《 STEP 2 》

How to steal a heart

“Angelique Iglesias, Samuel Garcia, Tell us why should we put you as president for the Foxes of Enozi,” 


“I’ll start obviously.” Angelique cleared before placing her hands on the podium, it might seem that she wasn’t nervous but deep inside she’s having a panic attack.


“It would be nice if a woman would be the president of a team, let’s be honest, Samuel wouldn’t do good…” Angelique started out, reading the script that she had on the paper she had been working on all week.


“Says the one who can’t even multitask and just breaks anything by touching it,” Samuel scoffed, Angelique rolls her eyes in annoyance as she hears Samuel cutting her off.


“As I was saying, I would make sure to have the best players trained, like Aitor, Potro, Danny, our best players, unlike what Samuel would do, he would probably kick them out.” Angelique turned her head over to Samuel with a malicious grin. “As the hypocrite he is.”


“Excuse me? I’m the hypocrite here?” Samuel said in disbelief as he couldn’t believe his ears on what Angelique was saying.


“The biggest hypocrite in this room, we all know, is you! And Ricky would have not ruined the team’s reputation because if you hadn’t slept with him!” Samuel exclaimed, Angelique laughed sarcastically, being even more mad as they mentioned that name.


“What does Ricky have to do with this?!” Angelique questioned, clearly pissed about the argument.


“If you weren’t the hypocrite you don’t claim to be, you wouldn’t have ing betrayed me with Ricky!” Samuel reasoned, it was true but Angelique couldn’t just admit to the truth.


“What did Ricky ever do to you?! The problem in our past relationship was you!” Angelique pointed fingers right back at him, Samuel knew that he always tried in their relationship and it was Angelique who never fixed things between them.


“Really?! If it weren’t that you went over to Ricky and told him our plans for the season we wouldn't be here!” Chaewon shouted back.


“Are they even talking about the presidency?” Danny asked, turning his head over to Victoria who had now turned her head away from the argument that was going on.


“I don’t think so..” Victoria mumbled as a response, the two looked at each other for a while before they broke into laughter as they couldn’t believe that Angelique and Samuel left the topic.


Madison smacks Aitor’s shoulder as she saw him recording the whole argument on his phone, but at the same time she couldn’t help but laugh at him.


“What? It’s good to put it on twitter,” Aitor reasoned, as the shouts from the argument got louder, and at this point the topic of the presidency was way gone.


“I’m sorry but who is the one who cheated on me first?” Angelique asked, referring to the one time Samuel had slept with Potro. “Exactly you!”


“That was a one night stand! I was drunk and it was a dare from ing Danny!” Samuel exclaimed but it seemed like Angelique was hearing excuses over and over again. 


“Angelique! Samuel!” The judge shouted but the two kept arguing, completely ignoring the woman who was just shouting. The situation started to get serious, Danna and Yahir looked over at each other as they were concerned for the two who were getting deep about their relationship.


“You want to know why I broke up with you?” Samuel asked, Angelique’s eyes softened as she stopped screaming at Samuel to hear the truth behind their breakup. Was Samuel never honest about their breakup?


“I broke up with you because I'm tired of you always trying to be the victim and me being manipulated by you!” Samuel shouted once more before a long silence followed right behind. Angelique’s eyes started to form water as she hated every second of this silence.


“You know what.. this.” Samuel said before storming off the stage, the doors shut behind him, echoing the loud noise.


“We’ll take a 10 minute break so everything can cool down.” one of the judges spoke before they all simuntantly stood up and walked out the room.




Natalie sits with her usual group with friends, she takes a glance over at Aitor who was chatting with Victoria about their plans for the next season and when they might get their new shirts.


“You and Potro? I saw you guys sitting together,” Yahir asked, Natalie looked over her shoulder to see Yahir standing there with his usual attire and not the fancy attire.


“It’s a one time thing,”


“Sooner or later you should tell him that you’ve been the girl who has been the one sending the notes,” Yahir said, keeping his voice low  so Potro who was sitting at the table with his friends wouldn't hear.


