Chapter 14- Regroup

Project IZ*ONE

"So, there's supposed to be some kind of facility like yours for boys?" Hyeongjun asks curiously after hearing Nako and Hitomi explain more about where they came from. Most of the other prisoners had managed to escape and flee to different hideouts in the city, but he and a few of his friends had stayed behind until the others arrived. Around them were a bunch of unconscious guards that they'd had to take care of once they got up. Hitomi was glad she was closer to the plants this time to use, but felt slightly bad about the church's garden after they were done.

"Mhm, they'd probably take you in if you just showed up." Nako says, but Hyeongjun shakes his head.

"I don't think I'm ready for something like that right now. I like being free, you know?" Hitomi looks at him with a serious expression.

"It's not easy to live like can't always be on the run. At least find a safe space like the institutions around the country. They care about people like us over here, unlike back in Japan." The look in her eyes was enough to put a hint of worry in the young boy. If how mutants were treated in Korea was considered nice, then what did they have to go through back over there?

"Listen, you're friends with Yuri, right? At least do it for her to find a safe place to stay and not get into trouble."

"Fine, we promise." He says while nodding, noticing the elevator bar going back up. "Well, looks like they're coming up. We'll head out now." Hyeongjun turns to follow his friends who had begun walking ahead. He looks back to the two Japanese girls one more time, saying, "Tell Yuri I hope what I gave her helps, and that I'm thankful for her and Yena." And with that, Nako and Hitomi are left with some time alone.

"What did you mean when you told him about running away?" Nako asks which catches the fluffy cheeked girl off guard.

"You were in AKB, right? Something tells me there's more to your story." She continues when Hitomi stays quiet.

"As you know, the Japanese normally just take us from our families, right? They do it without warning, without compassion, then they force us to be like their personal army. I didn't even know people like Jurina and Sakura were part of that syndicate group." Hitomi says after pondering how to respond. Nako nods understandingly. She herself had caught the wrong type of attention when she beat the local boys in arm wrestling competitions and was taken away. The stigma against mutants existed everywhere, but at least there were pro-mutant groups here in Korea. Japan didn't want anything to do with them, and those who tried to speak up for them, were imprisoned or killed.

"Well, my parents cared about me a lot. They found out quickly that I was a mutant, but didn't let that sway them. They even encouraged me to use my powers." A sad expression came upon her face while reminiscing old memories. "I should've known someone would report on me for the mutant bounty. One of his co-workers had been paying close attention to me whenever I went with him to the reactor for take-your-kid-to-work day, and saw me one time playing around in the company garden with the plants. When my parents refused to give me up, the soldiers arrested them, but not before they caused a distraction to help me escape. I just kept running from that day on, but...I felt so much guilt for having my parents have to do that for me. I ran and ran, and one day, I was caught by surprise and it was game over."

"Do you know where your parents are right now?" Nako asks to which Hitomi shakes her head.

"I couldn't find any leads on them while I was on the run, and when I finally got caught, there was no way I could find them."

"That's messed up....Stupid question but, are you okay?" Nako sees a tear roll down Hitomi's cheek, and it just makes her so sad as well. "We'll find them one day. You have a lot of friends who can help now. We'll get through this together." Nako says while patting her back. In the short time they'd known each other, the twelve girls had really bonded with each other. Even Sakura, who she wasn't that familiar with in HKT to begin with, became such a close friend to her. She wants Hitomi to know she has pillars to lean on too.

Eventually, Hitomi calms down and wipes her tears away. She was glad for Nako's presence. It really helped her think about what had happened to her during her life before AKB. It's strange how she was in that group for so long but never made any real connections. They were just all conditioned to follow orders. She thought the exchange program would just be another pointless mission initially, but the friends she's made so far have made it all worth it. Despite that, she knows that there's still a job to do. They still had to stop whatever Jurina's superiors had planned.

Suddenly, a loud ding is heard from the elevator. Nako and Hitomi prepare themselves for the worst. Nako cracks her knuckles, itching for a fight, while Hitomi takes control of some rose bushes around the cathedral poised to strike. When the door finally opens, the two charge but are held back by an invisible force.

"That's no way to greet your friends." Wonyoung says with a giggle. The group walks out of the elevator with looks of relief and wariness, but the common feeling among them was exhaustion. Everyone was dead-tired, but they decided that a cathedral wasn't the best place for a meeting and began to move out. Chaeyeon and Hyewon did a headcount to see if everyone made it out this time while Eunbi called over the ride Seunggi had placed for them. The priority now was getting back to base to address the elephant in the room-the scientist they captured and how to interrogate her.


