
Butterfly Effect
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[CONTENTID2]"She was his last hope."[/CONTENTID2]


Baekhyun was walking in the road to the rice paddies. Unlike everyday, it wasn't busy. Even other farmers weren't  going to work. He just shrugged, because he wasn't in the mood of thinking about the reason. Jieun had filled his mind. It was too childish of her to break up with him like that. Without realization, he started sniffing and sobbing, but quickly wiped his eyes. He was a man. Jieun was the loser who lost him. He wouldn't cry like a baby for a girl's heart. Suddenly, two people grabbed him from behind and covered his eyes and mouth. They took him to the closest tree and threw him on the ground. He opened his eyes to see Jennie standing there with a wry smile. 


"What do you want, Kim Jennie?!"

"Um... nothing." She replied. 

"Then why-"

"Then why am I doing this? Well, because your friend is dangerous for me."


"Kim Junmyeon." She knelt down. "He seems fearless and selfish. He also has power, just like me..." She sighed. "We could be a good team... I asked him to be my friend, but he refused." 

"Because he is nothing like you!"

She kept his chin up with her hand. "Of course he is not. Kim Junmyeon cares about you beggars!" Jennie stood up. "You know what to do..." She told Taemin and Jinyoung before turning back. "Also, tell him that if he get into my way again, the next one is Yu mini." 


"Wait!" Jieun shouted, running to the boy. "Wait!" She grabbed Junmyeon's hand. "Oppa! Why don't you stop? I said let's go together!"

"You shouldn't care about him... he is not your boyfriend anymore."

Jieun punched his arm. "He is still my childhood friend!" 

Junmyeon rolled his eyes. "Fine..." 

"Jun..." Nayeon called as she ran to him. "He isn't at home. His mother said he went to paddies."

He nodded and they made their ways to the rice fields. After a long walk, they reached the paddies. "Baekhyun!" Jieun called. 

"Baekhyun-ah!" Nayeon shouted. "Those are their fields, right?"

"Yeah..." Jieun whispered. "Baekhyun?"

"Jieun-ah..." A weak whisper could be heard. "I'm here..."

They looked around, confused. "There!" Junmyeon jumped over the stream and went to a tree. He knelt down next to Baekhyun whose hands were tied to the branch. "Who did this to you?"

" you, Kim Junmyeon... it's all because of you." He whined. "Why did I decide to be your friend?"

Junmyeon just stared at him, poker-faced. "Ok then. We are not friends. Bye." He stood up.

"Yah! Yah! Sorry! I'm sorry! Please help me, Junmyeon hyung! I'm sorry!" 

Jieun and Nayeon who used the small bridge to get there, arrived. "Baekhyunnie!" The younger girl called.

"Jieun..." He whispered. "Were you worried about me?"

She frowned and crossed her arms angrily. "No! I met them in the way." 

Junmyeon was about to roll his eyes, but they caught something next to Baekhyun's head. "Baek, do not move."

Seeing the snake close to her somehow ex-boyfriend's ear, Jieun gasped and covered . "Baekhyun, don't move a muscle, babe."

"What are you- hm..." He pressed his lips together when he saw the snake moving on his body. Baekhyun closed his eyes. "Please... someone help me." He tried to say.

Junmyeon looked at Nayeon who was white with fear. He was never going to touch that disgusting creature. "I can't." Nayeon whispered, shaking her head and stepping backwards. "I have a phobia about snakes. I can't. I'm sorry..."

"What do you mean, unnie? What if it bites my Baekhyun?" Jieun started crying. 

Junmyeon took a deep breath, he couldn't touch it, because in his idea, it was one of the dirtiest creatures in the world and the ladies were scared. He couldn't force someone to do something they didn't like. "Is there something wrong?" An angelic voice asked. He turned his head to the right to see Yumi standing there. She was wearing  a sleeveless vest, a short skirt, boots and her usual hat. She had a basket with her too.

Even looking at that figure made him smile. Yumi wasn't anything like a human. Her style was like those fairies that people usually talk about in the stories. "Yumi! Come save him!" Jieun called, bringing Junmyeon back to reality. "You aren't afraid of snakes, are you?"

"No... what is it?" She looked around, thinking how to get there. The other side of the stream was slippery and she would surely fall if she jumped. 

Junmyeon stood close to the stream. "I'll catch you. Jump."

