Energy Coffee

Energy Coffee

“Thanks Yujin!” Rei raises her hand holding the canned coffee and waves goodbye to her friend Yujin, who luckily gave her(was forced to) an employee’s discount.


Yujin was ending her shift before Rei came in at the last minute and after changing to casual clothes she went beside her friend, “You should drink less coffee, it’s in the middle of the night too.”


“Don’t worry, I will.”


“You said that last night as well.”


“It’s 8pm, I should be fine.” Rei says as she puts the coffee in her bag that only has her tablet and pencil to make notes and most of the time, draw.


“You say it like it’s 8 in the morning.” Yujin opened the door and they both walked out of the convenience store, “Do you have a meal at the dorms?”


Rei stops at her tracks and turns to Yujin with a smile that means something stupid is about to happen.


“Wanna crash at Wonyoung and Jiwon’s?”


If Yujin was not cursing her roommate then she is maximizing it to hell now, “Oh my gosh Naoi Rei, you got all this money to buy coffee and not a meal?!”


Rei already ran off before Yujin could scold her, "Comeon! They're gonna eat up all of their food!"


Yujin reluctantly followed her roommate to their friend's dorm room


Rei barged in with Yujin following behind to the door to Wonyoung and Jiwon's room, making the former jump by surprise.


Looking at Jiwon with eyes of mischief, Rei greeted the two people in the room, "Hey Elizabeth, hi Vicky!"


"Knock on the door, Rei!" Wonyoung shouted since she was in her room fixing her things.


Rei approached Jiwon at the couch and lied down then put her head on the latter's lap, "What do you guys have for dinner tonight?"


Jiwon looked down at Rei, "If I remember, Wonyoung ordered tteokbokki today."


Rei giggled at that, "Always for Yujin huh." Knowing how the two feel for each other and seeing them subtly make moves for each other is amusing and sometimes annoying at the same time, 'Just kiss at this point already!' Rei thought to herself.


"A girl will do what she thinks can make her crush like her." Jiwon said while scrolling at her phone looking for a video to watch before the food arrives.


After a few more minutes of waiting the food finally arrived and they ordered some bubble teas to drink down the taste of the tteokbokki.


"Got another coffee?" Wonyoung asked Rei.


"Nothing new." Rei shrugged, even if the coffee somehow stopped working on her that it does not keep her awake for as long as she would like to, she had to keep trying if it would change.


"Maybe try an energy drink, that could help." Yujin said while eating her tteokbokki since she got an extra two.


"Or just take a nap once in a while, it's not like you needed an 8 hour nap to be really awake last week." Jiwon said.


"Emphasis on last week Jiwon, that was last week, I got lucky to finish my plate earlier than I usually do." Rei took a sip of her bubble tea, "Don't worry, trust me, I'll take a full week's worth of sleep after the midterm is over, you'll think I passed on." Joking on the remark and finishing off her food and her drink was halfway.


Rei looked at the time on her phone and saw it was nearing ten o'clock already and telepathically communicated with Yujin using her eyes, telling her roommate that they should head back.


Yujin as observant as she is, smoothly ends her conversation with Wonyoung then reached in her bag when she remembered something, "Here," she was holding out cup of mint choco ice cream,"y-you said you wanted some earlier a-and I-I picked it up from the store."


Rei mouthed out to Jiwon that she'll be heading back now and thanked her for the meal and left, not waiting for Yujin since she was taking too long with Wonyoung, 'Just take the ice cream.'


Opening the door to a room temperature dorm, Rei breathed out, "Another day has passed," leaning her head back to the couch and putting both hands on her forehead, "I wanna do it again, that time, without Yujin and Wonyoung." Smiling at the possibility of that happening, Rei finished off her bubble tea before heading to her room and doing her routine then calling it a day.


"Wake up!" 'What the?' "Hey!! Wake up!!" Opening her eyes to see the world, Rei saw a girl with very long black hair.


"Morning Hyunseo." Groggily greeting her and Yujin's other roommate, who is also their junior.


"Jiwon-unnie's waiting for you in the living room, she told me you guys were heading to the convenience store before school?"


