep. Once his eyes fall on his apprentice, he smiles.

“We have a long day ahead of us. Let's get out of bed, shall we?”

Baekhyun gets up to go in the little kitchen, preparing some breakfast and of course, tea. While doing it, Soyoung observes the house which she barely saw last night. It's lovely and it has a cosy feeling to it, as if nothing could happen to them. Once breakfast is ready, Soyoung gets up and joins Baekhyun at the table to eat. After their breakfast, they go outside, where the sun is shining brightly.

“Remember what I did yesterday? When I changed the sand to water?”

Soyoung hums. She had never been able to pull it off, and Baekhyun had never pushed it.

“Well, I wonder if you could try it again. Not everyone can do it, but it's worth a try, right?” Soyoung nods, excited at the idea of developing her magic. “Imagine this dry earth has a seed inside. It needs water to sprout. Hold your hands over it and imagine surrounding the seed with water.”

The dirt swells and bulges but nothing else happens. Still, Baekhyun pats Soyoung’s arm in encouragement.

“That's not bad. Now try to imagine water running under your palms.”

This time, the sand seems to change to water. Or, well, it looks like water, but once Soyoung tries to run her fingers through it, it's still sand. Baekhyun then decides to take her palms in his and the young woman feels his magic running through her veins, surrounding her. But they don't have time to go any further as they hear someone coming their way. They both scan the horizon and watch as a figure approaches them, looking desperate.

“Baekhyun, you're back! I was hoping you would come back. Great wizard, the village needs your help. The earth is dry, there's no water and if it continues like that, we won't last much longer...”

The magician turns to his apprentice, asking her opinion silently.

“Let's go. We can continue later.”

The two magicians get up on their feet, Baekhyun going to take his satchel and Sowon around his shoulders, before they both follow the villager, who's looking with hope in his eyes at them.



When they arrive in town, it's already noon and the sun is blazing. No villager can be seen, all of them trying to escape the heat. The villager who came to find them leads them to a pool, long gone dry.

“This is where the spring was. There's nothing anymore, now.”

Baekhyun beckons Soyoung to follow him and they both step into the pool. Where the spring should be, there is only dry red earth now. The magicians kneel down. Soyoung lays her hands on the hard earth, but she can't feel anything underneath, no sign of water coursing under. Something is wrong here, and she knows it, she can feel it. She closes her eyes under Baekhyun’s watchful gaze and feels the ground. It's dry, but there is movement deep down, movement that doesn't sound nor feel like water. She opens her eyes and sees that Baekhyun has laid down his hands against the ground as well, feeling it.

“The movement. You felt it too?” Soyoung nods. “It doesn't feel like water though...”

Baekhyun doesn't have the time to finish his sentence when the ground starts to shake violently. The magicians look into each other's wide eyes before red erupts from the ground, stretching into the sky. They both get away from the stream of insects (yes, insects) that gets out from the ground, watching as they all fly high in the sky before dispersing

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Chapter 4: i enjoyed this! its a shame about the sad ending but it seems like its implied that one way or another she will get her memories and baekhyun back :’) which leads me to hoping you might write a sequel or more parts! If you ever decide to, i’ll be excited to read it!
Chapter 4: I bookmarked this a while ago but somehow forgot since I rarely bookmark stories. dfjdkjffd pls excuse my late comment. You probably thought I was a silent reader or something. 😭

Your fic caught my attention because I can't get enough of fantasy AUs, especially when Baekhyun is involved (I'm a simp, I admit it).
I absolutely love the way you incorporated tarot cards into the story. It's very creative and goes well with the plot/setting. Also, I love tarot which makes it even better. 🥺💗 fdjkdg It's fascinating!
You brought the cards to life in this story. Baekhyun as the Magician is just *chef's kiss* 🥺 I also liked the Hermit!! BUT I got a bone to pick with the Devil 😒 HOW DARE HE jskfjdsk 😭😭
My heart hurts for Soyoung. She lost Baek and still hasn't found the answers she's after. 😢 Poor baby.
I hope she's successful and reunites with Baekhyun. She seemed confident at the end, so I don't doubt she'll succeed. ❤ Btw, Soyoung's and Baekhyun's subtle chemistry was adorable. I enjoyed it! 🥰

Would love to hear more about the world you created, but I assume you're not planning a sequel? In case you do, I would definitely be on board. 😄 The idea to incorporate tarot cards is great, I can't repeat it often enough!! Your English is perfect too, the sentences are fluid and easy to read.
May I ask what inspired you to write this story? 😊

Anyway, thank you for sharing this and have a nice evening!! 💗 I'm looking forward to more of your works in the future. 😙
Chapter 2: Sehun wants to become the devil? Well that explains why he fed Baekhyun raw garlic before lol. Sorry, I've been watching YT videos because I miss BBH.
They should make more TV or movies about tarot or runes. I have seen only a very small handful but it would be fascinating!
Chapter 1: This is very unusual so far. You wrote this for a class? How great is that!!!
Very intriguing, it sounds like the epic all hinges on this masquerade ball.
Chapter 4: boyyy am I glad I found this omggg I can't begin to tell you just how much I loved this fic.
I read this at 3am so really, the imagery hit the spot and I felt some goosebumps ngl, YOUR WRITING STYLE IS SO PRETTY!!

I love the simple setup and the way you introduced characters seamlessly. Baekhyun/Soyoungs chemistry is so PERFECT. The subtle acknowledgement of their love and appreciation for each other is everything T_T
Also the tarot card descriptions add that extra bit of thrill, the descriptions low-key scared me lmao
I truly can't wait to read more from you. Keep writing and thank you so much for this wonderful fic, it's definitely going up there on some of my most favourite fics ever.
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh, I just want to say that I love this story! Your writing is very good, it flows so beautifully. Everything is vivid like a dream, the moment I started reading, I couldn't stop! (Well, I took breaks to write notes to leave this comment hehe).

I love Baekhyun's familiar, something about that snake makes me smile. It even suits him honestly.

(PS: Each description of the tarot cards helps me understand them more - and now I fear them (T-T) They have powers or something! It's unreal how relatable they can be.

Once again I am LOVING this flow of words. This is so pretty.

Whoa whoa whoa WAIT I wasn't expecting a murder!!! (Sorry I'm so loud, I'm locked in and it's only the first part)

Oh gosh, not him shuffling the cards (>///<) what a sight to see.

O.O why am I suddenly freaked out by Sehun right now, is this a horror movie?! (kidding... unless? I'm so intrigued tho, what the heck is happening o.o)


Why am I such a hermit >.< I am clueless on what all these details are leading up to, but I absolutely LOVE it!


I love this story, it broke my heart, but I enjoyed every minute reading it (and now it's almost 1am WHOOPS) thank you so much for posting this beautiful story (T-T) It was engaging, heartwarming, and emotional from start to finish. I am cheering Soyoung on in restoring her memories and finding Baekhyun again. Thank you so much for joining our contest with this lovely masterpiece!!!!! *showers the sprout with water* hehehe 💐💐💐💐💐💐