
She Calls Me Darling

Another week had gone by without Irene swooping in to steal kisses from Wendy's lips or to paint her cheeks red. Wendy didn't want to admit that Joy was right. She was thinking about Irene a lot.

Irene also hadn't asked for her number, but then Wendy remembered it was Irene who slipped her number into Wend'ys coat pocket that night they had their first kiss. Wendy's heart skipped a beat because she was afraid she'd lost it. It wasn't in her bag so she could only hope it was at home.

"Ugh, what's wrong with me?" Wendy shook her head. Why am i panicking over something so stupid? 

We're not even dating.

What made things worse was that practically everyone at work knew about her and Irene attending that dinner thing. Now there was gossip all over the place. And Wendy disliked gossip, evne more so being the topic of the gossip. 

Because of her "relationship" with Irene, people were either trying to get closer to Wendy or they were snooty towards her. Wendy felt reluctant to show up to work and tried to avoid everyone by going in way before their hours started and waiting for everyone to leave. But she still had to face everyone at work meetings and in passing if she had to move rooms. 

"C'mon, girl!" Joy appeared at her office and grabbed her arm. "Stop moping and let's eat!"

"I'm not moping. i'm hiding."

'From what?" Joy yanked her out of her seat and dragged the limp body towards the door. "Wendy, people are gonna talk about anything. Hiding won't help! If anything, you should own it, own it, own it!"

"Joy, seriously, stop." Wendy pulled her arm away. "This isn't like high school."

"I know, but you shuoldn't let idle gossip get in your way." Joy gave her a stern look. "I can't believe you're older than me, acting like this. You always tell me not to give a crap about what other people think. Take your own medicine. NOw let's gooo!!!"


Lunch actually turned out ok. With Joy there to distract her, Wendy forgot about her worries and didn't evne think about Bae. 

She returned to work feeling lighter than she had been for the last week. 

Joy was right. Wendy decided to leave at the regular time than to wait in the later hours. That meant eating dinner earlier and hitting the sack earlier.

She worked until the last second and shut off her desktop as she packed her things and checked over her office before getting ready to leave. At that moment, there was a knock on her door, and Wendy let out a frustated sigh. What did Sehun have for her to do now? At this hour?

She swung the door open and nearly had a heart attack when it was Irene in all her glory. 

"Miss me?" Irene grinned.

"What are you doing here?" Wendy spluttered.

"I wanted to see you again. Sorry I went missing. I had many commitments to attend to." She paused. "Can I come in?"

"O-oh yes!" Wendy stepped to the side and shut the door after her.

"I...I was about to leave..." was the most pathetic thing Wendy ever heard herself say when it got awkwardly quiet.

Irene makes me dumb!!!! she had an internal epiphany.

does that mean...i like...i like...

"Good," Irene replied. "You don't need to stay here longer than your 9-5." She traced her finger against the edge of Wendy's desk. "how's work?"

"Same old same old. You?" Wendy mananged to keep her composure this time, but realized Irene had already told her the status of her work earlier.

"Swamped with emails and calls, and spam, and people wanting this and that. Managing a company alone is difficult, and it's hard to find good help." Irene turned to her. "Did Sehun tell you anything? I'm sure as you work closely with him, he must have disclosed our future plans."

"Um no, actually. He just has me handling his schedules and keeping tabs on everything..." Wendy frowned. "Is something happening?"

"Don't worry about it. Will you come to dinner with me?" 

"..." The topic schanged so quickly that Wendy almost felt suspicious. Nonetheless, she did agree to dinner, wondering if it was gonna be some extravagant get to gether for big tycoons and whatever.


A few minutes later, Wendy found herself at some luxe restaurant with the finest of the finest ingredients, drink, dessert, and anything she would never ever eat in her life. Everything was fancy french, and Wendy wished that there was spaghetti for once. It was exotic in Korea, right?

"Pick anything you want, darling," Irene told her nonchalantly after the waiter hadned them their menus. "My gift for leaving you alone for so long."

"I-it's ok. really," Wendy told her. "I...I understand things get hectic."

