everything will be okay

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Yuqi rushes out of the airport and quickly rides a taxi, telling the driver the destination as she basically throws her luggage in the vehicle’s trunk. She growls lowly, just a bit like a rottweiler, as she enters the back seat with just her and her phone in her coat.

2 weeks. She just had to leave her human girlfriend with her 4 supernatural friends for 14 days, 336 hours, 20,160 minutes, just a few days, yet she’s not even nearing a day and she already needs to come back.

She gives herself a mental facepalm when she recalls how most of them just jokingly dismissed her fair share of warnings, burying it with their own shares of ‘you worry about nothing Yuqi, Soyeon will be fine!’ ‘Soyeon will be holing herself in her room writing her lyrics anyway, what even can happen to her?’. She grabs her phone from her coat’s pocket, dialing Shuhua’s number.

“Yuqi-ah! Why the sudden call? And why call when we can just talk to eac---” Yuqi’s blood boils at Shuhua’s audacity to ask why she called.

“First, don’t ask why I’m calling as if you’re so oblivious about why I’m calling, and second, I’m outside, I just can’t suddenly go into focus mode and scream at you in the middle of the street.” Yuqi says with her eyes trained on her wristwatch, and based on her tone of voice, Shuhua concludes that she’s pissed.

Really pissed.

Shuhua snorts, not even mildly affected by it. “So you know, huh?”

“I can literally not hear her heart pounding in my ears, Shuhua. AND IT STOPPED HOURS AGO!” Yuqi shouts at the phone and she doesn’t pay any attention when the taxi driver gives her a combined look of confusion and concern.

“Okay, okay, I know you’re mad, but just to let you know,” Shuhua stops talking and makes her dramatic pause, just adding up to Yuqi’s frustration. If Yuqi can just throw her phone out of the window and it’d for sure hit Shuhua right in the face from all the distance between them, she would. She definitely would do it. “it wasn’t me.”

“I don’t really care who it was,” Yuqi pinches her nose, not really in the mood to find out who’s the culprit of doing whatever it was that happened to Soyeon, but since she’s still hours away from them and she doesn’t want to lose herself with dark thoughts, she amuses the youngest. “but tell me.”

“It wa---”

“DON’T LISTEN TO TATTLETALE!” Yuqi had to hold her head with her both hands after the intruding voice exploded in her mind, causing a very painful headache to her. After ensuring that her phone isn’t broken and there aren’t any echoes in her mind anymore, Yuqi picks up her phone and puts it right beside her ear again.

“Please tell Minnie to quiet it down and just talk calmly on the phone.” Yuqi says quietly to the phone after letting her headache pass, her eyes still closed due to the wavering headache her Minnie just caused to her.

“She’s just using her mind link cause she knows she can disrupt me because she can hear me from the next room.” Shuhua laughs. “And she’s disrupting me because it----”

“I SAID DON’T LISTEN TO TATTLETALE!” Yuqi has had enough of the screaming voice in her head, and her worried just wants to be beside her beloved.

“STOP ING SCREAMING IN MY HEAD!” Yuqi returns with as much voice, her tone angrier and firmer that makes Minnie stop laughing.

“I think she just realized that you’re not ing with her.” Shuhua chuckles as she relays the news to her friend, and Yuqi just hangs up, completely done with Minnie and Shuhua.

She should’ve known that she couldn’t rely on Shuhua and Minnie if it comes to serious talks, so she dials another number, her forefinger snaking around her middle one as she hopes that the woman picks up.

“Hello? Yuqi?”

“Oh thank God you picked up, Soojin.” Yuqi says as her shoulders sag in relief.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“W-What do you mean what’s wrong? Are you not home?”

“No, I’m currently in the market alone, getting some food for the girls since Miyeon seemed to have emptied her whole refrigerator.” Just after that, Yuqi hears the sound of something being dropped somewhere in the background.

Yuqi considers jumping out of the vehicle and just fly back home at this point. “So you mean, you didn’t know what happened?”

“Why, what happened?”

“Oh, God.” Yuqi couldn’t stop herself from facepalming this time. “Please, can you just, go home? Like after shopping? I’m on my way.”

“Okay, be safe on the way home Yuqi.”

“Okay, you all have fifteen minutes to tell me what the happened before I turn this place into a warzone between me and you three.” Yuqi glares at Shuhua, Minnie, and Miyeon as they all stand in the middle of their home’s foyer, just in front of the grand staircase.

“Wait, how come you’re leaving Soojin ou---”

“I already talked to Soojin on the phone and she doesn’t have the faintest clue that something happened to Soyeon,” Glares are thrown at a certain Thai girl when Yuqi emphasizes the ‘on the phone’ part. “which means, that wha

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