The Journalist (1/2)

The Untold Memoir

When I first heard about the monster, spring had just arrived in London. Many supernatural tabloids have reported a sighting of a hideous monster that looks like a grown man with patched skin and a metal screw stuck in its head. Rumor has it that the monster appeared out of the thin air to kill the enemies of its creator— Victor Frankenstein. From what I gathered, Lord Frankenstein was accused of murdering his father and got caught. Then, the monster showed up at the manor and threatened the people responsible for hurting its master— Lord Frankenstein's half-brother and servants who received a bribe to lie to the police. After getting brutally hurt by the monster, the criminals confessed their crime to the authority and turned themselves in. At the same time, the monster helped its master escape from prison and kidnapped a woman to shield themselves from the authorities chasing after them. In the end, they managed to get away while the unlucky woman was killed.


Something about the story doesn't add up.


That's my first impression after finishing the tabloids. The monster only wanted to rescue its master who was accused of a crime he didn't commit. It didn't kill the criminals so it wasn't entirely evil. However, it kidnapped an innocent woman while trying to run away and killed her? That sounds unreasonable! Why did they waste time capturing and killing a hostage? Isn't it better to not draw attention to you when you are on a run? Most importantly, Lord Frankenstein was innocent, why would the authorities still chase after him and the monster, prompting them to run away? My hunch as a journalist tells me that there is something more to this story than meets the eye. Fortunately, I have a reliable source to look further into the story— my lovely elder sister who got married to a German gentleman and lives in Berlin where the story took place. I write a letter to her inquiring about the event and her reply is beyond astonishing.



Dear my beloved brother, Martin,


I see that the news has reached people outside of Berlin. As usual, your journalist's hunch is as impressive as ever. You are most definitely correct about your assumption, or rather, the truth. The so-called monster that the people loathe is actually an unfortunate victim of this cruel world. The tabloids are nothing but gibberish pieces of misleading information. Allow me to shed some light for you, dearest brother.


Indeed, the lord of the Frankenstein Household was accused of murdering his father. The evidence and the witnesses all pointed at him but I'd like to inform you that most people suspected the youngest son more. Igor, the illegitimate son, is an ill-character man; a notorious gambler and skirt chaser. Lord Victor, on the other hand, despite his cold demeanor, is a just person. He annually donates his fortune to our humble orphanage despite his absence. So, I did not feel even the slightest surprised when the truth is revealed that Igor was the true murder. However, he and those unfaithful servants did not get cruelly hurt as the tabloids exaggerated (unless you count a few bruises and lost teeth as cruelly hurt). The unfortunate being just wanted to save Lord Victor and it did not cross the line. Personally, I think they deserve it.


The being and Lord Victor most definitely did not kidnap anyone! What an outrageous rumor! The woman in the rumor is actually Lord Victor's fiancee and childhood friend, Jessica. I reckon that you remember her? She is my first friend in Berlin whom I often wrote about in my letters. Dearest Jessica, as kind as ever, offered shelter to the two poor souls while the authority hunted them down. The frightened people wanted the being to be killed so a search party was formed. My beloved Ludwig was also a part of it despite his reluctance. He, too, believed that the being was innocent so he informed me in advance about the hunt. I hurried to inform Jessica so she took Lord Victor and the being and ran away. Unfortunately, Jessica got caught in the crossfire and passed away. I cried for several nights when Ludwig brought me the news. It pains me greatly to bid farewell to my most beloved friend but I want to believe that she passed away without any regrets, because the being and Lord Victor managed to escape in the end.


If you plan to pursue the truth, which you most definitely would, knowing you, your best bet is Denmark. According to Ludwig, both of them were last seen crossing a border to the north.


No matter what your choice is, I wish you the best of luck.



Your sister, Margaret.



Interesting, very interesting! As I expected, there is more to the story than meets the eye! From my sister's letter, it does sound like the monster might turn out to be an innocent being. As a journalist, it's my mission to uncover the truth no matter how bizarre it is. So, I start by digging up Victor Frankenstein's past. Apparently, he has several degrees in the medical and scientific field. Could it be that he did create the creature? Why? Where? How? Moreover, it seems like Mister Victor disappeared without a trace for about ten years after the death of his mother. Did he spend those times researching and creating the creature? What does it look like? Does it have a mind of its own? The more I dig, the more questions I have. Eventually, I decide to get to the bottom of this mystery.



