Chapter 4

Colliding Hearts
Two days later.....

Caibing is now at the airport waiting for Mr. Bang,she sat down at the waiting area and recalls what she and her mom talked about last night before her departure.
==Flashback to last night==
Caibing and her mom went to their mini garden and sat on one of the benches. Wearing thick clothes to avoid from freezing in the cold breeze at the time. Her mom just stared at the night sky full with stars that are shining and the moon lighting up the dark sky. She then broke the quietness that's surrounding them.
​​​​​​"Bingbing, mommy is really sorry for keeping this secret to you, mommy really wanted to say it,but she's scared, mommy is scared that she might hurt her daughter, she's scared that her daughter might hate her also" 

H​​​​​​er mother couldn't bare all the words and started to cry. Caibing in confusion then hugged her mom right away. She pulled from the hug asking her mom why's she's feeling like this.
"Mommy is sorry,the truth is,your father is still alive. I'm sorry for lying honey" 
The mother them bursted in tears and hugged her precious daughter. Caibing is in utter shock,she really wished for her father to be alive,and it does, Caibing understands her mother,and let her knew that she understood her mom's feelings and why she did that. 
"She must've had a reason" 
Caibing said in her mind. After all the revelation,her mother then gave words to her daughter before she departs their country.
"Bingbing,when you arrive there, don't worry about me a lot, mommy will be okay. I want you to live happily,be kind to others, you should fall in love too,and the most important thing,is to live without any regrets. Love yourself honey,take care of yourself, there's a lot of more things I wanted to say but this is all my heart wanted to convey. I love you Bingbing." The mother said heartedly while hugging her precious daughter Caibing.
==End of Flashback==
As Caibing recalls all the touching words her mama said last night,one thing that disturbs her ever since her mom said the she might find her father at Korea. Distracting herself,she then stared at the bracelet the girl left two days ago from the café,the bracelet that she's wearing right now. And of boredom,she brought out her phone from her backpack to call if her friends are doing fine. Caibing scrolled to her phone and found Ruiqi's name and dialed it,she called them via video call so that she can see them for the one last time(or not). Ruqui then answered the call welcoming with shouts and yelling.

"Heyyyy!!!! If it's our beloved Bingbing woot!woot! Are you there yet?" 
Ruqui asked along with Wenzhe,Zige and Yaning screaming at the back.A lot of people are starting to look at Caibing's place, putting all the attention to her,she was embarrassed by her friends action. She just smiled awkwardly and apologized.

"Calm down you idiots I'm in the airport,why are y'all so noisy,and why you're all together?!?" Caibing asked by whispering, because she doesn't want to disturb the other passengers because of the sudden noise her good(idiot) friends made earlier. The friends then argued to get their turns in talking to Caibing even through phone. Fast hands of Wenzhe,she got the phone and talked to Caibing.

"Hey Bingbing don't forget us when you're already famous,okay?!?" Wenzhe jokingly said while the other friends continued to make noises making Caibing to lower the volume of her phone. 

"Where are y'all?!?? And why are you guys wearing beach outfits? Don't tell me you went to have a vacation without me!!?!" 
Caibing protested when she saw all of her friends are wearing aloha shirts and the showed her some photos(photoshopped photos) they took when they went to the beach. The friends teased Caibing for missing the vacation(flight to Korea) with them. The friends bid goodbye to each other when Caibing told them that they're about to board in the plane. Exact timing when Caibing ended the call,Mr. Bang arrived with his secretary at the airport,and they all boarded the plane that is departing to Korea. After 3 hours of air traveling,Mr. Bang woke up the sleeping Caibing, reminds Caibing to get all her belongings. Mr. Bang then whispered something to Caibing that made her excited and confused at the same time. Mr. Bang then guided Caibing to the terminal. Caibing finds it mysterious to see four people that seems familiar to her. As they come closer she jumped in joy and immediately ran to them. It was her four idiot friends, welcoming her arrival in Korea.

"Bingbing you stupidddd!!!!"

The friends rejoiced,formed a circle and gave a bouquet to Caibing as a welcoming gift. They kept hugging not minding the reaction of the surrounding passengers and just continued their tearful(embarrassing) moment. Mr. Bang felt the shyness around them and chuckled at the girls silliness. He then barge in to stop them before it gets dark and they must be in time to go to their dorms. The girls then collected themselves and followed Mr. Bang.
After 30 minutes of driving...
Mr. Bang then left Caibing to the girls dorms and gave them some reminders.

"All right, Caibing you can sleep here together with your friends,and are you surprised right? Anyways,girls,I want you to rest now,the day after tomorrow, you will be starting to train, got it?" 
He stated cheerfully while the girls answered with smiles on their faces. Hours of unpacking,the girls decided to eat their dinner at 7 pm. They ordered food and gathered up in the living room to eat together.

"Zige the door!! Please get it,I think it's the order!" 
Wenzhe ordered her friend to do it as she is busy making some drinks in the kitchen,while Yaning is her helping hand, Caibing and Ruiqi dozed off at the living room,for their order came late. Zige woke up the sleeping friends for dinner,as they eat, their mouths won't stop asking questions especially Caibing when she got bewildered by her own friends.
"Why the hell you guys hid that secret to me?" Caibing said in her low voice,the knew,if she talked like this, she's upset. The friends then tried to lift her mood up and it did work.
"We wanted to surprise you silly" Ruiqi added. Caibing then lifted her head then realized.

"If you guys are here,that means, we're all going to train together?!!?" Caibing stated as she's also shocked by the words coming out from . The friends then put down their chopsticks and stood up and yelled..

"Yes we are stupid!!!!!"
They all screamed like crazy ones, happy to know that a group of dancers, friends,from the start until now, whenever each other go, always with each other, they're all going to train together,and will participate together in the survival show called Girls Planet 999




That's it for now,I hope you guys are enjoying,there may be a lot of grammatical errors so I'm sorry in advance,see you in two days maybe?


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1761 streak #1
Chapter 9: great update again! I missed the live even though I set up an alarm clock too!! But I watched the replay and I'm excited for their debut!!!
1761 streak #2
Chapter 8: ahhh!!! enozi!! love it!!!
wizsonemnia #3
Chapter 8: Thank you for the update authornim and goodluck on your school work :)
Chapter 7: Thanks for updating ! ^^ cant wait for the next update
Chapter 7: Cant wait for the next chapters!!!
1761 streak #6
Chapter 7: love it! and yea! kep1er!!!
Glass_one #7
Chapter 7: Hi! And I'm glad all of you are enjoying this story! Happy reading and stay safe<3
1761 streak #8
Chapter 4: wow this is so good! i'll have to read the rest tomorrow but can't wait!
Serafina92 #9
Give xiaorina a happy ending, i'm still heartbroken until now.
wizsonemnia #10
Chapter 3: I don't know who the girl is but I got a hunch of who it is. I'm just not sure if it really is her hehe. I'm loving this story, thank you for making this authornim and stay safe authornim~ 🤗