Eunhae Drabbles

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Just some drabbles that i'll be posting alongside my twitter, @haefiee too! do follow me there if you're keen to know more about fic updates / read drabbles first ^^ 


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1455 streak #1
Chapter 3: This cute. ^^
1588 streak #2
Chapter 3: It must be so difficult for Donghae to slow down and let his knee fully recover, because he's always pushed himself hard. Beyond his limits, at times, which is basically what led to him needing that surgery. So it will be an adjustment, even if he gets back to 100% condition, not to overdo it again and get re-injured worse. We know the silly guy doesn't want to disappoint fans, but really he needs to understand his health is what we care about most. We don't want him to dance so hard he hurts himself. Or get another workout injury, because as good as it is to exercise for stress relief, he needs to respect safe limits. Hopefully he takes these things more seriously now, if not just for his health, but to prevent another setback that he takes so hard.

Hyukjae is really the best at looking after him. Husband behavior. 😌 Donghae found his favourite place again in this one. Thank goodness for Hyukjae's perfect shoulders.

I also don't want Donghae to keep being ill or in pain and needing caring for, but this fluffy comfort drabble series is so heartwarming. It would be nice if it continues in some way, even if Hyukkie gets his wish and Donghae isn't in pain again in the future. ♡
1588 streak #3
Chapter 2: Resting his head on Hyukjae's broad shoulders really is Donghae's comfort place. So precious. 🥺

Needy baby Ddohae using the opportunity to cuddle and nap together. Hyuk can't refuse him~ Even though Donghae feels a bit guilty for having him look after him. Always get the impression that Donghae is really considerate of Hyuk's family time, and as much as he wants to see him a lot, he makes it a point to not demand much of him. Also, if Hyukjae ever had to recover at home from a surgery, he probably wouldn't contact Donghae because he loves being isolated by himself, and would simply order Kyu around at the dorm for whatever he wanted, or his noona at the villa. 😂 Donghae would probably still barge in, but Hyuk would let him do minimal things and end up telling him to leave because Donghae would probably try to get him to eat some horrific healthy food to help his recovery. A fate worse than never recovering. 😅

Aww, Hyukjae had the most loving words for him in his sleep, he really turns into a softy in these situations. Hopefully Donghae gets to hear those kinds of things when he's awake.

Thank you for another lovely drabble. ♡
1588 streak #4
Chapter 1: It's so sweet how Hyukjae turns off his tsundere mode when Donghae is unwell. He handles him with such tender care. 🥺 It must really help cheer up and re-energize Ddohae, so he can make it through his obligations. Though being able to rest properly would always be better, sometimes everyone needs to troop through feeling ty. (And we know Donghae has the worst habit of pushing himself too much.) If only we could all have our own personal Hyukkie. The privilege of being Lee Donghae. 😔

I really relate to Donghae though, the second dose really hit me hard. (Still so envious I didn't have a Hyuk to dote on me lol.)

Thank you for this precious drabble. ♡
Jimbam #5
Chapter 3: donghae really needs all the coddling.. Good thing hyuk is there for him always..
Jimbam #6
Chapter 2: so sweet they both are.. great drabble..
Jimbam #7
Chapter 1: so sweet.. poor donghae is going through a lot.. good thing hyukjae is there to help him through it all..
Chapter 3: I really loved this one. It was so sweet how hyukjae brought food for him but had to get the manager to open the door coz donghae used earplugs lmao ><
Fun but sweet story. Thank you so much for this <3
Gonna read this one
Chapter 2: This was so nice, so soft the way Hyukjae is taking care of Donghae, it's so heartwarming. Thank you for another chapter, I enjoyed reading it!