I pack my bag and hop on the first ship to Denmark.




Unsurprisingly, finding two unidentified persons in a vast county is almost impossible, just almost, because I utilize my journalism skills and deduce my targets' route: they are on a run and they can't risk being seen. So, it's only reasonable that they would avoid big cities— countryside, they must be in some countryside! With that speculation, I check tabloids and gossips from the countryside. My Danish might not be the best but it's enough to get me to a new lead. I found an interesting rumor that Jötun, a small viking village up north, recently took in two strangers after finding them one morning after a snowstorm. That sounds like my target! I believe in my journalist's hunch and head to the village.





By the time I arrive at Jötun, spring has almost passed and summer is approaching. I follow a dirt road that leads to the village, b with excitement. I'm about to find out the truth! The scoop of this story will definitely make it to the front page!


An arrow suddenly lands in front of me.


What the!!? I jump in surprise and look around. Then, I see a bear, no, a man, but with his build as large and as imposing as an adult brown bear. He is carrying a crossbow while observing me from a hill above the road. His braided beard and fur clothes reveal his identity as one of the villagers, and his silver horned helmet reveals his status as the chieftain.


"Hello, are you perhaps the village chief of Jötun?"

"Who are yer? What 's yer purpose of coming here?"

"My name is Martin Shelley. I'm a journalist from London. Is it true that you rescued two strangers from a snowstorm? May I see them and have an interview—"


I jump again and yelp when another arrow lands right next to my foot. The viking man looks at me with a furious gaze while aiming the crossbow at my head.


"Go back to where yer came from! Yer not welcome here!"

"Alright, alright! I'm leaving!"


Of course, it's a lie. I'm this close to discovering the truth so I'll never turn back! I pretend to leave but actually hide under a ledge. I wait until the scary viking disappears and sneakily make my way to the hill. Then, I follow the village chief's footsteps into a forest. There might be a shortcut leading to the village! Well, I thought so, until I couldn't find the footsteps anymore and got lost in the forest… Just my luck! I mourn my misfortune as I walk past the same pine tree for the twelveth or so time. As if my luck isn't bad enough, I just have to encounter a bear, a real one this time. The big brown bear growls at me and I can only stand still, frozen in fear. Someone! Help me!


"Don't turn your back on her or look in the eyes. Keep your arms by your side and, very slowly, back away."


An unfamiliar voice came up far behind me. I do as they told and carefully step back until the bear stops growling. Once I'm far enough away, I see two bear cubs popping out of a bush behind the brown bear. The mother bear glances at me one last time before walking away with her cubs and I sigh in relief. I'm not dead yet!


"See? She meant no harm. You probably got too close to her cubs."

"I guess so. Phew! Thank you for sa—"


I'm too shocked to say anything seeing my savior. A black-haired man with skin as pale as snow and dull black eyes. However, the disturbing parts of the stranger is the way his limbs and skin are sewn together by black threads like a broken doll, and a metal screw that pierces through his head and comes out on the other side. The monster!


"You! The monster!"


As soon as it heard my word, the monster's eyes widened. It even looks hurt so I feel slightly guilty for my choice of words. Before either of us says anything, another person shows up behind the monster.


"Yesung! Are you alright!!?"

"Kyuhyun? Yes, I'm fine. What are you doing here?"

"I heard from Gustav that there's a suspicious person wandering around here, so I got worried and followed you."


The newcomer sighs after he is done checking on the monster. Then, to my absolute shock, he kisses the monster! The way he gently cradles the monster's face and tastes its lips makes me feel slightly discomforted yet curious at the same time. This man is no doubt Victor Frankenstein, the creator of the monster. However, the way he looks at it and caresses its cheeks seems too intimate to be just a master-servant relationship. Actually, it seems almost as if…


"Are you two perhaps in a relationship?"

"What the hell!! Who are you!!?"


Mister Victor who just noticed my presence quickly shoves the monster behind him. His hostile brown eyes glare at me so sharply that I actually feel like I got stabbed by a dagger. I show my palms to him as a sign that I mean no harm and introduce myself.