The ride back to the facility was also a mix of interactions. Some chose to sleep and rest while the others were discussing what they'd found down in the base and how to explain it to representative Lee. The twelve girls were seated in a private bus sent to them by the facility to pick them up. They had to move quick because the smoke from the underground base had started to seep through the elevator shaft and into the air. It wouldn't do them any favors to be arrested by law enforcement again. Every once in a while, the scientist, Park Eunseo from her name tag, would stir and seem to wake up, so Yuri had to calmly convince her to fall asleep again. Right now, it was Eunbi, Yuri, Yena and Chaeyeon who were looking through the laptop Sakura had brought along.

"So...these weapons, they can shut down our powers?" Chaeyeon begins. Yuri nods, pointing at a folder labeled 'weapons'.

"That seemed to be their biggest project at least. They had this other one though that wasn't finished testing. We're lucky we got out before they could try it again." Yuri then looks at Yena. "It's that thing they used on you that you were talking about. The loud pitched noise."

"Oh yeah, what even was that? I could at least understand that smoke bomb or grenade, but why were they unaffected by that thing?" Yena asks. It definitely wasn't just a supersonic screech.

"Is it this one?" Sakura points at a file labeled 'Frequency Disruptor'.

"Made from multiple sound tests on mutants, the frequency was adjusted to the point where it could only affect mutants..." Eunbi reads out loud as she scans it. A weapon that only affects mutants? That can't be good. She thinks to herself.

"It must've been a lot of trial and error to get that thing to even work." Yuri says while shaking her head, thinking of all the poor prisoners who had to be subjected to it. She wonders if Hyeongjun and his friends were alright. She still remembers what he told her before he got onto the elevator.

"Thanks for everything, we'll make sure to make it up to you one day. In the meantime, take this, it might be useful." Yuri puts a hand over her jacket pocket, feeling the samples Hyeongjun had managed to steal from the labs as they ran by. She knew he didn't want to come back with them, but she was thankful he still wanted to help the cause. This is for you guys.

"Anyway, it isn't perfect yet." Sakura points out in the diagram, shaking Yuri out of her daze. "If anything, I think it may have worked because Yena was already weak. It seems us mutants have a certain frequency we're all wired with, so they can create a sound only we can hear." She surmises.

"Speaking of which, care to explain what happened back when we were ambushed, Eunbi-unnie? You weren't affected by that smoke at all." Chaeyeon shifts the topic to what she'd been curious about for a while now. Eunbi's expression is unreadable. She takes a deep breath before speaking.

"I think you need to wake the others for this..." They still had a long ride to go back to the facility.


"WHAT?!" The two youngest exclaimed. The story just seemed like something too stunning to wrap their heads around. Eunbi-unnie never had powers???

"Hmm, I was wondering when you were gonna let the cat out of the bag." Chaewon said. She'd heard the story before, but it still surprised her how a normal human could care so much about people like them, people who were different.

"Wait, Chaewon, you knew?" Minjoo asked. Her eyes grew cartoonishly large at the news. It wasn't as loud as the younger ones' but her reaction was also pretty noteworthy. "You said she channeled her energy into her fighting abilities?" Chaewon just gave her an innocent look, shrugging her shoulders as if to say, 'My bad, had no choice'.

"That's the alibi you gave me?" Eunbi reacts jokingly. "You couldn't have told her that I had some super powerful secret ability like mind-reading or seeing the future?"

"In hindsight, she probably would've believed that too." Chaewon laughs.

"Hey! I wouldn't have!" Minjoo whines earning laughs from the rest of the group.

"Wow though. You really managed to kick my without powers." Yena joked as well.

"Unnie! I feel so bad about throwing that boulder at you now! I could've actually crushed you." Nako says worriedly.

"Aww, don't be. What's important is you didn't, but I admit, you had me real scared for a few training sessions."

"Wait, this also explains when Seoyoung tried to steal your powers...She couldn't because you didn't have any." Hyewon realizes. "Impressive."

Among all the laughing members though, there's one that didn't seem to be in the mood for joking around- Chaeyeon. "Still, unnie, you could've told us sooner, you know? What if you got hurt because we thought you had some power to protect yourself. We could've helped!"