Rei checked the time and it was 8:30 in the morning then she got out of bed and prepared for the day.


Walking into an empty living room, Rei spoke to her roommate, "You said she was here, where is she?"


Hyunseo looked up, "She must have gone to school already."


Rei pursed her lips and nodded slowly, "Okay, I'll head off now, take care of the dorm."


Before leaving she took her coffee out of the mini fridge.


"And that is what happened last night." Yujin was walking beside Rei and was telling her of the events that happened after Rei left.


"So, you convinced her to go to the movies with you, then what?" Rei already chugged half of her coffee despite only opening it when Yujin was ending her storytelling.


"I panicked and went with it, whatever happens, may happen."


They arrived at the lecture room where thankfully their professor was not yet in the room, then they headed to where Wonyoung and Jiwon were seated.


"I see you slept well."


Rei ran her hand through her hair, "No, I forgot I had a plate to do last night."


Jiwon chuckled at her friend, "You could've called me, I wouldn't mind."


"Don't you have yours to do?"


Jiwon shrugs slightly, eyeing Wonyoung and Yujin who were sitting with each other beside her, "I did have one, but I would've preferred to do it with you since those two were in their own world even when you were there."


Rei's eyes widened for a split second and Jiwon did not notice it, 'Yada yada, why am I feeling doki doki this early?!' shaking her head to escape her thoughts and just decided to focus on the lecture.


Jiwon tapped Rei's shoulder, "Hey Rei, wanna join me at lunch later?"


"Yeah sure, one who arrives late will be the one paying for our meals." Rei showed her mischievous smile.


After 2 hours and 2 classes, lunch finally arrived and Rei was rushing to fix her things to get to the cafeteria as fast as possible since knowing Jiwon, she'll bury her wallet alive before she even eats.


"Bell just rang, I got enough time." Barging out of the lecture room, she made a run for it, almost bumping into everyone she crossed paths with, even Yujin was surprised when the wind gusted her.


"Ya! Kim Rei, slow down, we're in the school!"


"NO TIME SORRY!" Rei shouted loudly since she was a little far away from Yujin at that point.


When she arrived at the cafeteria her eyes immediately scanned for a girl with blonde hair and was relieved Jiwon was not there yet.


Finding a table for the two of them, Rei fixed herself to be presentable even in the line.


Ten minutes had passed before Jiwon arrived at the cafeteria seemingly also did what Rei did and was panting


"Hey Lizzie, you took a while, did you get my food?"


Jiwon pouted before sitting down and leaning her head on Rei's shoulder, "I fell asleep in class, and Wonyoung did not wake me up, next thing I knew it was 10 minutes past the time."


"Get up, we have to fall in line." Rei left her bag but took her phone and wallet to be safe with Jiwon doing the same.


They both get their food after lining up for five minutes then Rei takes something out of her bag, "Here, I thought you were hungry and tired waiting that long for class to end." 


Jiwon looked at Rei's hand and saw a Snicker, 'go away, not now' "You didn't have to Rei, thanks." Taking the snack and putting it aside for dessert later.


They both finished their lunch and Jiwon ate half of her Snicker already before they headed off to finish all their classes for the day.


'If you forget to say goodbye


Before you catch the plane


We'll see the same sky tonight'


"Hey, you hear something?" Rei asked Yujin who was lying down on her own bed.


"You're hearing things now, that's what too much caffeine does to you, Rei." Yujin nonchalantly replied.


"No I'm serious, there's music being played outside."


"Check it, I'm not going out there."


'But the stars are out of place


You'll never know the weight of my heart


You are all this heart of mine


And there you will remain


You'll never know the weight of my decisions


When I leave your smiling face


I'm never gonna leave your life'


Rei was smiling and was leaning on the wall when she heard and saw where the singing was coming from.


*doki doki*


Yujin went out of their room to check what Rei was talking about and when she saw her roommate staring out the living room and following where she was looking, 'Aigoo, Kim Rei, you're hopeless.' then proceeds to go back to their room.


Jiwon was sitting on an office chair when she finished her song and she did not notice that Rei was watching and smiling at her.