"Hello, you must be Lord Victor Frankenstein and that's your creation behind you, right? My name is Martin Shelley, a journalist from London. I'd like to interview you two, especially the mons—"


I literally see stars when Mister Victor suddenly punches me. Ah! My nose is bleeding! I scream inwardly while falling on my to the ground. Mister Victor who looks extremely furious stares at me coldly.


"You're no different from those scums who hurt Yesung, always seeing the world at face value. Get lost! I'll never allow trash like you to come closer to my dear partner! Yesung, let's go."

"Kyuhyun, wait!"


The raging Mister Victor grasps the monster's hand and tries to walk away, but the monster stops him. It turns back to look at me and I'm surprised to see genuine concern in its black eyes.


"We can't leave him here, right? The sun almost sets and the wolves will be on a hunt soon. We have to take him back to the village with us."

"What? Yesung, you're joking, right?"

"I'm being serious. Kyuhyun, please, we can't leave a defenseless man alone in a forest full of apex predators."



Mister Victor glances at me without hiding his distrust towards me. The monster smiles and takes its master's hand, before resting it on its cheek.


"We're not alone now, are we? I have you. You have me. We have everyone in the village. I want to believe that he's a good person. Will you place your trust in me?"

"...You know that I'll never doubt your judgment."


Mister Victor sighs but a fond smile is stuck on his lips. He caresses the monster's face and pecks its forehead, before turning to me with a glare.


"Give me your luggage. I'll make sure that you don't have any ill hidden agenda before taking you with us."


Sure, I shrug and hand my luggage to him. I only have money, a few clothes, a bunch of paper, a few bottles of ink, and a quill anyway. After inspecting my belongings, Mister Victor returns it to me and walks away while holding the monster's hand. I quickly follow them and observe their body language. No matter how I look at them, they are no doubt a couple who are deeply in love with each other. I'm certain that I've never seen any couples looking at their beloved as affectionately as these two. But, can a monster fall in love? Does it even understand what love is? Although it makes sense now, the reason why the monster was so desperate to save Mister Victor. It's not because he's its master but a lover. If the two are genuinely in love then it's all more interesting!



A forbidden love between a human and a monster… who wouldn't want to read an article about it?





I follow the couple back to the village and I'm immediately welcomed by hostility from the villagers. The chieftain Gustav even points his battle axe at me while demanding an explanation for my presence at the village. Some villagers also join their leader and vote to kick me out. To my surprise, yet again, it's the monster who steps forward to defend me, followed by the reluctant Mister Victor. When they see that the monster is the one who takes me here, they all begrudgingly agree to let me stay for the time being (although I got threatened by hostile gazes from everyone). This interaction really piqued my curiosity. I can understand Mister Victor being protective of his creation and lover, but the villagers who are an outsider? They act as if the monster is one of them and they seem to be very fond of it. Interesting. So, the monster is loved by all here? I can't help but think of my sister's letter. She said that the monster is an unfortunate victim of the cruel world. If she was right and the monster was merely misunderstood…



This mystery just got better and better!




The monster continues to surprise me by kindly offering me to stay at its house after no one wants to take me in. I happily accept the goodwill even though Mister Victor is glaring at me from across the room. What a jealous and possessive lover! I barely show my interest in his lover, well, not that kind of interest anyway, yet he already threatens to slice me into pieces through his gaze? What does "are you sure that you don't want to sleep peacefully at night?" even mean and should I be concerned? I keep asking myself while answering even more questions from the excited monster. It wants to know about my career as a journalist and I indulge it. After all, I have to interview it so I'd better establish a good relationship with it. I keep telling my stories, how I travel to places after places, to the monster that listens to me attentively with shining eyes; though I understand why it is full of curiosity. The monster is, well, a monster, so it probably never goes to other places. When the night falls, Mister Victor has to personally put an end to our conversation by carrying his monster lover to the bed. As for me, I wisely retire to my corner— the clinic room's cold floor. At least the monster is kind enough to provide blankets for me… I use my bag as a pillow and close my eyes.




"K-Kyuhyun, what if Martin heard us?"

"Then, it's his fault for insisting on staying here with us, even though I already warned him."

