So take my hand I wanna grow old with you beside me

One Shot
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With a sigh, Chaeyoung ended her work with a smile etched on her lips. Her work requires eight hours of work. It is typical to be tired after sitting for a long day. Her back was aching but she happily stretched her limbs as she stood up. 


“Going home?” 


Chaeyoung turned to the person on her left, Heejin, one of her close co-worker asked. She was gathering her things as she spoke. 


Chaeyoung nodded, “Yes.” She responded with a grunt when she lastly stretched her arms upward. Heejin chuckled, shaking her head a bit. 


“It’s a tiring day for us today, but you seem happy.” 


Chaeyoung started to gather her things. “Well, work is done. Aren’t you happy about that thought?” She put her things in her bag before scanning the place. There were a few people still in their cubicle office. Probably will leave soon, Chaeyoung thought. 


Heejin shrugged. “I am. I jump on my bed and sleep already.” They both laughed. “At least eat before flopping on her bed.” 


She patted Heejin’s shoulder, “I’ll get going then. See you next week!”


“Bye, see you next week!”


Chaeyoung even passed by the flower shop where she was known for years. Because she never fails to buy for the love of her life. She bid goodbye to the workers there before going to the market to buy some fruits before she happily took the bus. 




As he heard his name called by his mother, he quickly abandoned his things and ran towards the kitchen where his name was being called. 


His mommy was chopping some vegetables when he came into the kitchen. He even patted their brown dachshund's dog as it lay on his feet. 


“Can you help me prepare the table, please?” She turned around, smiling when she saw her son sitting on the floor, rubbing their dog’s belly while giggling. 


“Sunghoon-ah,” She called her son’s attention. He easily gets distracted by the things around him, so she had to repeat it again. She giggled when he looked up, clueless, head tilted to the side.


When she got his attention back, she repeatedly asked him if he could prepare the table for them. Sunghoon happily nodded, giving their dog the last rub. She watched as he waddled around the kitchen, getting the plates which she was reminded to be careful of, utensils and even water was prepared. She gave him a kiss before she let him play again. 


She watched him from their kitchen. How his face contoured in confusion when he couldn’t find the perfect piece to fit for his ‘our home’ lego he’s building– he named it that when they asked him what he was building yesterday. He’s a quiet kid, but really gets on well with other kids his age. She sometimes blamed her introvert self, there’s a lot of personality he could inherit from her, why being an introvert, all of other things. 


Mina could only shake her head.


He will turn five in a week. He had grown up just fine and well mannered which surprised them because of how he understood what they thought he would at his young age. He was just so little that he still fit on her arms and now she couldn’t cradle him that long. Just how fast the time is. It was a wishful prayer for her not to grow fast. She wanted to cherish every little moment with him.


A rattle of keys cutted off from her reverie. A smile painted her lips, the same goes to Sunghoon who stood up and excitedly ran towards the door that in que opened revealing the second most important thing in her life.


Don’t ask her why.






She watched them embrace each other as if they hadn't seen each other for a month. It was a sight to watch everyday, but couldn’t get enough of it. If anyone would ask her, she wouldn’t trade it for the world. 


She watched her son being pampered with kisses, squealing as his Adi tickled him. He started to squirm and she’s afraid that he might fall off.


“Put him down, honey. And take a bath before we eat our dinner.”


“Hi to my beautiful wife.” Mina received a kiss from both of them which accepted wholeheartedly. She kisses them back in return. 


“Ah, before I forget.” She saw her pull something from her back. A flower. A flower she knew wasn’t there in the first place. Was it there as she came in? She thought. 


“Thank you, you’re the sweetest.” She quickly gave her a kiss which made the latter smile widely. “Go wash already. Sunghoon might be hungry.” And she went off. Sunghoon started cleaning up all his legos-courtesy of her Adi. 


“Are we going out tomorrow, Adi?” 


They started eating when Adi went down, (always) looking fresh– Mina’s words not mine anyone else. The dining room is filled with Sunghoon’s story. He literally tells whatever comes to his mind, like what he just told them about his classmate’s abusive parents. His teacher started to notice the obvious marks on his arms but his classmate denied his parents hitting him. His parents were shocked by what he told them. That he understood the cover up of his classmate. Despite all the things his parents have done to him, he loves them and will always love them. And all he wanted was love from his parents. 


“Do you want to go out?” His Adi asked. Sunghoon quickly nodded his head which made his parents giggled at his little actions. Whenever it’s the weekend, his parents will bring him out. Either in a park, amusement park, malls or even a simple picnic would do. 