"Oh Rei sorry, didn't see you there." Jiwon took off her headphones and went to where Rei was, "Hey, hey, earth to Naoi Rei." Jiwon snapped her fingers and lightly slapped Rei's cheek.


"Oh sorry, when did you get here?" 'how'd I space out?'


"I just got here because Wonyoung asked me to get something from Yujin but Vicky told me she was sleeping so figured I'd wait." Jiwon unconciously tucked her hair behind her ear.


'Why'd she tuck her hair? WHY DID SHE HAVE TO TUCK HER HAIR?!@&$!@$'


Jiwon cleared when she saw Rei spacing out again, "Wanna head out while we wait for Yujin to wake up?"


"Yeah sure."


The two of them are currently in a Ministop with their own things to buy.


"You got another coffee?" Jiwon saw Rei holding two cans of coffee everytime it's a new brand to see if it would make Rei stay awake a little longer.


Rei shrugged and they walked to the cashier, "Out on a little night trip you two?" The cashier said with a teasing tone the two customers looked ahead at the cashier they got wide-eyed when they saw Yujin.


"How the? How'd you get here? I thought you were sleeping?" Jiwon almost shouted before remembering they were in a convenience store.


"There's doors in our room that lead the way out that only I know." Yujin said with confidence.


"Just punch this in." Rei was wearing headphones and was not hearing the conversation between Jiwon and Yujin properly.


"Thank you, come again." Yujin bowed and the two reciprocated.


"Rei-chan!" Jiwon skipped to where Rei was since the latter walked ahead.




"Here." Rei looked down comfusingly at Jiwon's hand holding an energy drink?


"What's this for?"


"Yujin told me you wanted to try an energy drink to see if it would help you out, so, here." Jiwon raised the drink at the level of Rei's chin area smiling with her dimple showing.


"Oh, thanks Jiwon, I forgot I was gonna buy one today." Rei took the drink and put it in the bag containing both of their things.


"Let's go back to the dorms." Jiwon led the way, putting the hood of her hoodie up, then looking back at Rei and smiling widely, looking up slightly to the stars and telepathically speaking to Rei.


Rei followed Jiwon's line of sight and what she saw was beyond incredible, there were shooting stars passing by the sky.


"Hurry make a wish!" Jiwon said.


Rei's orbs made contact with Jiwon's and she thought hard on what to wish for before coming to a choice, 'Alone time.'


Two weeks have passed since Rei started drinking energy drinks and it's been working like a charm, she's been finishing her schoolworks instead of doing just half and finishing it the next day.


Jiwon was writing on her tablet when she heard the door of the lecture room being opened. She looked back and saw Rei slowly and made sure that the professor did not notice her being late.


"Oh wow, you're pretty late, what ha-"


What faced Jiwon was a groggy and drowsy Rei walking to the seat beside her, with eyes threatening to shut down , "Too much energy drink.".


Rei pulled the chair back and put down her cup of coffee she got earlier on the desk and looked at Jiwon who was looking back at her, with dead tired eyes before getting an energy drink from her bag and opening it then pouring it in the cup of coffee, “I’m gonna ing die.” Rei says then proceeds to chug the entire cup.


“What.. happened?”


“Energy coffee happened.” Rei said, not giving a care to the world then putting her head on the table.


“Wha-what did energy drink do?”


“I drank it, next thing I know, I was still awake at 4am.”


“At least it worked, right?” Jiwon faced back to her tablet.


“I wish it didn’t work THIS much.” Rei ran her hand through her hair and released a sigh, “Just wish that the midterms come quicker so I can get a lot of rest right after.”


“You’ll get your rest Rei, I can join if you’d want.” Jiwon smiled.


“I’d like that.” Rei smiled before dozing off and Jiwon brought out her phone and took a picture of the sleeping Rei and set it as a lockscreen.


'It's lunch time, why is she still not here yet?' Jiwon was constantly looking at her watch and her phone checking the time because she has not seen Rei at least once today and it's scaring her.


"Mind if we join you?" Wonyoung asked, Yujin was ordering food.


Jiwon looked at her friend, "Sure, some company won't hurt."


Yujin arrived with her and Wonyoung's food and offered Jiwon some as well but the girl was hesitant, "Oh come on, take it." Yujin got a plate and put the food in front of Jiwon leaving her with no choice.