"But this is embarrassing... Ngh!"

"Our bodies are bound by love. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Yesung."


...I woke up in the middle of the night after hearing a strange whispering. At first, I thought I'm imagining it but when I listened carefully, I could actually hear the sound of breathy and teasing chuckling. My face immediately burned at the conclusion of the sound. Oh my God! Mister Victor and the monster are having ual ! So that's the meaning behind Mister Victor's threat! No! I'm not a ert so I won't eavesdrop on their private moments! I spring up from the bedroll and scramble out of the hut through a backdoor. The moon is shining brightly in the sky but here I am, standing like a fool wondering where I can take shelter for the night…


"What are yer doing here in the middle of the night?"


I jump and turn around to find the chieftain glaring at me. He is carrying a lamp so he's probably on a night patrol. I stutter to tell the Viking man what I happened to hear and the large-built man laughs at my misery quite gleefully. Nevertheless, he is kind enough to take me to his hut so that I have a place to rest tonight. I'm about to settle down on the floor (again) but Mister Gustav suddenly strikes a conversation.


"Yer said that yer here to interview. Why? Why choose Victor and Yer-Song?"

"Undercover a mystery is my life's goal as a journalist. Plus, one of my sources told me that the so-called monster might turn out to be an innocent victim so I got even more curious about this case!"

"At least yer source 's reliable. However, can yer truly call yerself a journalist?"

"Excuse me?"

"I said, how can yer be a journalist when yer 've already judged the story before hearing the whole thing?"

"But I didn't—"


I shut up. Ever since I first looked into this case, I've always called the being a "monster", verbally and mentally. I also made many rude and unprofessional comments regarding the being simply because I subconsciously referred to it as the monster. I never called the being with its name… Yesung, that's the being's name, not the monster. Christ! To think that I'm so proud of my career... I'm the worst! Realizing my grave mistake, I immediately apologize to the wise chieftain but he brushes it off, saying that the one I should apologize to isn't him but Mister Yesung and Mister Victor.


"I'll definitely apologize to them! Well, maybe tomorrow…"

"Make it afternoon then, lad! I can tell yer that they won't show up in the morning."


Oh. I cough awkwardly and nod, and head to sleep while the couple's whispering echoes in my mind. So, not only are they genuinely in love with each other, but they have also engaged in ual . Blasphemy. If it's someone else, they'll definitely reach this conclusion. However, as a journalist, I'm willing to be open-minded and broaden my horizon. I'm willing to listen and record their stories without my personal judgement.



And I'll start it by treating Mister Yesung as an equal individual!




The next day, as soon as the couple is able to leave their abode, I immediately apologize to both of them for being rude. Yesung, as usual, smiles and says that he doesn't mind it, that he knows I didn't mean it. How could I even call him a monster? He is a saint! As for Mister Victor, my jaw practically drops when he easily accepts my apology and treats me better after that. He still glares daggers at me if I'm too close to Yesung, but at least he's no longer suspicious of me. I also notice that the villagers treat me better too. It always amazes me how much everyone dotes on Yesung. Well, I started to understand them when I got to know Yesung more. I started interviewing Yesung one week after I arrived at the village. I plan to interview Mister Victor later and rewrite the story in chronological order in the end. Yesung's stories literally bring me to tears. This person has been through so much yet the light in his eyes is still so radiant. He always looks at the bright side and believes in the good of people. I'm so excited to work on the memoir and reveal the truth to the world!



However, something that is more exciting than the interview is about to happen soon— Mister Victor and Yesung's wedding!





"Why are you allowed to see Yesung but not me? His groom?"

"It's exactly because you're his groom! If a groom and a bride meet before the wedding, misfortune will befall them! Plus, I'm a journalist so it's my duty to properly record everything."

"Calm down, lad, yer about to meet him soon."

"It's too slow for my liking. I want to see Yesung now... Hey, Gustav, can we skip the ceremony and just go straight to the feast?"

"No! The ceremony 's important! Yer can't skip it!"



