To The What If's We'll Never Have An Answer

Someday We'll Know

Two girls sat beside each other. One was just sporting a poker face as she looked around the room while the other was smiling, almost losing her eyes.


It was their first day of university and they were the last ones to enter the room so they had no choice but to sit on the remaining chairs.


Not long after, their professor entered the room and introduced herself.


They were given the guidelines for their first semester and the professor had already assigned them their partners for their future activities. The professor wasn't fond of changing partners in every activity as she wanted to test how her students work with each other.


The smiling girl was about to stand up to go to her friends who were seated in front but she noticed that her seat mate was just looking down.


"Do you know anyone else here?"


"No" She responded, still looking down.


"Oh no, that's not good. Wait for me here, okay. I'll just let my friends know I'm partnering up with you"


"No, it's okay. I... I don't want to be a bother. I'll just look for somebody else"


"So you don't want me to be your partner?" The girl added with a different kind of tone which made the other look at her seat mate properly. When she looked up, she just gulped.


What she saw was the girl, looking straight into her eyes with a smirk.


"I... I mean, I do"


"Then that's settled then... partner. But wait for me here, okay? On second thought, just come with me. I'll introduce you to them as well"


The girl just took her hand and they made their way to the front of the class where her friends were. Even when they got to them, their hands never let go.







Since that day, the two girls got even closer as they went through their freshmen year. They moved out of their dorms to get an apartment together and that's when things leveled up between them.


It was their last day before the semester ended and they both had to go back home. They just finished having their last dinner before the other one flies out of the country for the summer while the other goes home to Jeonju.


"I don't think I want to go back to LA anymore Taetae. Can I just go with you?" Tiffany said as she leaned her head on Taeyeon's shoulder. Despite her being the taller one, she just adjusted.


"I would love that but your sister is expecting you there right? It's her wedding after all"


Tiffany snuggled closer then an idea came to her as she got off the couch excitedly.


"Why don't you come with me instead? She did say I can bring a plus one. I mean, it'll definitely be fun and it would less if I have you with me. We can even ditch the reception or I don't know, get wasted or something. Plus we can treat that as a practice for our own wedding...`` She continued on until she saw Taeyeon's dropped jaw and that's when she realized what she just said.


"Did... did you just say our own wedding?"


Tiffany hid her face as she mentally scolded herself for speaking without thinking.


Getting no response from her friend, she got off the couch, knelt beside Tiffany and just hugged her.


Taeyeon then whispered something. "What should we wear then?"







And just like that, they flew to Los Angeles, California after spending two nights in Jeonju.


Taeyeon's parents were easy to talk to regarding the sudden trip. They like Tiffany as their daughter's friend because ever since they became friends, their daughter has been smiling more every time she calls home.


They even offered to cover their plane ride but they respectfully refused.


They never really officially had the "I like you, you like me, let's be a couple" moment because they both just knew they already are. And so they didn't shy away from doing it when they arrived at the wedding venue.


Both girls dressed to impress but really they just want to look perfect... for each other's eyes only.


Tiffany's sister arrived and the ceremony started. As she was part of the entourage, she was supposed to be partnered with one of her sister's male friends but she refused and eventually, her sister just allowed it.


The wedding ran smoothly and now they're on their way to the reception after several photos have been taken.







"And now to serenade us with a lovely song, please welcome the bride's sister, Tiffany" the host announced and a series of claps were heard.


The one who was called was startled as she wasn't aware that it was her turn to perform already. Before she went up the platform, she whispered something to Taeyeon.


"This one's really for you"


Take you in, like the air

You're a nice surprise

Like a rose, full in bloom, I romanticize

Only when I'm with you

Colors they show through

Trust I speak the truth

Darling I get weak when you


Put your lips on my lips

When you're touching like this

No, they don't ever lie

And when the feeling is right

You can tell by my eyes

No, these lips they don't lie


The crowd was unaware of who Tiffany was singing to as the song was still fitting to the event. Everyone was cheering until it was finished and as she got back to her seat, Taeyeon subtly dragged her out of the venue and out in the parking lot where there weren't a lot of people.


