Proud of You (Hwabyul)

Mamamoo Ships Oneshots

Hyejin bowed to the producers and walked back to the area where Byul got her makeup touched up. She waited patiently at the side, her eyes roaming the side profile of her girlfriend.

She really was handsome. 

The moment Byul thanked the stylist and watched her walk away, she reached for Hyejin. The latter immediately reacted to her gesture and moulded herself against Byul's body.

She gave the rapper a chaste kiss, careful not to mess up their lipstick. 

"You look beautiful," Hyejin whispered, her palms laying on top of Byul's lapels. She watched as dimples appeared on her girlfriend's face and she couldn't help but chuckle at the blush that came with it. 

"You look gorgeous as well, jin-ah" 

Byul was always proud whenever Hyejin complimented her. She knew her girlfriend sees beauty in the purest way and having been the center of her attention is both flattering and unnerving. 

The small grin the maknae gave her was soft and translated her thanks. They hugged again, simply swaying while it was quiet before the last taping for the Hwasa Show started.

"I'm proud of you, Hyejin. This show became what it was because you made it like that," 

Hyejin stayed quiet, almost hearing the gears turning in Byul's head with the way she contemplated what she was going to say next. She pressed her nose against the rapper's neck.

"I saw the way you treat the staff, the way you listen to their suggestions. You make guests comfortable enough to have them enjoy sharing their music. I love the way you are, jin-ah." Byul punctuated her sentiment with a kiss on her temple.

And like when she was a guest on SMN and she was invited during her comeback, Hyejin's voice was shaky from being so emotional. 

"Byul-ah…why are you saying this now?" She managed to mumble out, pulling away enough to look at Byul.

Byul gave her soft pats on the head, "Aigooo, my baby jinie. I'm saying all of these now because I know you won't read my text later if I send it all there. Ow!"

Byul's attempt to lighten the mood earned her a little slap on the arm. She couldn't help but laugh, making the maknae grin at the sound. 

Byul looked at her, the scrunch of her nose and her brown eyes sparkling. She loves her, Hyejin can see that clearly and she's never been so grateful to receive a love as big as the one Byul gives her. 

Her expression turned serious again, emotional because of her thoughts and the rapper saw through it immediately and rubbed her back. Laughter turned to a soft smile,

 "I know, I love you too." Byul whispered, nodding. 

Just when they were about to pull away from each other they heard someone yelling, 

"Yongsunnie! Byul made hyejinie cryyyy!"

Another person yelling followed along with the sound of heels clicking. 



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I'm wondering if some of my moots are reading my stories👀


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ggomoo_ #1
Chapter 19: Waiting for wheesun part👀
Chapter 21: I was hoping someone would write a fic about this! this was super cute, thank you for posting!
Chapter 20: Una hermosa historia que deja a todos contentos jajajajjaja
Ash-LaoSiow #4
Chapter 3: This is so cute no matter how many times I've read it
Chapter 16: I’m smiling like a fool ^^
This is so cute >\\<
BlueDoowop #6
Chapter 19: Loved all the chapters so far.
Taitai84 1236 streak #7
Chapter 15: Haha it’s so funny and sweet
Concon111 #8
Chapter 18: Hwasun always hits differently 🖤
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 18: So soft 🥺
artwheeistt #10