"That's exactly why I couldn't, Chaeyeon. If I told you all right away, you'd train with the wrong mentality. You wouldn't go 100%. I want to help you all be better versions of yourselves. Besides, I think I've proven that I can protect myself just fine, thank you very much." Chaeyeon is surprised that she agrees with her explanations. Eunbi was right.

"That is sooo cool though, Eunbi-unnie! You're so cool!" Yujin and Wonyoung kept saying. To make it through those missions without some kind of special aid while leading a group of people who did takes a lot of skill and humility. Eunbi was different. She cared so much about them. All mutants. It made all of them respect Eunbi as a person even more, putting herself before others to help them succeed; A perfect leader.

Eventually, the bus had found its way into the forest, driving up the mountain to where the facility was. The place may have looked like a barren clearing, but that's only because of the technology used to cloak and hide the place's location. The group was excited that they managed to finally have a successful mission. Hopefully representative Lee would be proud of them.

They are all greeted by the staff and other trainees in front of the main hall. Yuri and Minjoo are immediately helped off to the infirmary, Yena and Chaewon sticking with them the entire time. Eunbi then hands off the scientist to the guards so that they could interrogate her later. Trainer Yoon-jeong once again instructs the girls to rest up and wait to be called for the mission debriefing the next morning.

"You've had a rough couple days, everyone. Just get some sleep." Those were words not thrown around lightly by the stringent trainer. She could see the tiredness in the group's eyes and decided to do the same thing as last time, tell them to rest.


"Well, well, well, look who's here?" Yunjin jokes from her infirmary bed to the two girls who had just entered accompanied by the nurses.

"Oh god, Yunjin! Are you feeling any better?" Yena asks rushing over to her side. The last time they saw her, she was still unconscious, the one hurt the most during Seoyoung's assault. Her teammates had been healed thanks to trainer Hongki, leaving her as the lone resident.

"I guess so. I'll probably live. What brings you two here?" Yuri and Yena looked at each other confusedly. Apparently no one had filled Yunjin in on the past couple days, so they saved her the trouble and gave the short version.

"Damn, so while I was out, Yuri managed to get herself captured and saved? Impressive." She says sarcastically to lighten the mood. "I'm glad you got her back in one piece, Yena."

"Excuse me, Miss Jo Yuri?" A nurse calls out to the three. "We need to run some tests on you now to make sure there aren't any after-affects from those injections on your shoulder." Yuri nods, and makes her way over leaving Yena to have small talk with Yunjin.

"You really are a er for her, aren't you?" Yunjin begins when she felt Yuri was out of hearing range. Yena just sighs before responding.

"What was your first clue?" She says with a silly grin on her face, remembering how happy they were to be in each other's embrace.

"Gross, don't get all lovey-dovey on me." Yunjin fake-gags. "But really though, you must really like her. That took a lot of guts and maybe a bit of stupidity, but most importantly, love."

"Who's the cheesy one now?" Yena says with a laugh. "I think my favorite memory was probably when she sang me a song when I was feeling really down in that cell. It really raised my spirits." She admits, her cheeks reddenning.

"Yuri sings? I'd love to do a duet with her, I was in my school's choir before I was on the run with Gaeun-unnie..."

"Another singer, huh? Maybe I should invite you guys to my wedding to sing." Yena jokes.

"Heh, wouldn't you be marrying Yuri though?" Yunjin laughs.

"Aish, Yuri's only for dating." Yena says without thinking much being caught off guard by her own remark.

"Excuse me?" A familiar voice jolts the two out of their conversation. Yena wants to slap herself right now for forgetting the girl who was right across the room from them.

"Wait...Yuri...that's not what I meant..." She reaches out her hand at Yuri who had turned around with a huff and walked back over to the nurses.

"No, you stay right there." Yuri commands and Yena is just frozen in place as the younger girl keeps walking further.

Yena turns back glaring at the giraffe girl who had averted her gaze from what had transpired in front of her. "You're really lucky that you're already confined to that bed. Ugh, I need to explain to her that it was a freaking joke!" Yena whines and whines.

"Don't worry, Yena. I'll figure something out and explain to her. I'm really sorry!" Yunjin feels particularly guilty for maybe pushing the jokes too far. She just assumed the two were already together because of what they had gone through together stuck in the underground. "You better." Yena responds coldly.

Yena sighs frustratedly. She can't stay mad at Yunjin. Yena did keep the joke going for a bit longer than she intended as well. She was just about to walk back to her dorm room to rest until she realized she'd be stuck where she was until Yuri let her move. Her legs refused to move forward. It felt like she was stuck in cement. Yena turns around to Yunjin who has an expression between apologetic from what she caused and amused because Yena was just stuck there. Great...