No words were said as she kissed Tiffany with all her might and as they separated, they were both catching their breath.


"I love you Miyoung"


Despite not liking her Korean name, Tiffany's eyes sparkled as Taeyeon said those words.


"And I love you more Taeyeon... so much more"


When they got back to Seoul, they had to keep a low profile with all the clinging as it wasn't really accepting of those kinds of relationships. It was only inside their apartment where they were able to do things freely.


They did tell their friends about it and they were more than happy for the couple. It was inevitable for them to be together, they say.







They both graduated with flying colors and it was now time for Taeyeon to confess to her parents about her real relationship with Tiffany. That was their plan after all. Since Tiffany already had the chance to introduce her to her family, they waited until they both finished school to do it for Taeyeon's side.


Mr and Mrs Kim were already at the restaurant when the girls arrived. They greeted them and sat across Taeyeon's parents.


"So are your girls planning to work right away or have some vacation first?" Mrs Kim asked while they scanned the menu.


"We're actually going to Hawaii next week with our friends," Taeyeon answered.


"I see. When you come back, let's talk again Taeyeon" Mr Kim said as he placed the menu down.


Tiffany didn't think any differently as Taeyeon's parents probably wanted to discuss her handling the business but for Taeyeon, deep down, knew what it's all about.


It was something she had been trying not to think of. Something her parents, especially her dad, had been wanting to talk more of. Something she didn't want for herself but was forced into. Something she can't open up to Tiffany because she knows her girlfriend would be more than understanding of the situation.


With her fear eating her from the inside, she didn't even mention their real intention why they met up with her parents.


"Maybe we can try again after we get back from the trip. I mean, we have all the time in the world, right?" Tiffany said as they entered their apartment. Taeyeon put on a fake smile and just said nothing.








Their trip went by and they had loads of fun. And as discussed, Taeyeon went home to Jeonju when they got back.


She could've driven there but to make the trip home longer, she took the bus.


She was nowhere ready for what's going to happen but she knows she has to try and make them understand. She even prepared a speech about it and had thought of possible questions her parents may ask and the answers she would give.


As she reached the main gate, she felt a different aura. Not like an entity or anything like that. It's just that it was unusual for the house to be quiet despite it being lunchtime where usually her cousins would be all loud and running around.


Before she could enter the house, she was greeted by her adoptive sister Yoona.


"Fair warning Tae, they're pissed" that's all she said before walking out of the house. That didn't help at all after Taeyeon built up enough courage throughout her journey home.


She pushed the main door open and there sat on the couch were her parents with a poker face. She gulped the invisible lump on as she slowly made her way closer to them.


"Hi mom, dad" she greeted.


Her dad looked straight at her and spoke, "I can't believe you dare to fool us Taeyeon"


"W...what are you talking about appa?"


"We know about you and your 'friend' Tiffany. We've always known but you never told the truth about it"


Taeyeon lowered her head. She knows what's going to happen next, that's why she kept on delaying it.


"You know where we stand Taeyeon. This kind of foolishness is unacceptable. We let you have your fun but that ends today. We're sending you away to take care of the business"


"But appa, I love her!" she protested.


"Love is between a man and a woman! I don't know what got into your head to even think what you two have is real. You're both girls! Did you even think you could get away with that? Did you even think what the other people would say? What would our relatives say? What would your grandparents say? Taeyeon. You're a smart girl and I believe we raised you right. But you don't get to hurt us like this. We're giving you another week to get your things back from your apartment. We know you share with her and after that you're flying away. If you think you could run away from this, you won't. If you're not back here next Sunday, we will come and drag you back"


Taeyeon couldn't say anything else and she hates herself because of it. She couldn't even defend her and Tiffany to her parents. And she knows that when she tells her girlfriend about it, Tiffany would let her go.


