Hello Stranger!

Hello Stranger!

"You alone?" Baekhyun asked the handsome stranger sitting on a bench a few steps away from him. 

The other had been staring at the pond with an expression somewhat close to sadness.


The tall male was startled at the sudden voice as he turned towards its owner with wide eyes. 


"Um.. Yeah?" He answered, puzzled about why the other asked.


"Would you mind joining me, then?" The smaller raised his brows with an expectant smile plastered on his face.


The stranger seemed a little hesitant at first but eventually accepted Baekhyun's proposal, returning an equally beautiful smile. 


Baekhyun pushed aside all he had brought with him to make enough space on the picnic mat for the good-looking stranger. He also noticed that the other was really tall when he stood up to come towards him.


"I.. I'm really sorry. It's just that... I didn't want to be alone." Baekhyun apologized.


"No, it's alright. Don't worry. I kinda needed some company too."


"Thank goodness." The shorter sighed at the reply, laughing awkwardly. "You know, talking to strangers really helps ease your mind."


"Oh yes! I've often heard that from my parents." The stranger smiled.

"So... Were you like expecting someone and they stood you up? Seeing how you've come here with all these." He asked, gesturing towards the boxes of strawberries, some packed lunches and the wine bottle.


"Ohh these.." Baekhyun shook his head as his eyes twinkled with a sheepish smile. "I realized too late that I brought too much."


The taller laughed, finding the other silly and adorable. He turned back towards Baekhyun when he continued.


"Well, I actually used to come here with my mother." He paused in a deep breath. He turned his head to find the stranger who was now looking at him with his brows drawn together. Looks like he could sense something was wrong.


He let out a hollow laugh. "She passed away this summer."


"Oh... I'm so sorry."


Baekhyun gave a wistful smile before straightening himself. He picked up a box of strawberries beamed at the other. "Want some?"


The stranger let out a tiny chuckle and picked up a berry offered to him with a small "thanks".


"I'm Chanyeol, by the way." The taller spoke up after he finished munching on the fruit. 


"Oh my god! How silly of me!" Baekhyun hit himself in the head a few times with a sheepish grin on his lips, a gesture that Chanyeol found cute. "I'm Baekhyun. And that's a really nice name you got there."


"My parents are very creative, you see." The stranger, who now Baekhyun found out was Chanyeol, laughed.


Baekhyun spoke up after their laughter died down, "What about you? What were you doing here?"


Chanyeol sighed leaning back on the tree behind them, his gaze set on the little pond before them. "I came here to think. Not here though." He turned to look at the shorter. "We often went to the other side of the park. You know, that faces the river. But for some reason it's very crowded today." He scrunched his nose cutely.


"It's the weekend today. So that's kind of expected." Baekhyun reasoned out while munching on a strawberry.


"Ohh right!"


"But you said 'we'?" The smaller sounded unsure.


Chanyeol stilled for a second when the other pointed out his slip but recovered soon, his lips stretching into a tight lipped smile.


"It's my ex. I used to come here with him often, until we broke up."


"Do you want to talk about it?" Baekhyun asked with his brows furrowed and lips turned into a small pout. He pushed the box of berries towards the taller, earning a light laugh from the latter. 

'Cute.' He thought.


"Well, he got his dream job in the UK and he was never one to settle for less."


It was clear that Chanyeol was having a hard time opening up but he continued to share. A mirthless smile was playing on his lips that broke Baekhyun's heart a little. It did not look good on that beautiful face.


"What about a distant relationship?" The shorter asked, unsure.


"It wouldn't have worked." The other pulled his knees closer to his chest. "I did not want to admit it before but his work had always been more important than his relationship with me. He stayed busy oftentimes and at some point it felt as if I was the only one who was trying to make ends meet." He heaved a heavy sigh before lying down, facing the sky.


Baekhyun just listened to him with a sad feeling building up inside him. 


