
Same Dream, Same Mind, Same Night


    Today marked the first day of high school for Vernon.  Vernon is a Korean boy from the United States who transferred to South Korea.  Being his first day of school, he sees new faces everywhere.  He knew no one here, and no one knew him.  He looked at the fourteen other students in the classroom.  The majority of this class are boys and then there are two girls.


Vernon heard everyone's names.  Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Jihoon, Seokmin, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Chan, Sungyeon, and Eunwoo - those were Vernon's classmates. 


Seungcheol told Vernon that he's a sports boy.  He likes to play all kinds of sports with his best friend Jeonghan.  Jeonghan told him the secrets of not being a target by a teacher.  Jeonghan also taught him how to throw people under the bus jokingly, of course Joshua was the victim.  Joshua taught him how to be respectful and how to address the teachers, as he is a foreigner too.


Joshua taught him how to blend into the class while Soonyoung and Junhui taught him how to be outrageous.  Soonyoung is a loud boy who includes Jihoon in almost every sentence.  How they karaoke together and spam each other with memes during class.  Wonwoo taught him how to not be like that and to focus on the subject while Seokmin was brainwashed to follow Soonyoung's example.


Seokmin and Soonyoung fought over many things though, even the color of the chalkboard.  But at the end of the argument, they got up to hug, even though the teacher was beyond annoyed.  Then there was Minghao and Mingyu - they were the richers of the classroom.  While Minghao shared his snacks with Vernon, Mingyu only showed off his expensive tablet.  Of course, Mingyu let him try it out.


He learned that Sungyeon and Eunwoo both have a crush on Chan - the youngest boy of the class.  His sharp jawline and soft face complimented his figure.  He knew that he was gorgeous, but he never let anyone touch him.  Dino taught him how to be playful with everyone, even though his definition of playful meant flirty.


The only person in the classroom who didn't introduce themself was Seungkwan.  Seungkwan was busy talking with Seokmin and Soonyoung most of the time.  Vernon heard everyone call the boy Seungkwan though.  Although the boy never spoke to him, Vernon knew all about the boy.


How he's from Jeju Island and he lives with his aunt right now.  Vernon was just content knowing about Seungkwan.  He smiled fondly as he watched Seungkwan have fun with everyone else.


Vernon watched as Seungkwan changed his hair color every month.  Vernon watched how Seungkwan laughed and sang with Soonyoung.


"Hey, who are you going to prom with?"  Jeonghan asked, sitting next to Seungkwan.


Seungkwan shrugged in the empty classroom.  Vernon was on the back chair, observing.  "I don't know, no one's asked me out."  He answered.  "How about you?"  He asked, sitting back in his chair.


Jeonghan sighed happily.  "That idiot finally confessed."  He looked at Seungkwan.  "It literally took him three years to tell me that he's in love with me."  He held up three fingers. 


Seungkwan smirked.  "We all knew it, Seungcheol-hyung literally throws hearts at you whenever he sees you."  He laughed and shook Jeonghan's shoulder.  "I can't believe we've been in high school for three years.. Just one left."  He sighed.


Jeonghan hummed and played with his nails.  "You've grown up so much,"  He commented, "but you're still the diva we all know and love."  He ended with a smile.


Seungkwan chuckled.  He directed his attention to Seokmin, Soonyoung, and Jihoon who just walked into the classroom.  "Hey guys."  He waved.


Jeonghan waved.  "We were just talking about how Seungkwan doesn't have a date to prom."  He said.  "You guys know anyone who could go with him?"  He asked.


Soonyoung and Jihoon looked at each other.  "We're going together."  Jihoon said.


"I definitely know that Mingyu and Wonwoo are going together,"  Seokmin started, "you know that China-line are going together."  He continued.


Jeonghan hummed.  "Chan settled with Eunwoo and Joshu-ji is going with Sungyeon."  He informed.  "Vernon.."  Jeonghan held his chin.


Seungkwan pouted his lips.  "Are you going with anyone, Seokmin?"  He asked.