She doesn't want to. But she has to.


When she got back to the apartment that night, her girlfriend was waiting for her. Just by the look on her face, she knows.


Tiffany had always been intuitive, understanding and considerate of her feelings. Taeyeon would not need to say anything and she already knows what's going on in her mind.


"Do you want to go out tonight, jagiya?" Tiffany asked as she hugged Taeyeon. She still had not said anything but just nodded. So they went out that night, had dinner and ended up by the Han River.


Taeyeon had been holding back her tears since she got home because she knows that once it drops, it'll never stop. They were both just staring at the water, as if waiting which one of them would break the silence.


Tiffany held her hand after some time. And the expression on her face shows that she too, had been holding back.


"Do you remember when we first met? Room 307, Music Hall. We sat at the very back because those were the only seats left. We were asked to look for a partner for the whole semester and you looked so lost and defeated when you looked around the room and had no one you knew. Honestly, it didn't shock me cause you look so intimidating. Then I convinced you to be my partner and that was one of the best things I did. You were not just a great partner in school but also outside of it. We made a great team. And... we also had a great run. But I know... what we have is not something your parents and other people could easily accept. And I understand. So let's just do the mature thing here"


Taeyeon's grip tightened. She didn't want to face Tiffany and see her crying. It would just be too much to bear. But she has to. She has to face her.


And she did.


And it broke her heart. Because even though she was smiling, her tears were falling. And it was because of her.


Taeyeon tried to look away but then her gaze went to the necklace she gave her on their last anniversary. The locket had their initials engraved to it.


She remembers that day as if it was just yesterday when she promised to be with her no matter what. A promise she gave even if at the back of her mind, knew she would break.


It wasn't fair to Tiffany to have everything they have, ending. All because she couldn't fight for their love.


No other words were said as they went home that night. Taeyeon cuddled Tiffany and both slept with tears in their eyes.


When morning came, Taeyeon woke up alone with just a letter by the nightstand. And as she read it, her tears automatically fell.


My Jagiya,


I'm sorry if I left without saying goodbye. I just couldn't do it personally because I know this is hard for you as well. And we'd be a crying mess for nothing. For both of us knows that no matter how much we push for it, the ending would just be the same. And it'll hurt so much more.


You are the best thing that ever happened to me. And I wish nothing more than for you to find the happiness that I could no longer give.


I want you to move on and find the person who would give you the love you deserve. Not because your parents told you to but because you feel the sincerity and honesty that person has.


We may have our own families in the future so maybe, our daughters or sons would fulfill the life we both wanted to have.


I love you Taeyeon. God knows how much I love you. And if I had the power to make all our sadness and hurt go away, I would.


But for now, let's let go of each other and maybe, just maybe, our time together would happen once again.


All my love,

Your Jagiya






And just like that, Tiffany was gone.


It didn't need to be a week for Taeyeon to go home to Jeonju cause she called her sister the very next day to help her with her things.


As much as it pains her to leave the place she and Tiffany once called their home, it wouldn't be the same if she wasn't with her.


As planned, she flew to the Philippines to take care of their business. She used her English name when she got out of Seoul because every time she hears her Korean name, it reminds her of Tiffany.


And each day that passed, she struggled to move on like what she wanted her to do and there would be times she would snap at her employees. When that happened, there was only one person who dared to talk to her. Baekhyun Byun or who prefers to be called by Bernard (for reasons similar to Taeyeon's).


He was the first person she let see her vulnerable side and he never once judged her nor said anything negative about it. In a way, he was in a similar situation so he perfectly understood what she was feeling.


Their unlikely friendship grew into something more and her family accepted their relationship right away and from an outsider's point of view, they are the perfect couple.







After Tiffany wrote the letter, she had half a mind of tearing it to pieces and holding on to Taeyeon as much as she could.