I can't help but laugh at Mister Victor and Mister Gustav's conversation. I've seen a fair share of grooms who want to meet his bride but none of them are as impatient as Mister Victor! Or he's just nervous. It's their wedding, after all, an important ceremony that will officially bind them as life partners. On one breezy Friday morning in summer, the wedding between Mister Victor and Yesung is held at a vast, lush green grassland. As a journalist, I'm allowed to see both parties to accurately record the event for the memoir. I chose to see the groom first because it probably doesn't take long to interview a man whose heart isn't with himself at all. As I expected, no matter what I ask, Mister Victor just answers with "I miss Yesung'' and "I want to see Yesung soon" so there is nothing much to interview. I put away my paper and quill while the groom paces impatiently and the chieftain sighs for the nth time. Today, Mister Victor looks more dashing than ever in a traditional Viking warrior garb that used to belong to Mister Gustav's son. He's carrying a dagger by his waist, a gift from the chieftain that also belongs to the chieftain's deceased son. According to the local tradition, the groom and the bride have to exchange swords in the ceremony to symbolize their promise to protect each other. However, it's changed to a dagger because a sword is too heavy for the couple. I've heard about a Viking wedding before but it's my first time witnessing it, so I'm very excited!


"Gustav, can I—"


"I haven't said anything yet…"

"Mister Victor, if I may, why are you so impatient to meet Yesung? It's only an hour or so of waiting."

"You don't understand me. Ever since our reunion, this is the first time we've been apart for more than one hour!"


I really want to laugh at how lovestruck Mister Victor is but I can't bring myself to. Although I've only started interviewing Mister Victor not long ago, I've learned enough from Yesung's side to know that the couple fears separation more than anything which is completely justified, judging from what they've been through. I watch the groom continue pacing around the tent in sympathy. Everyone can tell how much Mister Victor loves and cares for Yesung, so it's only natural that he can't bear to be away from his beloved one. Eventually, Mister Victor stops and turns to me.


"That's it. Martin, when you see Yesung, can you tell him that I miss him?"

"I'm about to see him but I'm afraid that I can't relay your message."

"Why? It's not that hard!"

"Indeed, it's not. However, I think Yesung will be happier hearing those words from you, am I right?"


I laugh at Mister Victor's reddened face and quickly leave the tent before he throws his infamous glare at me. Even after exiting the tent, I still can't stop laughing. I actually laugh louder when I hear Mister Gustav laughing and the groom cursing. I understand now! The reason why Mister Gustav likes to tease Mister Victor so much, especially when it comes to his precious lover!




I step into a bride tent, thinking that it should be less hectic than the groom, but I'm completely wrong.


"Where's the powder!"

"Give me charcoal."

"Should we add some color on his lips?"

"I think he looks fine already."

"Don't forget the crown!"


Many middle-aged women walk around in the tent fetching this and that, while the star of the event, Yesung, is sitting nervously in the middle of the whirlwind. Upon meeting my gaze, Yesung smiles and immediately calls me.


"Martin! You're finally here! How was Kyuhyun?"

"Couldn't sit still. He was practically a trapped rabbit pacing here and there while complaining that he wants to meet you."


The elder ladies suddenly coo in unison and take turns petting the bride's raven hair, before one of them hurries to fix it and places a crown on his head. As for Yesung, the man blushes brightly and casts his eyes down. Confused, I ask one of the ladies and she tells me that Yesung was no different from Kyuhyun— glancing at the tent flaps from time to time and murmuring that he missed his lover. Smirking, I can't help but tease the flustered bride too.


"Yesung, I didn't know that you're as head over heels as your lover!"

"I can't help it… I used to be separated from Kyuhyun and I hated every second of that. I don't want to be away from him ever again…"


This time, a collective "Aww" deafens the tent. After knowing about their stories, no one would have the heart to blame them for their clinginess. I smile and assure Yesung that they have nothing to worry about and that the wedding will proceed smoothly. To help ease the bride's anxiety and keep him still for the ladies, I avert his attention while striking a conversation. I point at the silver crown adorned with vines and colorful wildflowers that Yesung is wearing and smile.


"That's a beautiful crown."

"It's a bridal crown! It used to be Lady Freya's inheritance but Chief Gustav gave it to me as a wedding gift, along with the dagger for the ceremony."

"So, you got Lady Freya's dagger while Mister Victor got the chief's son's?"