Across the room, another couple was in their own world before hearing the commotion. "What did Yena mess up this time?" Minjoo asks curiously. They only managed to hear Yena trying to get Yuri's attention as the latter walked away to have more tests taken. Yena had her head in her hands seemingly very frustrated with herself.

"Aish, I wouldn't worry about them. Yena always figures something out with that girl." Chaewon responds with a knowing smirk. Those two had been pretty inseparable since they had gotten back.

"You on the other hand, I will worry about. Is your shoulder feeling any better?" The way Chaewon looks at her with those doe eyes really melted Minjoo into a puddle, almost making her forget that she was supposed to be upset at the older girl for sending mixed signals.

"We literally just got back. Trainer Hongki-sunbaenim will have me fixed up in no time." A wave of relief washes over Chaewon's face as she hears this.

"You better not scare me like that again, or I swear..."

"I can handle myself, thank you very much." Minjoo responds sarcastically. "You and Hii-chan seemed to do well together, I'm happy you two made it out without much trouble." At the mention of the fluffy-cheeked girl, Chaewon sees a chance to turn the tables on her.

"Oh, I just loved working with her! She is such a delight to be with, like, I'd pinch her cheeks all day if I could!" She swoons, observing Minjoo's facial reactions, and she smirks when she gets the intended result.

"Wow. That's...great, unnie." Minjoo was normally a very pure and sweet hearted girl, but even Chaewon could notice the change in her tone. Gotcha. She thinks to herself.

"Hmm? Is there something you're trying to say, Min?" She asks pretending to not know anything.

"Huh, uhm, I don't know what you're talking about, unnie..." Minjoo responds suddenly feeling shy.

"It sounds to me like someone's jealoussss~" Chaewon teases. Minjoo's cheeks redden as she felt like a deer caught in the headlights.

"What would I be jealous about??" She manages to huff out with all the fake bravado she could muster. Minjoo then fakes a cough before saying, "Hmm, maybe we should just rest first. It's been a long day for sure."

"Okay then, Min~ I'll come back later then after I take a shower, at least I know you can't be first this time." Chaewon says with a laugh. Before she goes, she moves closer to Minjoo and plants a kiss on her forehead. "Rest well~" Minjoo definitely melted from that. This girl really knows how to keep playing with me...I really hope it actually means something. Minjoo finally lets the exhaustion catch up to her and tries to get some shut-eye. Chaewon walks away with a bit of pep in her step, giddy at Minjoo's reactions.


Later that night...

"Anything else we have to worry about in terms of the weapons they've been developing?" A voice, Gaeun's, had asked. Even if they were told to rest, Chaeyeon and Sakura couldn't help but update Gaeun on what had happened on the mission.

"None really, the main threats are really those smoke bombs and high-pitched whistles." Chaeyeon says. The gas really nullified her powers quicker than she'd thought possible, and while only Yena had experienced the whistle, Chaeyeon knew she'd rather not hear it as well.

"Any updates from here?" Chaeyeon inquires.

"Not much, only important part was Seoyoung hopefully being transferred by the day after tomorrow. She wouldn't tell us anything else on what Jurina's big plan was though." Gaeun responds.

"Damn that's bleak, but I can't wait to not see here anymore." Sakura comments. The three had been sifting through the files Sakura had taken for a while trying to make more connections with the bases and Jurina.

"Hel-wait a minute, don't tell me you're all still on this little escapade." Chaewon had just finished her shower and now was greeted by the same scene she witnessed before she first went in the bathroom an hour ago- the trio hunched over the laptop looking for information. Sakura was determined to find just anything to work with. There had to be some bigger plan they were preparing those weapons for.

"Aren't we supposed to report this to the representative tomorrow anyway?" Chaewon continues asking.

"Well, it would be better if we had anything more useful to show later, wouldn't it?" Sakura says calmly. "It could also help us plan for how to interrogate that scientist." Chaewon could only shrug. She couldn't argue with that logic.

"I guess you guys have it handled over here, so if you need me, I'll be at the infirmary to check up on Minjoo, see ya~" Chaewon says as she walks out of the door before the older girls can question her.

"She works quick, huh?" Gaeun says. Chaeyeon and Sakura just shrug their shoulders which causes the older girl to internally facepalm. C'mon guys...Her thoughts were interrupted when Sakura calls their attention.

