Chapter Seven

The Fruit Mouse
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Baekhyun barely had time to react to the greeting before Jongin was walking around him to bound up the front stairs to the porch. “Ease up Sehunnie.. You’ll scare him off before you even get to see how cute he is..” The tanned man rolled his eyes at the man standing beside the porch swing. “And quit being jealous over me getting to drive the cart this week. It’s not my fault Boss didn’t choose you. You’re too reckless when you drive it.”

The tall man huffed as he stepped into the light, coming closer to the door. Baekhyun could see the newcomer had a handsome chiseled face and a lanky yet slightly muscular build with broad shoulders. He was wearing a clean short-sleeved shirt, loose pants tied at the waist, and slip-in shoes, and he had evidently just taken a bath as he was using a thin towel draped around his neck to occasionally rub his dark damp hair. He didn’t look like the man the workers had called “Boss” when the orphan watched them secretly a few days ago, so Baekhyun wasn’t sure who this was. 


Yixing gave him an answer without being asked.  “This wet baby is Sehun.” he said matter-of-factly as he indicated the man in question.

Jongin and Minseok cackled with laughter as the newly introduced man spluttered his protest. Yixing smiled with satisfaction. Baekhyun found the whole scene amusing but he didn’t want to seem rude so he only gave a small smile as he relaxed his hold on his bag.

At that moment the front door popped open and a man with laughing eyes stuck his head out. “C’mon guys! Dinner’s rea- AYYY! You brought the fruit mouse! That’s great!!” he said loudly and gave a wide curvy smile as he looked directly at Baekhyun. “Welcome! Come on in!” He hollered then turned and waltzed back in the house without closing the door behind him. Minseok followed him in and the level of conversation inside immediately became louder.

Yixing gestured to the stairs with an encouraging smile to the orphan. Baekhyun was still confused about being called a fruit mouse, but he smiled back and together they went up the stairs and in through the front door. Jongin and Sehun followed them in and closed the door behind them. 

The entryway was a small tiled area that immediately opened into a very large room. To the left was a spacious kitchen area with a few men loading up various dishes of food. On the far right of the room were four sofas, a few coffee tables, and two ottomans, all surrounding a tall fireplace. Separating the kitchen and living room areas was a large dinner table with several men of various ages already seated around most of it. The amount of activity and noise somewhat reminded Baekhyun of when he had lived in the orphanage, but this was much cleaner and no one was yelling angrily at each other so he already liked it better.

Jongin ran towards the kitchen, and Sehun went past the common area and disappeared down a hallway, still drying his hair. Baekhyun followed Yixing over to two empty seats at the table. As they sat down, Yixing introduced the orphan to the men seated around them. Baekhyun greeted them all with a shy bob of his head, his eyes still wide as he took in his surroundings. He learned that three of the other men were Chinese, as was Yixing. They all told him nicknames he could call them if he had trouble pronouncing their actual names. Baekhyun wasn’t sure how long he would be around these friendly people, but it was very heartwarming to him how welcoming they all were. 

Baekhyun looked up as he noticed movement coming from the kitchen area. Jongin walked over to the table and placed two small thick mats on the table as a shorter man wearing an apron walked behind him with a large pot of steaming food. As Jongin helped the man place the pot carefully on the two mats, the shorter man looked directly over to the orphan. Baekhyun gave a slight bob of his head in a tentative greeting and the man smiled. Baekhyun noticed the man’s mouth made a cute heart shape when he smiled, and for some reason the orphan once again felt a bit of comfort in this discovery.

Yixing continued to try to keep Baekhyun included in one of the many conversations that were flowing around the table. The talk was mostly of the recent dry spell and the rain that was expected later that night. One of the other men told him that the loud man that had greeted them at the door earlier had a sixth sense about weather. Baekhyun liked rain, b

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I apologize for this update taking longer than usual. But fear not -- the characters have completely taken over the story and will not let me leave this unfinished! Thank you for continuing to read -- subscriptions, comments, and upvotes are all really appreciated!!


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740 streak #1
Chapter 38: Thank you for this year end surprise, I was so excited when I saw you updated. I’ve missed our little mouse and he is still chock-full of ideas to make their lives better. The exchange of rings at the end was beautiful, I could clearly picture the whole scene with the guys looking on. Another big thanks and Happy New Year!
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 38: I was so excited to see an update! Thank you for the holiday treat!
740 streak #3
Chapter 37: I completely agree that they would never have made it to Baekhyun’s birthday.☺️
740 streak #4
Chapter 36: Their Christmas was so sweet and I love that Baekhyun helped with the cooking to show his thanks and appreciation for the beautiful ribbons. The best scene was the ‘almost’ romantic dinner. Chanyeol is so loving and respectful toward Baekhyun. The evening was just perfect.
Beau1996 1372 streak #5
Chapter 37: It's Halloween 🎃 not Christmas but I need to thank you for that gift of an update!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #6
Chapter 36: I love the pieces of ribbon - not a cheap gift at the time! The candlelight dinner with...beef stew - ah, be still my heart!!
BaekonJagiya #7
Chapter 35: Thank you for this awesome and nice story Author-nim! I love Baekhyun's growth in the story and his relationships with the people there. He might be the 'little boss' to everyone, but he's always be the 'little mouse' for his lover, Chanyeol. ❤️
This was very enjoyable story. I loved Baek's growth in this and the lovely relationship he had with Chanyeol.
Beau1996 1372 streak #9
Chapter 35: Lovely ending! The setting was cool and I liked the timeframe of the story. I will miss reading😢 will you start another story?
740 streak #10
Chapter 35: Aw, I didn’t realize it would end so soon!😭 Thank you for taking us on this wonderful journey with our little mouse. I love that he found love and acceptance in the unlikeliest of places. The Boss and Little Boss are going to have a lifetime of happiness. I don’t say it often but this story is a precious gem that will be enjoyed again and again. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next.

P.s. Many thanks for also wrapping up LuHan’s story, he also deserves his happiness.