"Yes. Chief Gustav said that he sees us as his children so he wants to pass down the items to us since he has no heir."

"See? Yesung, you're loved and treasured here. You're one of them. So, you don't have anything to worry about."

"I know and it makes me really happy! Though I'm still ner— cough!"

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! I guess I talk too much!"


Yesung smiles sheepishly at me and I agree with him. We did talk quite a lot. I ended the conversation at the same time the ladies finished dressing up the bride. Yesung also wears a traditional warrior garb similar to Mister Victor's outfit but his is more graceful. In addition to trousers, there is an extra skirt-like piece of clothing cut open at the front adorning the waist part. The cascading fabric is painted in the colors of nature, starting with earthy brown at the waist and gradually changing into a sunset orange color at the tail. Yesung looks just like a goddess!


"You really look great, Yesung!"

"Great? Why did everyone use this word? I thought you'd call me beautiful or gorgeous like what Kyuhyun usually does."

"Isn't it obvious? Those words are reserved to your groom only!"


We all laugh at the blushing bride. This couple is really fun to tease! I'm about to more but the sound of a blowing horn interrupts me. It's time for the wedding. I smile one last time to comfort the nervous bride and leave, ready to witness the historical moment with my own eyes.





I stand among the villagers with a huge grin on my face, just like everyone else presenting at the moment. Mister Victor and Mister Gustav stand a bit farther away in front of us. The groom looks slightly nervous though he tries to hide it, while the chieftain is watching over the younger man with a proud smile. The blowing horn rings up and we all stop chatting to welcome the bride. Soon, Yesung who is accompanied by granny— the oldest woman in the village— slowly walks towards them with a nervous but happy smile. I join the villagers in clapping my hands and cheering for the bride who shines brighter than ever. Yesung's radiant smile perfectly matches the bridal crown that reflects the summer sun and sparkles like a lake surface. Granny sends Yesung off at the ceremony ground and gives his hand to Mister Victor whose affectionate gaze has locked on his bride since the first sight. Yesung returns a soft smile and comes to stand in front of his groom. Then, the couple turns to look at Mister Gustav.


The chieftain starts the ceremony by praising the grace of Gods and Goddesses for blessing them, as well as asking for their protection for the groom and bride. After that, Mister Victor and Yesung repeat after Mister Victor, before bowing their heads to receive a blessing from the village chief. Mister Gustav grins widely and wishes the couple eternal happiness. Then, to both men's surprise, the chieftain also announces that both of them are now officially one of them, followed by the villagers' loud cheer. The older man hugs Yesung and lightly slaps his back, but intentionally ruins Mister Victor's hair by ruffling his head, earning a laugh from everyone except the groom who grumbles with an annoyed look; though the corner of his lips is rising. Smiling blindingly, Mister Victor and Yesung sincerely thank everyone and they continue with the wedding ceremony. Mister Gustav has the groom and bride make an oath to protect and stay by each other's side until the end of time. Then, it's time for the daggers exchange ceremony.


"Kyuhyun, thank you for teaching me about life. Sometimes it's beautiful but sometimes it's surprisingly cruel. However, I still want to be with you and be your strength. I love you."

"I owe you for returning the light to my dark world. Yesung, I love you. I promise to protect you and stand by your side even if the entire world is against us."


After making the oath, the couple exchanges the dagger and hangs it by their waist. Then, granny carries a cushion with two rings resting on it and presents it to the groom and bride. Mister Victor picks one of the rings and puts it on his lover's left ring finger. Yesung soon follows suit and puts on the ring for his life partner. Their genuine smiles perfectly mirror each other.


"Did yer know? I made those rings! Seeing them wearing my craftwork… so happy… sniff!"

"They really look happy, right?"


I smile along with the male Viking with a peg leg who is a blacksmith. Despite his scary look and messy beard, the large-built man is crying like a child. Though he isn't the only one who cries. Many villagers also tear up as they watch the couple exchanging daggers and rings. Even I myself also tear up too. After that, Mister Gustav ties the groom and bride's clasped left hands together with red cord yarn, symbolizing their marriage as bound by love, not force. The chieftain grasps the newlywed's bound hands and looks both of them in the eyes.


"Until death do yer two part."