But she knows that if she doesn't make the first move between them, it'll get worse. Every step she took away from the one she loves the most felt like walking on an endless bed of nails.


She booked the first flight out to LA and when she reached their house hours later, she found it empty and she felt even lonelier than she already does.


She immediately contacted the one person she knows she could talk to and just half an hour later, her friend Jessica was at the door.


Jessica helped her get through the break up and introduced her to some of her acquaintances and Tiffany got interested in acting.


She started doing some small parts in local theater productions and eventually made her way up to taking major roles. And that's when her career picked up.


Soon enough they traveled to other states and when the production ended, she auditioned to another and another and got the main roles for every play.


Her popularity rose even more and she garnered a lot of fans who would sometimes flock to her.


She was out with some friends one night and some of the customers who turned out to be her fans, had sent her drinks and when one of her male fans tried to make a move on her, she met her knight in shining armor who shielded her from the man.


He introduced himself as Nick and they hit it off right away. He was a gentleman all throughout and even though he knows she's popular, he didn't take advantage of it. He stayed with her until he had to leave.


Tiffany was emotional when he said he had to go back home and memories of Taeyeon flashed in her mind.


They kept in touch still even though he was far away and it made her think what if they never lost contact? What if she never changed her number or blocked her from everything? What if they fought for it?


Years went by and Tiffany did everything to make her forget. Even if Nick was in the picture and even after he was also forced to end things with her.


She distracted herself once again with work. There would be times she would succumb to the darkness and think why people kept leaving her. First her mom, then Taeyeon (although she was the one who left first, what they had had to end), and then Nick left as well.


She focused on being better with her job as an actress and on some of the roles she portrayed, the emotions she showed were real on stage.


She was alive but not really living.


News spread about the big wedding and she wasn't sure how she received an invite. She was sure as hell that it wasn't Taeyeon who sent it. And that's what triggered her to spiral down.


The love of her life was marrying someone else not her. She and Taeyeon had not spoken for years and although a lot of things happened along the way, she still has a special place in her heart.


A few more years passed and she found herself back in Seoul for another production. She was hesitant at first but Jessica helped her through with it, just like what she had been doing.


She was out on another celebration when he met Nick once again. And as they reunited once more, their feelings came out and they made love to each other.


Tiffany knew it was wrong knowing that he was already married but she couldn't help but get excited when she saw him again.


Her getting pregnant was something she wasn't expecting for she knew she had been taking pills but maybe she missed a day or two after being so busy with their schedule.


She wasn't anywhere ready to raise a child on her own but still she also didn't want to shy away from the responsibility because of what they did. Her friends were more than happy to help her out and nine months later, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.


She did her best as a mother and things were going well until she felt something wrong. She brushed it off as overfatigue after all the sleepless nights she's been having as little Jimin wouldn't sleep if she's not in the arms of her mother.


It wasn't until her daughter had turned to three when she finally had it checked out. And she was devastated when she found out that all those signs she had been ignoring were symptoms of something serious.


Unfortunately they caught it on its later stage and it was progressing quicker. Tiffany didn't know what to do so he contacted him once again to let him know about their daughter.


She wasn't sure if he was really going to come so she thought of a plan b. Fortunately, just three days after she told him, he arrived and met his daughter.


He stayed until the moment she died which was the following day. The funeral came after and the father and daughter are on their way to the Philippines a few days later.







Although Taeyeon has a different life now, she still searches for any news about Tiffany. She even flew to LA when she heard about her first major role and she watched how incredible she was on stage. She left right after because as much as she wanted to talk to her again, she wouldn't know what to say.


And since then, she's been keeping tabs on her through her connections. She knew about her having a child and how much she wished that time that it could have been their own.


She herself found out she was pregnant the following year and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl as well, on New Year's Day.


