Bonus # 1

Stupid Love
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Donghae doesn't like wasting time. He does his best not to. Makes sure others don't. Can't.

But right now...

The problem is with him.

He just cannot focus. It makes him frustrated. He needs to work. Donghae has put his phone away. It's in the drawer. His fingers keep reaching. To open. Check. He...

Wants a message.

A call.

From him.


It's stupid. They live together. Sleep together. Have been together. For almost two years.

But they've been so busy.




There's a little knock. Donghae lifts his head.

"Come in--" He gasps. "Hyukjae?!"

The other smiles. Gives a small wave. Only the tips of his fingers show. Out of the jacket. It's oversized. Open.

"Hey... I just wanted... to..."

Hyukjae blinks in surprise. Donghae has gone around the desk. Reached for him. He grabs Hyukjae. Hugs him tightly.

"You have perfect timing."

Donghae pecks his cheek. Then his lips. Hyukjae's smile gets bigger. He giggles.

"I do?"

Donghae captures his lips again. His hands find his waist. He feels skin. A soft stomach--

He parts. Frowns at Hyukjae.

"What are you doing?"


"Hyukjae, you know I can't here. Nope. Off you go."

He expects an embarrassed laugh. Some pout. Whine. To make him change his mind. But Hyukjae's lips press. His eyes show a bit of hurt. He turns. Leaves.

Donghae sighs.

Well, at least he saw him. For two minutes. That was nice. Now, he really needs to focus.




Donghae waits up. For Hyukjae. It takes so much effort.

The other arrives exhausted. He's slow getting ready for bed. Yawning. He slips in. With a fat pout. On his own side.

Donghae finally moves. Closer to him. Brings his arms around his torso. Presses right up behind him. Hyukjae turns slightly. Gives him a strange look.

"I missed you," Donghae says.

"Why are you being weird?" Hyukjae mumbles. Turns away again. "Go to sleep, Hae..."

"I'm being weird?"

He's being weird. What's with these looks? Serious pouts? They're not cute. They're a bit scary.

It's not like Hyukjae.

"What's the matter?"

Donghae tries. To turn the other. He's glad: Hyukjae faces him. Donghae kisses his pout. To make it change. Hyukjae just blinks. Tiredly. Gloomily.

"What happened?" Donghae says. "Did I do something?"

Hyukjae glances up. Briefly. Then away. "No... it's nothing..."

"You sure?"

The other's quiet. For a minute. Donghae's about to give up. He takes a breath--

"Did you know..." Hyukjae mumbles. "Tiffany and Yunho broke up?"

"Oh... really?"

"Yeah... you know they got together the same time we did?"

"Oh... yeah..."

Hyukjae pout gets bigger. His brows are knitted. Donghae doesn't understand.

"You're upset about it?"

"I guess..."



"Because what?"

Donghae waits. Again. For Hyukjae to answer. But now his own eyes flick. To the time.


It's almost two?

"Hyukkie..." Donghae caresses his side. "Don't be sad about that. It happens, you know? People change and grow apart -- that's just how it is. Did you expect them to get married or something? They're still young and probably have a lot of stuff they want to do in life. Right?"

This does the opposite. Hyukjae appears sadder.


Donghae rolls over him. Kisses him. Gets a disgruntled face. So he kisses him again. Then again. Until he gets a little smile. A laugh. Donghae's pleased. He kisses him more strongly. Deeply. Eventually... Hyukjae's arms wrap around him.

But between pants... Hyukjae murmurs.

"Hae... I'm tired, though..."

"I'll do everything..." Donghae shifts Hyukjae gently. Pecks his lips. Tugs his boxers down. "You just lie back..."

"But you need to be up early..."

"That's nothing, I'll be fine..."




It's not nothing.

He's woken by Hyukjae. It's an annoyed protest. Groan. There's also a shrill beeping--

"!" Donghae bolts up.

Hyukjae screams beneath him. Donghae yells, too. In shock.

"Oh my god -- Hyuk! , I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

It turns into a terrible morning. Hyukjae's pissed. Tired. Donghae apparently slept on him.


He recalls, now. In the shower. With an angry Hyukjae. Last night... he'd just lain over his boyfriend. He remembers thinking: he'll catch his breath. Clean them up. But...

Clearly, he didn't. That's why Hyukjae's dragged himself. To get clean. If all that wasn't bad enough: Donghae just had to accidently knee Hyukjae, too.

In the nuts.