It’s like a tradition for the Son-Myoi family to have a little family bonding. 


“Okay, where do you wanna go this time?” Mina asked, taking a bite on the beef she cooked. Chaeyoung quickly put more beef on her wife’s plate and vegetables on her son which he just crunched out of disgust. 


He then rubs his chin, thinking too deep while humming. “Maybe..we can have a little picnic?” He shrugged. “I just want a chill weekend with you. I missed you, Mom and Adi.” What he said made his parents soften. 


They were too busy after they sent him off to school. Mina will drive them to his school and leave right after to proceed to work. Chaeyoung was the first one to wake up to cook their breakfast and prepare Sunghoon’s things. She insisted since her work was not right after 9AM. She had time to clean the house before she went to work. 


They decided not to have their day off every Sunday and Saturday. They both wanted to spend it for their son. He’s growing up too fast and they wanted to cherish every little moment of opportunity they had. They never want to make him uncomfortable or feel different from what family he had. A simple, yet happy family is what all they need. 


“We missed you, too.” Chaeyoung reached his small hand and gave it a squeeze. “We’re sorry that we only have time every night. You understand, right? That we have to work hard for you.” Sunghoon nodded.


“I understand, Adi. If Mom and you didn’t work, then I don’t know where we will be living right now or afford this food we’re eating right now. I’m thankful that I have parents like you. And I’m lucky to have you both and to be with you.” He smiled. 


Mina giggled, pinching his chubby cheeks. “I don’t know where that came from, but wanted to let you know that we’re happy to have you in our life. And we will do anything for you.” 


“I love you both.”


— (bedtime)---


Mina offered to be the big spoon tonight which Chaeyoung accepted wholeheartedly. Mina was softly caressing her head, her other hand was wrapped around her back and planting a kiss from time to time. 


“Do you already have a plan for his birthday next week?” Chaeyoung asked, her voice muffled as her head was buried on Mina’s neck. Her hot breath makes Mina’s mind go haywire. 


“I thought we planned to have a simple birthday celebration for his birthday? Inviting our friends over here.” 


Chaeyoung shrugged, “Yeah, I just thought you had something else in mind. Like having separate celebrations, just the three of us.” 


Mina hummed, “I agree. Should we go to Busan? Or should we ask him what place he wants to go?” 


Mina felt Chaeyoung nodding against her neck. She rubbed her back and planted a kiss on her forehead. This kind of night is usual for them. They just converse about their son who was really taken after Chaeyoung who was there through her pregnancy period. 


“What are you thinking?” Mina asked when she heard her wife take a deep sigh. It’s a sign Mina is accustomed to when Chaeyoung overthinks too much or there’s something bothering her. 


Chaeyoung took a deep sigh again, alarming Mina. She had to pull away to see her face, Chaeyoung was easy to read because of how expressive her eyes are or maybe because she really knows her wife so well. 


Chaeyoung shook her head back to bury her head against her wife’s neck. It was Mina who sighs, she already knows what she’s thinking at the moment. It has been the issue from the start that it almost, almost made them break apart. 


Her parents. 


“We already talked about this, right?” Mina broke the silence. “It’s been years, Chaeyoung. Should we just…put them all behind?”


Chaeyoung pulled away, eyes staring at her wife. “How can I put them in the past when it always haunts me?” Chaeyoung remembers how guilt slowly ate her up. “You shouldn’t have this kind of life, working hard to earn a lot for us to survive, not here living in a cheap and almost rundown apartment building.” They both sat up, eyes were everywhere but from each other. 


“We nearly gave up taking care of our son. There’s a point in our lives that we didn’t have food to eat for a week and even begged the landlady to give us a time to pay for the rent.” Chaeyoung rocked her hair, fist clenched. “This isn’t the life that you should have. Far away, too far from what your real life is.” 


“But I choose to have this life with you.” Mina grabbed her shoulder to face her. “I promised to love you in poorness and in health.” She cupped her cheek, rubbing her thumb across. “I wouldn’t trade you and our son to anyone else. And I will choose you forever.” She planted a kiss on her forehead. “And I wouldn’t have Sunghoon without you. And will never have an amazing wife in the entire world without you.” 


She wiped the lone tear escaped Chaeyoung’s eyes. “So stop looking at the past because it doesn’t matter to me anymore. I choose to be happy and choosing you will be the best decision I've made. Because look at us now, we have our son who looks almost exactly like me but got his personality from you except for being too introverted.” They both laughed at her remark. “We may live in a cheap apartment, but what’s important is that we’re happy and content with the life that we had.” Mina can’t help but to kiss the birthmark Chaeyoung has, the one under her lips, her mole. “I’m happy to be with you two.” 