Taeyeon raised her how Tiffany wanted it when they talked about having kids. She wanted her to learn about all the things she could learn and maybe Taeyeon overdid it when she decided to home school Minjeong as she wanted her to be able to focus. But then she realized, being an only child, she would see her daughter get jealous of her cousins who shared stories about their life in school. So when she got into high school, she finally let her attend a real school. And Minjeong never failed to make her proud.


When Taeyeon saw the news about Tiffany's death, she reverted to her moody self. The phase where she would snap at anyone who made a mistake. Minjeong never really understood at that time why her mother would lock herself in their room on certain days.


It took a month before Taeyeon got back to her usual self and she promised herself that she would be a better mother to Minjeong. And that's what she did.






When Minjeong or Winter told them about her plan of doing a solo trip, Taeyeon was really hesitant about it. She didn't want her baby to be away from her. But then her husband made her realize that she is an adult now and can make her own decisions.


Eventually she gave her approval and she watched her daughter drive away. She made sure to have her update them every chance she gets.


The first time Winter posted something online with someone on it, she almost had a heart attack when she saw who she was with. It gave her flashbacks and she thought she was seeing a ghost. She was quick to think of what if she was Tiffany's daughter? Was this a sign of what she meant in her last letter? That maybe our daughters would fulfill the life they both wanted to have?


It gave her such goosebumps to even think of that and when they finally met in person, there was no doubt in her mind that Karina is Tiffany's daughter even before she confirmed it.






Last Christmas, she received a gift from her daughter and her fiancé and it triggered a painful memory. It was a locket with a symbol engraved on it. The Malin symbol features an infinity sign, with an arrow going through it. Which means that setbacks and downfalls in your life are just a progression and part of the experience of living. The setback, meaning her relationship with Tiffany and even though she's now gone, to move forward is the next step. Infinity, meaning, their love will never end.


Taeyeon and Tiffany never had the happy ending they wanted with each other. And although they lived different lives after they separated, they both had a special place in each other's hearts.


So now, Taeyeon wanted to fulfill one more thing she wanted to have that she wished she could have done for Tiffany. And that is to be supportive of her daughter and future daughter-in-law.






A/N: To those who were wondering about what really happened between Taeyeon and Tiffany, here it is. As always, leave your comments, suggestions or any words you'd like to say - it helps me with the next chapters.





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Hi everyone! I'm really sorry for not updating for more than a month. I really had plans on finishing this chapter sooner but some things got in the way. I hope you still continue to support my works.


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Burgerking_ 11 streak #1
Chapter 29: We devastated fr😭 but I really hope that these stories will have endings. But I support your decision, author. We'll wait for you
575 streak #2
Chapter 29: A sad day for au/fics writers and readers indeed. 😔
Coleeee #3
Chapter 28: Wow that's a really long name, yeah I feel like Declan is gonna complain a lot. Ni hindi ata magkakasya sa mga government forms yan 😭 oh and I hope na Winter gets another chance to carry again and successfully carry the baby to term. For Peanut ❤️
731 streak #4
Chapter 28: Welcome back tor!! 🤍
wnddmks_ 699 streak #5
Chapter 28: Welcome back, tor! I-continue ko na pagbabasa ko neto hehehe
Chapter 28: welcome back po na miss ko to 😭😭😭😭
welcome back otornim 😭😭😭💙❄️
31 streak #8
Chapter 20: wadaprik wintot is always at the crime scene deym (may narinig nanaman si sis),,, pero tangina nakakakilabot yung sa chaelisa ha tangina napaisip aq nang malala dun haup
31 streak #9
Chapter 18: i'm so happy for the both of them 🥹 im glad rin na andyan palagi mga mahal nila sa buhay 😺
31 streak #10
Chapter 16: TANGINA WTF??? Umiiyak na yung tao 'tor oh... AUQ NAH DI Q N KAYA 🥹 echoz.. sana gumaling na si rinrin pls beh gumising k na need ka na ng asawa mo !!