Yumi nodded, put her basket down and took off her hat. She took some steps backwards and then started running and jumped. Junmyeon opened his arms and caught her by her waist, though his left foot slipped and they both fell down at the same time. Yumi opened her eyes and found herself on top of Kim Junmyeon. She gulped when he opened his eyes. "Sorry..." That was the only word she could find in her brain. It was embarrassing. She was literally lying on him, feeling his heartbeat and body's heat which made her heart beat faster.

At the same time, Junmyeon's mind had stopped working. He had never had a girl that close. If he didn't count the time he hugged the infant Jeongyeon, of course. It felt weird, but it also made him understand what makes people want to get married. Having the opposite that close colored his cheeks red. He could swear he had never been like that and it was hurting his heart more. "W-would you please stand up?" It all happened in maybe a minute, but for them, it sounded like a hundred years. That much embarrassment. 

She stood up quickly and ran to the girls. "So what's it?"

"It's... that." 

Yumi turned to Baekhyun and tilted her head. "That is just a snake for God's sake..." She walked closer and grabbed the snake's head and tail with her hands. Jieun hugged Nayeon tightly and closed her eyes. The girl walked to the stream and threw the snake in the water. "Done!" She smiled. 

"Baekhyunnie!" Jieun ran to the boy and started untying his hands. "Aigoo... who did this to you? Just tell me and I'll punch them in nose."

Baekhyun massaged his wrists and looked at her. "Seriously?"

"Baekhyun..." She put her arms around his neck and hugged her, crying. "I'm sorry... I can't continue without you... Baekhyunnie! Let's make up!"

He turned to Junmyeon and Yumi and looked at them in disbelief. They just shrugged. "Um..." He turned to Nayeon. She seemed to ask him to bother the younger girl with her gestures. "Well, I can't."

She pulled away. "Why?"

"Because... I'm dating another girl now."

"Wh-what? Who? Why? How? How could you move on this fast? It is less than a week that we have broken up! How can you be this mean?"

"Sorry... I am dating Yumi now."

"What?!" It wasn't Lee Jieun this time, it was Junmyeon's voice. "Why her?!"

"Is that even a question?" Baekhyun asked, poker-faced. Nayeon covered , enjoying the crazy scene in front of her. 

"You are so mean!" Jieun sobbed. "All men are heartless and you are one of them!" She was about to run away that Baekhyun grabbed her hand and pulled her to himself, pressing his lips on hers. 

"Oh my..." Yumi covered her eyes, making Junmyeon chuckled at her innocence. 

"Jieun is as old as you..." He whispered into her ear.

"It doesn't mean I have a relationship experience." 


She looked at him. "Yeah... is that a problem?"

"No... just, I just wanted to say... me either." He smiled.


"So... you like her?" Nayeon asked as she vacuumed his room.

"What?" Junmyeon looked at her, confused. The sound of the vacuum cleaner was loud, so he couldn't hear her correctly. 

"I asked if you like Yumi!" She shouted.

"Yumi what?"

She rolled her eyes and turned off the vacuum cleaner. "I am asking if you like Yumi."

"Like her? Um... yeah." He nodded his head, making the girl smirk. "I like her as a friend." She frowned. "What?"

"I wasn't talking about friendship. I was talking about a relationship."

Junmyeon looked away. "I don't want a relationship."

"Why?" She sat on his bed, next to him. "It is good to have someone, isn't it? 

"That's your idea, Im Nayeon." He said. "Use it for yourself!"

"What do you mean?" She asked with a frown.

"I know Mr. Kim loves you! Kyungsoo told me!"

Her eyes widened and she shook her head. "Junmyeon..." She whispered. "Stop it."

"What is between you two? Why are you too cold to him?"

"Because people talk!" Nayeon shouted, but calmed down immediately when she saw his scared face. "I was sixteen when he came to our village... he was kind, polite and a complete gentleman. I mean, he is." She smiled as a tear rolled down her face. 


"I liked him... he asked me out after a year, but you know... he's an adult. I am underage." She sniffed. "We went on a date and it started. Villagers started gossiping, so I asked him to stop it."

"You two love each other, the world!" He commented. 

"Language, young man..." Junmyeon rolled his eyes. "Here is a small village, Myeonnie. Not your vast Seoul. Everyone knows each other. You can't live happily while people give you dirty looks."

"You have to date!" Junmyeon pouted. "It is your right."

"People said... I got close to him because of score. Some said he was using me! Some other said Mr. Kim should leave, b

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[Butterfly Effect] Finally chapter four is out! Enjoy and comment please!