"Besides I would never have been happy if he ever gave up on that offer. After all, I've been hearing him dream of it ever since the start." He smiled softly looking at the clear blue sky. "I'm happy for him."


Baekhyun couldn't help but smile at how pure and sweet the person before him seemed.


"Well, it's his loss." He shrugged before going back to his strawberries.


"Huh?" Chanyeol chuckled, feeling something between flustered and confused.


"I know we're still practically strangers but I can see that you are a pretty great guy." The shorter had a pleasant smile plastered on his lips as his eyes twinkled with sincerity.


Chanyeol stared at the other for a few moments feeling somewhat warm and reassured inside. "Thanks."


The very next second, Baekhyun suddenly jumped up on his feet offering his hand to the other. "Come on, get up! There's something we must do."


Chanyeol, even though confused at the sudden change in the atmosphere, took the hand offered to him and got pulled up to stand. The shorter quickly pulled something out of the basket he had brought along and pulled the taller towards the pond.


He could see a lot of ducks swimming around the pond. Right then, Baekhyun whistled out loud, after which they all gathered around near the edge.


"Wow!" Chanyeol gasped. "They're all used to it!"


The shorter laughed. "Of course they are! Me and mum have been feeding them for ages now." He took out a handful of grains from the packet he carried and gave it to Chanyeol before gesturing to him to toss it towards the little birdies.


Chanyeol was very grateful towards the other for asking him to do something that meant so much to the latter. And watching those little ducklings eat was so cute he couldn't help but coo.


And for Baekhyun, he was just glad he asked the taller to tag along because oh lord, he who knew Chanyeol had this adorable side to him. Cooing at the ducks and talking to them the way little kids do. He was happy he could make the handsome stranger smile after all that he heard.


"So this was a tradition then? You and your mother feeding these babies?" Chanyeol asked, his face still bright with happiness after feeding the ducks.


"Yeah." Baekhyun said. This time though, his smile wasn't sad. It was relaxed and nostalgic. He bent down to pet one of the ducklings that had somehow waddled towards him. 


It was a very soft moment, if you asked Chanyeol. The way the other was gently patting the little duckling who only nuzzled closer towards him. It warmed Chanyeol's heart. Also, Baekhyun's smile was really lovely.


The latter looked up, speaking up again. "My mum had actually made me promise to continue to come feed these kids." He stood back up after sending the baby duck back into the pond. "We used to come here at the end of every month and have a little picnic here, as you can see." He laughed. "And then head back home after feeding the ducks."


"That sounds lovely." Chanyeol's lips had turned up at the corners. Something very warm had bubbled up in his heart at the image of Baekhyun and his mother doing all those things together. "I sometimes take my mother out on dates and it's always the best. So I can tell how nice it must be."


"It indeed was lovely." Baekhyun sighed, all of a sudden feeling down. "But it's just me from now on."


Chanyeol's heart broke at that. There was no one in this world that he loved as much as he loved his family. He couldn't even fathom how hard it must be to lose a loved one. 


He lightly put his hand on the smaller's shoulder in hopes to comfort him, which Baekhyun returned with a soft grateful smile.


They stood there for a while looking at the ducks pecking on the grains. The peace around the park was very calming for both of their broken hearts. Baekhyun did the right thing by asking the stranger to join him. It had for sure soothed them both.


"Would you mind joining me for a small lunch too? I've got sandwiches and cake." Baekhyun beamed.


Chanyeol had always been a er for pretty smile. So how could he say no when Baekhyun's was so much more. He had already made plans with some of his friends later that day but spending some time with this stranger before him sounded way more better.


His lips stretched out into a wide grin. "Sure!"


And so, the two of them headed back to their spot to stuff their tummies.


They made small talk while eating. Sharing a little something about their lives and occasionally passing some silly jokes in between. Turns out, they clicked really well! Even someone as blind as a bat could see that.