"Hey, look! I found something!" She directs the two of them to a folder with more camera footage. One in particular looked like a meeting between some officials in the lab. The interesting part was when Sakura zoomed in, a familiar figure could be seen leaning by the door, Jurina.

"Well, if that isn't incriminating, then I don't know what is." Chaeyeon says. The only problem was there wasn't any audio to go along with it.

"At least we have a starting point when we interrogate the scientist." Sakura continues.

"Yes, it's good that we have a direction now." Gaeun yawns as she takes a moment to flex her previously injured arm. "I'm gonna go fetch the Kims and check on Yunjin, don't wait up for me." As she walks out the door, she winks at Chaeyeon trying to send her a message.

"Gaeun, I think you have something in your eye." She says. Oh my god, this girl. "Don't worry about it, just enjoy your time, I'll be off now." And with that, there were two.

"I'm worried, Chaeyeon. This operation was way bigger than I thought. Are you sure we can handle it?" Sakura asks the younger. She was stressed and worried, going against orders. She'd seen how the Japanese dealt with rebels before and it was never pretty, but this time felt different. She felt safe with her friends around her, but what if she got them all hurt. Chaeyeon just grabs her by the shoulders and looks her in the eyes.

"It's okay Kkura. We're in this together. You can rely on us." Sakura wanted to believe her so badly, but the guilt in her only grew as Chaeyeon kept reassuring her. "I can't guarantee it'll all be fine in the end. There aren't many guarantees for people like us in the first place, but I can guarantee you that we'll stick together till the end. You have friends behind you." Sakura feels a tear fall down her cheek as she huddles up into Chaeyeon's embrace.


The next morning...

"Everyone get the rest they needed?" Eunbi asks the group that had gathered outside Seunggi's office for the mission debriefing.

"Why does it have to be all of us again? It's probably just going to be you, Sakura-unnie and Chaeyeon-unnie doing the talking anyway. I wanted to get a couple more hours of sleep." Wonyoung whines.

"You never know, Wonyoungie. We were all there for the mission, so it's only right that we're all there. Maybe we can fill in any missing information. Maybe he'll send us on another mission afterwards." Eunbi responds. Wonyoung's still a bit skeptical but she nods in agreement.

"Jeez, what happened to you, Yena? You look like you didn't rest at all." Chaeyeon says after noticing the duck's lack of energy as well as how she had her hands on her knees as if she'd just ran a marathon.

"Oh, you know, just had to get in a few laps in the morning to stay in shape." She says with a slight laugh. Yena glances at Yuri who turns her head away, but doesn't miss how Chaewon was giggling to herself next to Minjoo. She was way too embarrassed to say that Yuri had her stay in place the entire night. Sleeping while standing up was not an experience she'd like to repeat. Yena remembered when Chaewon walked in to check on Minjoo late at night and was so confused on why Yena hadn't moved since she went to take a shower. Chaewon was on the floor laughing before Yunjin could even finish telling the story. Even Gaeun couldn't help having a bit of a laugh when she showed up.

"Well, you do you, I guess." Eunbi says. "Okay guys, let's go in now."


"So, this bigger base was being used to test on mutants to develop weapons, correct?" Seunggi stated, the group nodding in response.

"And they developed one that could nullify your abilities?" He continues. "That is certainly interesting. Hopefully we can get some information from that person you took in."

"Oh, ssaem, there's another piece of information we found." Sakura says, putting her laptop on the desk and turning it to show the video of Jurina with the scientists. "We could try to ask the prisoner what she was there for." Seunggi nods in agreement.

"Wait, one more thing." Yuri reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out the samples Hyeongjun had given her. "These are from the lab, maybe we can reverse-engineer them and figure out what makes those weapons tick." The others are surprised by what Yuri had been keeping to herself since they'd freed her.

"That's great too! I'll send these over to the instructors right away." Seunggi says, opening a container and putting the vials inside.

"Good work, girls. You completed the objective and then some. You should be proud of yourselves." He says rather cheerfully to the group.

"What's next?" Eunbi asks.

"So eager for new missions, hmm? I admire the spirit, but we have to think and plan more about our next move. Eunbi, Sakura, Chaeyeon, Hyewon; I want you four to be in charge of the questioning of Ms. Park Eunseo. The rest of you have the day off. Enjoy!" The group certainly couldn't have asked for more than that. The four who were called left for the prison rooms while the other eight went on their separate ways.

A few hours later...

"I'll ask this again, miss. Why are you doing all of this?" Eunbi asks the scientist. They've been trying to get any information they could, but she wasn't budging.