"Yujin, have you seen Rei?" Jiwon asked worriedly.


"Why? You miss her already?" Jiwon was flushed with Yujin's question.


"Wha-what? I-it's just weird that she isn't here." 'Why am I stuttering?!'


"Well, she did not wake up when I tried to wake her up, as usual and Hyunseo told me she wouldn't wake up either when she tried to." Yujin talked with food in .


'Huh, whatever happened to her?' Jiwon thought.


"You wanna head over there later?" Yujin leaned to Jiwon's ear, "Please go there, today's my movie date with Wonyoung and Hyunseo's got after school activities." 


Jiwon stared at Yujin weirdly, "You tell me you asked her two weeks early?"




"Ok sure, hope you take until tomorrow." Jiwon whispered the last part.


"Sorry, what?"


"What?" They both stared at each other before getting back to eat their food.


*Knock knock*


"Rei? Are you in there?" Hearing no response Jiwon went in the dorm, seeing the lights were off, even the bathroom light was on she slowly made her way to Rei's room, since the door was slightly open, she went in.


"Rei?" Jiwon called out with her voice down.


What greeted her was a big bump on the bed covered with a comforter and surrounded by pillows that may have been a mix of Yujin's and Rei's, also maybe even Hyunseo's pillows.


She made her way to the side of the bed and saw Rei sleeping and a little unwell, Jiwon put the back of her hand on Rei's forehead and neck, "Oh my, you're unusually hot." She got up and went out of the room.


Jiwon went back to her and Wonyoung's dorm to get medicine since she had no idea where the others keep theirs and returned back to Rei's room with a glass of water and the medicine.


Jiwon sat back down on the side of the bed, "Rei, wake up, take your medicine." She said softly.


Rei slowly opened her eyes and she was surprised for a split second, seeing as she did not expect anyone to come by since Yujin has her thing with Wonyoung and Hyunseo has her activities.


"Hey, what are you doing here?" Rei sat up and did not forget to smile.


"Well, you weren't in school the whole day and I asked Yujin where you were and I thought of going here to check if you're okay."


'I love you marry me now.' Rei said in her web of thoughts.


Rei gulped lightly, "Um... uh… you shouldn't have bothered, I'm just having a light fever that's all, yeah, that's *cough* all."


Jiwon giggled, "Well, that cough says otherwise." Jiwon opened the medicine and brought it up to Rei, "Here take this first and have a rest."


"You don't have to I can take care of mys-"


"Ain't taking no for an answer Naoi Rei."


Rei just took the medicine and drank it down with the water, not wanting to argue with Jiwon in her state.


"Lie down, take a rest, I'll do your schoolwork for you."


When Rei lied down and got tucked in by Jiwon, the latter stood up, not until a hand grabbed her wrist, "Don't leave, please?" Rei pleaded with need.


Jiwon looked down at Rei, 'AAHH YOU'RE SO CUTE RIGHT NOW!' "Okay, I'll stay." Jiwon sat down on the bed this time beside Rei, letting the girl use her arm as a headrest.


What surprised Jiwon was when Rei suddenly hugged and snuggled close to her, "This is more comfortable." Rei said with a smile.


Jiwon returned the hug shortly after.


"Jiwon?" Rei called out to her companion.


"What is it Rei?"


Rei was thinking of what words to say, taking her time so she does not blow this chance when she finally got her alone time with Jiwon.


Rei released a sigh before settling on a simple one.


"I like you."


Jiwon smiled so brightly that it can light up the room and her dimple showed and she can create another one with how big her smile is, trying to contain your heart that's beating uncontrollably sure is hard as they say.






"I like you too." Jiwon hugged Rei closer to her and the other girl was not minding it, as long as she was being hugged by the girl she likes.


"I guess that energy coffee yesterday had it's effect on you huh?" Jiwon is ruffling Rei's hair.


"Thanks for dropping by." Rei said before dozing off in Jiwon's arms.


Jiwon was smiling at her friend, are they still friends though? 'Meh, we'll figure it out.'


"I'll always drop by, Rei."



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