"No,"  Seokmin answered, "I guess we could go together.  A friend-date, you know?"  He smiled.


Seungkwan smiled.  "Sure!"  He agreed.  "Oh, we could wear matching suits."  He snapped his fingers.  "We're going shopping tonight."  He pointed.


"Call."  Seokmin agreed.


"Call~"  Seungkwan put his thumb up.


Vernon adored Seungkwan.  His suit on him made him look so cute and his smile.. Vernon was in love with the boy.  He felt proud to watch him.


"Hyung,"  Seungkwan twirled with Seokmin, "this is so fun.  Thank you for going with me."  He said, holding Seokmin close.


Seokmin chuckled and leaned forward.  "Would you like to have a kiss, your highness?"  He asked looking straight into Seungkwan's eyes.


Seungkwan blushed, feeling his heart beating faster.  He leaned closer, putting his lips against Seokmin's cheek.  The group of friends around them howled.  "Yah,"  Chan started with a smirk, "when are you two going to come out, eh?"  He laughed.


Seungkwan looked at the boy who had his arm casually around Eunwoo.  "Ehhh,"  He shook his head, "Hyung, they're going to tease us all night."  He said.


Seokmin only smiled and chuckled.  "Well.."  He cupped Seungkwan's cheek.  Seungkwan's eyes turned big, looking into Seokmin's eyes and scanning his details.  "I've thought about it.."  He said, leaning closer until their breaths mixed.


Suddenly, everyone heard a chair knock over.  They looked in the direction of the chair to see no one standing there.  "Ahem.."  Seungkwan stepped back.  "Let's not."  He put his hands up.  "This is just a friend date, kay?"  He insisted.


Seokmin shook his head and blinked.  "Sorry about that." He chuckled.  "I think I was just in the moment."  He scratched his neck.


"Yah,"  Seungcheol started, "let's go out to the field and do karaoke."


Vernon found himself to be just a little childish.  He knocked over the chair and quickly left.  He had to stop the moment.  I should have let Seungkwan live.. He doesn't even know me, why am I jealous?  He inwardly sighed and leaned back against the wall.


He heard the others leave the building.  Of course, the building was still full of other classes.  He looked at the floor before the door.  "I guess I can join them.."  He shrugged, picking up a cup.


He walked out and followed the sound of Seungkwan's voice in the microphone.  He loved watching Seungkwan sing.  He was always sassy and funny  And that sassiness followed him to their graduation ceremony.  Seungkwan wouldn't have it any other way but to go up on the stage and sing.


Vernon couldn't fight his laugh when Seungkwan sang Go Crazy by 2pm.  At the end of the ceremony, there were fireworks.  Vernon always loved watching fireworks shoot up into the sky.  Whenever they went off, it would remind Vernon about how much he's in love with Seungkwan.


Yes, he's in love.  He loves the boy endlessly.  He dreams about Seungkwan; he thinks about Seungkwan; everything reminds him of Seungkwan.  At the end of the night, Vernon left his window open.


He saw the stars twinkling.  "You're going to Seoul University and I'm going to pottery class here.."  He sighed.  "No matter where you are, no matter how far apart we're going to be, I'll always remember you.


"You might not even know who I am, or my name; but you'll always be my one and only."  Vernon smiled softly.  "From the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew my whole life was about to change.  Little did I know, but you would make my heart beat so well.


"I feel ten times healthier when I see your smile.  I get broken down whenever you're upset."  Vernon kept his eyes on one, big star.  "You deserve the world.  I hope that one day, you'll let me give you the world."  He closed his eyes, resting his head on his arms.


He sat at his desk, letting the moonlight beam down on him.  Not one night went on without him dreaming of the love of his life.  He hopes that one day, they will have the same dream, the same mind, and the same night - together.