"You think I'd try to help you mutant scum? Give me a break." She responds coldly.

"That's funny. How would you explain working with this girl, then?" Sakura says as she plays the security camera footage to her.

"I could care less about her. She was just another pawn of the Japanese to get work done quicker." She barks back.

"Alright, guys. I guess it's my turn to make her crack. You three have been too easy on her." Hyewon cracks her knuckles and approaches the woman handcuffed to a chair.

"Listen very carefully...if you don't start answering our questions, I'm going to give you frostbite in places you didn't know you could get frostbite." Hyewon whispers to her, placing her hand on her shoulder. It may have seemed like a harmless act, but Hyewon was quite literally giving her the cold shoulder.

"Alright! I'll talk! I'll talk! Just get this monster away from me!" The woman begins to scream in fear. Hyewon walks away with a smirk.

"Damn, what'd you tell her?" Eunbi asked.

"She's the one being interrogated here, not me." Hyewon responds. Eunbi simply clears , before moving on to the task at hand.

"I'll ask again, what are you doing working with the Japanese?"

The scientist groans, but eventually relents. "Those guys came to us first, wanted a hiding spot and armed men to guard it. They told us they were going to work to help wipe out you scum for good, so of course we agreed." She says, continuing to sneer at the four.

"How did you develop those weapons."

"Simple, we took some D.N.A samples from each of the vermin we could capture and worked from there. That smoke bomb was our greatest invention. We were lucky that boy just waltzed right into our grasp. You'll all be so sorry when we mass produce those. It'll be the end for your kind."

"What about Jurina? What's her deal?" Sakura butts in to ask again.

"I meant what I said earlier. She's just a pawn as far as I know. She just showed up one day with the Japanese soldiers and we were told that she'd be our mole into this little mutant nest you all have going on here. I don't know what she does in her free time, but she only takes orders from the top. She brought back your friend to us, so I'd like to think she's serving her purpose, trying to take you all down. Maybe she thinks she'll be spared after the extermination, but we're not going to let that happen either. All you mutants are sick vermin that must be taken care of. Even breathing the same air as you right now is sicke-"

"Yeah, I hate to interrupt your monologue, but we kind of need some more information, like where the other bases are, how many of you are there, heck even why the hell do you hate us so much!" Chaeyeon puts a little bit of emphasis on the last one, projecting her frustrations forward.

"Well, the easiest question to answer is the last, so that'll be first. You are all different. You aren't human at all. Humans were made to be the superior race, but then you freaks come along with your fancy powers and all that. It's only right to hate you all."

"But we are all human. We have human parents. We do things humans do. What is wrong with us?" Chaeyeon is now right up in the scientist's face, staring her down. She simply stares back, no compassion in her eyes.

"Everything..." She says which causes Chaeyeon to lose her cool and just smack the woman across the face. Eunbi and the others rush over and hold her back.

"See?" The woman says, somehow managing to chuckle to herself, a spot of blood dripping down her chin. "You're only proving our point. You monsters."

"Let me at her! Let me at her!" Chaeyeon is fighting against Hyewon and Eunbi trying to hold her back.

"Chaeyeon. Please stop. We're better than this." Sakura's voice resonates within her. Chaeyeon starts to cool off, trying to regain composure. The scientist frowns to herself.

"Oh? I guess it hasn't quite worked out yet. I'm sure my colleagues have worked out the bugs by now." The four now look at her curiously.

"Excuse me? What do you mean, 'Didn't work out'? What did you do to her?" Eunbi puts the pressure back on, but the doctor just smiles maniacally.

"You'll find out soon...actually, sooner than you think." At that moment, sirens begin to ring around the campus. A breach. The scientist starts to laugh to herself once again.

"Good luck...freaks." And that's when the first explosion hits.



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1754 streak #1
Need to get back to reading this!! So many chapters to catch up on!!!!
new subscriber here!
will read this
1754 streak #4
Chapter 13: wow!!!
1754 streak #5
Chapter 11: wow yena's backstory gave me the feel!!
1754 streak #6
Chapter 10: the battle scenes are really drawing me in!!
1754 streak #7
Chapter 9: getting good!!!!
Hey! I really like your story! I would like to translate it into Russian, if you don't mind. /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
1754 streak #9
Chapter 6: I like the battle scenes! nice to see how their powers come into play!
1754 streak #10
Chapter 4: nice! i really like reading this super power perspective!