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Chapter 4: Baekhyun is a funny character. He and Jieun were so cute.
Yumi is fearless.
Wow! I didn't think Junmyeon was going to confess that way. jajaja
736 streak #2
Chapter 4: 💗👌💗👌💗

Aw, our poor Baekhyun. I feel sorry for him. First the breakup and now them. *sighs* But he was then saved, thankfully. Lol, Junmyeon's opinion about snakes is quite interesting, I'm amused. *chuckles* And then Baekhyun with his statement that he is dating another girl left all of them in shock. I found that cute! 💗💗💗

People will talk either way, so as he said, screw the world and follow your heart. On the other hand, he needs to do the same. She is right. He should tell her what he feels, and avoid the 'I like her as a friend' excuse. Hehe.

Junmyeon reacted a bit overboard when he told Kyungsoo not to touch his things, but ah, we all have our moments, so I can't really blame him. I found it a bit funny as well. *winks*

Aww, our Baek is sick. *pouts*

But the final scene was something! He finally admitted it! YES!

Thank you!

Chapter 3: I like how Junmyeon and Yumi are getting close, and how he is trying to help her.
Jennie is so bad.
Hope Baekhyun is fine.
736 streak #4
Chapter 3: 💗👌💗👌💗

I agree with her. People are not God and they can't decide one's life. Yes, they can assume what might happen, and they can share it with others, but how long one person will live is not in our hands, but God's, so she has a point. He needs to have a bit more faith. 😉

I liked the scene where they took roles! 🥰 It was pretty good and cute! *chuckles* Until that person commented, saying it was awful. *sighs* 😑 Like really? Who are you to say if something is good or bad? Who are you to judge? So I agree with the professor when he stood up and gave her a piece of his mind! 👌

Aigoo! Some girls really like drama and attention, don't they? They will even lie and cry just to make the other person guilty... -_- Not cool! Like, what the hell! Everyone saw it, yet they keep their mouth shut. *sighs and shakes head* Afraid of her? Oh, boy. -_-

Junmyeon is right, it's not right that she acts like that. Just because she works for her family, doesn't give that girl the right to act like that! That is wrong on so many levels! But Junmyeon to the rescue! I wonder what he is up to! Hehe. 😉

Aww!! She took him to the treehouse! Isn't that great?! 🌹😍💗🥰

I loved this chapter and I can't wait to see what happens next! Thank you! 💗🥰🌹😍🌺🌼

Chapter 2: It is good how he stood up for his friends.
I laughed when he fainted because he saw blood.
I didn't see the sea scene coming. It was a sad.
736 streak #6
Chapter 2: 💗👌💗👌💗

I was amazed when he stepped in and the fight started. I am not saying that I support fighting, but that was brave of him to do, but in the end, when he saw blood and passed out it made me laugh, but I loved and enjoyed the scene! 👌🤗😂

I agree with Kyungsoo and what he said. People will still talk no matter what we do and always find something they dislike, sadly. 😞😑 It's in their nature and there is no changing, so one should not live by their rules but the way they want to live their life, ignoring what others say. GO FOR IT, MR. KIM! *cheers* 👌😉😊

OMO! I loved the scene in the hospital! Here? And here? Even here? And he kept groaning in kept, that was actually, cute, funny, and adorable! 😊🤗💗🥰😍😂 Although, I do feel bad for him and his heart condition. 😞

He might fool others, but he can't fool granny. 😉 She is old enough to know things.
But on their way to school, that was hilarious and I am loving his reactions. 👌😂

He stood up and told her what he thinks about her and flat out rejected her offer! 👌

OMO! 😉 He's no fool, he asked for a reason, and it makes me curious to know how all that will develop! 👌😉

As for the following, a lot had been going on in his mind and it's no surprise considering his condition. *sighs* The last part was emotional, but I really hope he finds a reason to live. 💗

Thank you! 💗🌹 I enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Hee hee I just noticed the other characters and thought, Wouldn't it be cute for IU and BBH to finally be a couple. 😁
736 streak #8
Chapter 1: 👌💗👌💗👌

Before I start I first want to apologize for being late and not reading right away, during the hectic days after my vacation. *sighs* Oh, well! I am back now! ✔😊😄😁

I loved how you started the chapter and how you introduced Junmyeon and his relationship with his grandmother. I actually find those two cute, but he sure is sttuborn. She says one thing, and he says another. He has already shared numbers with his caretaker (if I can call it that way) and rules are set. 😏👌 Something tells me that things are about to get even more interesting. 😉😊

He had only arrived yet he is already demanding, but I love it! And yes, he will drive her crazy! Can't wait to see what happens next! 👌😉😂

Thank you! 👌✔🌹

Chapter 1: It is a good start.
We get to know a little bit the characters.