"Wine, Miss Bae?" the waiter returned holding a bottle of really expensive wine.

Oh yeah, Wendy doesn't drink by the way. 

Red alerts were screaming and flashing in Wendy's whole vision. She dind't want Irene to spend all this money on her, even if it was like throwing candy to babies. 

"No thank you," Irene siad much to Wendy's relief.

Once he was gone, Irene leaned forward and plucked the menu from Wend'ys fingers, taking away her hiding spot. "On second thought, we should go. This is a common place for businessmen and women to dine, and we would be interrupted too many times by unwanted parties." 

And Irene still left a tip for the waiter that helped them for like 2 seconds. 


Now, they were sitting at a park, eating street food, which was definitely up Wendy's alley. Affordable, delcious, and things she could pronounce.

"You weren't comfortable in there were you?" Irene prompted after some time.

"Um...no, i mean, i'm grateful for your generosity, but I..."

"it's ok. I've never taken anyone on a date before so...that's my first strike."

What the hell? Irene was treating it like baseball....

It wans't Irene's fault. It was just that there income brackets were so far apart. Irene must be used to a rich lifestyle, whiel Wendy was comfortable in her steady income that woudl let her live comfortably but now as lavishly. not that she minded. She really wan't interested in making big fat bank. It was fine enough working here, bantering with Joy. She couldn't imagine the stress on Irene's shoudlers. Thank goodness I'm just an assistant.

"Irene, it's not like that. I'm just not...i'm not like you," Wendy said slowly, realizing how wrong it sounded.

"I don't want to half- a date," Irene told her. "I want to show you that I care and want good things for you."

Wendy felt her heart literally shaking. "J-just doing stuff like this is enough. Today."

"It's tasty, but unhealthy," Irene commented before finishing the last bite. "VBut if you like it, it's ok. I can get it for you whenever you want."

Wendy almost choked on her food midswallow and had to beat her chest a few times. "T-thanks, but I think once in a while is ok," she rasped. 

"Glad wer'e on the same page." 


they finished the date listening to some live music in the plaza and Irene drove her home.

"Thank you for tonight," Wendy said once they were in front of her unit.

"I missed you," Irene replied and leaned in to kiss her forehead. "I'll be out of town starting tomorrow."

"Oh...safe travels then." Wendy started to turn away to open the door, but IRene caught her hand.

"Your number," Irene said. "So we can call when we're far away."

Oh gosh...irene was acting like they were already together. AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN ASK ME OUT YET!

Before anything could even happen, Irene took out a pen and wrote her number on Wendy's arm. "Call me this time." she was referring to when she gave Wendy her number after they met at the convention, but Wnedy did not contact her.

With a dumbfounded Wendy, Irene captured her lips in a warm kiss, pulling her close so their body heats became combined.



Once Wendy was safely in her apartment, Wendy slid down to the floor with her back agasnit the door, still processing all that happened.

She glanced at her arm with Irene's phone number and...


Yes or no?


what was it with Irene and cryptic messages?



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I'm keeping the video game and will not buy any other game until May when I'm done. unless steam has a huge sale for like 80% off hahahahaha. jk.


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Re read again
Chapter 10: Could it be because of Irene pulling some strings? Or Eunbi is someone she knows or she's a competitor?
2078 streak #3
1702 streak #4
Chapter 1: I'm bookmarked this to read later~
WluvsBaetokki #5
Chapter 10: Oooh somethings brewing... Eunbi being her new boss... feels like a jealous bunny would come out
Riscark #6
Chapter 10: I ain't gonna lie, I kinda forgot what's happening since it's been too long, but I get the gist of it. I wonder, could it be Irene pulled some string to help wendy get her new job?
blanketlove 93 streak #7
Chapter 10: yay thanks for updating!! im still here
Leo0209 #8
Chapter 10: Is irene jealous? Is something else happening? When is wendy gonna find out? I’m curious!
2078 streak #9
Chapter 1: Thanks for the update!
luisainer #10
Chapter 9: I really like this fic looking forward to new updates so you awesome