They spent a good hour or two just eating and enjoying their food. Chanyeol got a call from his friends at some point to which he replied with a short text saying he wouldn't make it.


They didn't leave right after but just laid down enjoying the calm. The weather was really pleasant and no one would want to miss out on spending some time outside when it was this lovely. 


"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol spoke up. It wasn't very long till sundown, meaning they had to leave soon.


The said male turned to look at the taller with a small 'hmm?'.


"I know this is very personal and important to you. Coming here, spending some time and feeding these ducks with your mother. But umm.." He paused, unsure of if it was okay for him to ask of something like this or not.


Baekhyun turned his whole body to face the other seeing how hesitant Chanyeol looked. "What is it?" He offered a smile.


"Uh… you.. is it ok if um.."


Baekhyun started laughing at the way Chanyeol kept on stuttering. "God you're cute! Come on, tell me!"


Chanyeol turned red as a tomato because of embarrassment. However he spoke up after in a deep breath. "You're still going to come here at the end of every month, right?"


When Baekhyun nodded as an answer he continued again. "So I was thinking maybe… if it was okay for me to join you?" 


"Chanyeol..." Baekhyun breathed out.


"Like, you see… it had become very difficult for me to come to this place and I can tell it must be way harder for you. But today, for the first time in a really long time I actually enjoyed my day out here today." He turned around to look at the latter, a sincere smile painting his lips.


"I'm very grateful you asked me to join you. And I hope you had a good time too."


Baekhyun smiled in return, "Trust me, it was the same for me. Thank you too."


"Then would you mind if I tag along with you? Those ducks are too cute and I don't want to miss out on a chance to feed them." He pouted his lips playfully earning a hearty laugh from the other. 


When Baekhyun's laugh died down, he stared ahead with a content smile feeling very moved. "You know what?" He chuckled before looking up at the taller. "I too wouldn't want to miss out on you cutely talking to those ducks." He teased making the other blush in embarrassment for the second time that day. "Please join me. I'd love to have your company."


Chanyeol beamed wide at that as his dimple popped out and his eyes crinkled. "Thank you!!"


Baekhyun shook his hands in front of him. "I should thank you, really." His lips turned down in a sad smile. "I actually broke my mum's promise. Today's the first time I came here in months. But come on, mom! It's too difficult." He breathed in deep with a hollow laugh, looking up, trying to blink away the tears in his eyes.


"I'm sure she'll understand. Don't worry." Chanyeol rubbed soothing circles in his back in hope to comfort the other.


"You know, I was actually on the verge of a breakdown before I noticed you. But those thoughts were pushed back for a moment when I saw that sad look on your face.. seemingly lost in thoughts. It made me curious. So yeah.." He shrugged with a sheepish smile. "I just.. decided to call you over to join me, only hoping I wasn't being a bother." 


"Don't worry then." Chanyeol grinned, feeling warm inside. "Because I'll be here at the end of every month even if you would want to kick me away." 


After sharing a good hearty laugh at Chanyeol's dumb joke, they just looked at each other with content smiles with their heart b with warmth.

Happy about being able to ease each other's heart to some extent and much more grateful for the comfort they received.



'I'm happy I listened to you mom. As always you were right this time too.' Baekhyun thought to himself. His mom would be proud he made a friend like Chanyeol. She'd have loved him, for sure.


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Just a tiny n simple chanbaek drabble. I just wanted to try posting in aff so I thought why not start with something soft and warm💓


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Chapter 1: Thia was so sweet and perfect ;)
Mismi_6104 #2
Chapter 1: Woah....this warmed up my soulლ(´ ❥ `ლ)
Chapter 1: This was so adorable and heart warming
Chapter 1: Sweet and comforting ❤
174 streak #5
Chapter 1: Simple but heartwarming story 💕
970 streak #6
Chapter 1: This is such a nice quiet story of two people coping with a loss.
Thank you so much for sharing.