Mister Victor and Yesung smile at each other and press their foreheads together.


""Until death do us part.""


The village chief then steps back to give room to the newlywed. Mister Victor kisses his bride who happily closes his eyes and returns it. Suddenly, Yesung yelps when his groom carries him up by his waist in his arm and spins them around, their bound hands clasping closely. They laugh joyfully as the summer sun shines on them as if the Gods and Goddesses have personally blessed their marriage; all the while the chieftain and villagers are either cheering or crying in happiness. After a moment, Mister Victor puts Yesung back on his feet and kisses him again. This time, the newlywed prolongs the kiss as if they never want to let their beloved spouse go, and everyone encourages them by cheering and clapping louder.



As for me, I'm busy crying along with the blacksmith who is now bawling his eyes out.





After the sacred and full-of-happiness wedding ceremony has ended, it's time for a celebration. Everyone in the village takes part in preparing for the feast. There are so many good-looking foods, beverages, and desserts on the long tables that I feel full just looking at it. The star of the event, the newlywed, sits in the middle of the long table surrounded by smiling people who take turns to congratulate them. I sit opposite them beside the chieftain who watches over the couple with a fatherly smile. I realize that this man was the one who found the two men in the snow and decided to take them back here, ultimately saving and changing their lives. That's right! I should include a third person's point of view in the memoir too, so that the story will be more convincing. Maybe I should interview everyone else too but let's start with the village chief first!


"Mister Gustav, can I interview you for the memoir too? I'm curious about your side of the story."

"Are yer sure? I'm just a boring old man."

"No, you're not! You play an important part in their lives so your input is essential."

"If yer say so. Very well, it started one morning after a snowstorm…"


While everyone else is eating and drinking joyfully, I listen attentively to the other side of Mister Victor and Yesung's stories that makes me better see the full picture; especially during the time when both of them were grief-stricken. I tear up a bit listening to Mister Gustav who takes a gulp of mead every once in a while. The wise chieftain's way of storytelling is different from the newlywed. Yesung tells the story while wearing his heart on his sleeve. Mister Victor's expression rarely changes but his gaze constantly wavers in various emotions. Mister Gustav, on the other hand, is very calm, concise, and comprehensive, as expected of a man who has seen a lot of the world. I'm so focused on taking notes of the chieftain's words that I don't realize the dance celebration has started. It's only when Mister Gustav grabs my shoulder that my ears register the sound of joyful music in the wind.


"We 'd stop for today, lad."

"What? But I'm not done yet!"

"If yer a true journalist, don't yer think tis the time to capture the moment with yer own eyes rather than staring at the paper?"


I look up and see the newlywed dancing together with a bright smile among the villagers. Even the usually aloof Mister Victor is also smiling with both his lips and eyes. His spouse Yesung is practically beaming brighter than the sun. I smile unconsciously while watching them. What mad scientist and monster? I only see two men who are genuinely in love with each other! I become even more determined to prove that the rumor is ridiculous while watching the couple. My gaze meets Yesung and he smiles at me, waving happily. The bride approaches me while dragging his groom along.


"Martin, do you want to join us?"

"Join? Do you mean dancing?"

"Yes! Let's celebrate it together, the three of us."


I glance at the brown-haired man hesitantly and carefully inquire him.


"Mister Victor…?"

"Come with us. You're our friends now so you've every right to celebrate with us."

"I'm your friend…?"

"Yes, and stop calling me mister. Both of us are in our mid-thirties so there's no need to be so formal."

"Yes! I want to dance with you two!"

"Then, let's go— cough!"


Yesung suddenly coughs and immediately catches his groom's attention. Victor holds a glass of water for his lover and rubs his back soothingly while Yesung slowly takes a sip of the water; all the while I'm watching them in worry. Then, the bride looks up at his groom and smiles sheepishly.


"Sorry… I got too excited."

"Are you sure? Yesung, we can take a break if you want."

"I'm fine. Kyuhyun, I don't want to stop yet! I have so much fun with you and everyone. Can we keep going?"

"You know very well that I can't turn you down, right?"


Yesung's smile shows a hint of mischief as Victor shakes his head, but the taller man is smiling too. Watching the couple makes me feel really happy to be a part of their story, and I truly wish to share it with the world. The groom and the bride exchange a short kiss before turning to me. Both of them offer a hand for me and smile.


