Late Night Snack Run

bakugo x reader oneshots

"Alright, that's enough studying for now. We've been at this for hours, It's getting late as hell. I think you know enough." I have been studying for our exams with Bakugo for hours on end, and he's really helped me. But even though he's done so much I'm still a little hesitant on one part. "Uhm, Bakugo? I'm still unsure about this question, are you sure we did it right?" I ask meekly. He sighs, "Are you questioning my teaching skills or something?". I shake my head quickly. He looks down. "Good, cuz I know my stuff.  If you're not grasping what I'm telling you then its not my fault. You're going to do fine on the exams, so stop wasting so much energy worrying about it. You're not an idiot, give your self some more credit." he tells me. I nod in response, picking up the text books and moving them back into my bag. Nobody ever pays attention to Bakugo's school work since he is usually such a jerk, but he's actually pretty smart. At first I didn't know what to think either, so I get what you're probably thinking. Don't judge a book by it's cover, as they say. I move my bag to corner of the room and turn towards Bakugo. "You hungry? Cuz I'm starving. Want to walk down to the conveince store with me? I need to buy more spicy ramen." he says when our eyes meet. My eyes dart around the room sheepishly. "But... Aizawa Sensei told us not to go out after nine...and its 9:30." He shifts his feet, clearly irritated (as usaul). "I know he doesn't want us out ofter nine, but i'm hungry. It doesn't matter, I'm gonna get some food. We ran out of ramen anyways." I try not to giggle, instead my face turns red. "Bakugo, there's other food in the fridge...". He rolls his eyes, "Of course I know there's other food in the fridge, but I want th-" I interupt him before he can say anything else. "There's other ramen downstairs, teddy bear. Don't get angry, please.". He glares at the floor, "Yeah, I know there's other ramen. But is it spicy? No, its not." He picks up his jacket and kisses the top of my forehead. "Well, I'm going. So c'mon if you're going with me.". I nod and put on Ashido's hoodie she left on the floor. "So you are coming? Fine, let's go." He walks to the door with his arm wrapped around my waist. When we get outside the darkness and a wave of cold hit me. I shudder and stop in my tracks. Bakugo turns toward me confused, I ask him if it's far from the dorms. "No, its not far. We just have to stay on the down-low, or we'll have the faculty on our asses about sneaking out. Huh? What, are you scared of a little trouble? Don't be, cuz we're not gonna get caught." he pauses then speaks in a soft, comforting voice. "I think everyone's in their dorms right now, which is good. We don't have to worry about them being nosy idiots like they always are." He grabs me in his arms and hugs me very tight. I bury my face into his sweatshirt, which smells like caramel. He always smells like caramel, and I can't figure out why. "C'mon, follow me. I know a short-cut through the woods, there's a conveince store on the other side. You coming or are you just gonna stand there? Don't tell me you're scared of the dark, cmon I have a flashlight on my phone. See?" he flicks on the flashlight. I sigh and nod. "Look, you're fine. Ok? Do you want me to hold your damn hand?" Bakugo grabs my hand and squeezes lovingly. He looks into my eyes softly, and lightly kisses me. The feeling of his lips on mine sends a warm feeling throughout me. People call me crazy since I'm in love with Katsuki Bakugo, the hot-headed, jerk-face blond boy. But he's really not bad once you accept his anger issues. We walk into the woods slowly, our feet insync with one another. "Be careful, theres roots everywhere. Don't trip." Right as he says not to trip, I feel my feet go out from under me. Before I can hit the ground, Bakugo catches me in his arms. "I told you not to trip! Just...Be more careful. I don't want you getting hurt." I glower in apology. I see him roll his eyes in the darkness. "W-whats wrong teddy bear?" I ask silently. "Don't be sorry, its not your fault you tripped. I'm not mad or anything. Your fine." he says, placing his hand on my shoulder. I sigh in relief from his touch. As we continue to walk, I make sure I place my feet correctly. 

A few minutes of silence pass, until we see lights. "See? It wasn't a long walk. It's right there." He takes my waist and kisses my cheek. We walk into the small, quaint store. "You can get whatever you want. Its on me." he tells me. "No, its fine. I'll eat what you want." I reassure him. He shakes his head, "I told you get what you want. I just want you to be happy with what your eating." I nod and wander into one of the isles. The first thing to catch my eye is a bag of mild potato chips. I grab it and find Bakugo already at the checkout counter. "There it is. Wait-why are you getting those? Those are terrible for you." he announces. I look down, telling him I'll put them back. "No, its fine. Just make sure you're careful about what you eat on a regular basis." I put the chips on the counter, only to see a pile of spicy ramen. "Did you get enough ramen?" I giggle. He looks away slightly ashamed, "Of course I got enough. This way I don't need to come back.". I giggle even more, making him smile. He pays and we leave. 


When we get back to the dorms, he starts the ramen immeidtely. As he boils the water, I kiss his neck softly. At first he enjoys it, then he speaks. "Stand back, bae. I don't want you getting burnt." I step back, the urge to be close to him even stronger. After he puts the noodles in the pot, I force his arm around my waist. Bakugo kisses me on my bottom lip softly. "Why are you so clingy tonight? I need to finish this." I look at him poutly. He sighs and kisses me again. He kisses harder, then picks me up and places me on the counter. "You don't like having no control, don't you? Stay there until I'm done. If you don't I'll put more spice in yours." Since I hate the spice, I stay put. Within a few minutes, he finishes and hands me my bowl. We sit down at the table, and start eating. I take one bite and I feel my mouth pretty much on fire. I quickly put down the bowl. "You're already done? I thought you'd be able to handle more than that." he laughs. I smile sheepishly, wanting to touch him. When he finishes his ramen, he tells me he's off to take a shower. 'this is my chance!' I tell myself. I run to the girls changing room and find an over-sized off the shoulder t-shirt and a red lacy bra and . I put them on and rush to Bakugo's room. I knock lightly, "Are you done yet teddy bear?". I hear him say yes and I walk in softly. When he sees me, his face turns the same bright red as my bra. "Y-you look a-amazing. Perfect even." he stutters, his eyes on my body. I crawl under the sheets with him. He turns off the light. I lay there, staring at the ceiling. I hear his breathing next to me. I inch closer and closer to him, until we're cuddling. He turns towards me, his face still red. "D-did I say we could cuddle?". "I-I-I'm sorry." i say, dissaspointed. "I'm kidding. It's fine. Get over here." I slide back into his arms, his heart pounding in my ears. I feel his hand slowly moving towards my lower-back. My temputure rising, a shiver running down my spine. He pulls me even closer to him. Our lips touch, his hands grip my waste while mine grip his shoulders. We kiss harder and harder. As we pull apart for air, he looks into my eyes. "Sakura, you're the first girl I've ever loved. And I hope the only one." I smile and continue fooling around with him. I mean, he is my soulmate. Right? 


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uhm sooooo like i am so greatful if i get any subscribers.... not to be cocky or anything but.... i put a lot of work into this.


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DenkisBestFriend #1
DenkisBestFriend #2
Chapter 1: I love itt