153919-TCX – a rp layout dump ♡


because i'm an idiot, i accidentally deleted my entire story... hi, how are you, welcome (or welcome back?)
this is mainly just a layout dump for roleplay layouts - as in, those for rp threads. my layouts are usually pretty simple both in terms of how they look and how to edit them - at least i think so. do check them out!
– codes are located in the first chapter. let me know if you have trouble accessing any!
– subscribe to the thread if you're using. upvotes are really, really appreciated.
– i do take inspiration from other sources, mainly pinterest and tumblr, but i don't plagiarise, and you shouldn't either. let's just respect each other's works.
please do not remove the credit if you're using my layout. i try to make them subtle and/or towards the end, but if you must move it for any reason, please inform me and make sure that it is still visible. the password to all of my codes is "seventeen".
rules n stuff
i do take requests because why not.
– pm me if you'd like a custom layout and we can discuss more.
– i only do rp layouts as they're the only layouts that i sort of know the components of. however, if you'd still trust me with other types of layouts, feel free to reach out.
– my design style is more on the simple side, so keep that in mind when you request. i'm definitely open to trying other styles thought!
– please give me around a week or two to complete your request.
– if you are not going to use the layout, please do let me know.
– i would like to put any layout that i make on this thread. if for any reason you do not want your custom layout to be on here, do let me know.
thank you for your interest!!!
requests Open!


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gudetamahq 0 points #1
Chapter 20: using bitter sweet, thank you!
samidares 0 points #2
using honey, thank you!
Chapter 6: using fallin! thank you
Chapter 1: using ringring thanks!
Chapter 11: using love bomb! thank you!
armageddonhq #6
Chapter 14: using honey, thank you!
Using babycakes, thank you so much!
using fallin' thanks!
irukatwt #9
using honey, thank you!
using heather! thank you <3