"Martin, let's go! The music is calling us!"

"You might be my friend but I won't let you off the hook if you act inappropriately with my spouse."

"Seriously? Victor! You're married to Yesung now but you're still like this!!?"

"I can't help it. My dear Yesung is so gorgeous that I easily get jealous."

"Oh, Kyuhyun, don't tease me!"


Yesung giggles and playfully hits his groom's shoulder who smirks in return. I snort at their antics and place my hands on their waiting palms. Then, I follow the newlywed to the center of the dancing crowd who loudly cheers for us. With our hands connected, we jump and spin in circles while laughing at each other because none of us really follows the rhythm. But we don't care about it. What matters to us is that we are happy at the moment.


"I wish time could stop here…"


Yesung suddenly spoke up. His voice was barely above a whisper. Victor smiles and kisses his bride's hand to bring a smile back on the black-haired man's face. I also pat Yesung's shoulder and tell him that what awaits them in the future will be nothing but sunshine. With our combined effort, Yesung is able to smile again and we continue to let our bodies be guided by the lively music and atmosphere.



Little did we know, there is another reason behind Yesung's sudden wish that neither of us foresees it at that time.




Author's note:

Sorry for the late update T_T The last chapter is 14k words so it takes me forever to edit it...  I divided it into 2 parts so that it wouldn't be too tedious to read.

In this chapter, a new character who is the final main character is introduced! Through his eyes, we'll see how our married couple's relationship fully blossoms beautifully. The story is also heading towards the conclusion so I hope you'll follow Yesung and Kyuhyun's journey until the end!


Note 1: If you want to know what Gustav looks like, he is inspired by Stoick (Hiccup's father from How to Train Your Dragon)  xD

Note 2: The kyusung wedding is legit traditional Viking wedding (from what I researched anyway)~ Though I mix and rearrange some parts to my liking.

Note 3: Next week I'll post both the last part (the end) and the epilogue at the same time so be sure to check before reading so you won't get accidentally spoiled~


Take care and love you <3

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The Untold Memoir has officially ended! Thanks for all comments, upvotes, and subs! :D


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Papiixbabi #1
Chapter 6: Crying silently cause the baby's sleeping. This is my first time reading this cause I don't know if I can bare to read and imagine kyusung getting hurt but I did it. This is a masterpiece. Thank you for this authornim
Papiixbabi #2
Chapter 6: Crying silently cause the baby's sleeping. This is my first time reading this cause I don't know if I can bare to read and imagine kyusung getting hurt but I did it. This is a masterpiece. Thank you for this authornim
400 streak #3
I need to cry, so I'm back here, rereading ehehehe
Chapter 7: I am rereading this in Friday morning. Now I have puff eyes 😅. I cried a lit eventho this is not my first time to read this 😅
I really love this story authornim. Thank you
Chapter 7: I just finished reading this it took me months to finish reading this bcs my heart and eyes can't bare the drama 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 I cried during the tragic end of victor and yesung but it was relieving that it still somewhat ended with a beautiful ending during their present time (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) but I'm still crying my heart can't get over the tragic parts I guess I need to reread all of your fluffs again ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ Thank you Author-nim for this beautifully written story, I cried a lot thank u very much (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)
Lymerh86 #6
Chapter 7: Omg this is awesome, I'm crying, thank you
Chapter 7: Oh myy.... This is beautiful... All your stories are great author-nim! This moved me to tearsಥ╭╮ಥ <33
400 streak #8
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaawww.....!

Thank you author-nim~ You're such a great author! Don't leave us ever! Or I'll haunt you hihihi...

Upvote of course! See you again in your other story, can't wait!!! <3
400 streak #9
Chapter 6: I should have stopped reading when I reached chapter 5! T^T Now I need fluffy story to recover my heart hikz...
400 streak #10
Chapter 4: I love Gustav! Such a wise man! And he made Sungie realized about what is love *____________*

Tho I cried a lot in the beginning, the help me ease my broken heart about Jessica. I've never felt this way with a female character before, you did a good job author-nim, you will always be one of my favorite author!!!