He continously mumbles apologies. Tries to help.

"Go now..."

Hyukjae pushes him away. Donghae's changing the sheets. For him. Because Hyukjae wants to go back to sleep.

"Are you okay, baby?"

Hyukjae doesn't answer. He grabs his pillow. Carefully crawls onto the bed. Curls up. Closes his eyes.

"Go... you're late..."

Donghae looks at the time. He is. But since he's already late: he'll make up some excuse. He's never done it before. It should be okay. Because...

Hukjae's lips are poutier. Than ever. Donghae's worried. He fixes his own clothes. Quickly. Stands at the bed.

There's light creeping into the room. Inching near Hyukjae's head. It makes Hyukjae curl up more.

Donghae won't get to speak to Hyukjae. All day. Sometimes, Donghae isn't successful. At waiting for Hyukjae. Donghae's often even asleep.

He imagines Hyukjae, then. Getting into bed at night. His eyes sad. Hurt. His lips pouting.

"Baby?" Donghae says. "Can we talk real quick?"

Hyukjae pulls another pillow. Hides his face.

"Hey..." Donghae sits on the bed. "Baby, don't be like that... I just want to know if you're okay..."

"You don't care."

"What? Of course I care!"

Donghae tugs on the pillow. Hyukjae clutches it tightly.

"Hyukjae, please, you know I'm sorry..."

Donghae tugs again. The pillow slips off. His boyfriend turns his eyes to him.

"Then let me sleep."


Donghae leans down. Gives him a kiss. The pout deflates. A little. Donghae smiles.

"I'm really sorry," Donghae says. "Get your sleep. I'll make it up to you, okay? I'll try to come see you in the afternoon. Let's talk then? I'm very sorry about last night... and... everything else..."

Hyukjae's mouth fattens. His eyes blink too rapidly. He turns his body away.





Donghae feels awful. His class doesn't go well, either.

Because of that: "you don't care." That "fine." Hyukjae's voice. The look in his eyes. Those eyebrows. Those pouts.

Donghae feels... he made something worse.

His thinking's made him remember. Yesterday. In the office. Hyukjae came in his pretty shirt. He should've laughed. Right? After what Donghae said? He should've apologized. Kissed him. Cutely asked him to wait up for him.

That's what Donghae had expected.

But Hyukjae left looking upset. Came home all... unhappy.





Honestly, Hyukjae gets on his nerves. At times. But unawarely. He always apologizes when told. Donghae

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Sorry. I've been so busy.
One more part. Happier. But just as stupid.


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Chapter 7: finally they have a happy ending.i was afraid they won't be able to solve the problem and break up. thank you for the final bonus chapter
1588 streak #2
Chapter 7: Sounds like they're listening to each other better, but they'll keep having dumb arguments because it's them. As long as they both feel supported and cared for, their relationship will probably survive any hardships after what they've made it through. A more realistic "happy" ending for our two idiots lol.

Thank you for writing. ♡
HelenDamnation #3
Chapter 7: They are hilarious and cute. Donghae is smart; the big problem with grad school is knowing when to stop.
970 streak #4
Chapter 7: They are getting into the rhythm of their life together.
There are some lapses but they are trying and that is what is important.
Thank you for the final bonus chapter that wraps up things beautifully.
Chapter 7: I'm so glad it ends well. Thank you for the bonus chapters. They were such a lovely extension of the main story 💙
HelenDamnation #6
Chapter 6: Donghae here is an unfortunately accurate depiction of how many men behave in grad school. :D
1588 streak #7
Chapter 6: Though they still don't seem to hear or understand each other completely, at least they finally talked. Yelled. Cried. But all that needed to come out. Maybe they can move forward in the same direction, together, now. Or after a short time. Thank you for another bonus. ♡
970 streak #8
Chapter 6: They really are so stupid.
I hope everything is clear now.
Beedee9726 #9
Chapter 6: Omg. I was really afraid for their relationship. At the end I was smiling and almost crying. I really loved that Hae didn't stay quiet about the break up thing, even though he doesn't have a sensible hair on his head jajaj. It sounds rough being his bf, Hyukjae is a lot more sensible so I wonder how they match, but I guess they just love each other too much. Thank u for the update 🥰 as always it was a pleasure to read, you bring out the characters so well that there is no problem having the scenes playing in your head as you read. Thank u thank uuuu
sphyoo #10
Chapter 3: naurr, it's too cute I can't take it! and yeah they're both idiots 😆🤏🏼