순간들: THE MOMENTS IN LIFE. please read may 20 update


the moments
in life
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there will always be a certain person, scent, place, song, writing or even clothing that takes us back to a special memory in our minds. it could be your first day at school, first love, first heartbreak, first orientation of internship, first job yet it could also be some of the last days at school, last memories of a loved one, last hours before moving workplaces, last messages exchanged with someone. all these memories make up some of life's most valuable and precious moments in anyone's life. so, turn over the page, perhaps someone else's moments resembles yours. these are the moments in life, both the beautiful and the ugly.

AUTHOR'S NOTES the slice of life au you've been waiting for brought to you by yours truly, silvi. you may know me from other applyfics so here i am, challenging myself to run one and hopefully, see through it. i'm determined so bring on your apps, everyone!

1. subscribe is mandatory if you plan to apply, upvoting is optional but most appreciated!
2. please do not bash me or other applicants because this place is positive vibes only and we don't need negativity.
3. the cheatsheet is your true friend so please follow it accordingly and don't be scared to ask me through PM or through replies in the comments!
4. plagiarism of anyone else's work is not accepted and anyone who does so will be rejected immediately (i've had experienced with this so i know how it hurts).
5. commenting any time you're available on the chapters, perhaps every one or two chapters so that i know you're still interested and know how you think about the writing.
6. have fun, everyone!
TML:// since i know that time zones can be confusing, for those who are in front/behind of GMT+7, just make sure you turn it in within 14th april your time


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Chapter 8: Curious as to what these several projects are 👀
I hope you take your time, Silvi :) It's a shame to hear about Saeron's DUI case but definitely yes, to Noh Jeongui!!!
Chapter 8: take your time, silvi 🤍 super excited for tml but just take it easy ><
Chapter 8: 👍👍👍
2491 streak #4
Chapter 8: no worries, silvi!! ^^ missing you and tysm in advance for still taking time to do summary reviews for us despite being so busy!! <3 suuuper stoked for TML hehehe :D
ggomoo #5
Chapter 7: i'd like to apply so i'll be needing the extensions tysm :"D
Chapter 7: ahh thank you for the extension! i can only continue my wip tomorrow T_T
2491 streak #7
Chapter 7: omg thank goodness for this <3
my second app ended up being so much longer than i expected (i basically wrote a wikipedia pg for her background so i apologize in advance for that OTL) so i'm still not done with my third app ;~;
but he's only got a few more sections left so i'm going to ZOOMZOOM and get him in before the extension deadline!! :')
Are you allowing extensions?
I swear God I need to make the apps for your story ;-;
I'll try to speed up!
2491 streak #10
oh man OK i need to step on the gas pedal AND GET THESE BUBS DONE!!