“I love you.” Is the only thing Chaeyoung could utter. 


“I love you more.” Mina kissed her. 




“I can’t wait to walk and play with Ray!” 


His two mothers chuckled at how excited about today. They were on their way to the park with Ray at the backseat together with Sunghoon. Ray was just wiggling his tail since they left their apartment. 


“We’ll arrive there in a minute.” Mina who’s sitting on the passenger seat assured his excited son. Sunghoon made a tiny happy sound that made them all laugh. He’s that cute. 


They woke up early to prepare and cook for the food that they will bring for their picnic this afternoon. Chaeyoung was the one who took care of their son. She let him choose his clothes of his choice because he told his Adi that he’s a big boy now. Mina heard it and just laughed because Chaeyoung disagreed and said that he will forever be their baby. And she heard Sunghoon whining, totally disagreeing with his Adi. 


 Mina could only shake her head while laughing silently. 


The ride was filled with Sunghoon’s voice. Blabbering about how excited he is to be outside with them and of course with Ray. As they passed by the intersection, Sunghoon glanced at the big LED screen flashing two people he knew.


“When will I meet your parents, Mommy?” 


The lively atmosphere has now gone. Mina and Chaeyoung could only stare at each other with uncertainty and worry in their eyes. He already met his Adi’s mother and brother and probably will meet them on his birthday next week. But he never met his Mommy’s parents, not once or even a glance at them in person. 


Mina never kept them a secret from him. She tells him about her parents, his grandparents, just shading the part where things started to complicate between her relationship with her parents. She doesn’t want him to hate them, she doesn’t want him to think differently of his grandparents.

Because despite everything they did for her and Chaeyoung, she forgave them already. That’s how much she loves her parents.


The thing is, they might or might not know that she already has a son with Chaeyoung. She had cut communication with them a long time ago. She changed everything that could track them down because she had enough of trying to make them understand that they didn’t own her for her to do things she doesn’t want. 


Her last straw was them suddenly informing her that she will marry the board member’s son. 


“Did they hate me?” Sunghoon glanced at the rear view mirror. He could see the hesitation from his Mommy’s eyes. He sat still, hands unconsciously caressing Ray’s ears. As if Ray sensed the sadness from his owner, he lay his head on his lap. 


“It’s not that they hate you or anything, baby.” Mina turned around and reached for his hand. “Mommy just had a little misunderstanding with your grandparents. And what mommy and your grandparents have nothing to do with you, okay?”


Sunghoon nodded.


“I just..want to meet them.”


“You’ll meet them soon.” 


“Will they be there on my birthday?” Chaeyoung glanced at him, she saw how his eyes spoke so well about his feelings and right now she knows that he’s sad. They easily read him. His eyes are very expressive. Mina says that he got it from her. 


“We..don’t know yet, baby.” Chaeyoung sighed. “The thing is, everything is still complicated between us. So we’re not sure when you will be able to meet them.”




Sunghoon avoided their worried gazes and decided to watch the blurry surrounding as they fast approached the park. He’ll just enjoy being with his parents and worry about his grandparents later. It should be a happy day for them. And so should he. 


“Don’t get too far!” 


Chaeyoung shouted as Sunghoon started to run away from them with Ray running along with him. Chaeyoung looked at her wife who scooted closer and leaned her head on her shoulder. Mina has this satisfied smile on her lips, enough for Chaeyoung to smile as well. 


Not too far from them was Sunghoon who was playing fetch with their dog, Ray. They could hear his faint laugh from their place. Sunghoon has a wide smile painted on his lips, eyes turning into little crescents as Ray runs towards him. His little dimple was showing which reminded Mina of her wife, Chaeyoung.


“He grew up so fast.”


Mina hummed. “We didn’t expect that

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Erika1987 #1
Chapter 20: Mina needs a wake up call
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Chapter 16: Looking forward sa update ng Love team po ❤️
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Chapter 19: Lilac sky next please
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Chapter 18: That hurts
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Chapter 16: Hindi rin talaga nakakatulong kung may pang-asar kang kaibigan. Anyways, hoping for an update soon especially Lilac sky. 💜💜
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Chapter 16: I need an update author-nim 😭😭😭
JackyLambino #8
Chapter 7: okay all of the stories are the best but Nevertheless made me tear up 😭