~ * ~


A few years passed by.  Seungkwan was walking his dog.  "Bookkeu-ah~  Are you thirsty?"  Seungkwan asked, going on his knee.  "Come here, Cutie."  He kissed the dog's snout before taking out his bottle of water.  "Yes, Daddy brought your water, mhm."  He chuckled, opening his bag and taking out a little dish.


He set the dish on the sidewalk before pouring the water into the dish.  Bookkeu instantly dipped his head, drinking the water.  "Good boy, yes you are."  He patted Bookkeu's head.




Seungkwan looked up from the little dog and saw a golden dog running up to them.  "Eh?"  He noticed the collar followed by the unmanned leash.  "Aw, what's a puppy doing out alone?"  He asked, picking up the golden puppy.


Bookkeu looked at the visitor, sticking his tongue out with his smile.  "Where's your friend, hm?"  Seungkwan asked, looking at the collar.  "Hansol?"  He read out.  "Is that your name or your owner?"  He asked in a mutter.


Nonetheless, Seungkwan scratched behind the dog's ear.  "Are you thirsty too?  Bookkeu-ah, can Hansol share your water?"  He asked the pure-white dog.


Bookkeu looked excited.  He yipped and skipped around the water bowl.  "Hansol!"  They heard a male call out.


The puppy raised his head and looked around.  "Hansol, there you are."  The man knelt down. 


Seungkwan looked at the new man.  He raised his eyebrows.  "Vernon?"  He said, gaining the owner's attention.


"You.. You know me?"  Vernon asked, looking into Seungkwan's eyes.


Seungkwan chuckled and poked Vernon's shoulder.  "Of course I know you, weren't we in the same class?"  He asked.  "I'm Seungkwan."  He introduced himself.


Vernon smiled softly and looked at his puppy.  "I just.. I thought you didn't know me."  He said.  "We never really spoke to each other."  He explained, letting the puppy jump into his arms.


Seungkwan shrugged and brought his knees to his chest.  "I was just.. I was just waiting for you to introduce yourself to me."  He admitted.  "Even if we never formally introduced ourselves, we knew each other.


"We watched each other's presentations, we attended the same prom, ceremony.."  Seungkwan remembered.  "You looked so handsome in your suit that night."  He blushed.


Vernon blushed too.  "Honestly.. I wish that we could have gone to prom together."  He confessed.  "I.. I kinda have a crush on you."  He continued.


Seungkwan laughed and watched Bookkeu's little dance.  "I often think that too.. I wished that you almost kissed me, not Seokmin-hyung."  He said.


Vernon sat down too, blocking the sidewalk.  No one was walking there anyway.  "I was kinda immature that night, I dropped the chair to stop you two from kissing."  He admitted.


Seungkwan lightly shoved Vernon.  "Seriously?"  He chuckled.  "Anyway.. What are you doing here?"  He asked.


"I just moved here."  He pointed to an apartment building.  "I'll be starting my own business next month."  He answered, rubbing up and down the sleeping puppy's back.


Seungkwan picked up Bookkeu.  "Welcome to the neighborhood.. And.. Welcome to my heart."  He said, his cheeks burning red.


Vernon's smile grew.  "It's been my dream to love you.."  He said.


"We had the same dream."  Seungkwan said.  "It's no longer a dream at night, but a feeling in our hearts and mind now."  He chuckled.  "It's finally us."  He held Vernon's hand.

"Us.."  Vernon repeated.

Seungkwan smiled and leaned closer. He kissed Vernon's cheek softly. Vernon's heart beat went up and a warm sensation flooded his chest. He can't wait for the next chapter in their life.




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745 streak #1
Chapter 1: 🌹💗🌹💗🌹

I liked how this one started with the introduction to the characters and what each of them taught the young boy! I also adore their relationship and Vernon falling in love was just so adorable! *chuckles* 😍 I think we can all relate to this like we want to confess our feelings to our crush but we are often too scared, and we hope for a miracle! ⭐

And finally, Vernon has his happy ending! I love it! 💗🌹

Thank you! I enjoyed this one! 💗🌹

745 streak #2
This plot looks so sweet and cute!