
100 Strawberry Frappuccinos
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By the time they get back into Seoul, the snow is coming down heavily. On the back of the bike, Hyukjae is sheltered from the worst of it; he has Donghae as a shield. The traffic has slowed to a crawl, headlights on, windscreen wipers swishing on the cars around them. With the world muted through the helmet, it’s oddly surreal. In any other situation, arms around the man in front of him, body snug against the broad warmth of his back, it would be intimate. As it is, Hyukjae feels like he is in a world of his own.

It had been because he was afraid of falling off that he'd initially clutched at the other man, personal space be damned. Then, once he had realized that Donghae only looked reckless and was actually quite a safe driver, he had stayed close because he was ing cold.

On the return journey however, Hyukjae had let himself lean into the man in front of him. It’s not like it’s possible to maintain strict personal space when they’re on the same motorbike anyway, right? That’s what he’s telling himself, but it’s not just that.

It’s comforting.

Not Donghae in particular, but just… having someone to lean on, for a little while.

Hyukjae knows that if Donghae had not decided to take him for a drive, had left him to find his own way home after encountering Siwon, that it’s more than likely he would have spent the evening crying his heart out. Shut in the bathroom with the water running, so that Kyuhyun wouldn’t hear and feel like he needed to give up his own evening to comfort his roommate.

Instead, the distraction of Donghae and his stupid motorbike and his stupid secret place had…

Not stopped the surge of negative emotions, but…

Dulled them.

He loosens his hold around Donghae’s waist to tap on his arm, pointing out the direction to his apartment. Donghae nods, careful as they cross the traffic inching through the city. With his leather jacket, dark eyes and confidence, he seems like he'd be a risk-taker; but with Hyukjae as passenger, he has shown restraint.

That could also be because he was involved in a serious car crash only a few days earlier though.

Still, Hyukjae is surprised that he feels almost disappointed when they pull up outside his apartment building. He swings himself off the back of the bike (he’s getting the hang of it now) and Donghae removes his helmet so he can bid him goodnight.

‘How was that?’ he asks, beaming proudly as he tucks his reddened hands under his armpits to try warm them. Hyukjae gasps.

‘You idiot! You didn’t have another pair of gloves?’

Donghae shrugs and smiles like it’s not a big deal. Hyukjae realizes that his clothes are soaking wet too, jeans dark and heavy, t-shirt wet at the neck where his stupid leather jacket hasn’t kept the snow out.

‘You’ll freeze to death, you moron!’

‘It’s a bit cold,’ Donghae admits. ‘I’ll be home soon though.’

Hyukjae removes the gloves to return them, but they are damp and cold now too.

‘Wait here,’ he tells Donghae. ‘I’ll go and get you another pair.’

‘You don’t have to,’ Donghae says. ‘We’re only twenty minutes from my place.’

Hyukjae points at him and his bike.

‘Wait here!’

Compared to outside, it’s like stepping into the tropics just getting through the glass door of the building. Hyukjae shakes off some of the snow that’s stuck to his clothes and shoes, then looks back to check Donghae really is waiting.

He’s still there, hunched a little because of the cold, blowing on his hands.

Hyukjae sighs heavily and opens the door.


Donghae looks over at him hopefully.

‘You might as well come with me.’

Donghae’s face lights up and he hurries over.


Hyukjae’s apartment isn’t anything special. Well, maybe it’s a bit nice. Both he and Kyuhyun have good jobs and they like their comforts. They’ve got a big screen TV, a large comfortable lounge area, polished floors and soft rugs. It’s quite spacious for an inner city apartment, and well lit. But it’s not- spectacular or anything.

‘Kyuhyun?’ Hyukjae calls, but there’s no answer. The other man is not at home. Hyukjae feels a little spike of anxiety.

‘Wow,’ Donghae says, gazing around. There’s no envy in his stupid, open expression, just admiration. From his reaction, it would seem that he thinks it’s the nicest apartment he’s ever been in. Yeah it’s nicer than his own dingy little place but Hyukjae knows for a ing fact that Donghae’s used to wealth, used to indulgence.

He knows who Donghae’s friends are.

His anxiety notches up a level.

‘I’ll get you some gloves,’ he says abruptly, heading for his bedroom. He shuts the door and leans back on it. Why did he bring him here, what the was he thinking? What if Donghae takes the invitation to come upstairs as an invitation for something else? What if he thinks Hyukjae is easy, what if he follows him to his bedroom? Hyukjae will throw him out, he’ll call the cops, he’ll-

He opens the door a crack and peers out.

There’s nobody there. Donghae has not followed.

He’s waiting in the other room, standing politely near the entrance since his clothes are wet.

Hyukjae takes a deep breath, feeling stupid and weak.

He finds a pair of gloves and a pair of socks too, since Donghae is leaving wet prints on the polished floor, then returns.

‘Here,’ he says, holding them out. Donghae takes them and opens his mouth to thank Hyukjae, but then his smile fades.

‘Are you okay?’

‘I’m fine,’ Hyukjae says.

Donghae’s handsome face creases with concern.

‘Are you sure?’

He hesitates.

‘Hyukjae, do you want me to go?’

‘No, it’s fine,’ Hyukjae says again, automatically.

Donghae beams at him.

‘Oh good,’ he says. ‘Because I’ve just ordered us pizza.’



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happy eunhae day! going to start trying to finish the ongoing fics, message me if any particular requests ^^ keeping comments off atm since i got too behind in replying t___t sorry!


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COMMENTS CURRENTLY OFF - i was too behind in replying to everyone, sorry t___t if you're enjoying, let me know with an upvote, or DM with any questions! <3
165 streak #2
Chapter 13: Hello~ 🥺 I hope you're doing fine. I'm missing this so I'm back here 👉👈
MissLavi #3
Chapter 13: Possibly Siwon already silenced the girls with money in case they saw something, so Donghae's mission will be difficult...or maybe with Hae's concussion, threatening Hyuk and everything (it seems like it was a rough night) he forgot about the girls and they didn't say anything because isn't convenient for them to talk about suspicious things that their rich clients do. Anyways, I hope Donghae finds the truth, it will be painful for Hyuk and him but at least after the shock they'd start to heal slowly and hopefully reconcile truly and grow close instead of that night being a wall between them forever.

Thank you for the updates, I liked the comfort, romance and comedy (thanks to Kyu xD) of these 2 chapters.
Reread this again because I miss this story
Chapter 13: TT please please please im dying to know
165 streak #6
Chapter 13: Yes, I love it!! Haven't really focused on Hae's uality because of the possible Hyuk-Siwon drama and Kyu fueling the fire so it's a good thing you brought it up. Now I think I understand why Hyuk is kind of worried about Hae remembering him and/on that night.
barani #7
Chapter 13: I looooove this story can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 13: It was very cute and fuzzy
I'm ok with this chapter and a club girl searching chapter ^.^
Now we just need hyuk to like him back and we're halfway there :D
(Just need to know what happened XD no pressure)

And happy late valentine's I guess?
1455 streak #9
Chapter 13: Ohhh Hae finally accepted his feelings for Hyuk. I think he fell unconsciously for him tho. And alsoooo he came out to Shin. And Shin was like, so what if you like a man, c'mon and let me meet him!
Hmmm. Siwon. The girl on his lap. Hyukjae. Hahaha will not say more.

Thanks alot for this update, authornim! :))
LeeLenaMx #10
Chapter 13: Thank you for this new chapter! It was so sweet how DongHae find out about how he feels. Happy Valentine’s Day for you! Even is a day late or two in your time zone 😆