“..I have to go to my parents house tommorrow,” Natalie remembered, placing her hands on her temples, rubbing them slowly.


“How come?” Yahir asked, it was weird that Natalie would visit her parents as she doesn’t have much of a close connection with her parents after they just left her.


“My parents want me to marry this guy named Diego, he’s apparently spanish so they think it would be nice.” Natalie points out, Yahir furrowed his eyebrow, sitting down right next to Natalie.


“Do you want to?” Yahir asked, Natalie shook her head furiously. Just the thought of her getting married to someone she doesn’t love makes her feel disgusted and frustrated.


“No! My parents said I don’t have to unless I have a boyfriend but..” 


“You could talk to Potro, he could fake date you that one time.” Yahir suggested making Natalie scoff. She can’t just ask someone to fake date her, and especially the person she likes.


“He met you yesterday, you have known him for 3 years now, weirdly you know him more than anyone else,” Yahir points out, looking back at Potro and back at Natalie with a smile. “It would be nice to meet each other more, and remember our guide?”


“Asking small favors and doing them is a way to conquer someone..” They both repeated, both letting out a laugh together. They haven't had time to hang out as they are always busy with their jobs.


“We made that when we were 10,” Natalie chuckled, before Yahir could joke along with the topic they were talking about. 


“Natalie,” A voice called for, Natalie turns her head over to said voice and smiles immediately.


“I was thinking if you could help me with someone after training tomorrow,” Potro asked, Yahir nudged Natalie quickly and Natalie got the message and nodded with a smile.






After minutes of debate, no more arguments or being out of topic. The judges made their decision on who will take control of the Foxes of Enozi.


“After hours of debate on who will take care of the club better, we’ve decided who will want as president,”


“Samuel Garcia, the presidency is yours,” the judge said before they all stood up, packing all their things. Angelique stays in disbelief as she expected to be the one who would win the presidency. 


“What?! That's not fair!” Angelique exclaimed as the judges started leaving out the door. She scoffed as she turned over to Samuel who had his tongue out making her let out a whine.


“You snooze, you lose, Min.” Samuel teased, using the nickname that he used to call Angelique when they started dating.


“Are you really choosing him for the presidency?!” Angelique whined, she turned over back to Samuel who had a dorky smirk on his face as he packed up his things.


She was pissed, maybe even more than pissed. All her hard work for nothing.




Aitor sits in his “bed”, which is a bathtub covered in blankets. Aitor was about to close his eyes when a little ping came out of his phone. Even though he felt lazy to get up and get it, he still got up.


Seeing who it was, he sits up with a grin. He doesn’t care that it’s 12 in the morning and he has training, he is willing to stay up all night for her if needed.




| Are you awake?




| no




| …?




| I’m kidding lol


| Is everything okay?




| Yeah, I just can’t sleep..




| try counting till you fall asleep




| thank you




Madison puts her phone on the nightstand, once again alone in her room, only one presence with her but just in a separate room. She closes her eyes and starts to mumble numbers in order, forgetting all her worries.


And with that working, she falls into a dreamland. 



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1762 streak #1
Chapter 14: bro!!! this is getting interesting!!!
Shiba_Minatozaki #2
Chapter 13: I'll chew u ricky arf arf
1762 streak #3
Chapter 13: aww the first scene was so cute, danny bringing something to lighten her mood!!
1762 streak #4
Chapter 11: oh so that's who ricky is!!
1762 streak #5
Chapter 10: lol the confession center scene ^^ b
Chapter 4: Woah.... I actually find this story intresting😳 I hope you continue writing✊
1762 streak #7
Chapter 9: aww cute!!
1762 streak #8
Chapter 8: who is ricky!!?!?!?! i'm so curious! that or did i'm miss it somewhere... and I have the names down now!!
Shiba_Minatozaki #9
Chapter 8: i live for 2kim dogshow 🌝🔪
Chapter 7: 2kim!! AAAAA!!! 😍😍