Fated Puppet


Kim Jong In's life was only driven by one thing: Dance

Valedictorian of his dance academy, he has been given the honor to demonstrate his talents and the result of his four years of hard work during the graduation gala.

He has sacrified his social life and healt in order to obtain this solo to impress international dance companies. His ultimate goal was to be recruited right away after being graduated and to leave the country to start his career.

However, he didn't expect the theme of the gala to crash all his plans.

Two months... he had two months to choreography and master a dancing show in collaboration with a very unexpected student coming from their associated school.

His mission: conveying the world's vision of this intruder through his dance moves without any background sound, without any word.

The world of a mute and deaf young woman.

Mission impossible?


Inspired by the magnificent and creative poster of Red Blossom a.k.a Saranghae45 I came up within five minutes with this plot.

As always the way I write this story will be diferent from my other ones since the point is to improve and widen my writing skills the most possible.

It will be my first story not based on the real idol life I'm using the name and features. The first one too to have a enemy to friend to lovers plot (maybe? I don't want to decide yet about the end).

But as always:

I want to break the tags in this story, the stereoptypes, to enlight the readers with real facts (sign language, dance technics and business, psychology...) so i will take my time to research thorougly those matters and learn along with you all ^^. Expect links, pictures, articles, videos in order to immersein this story and learn more about the worlds around us.

Feel free to check my other stories if you are interested in them and the one i'm co-writing with DeeDee101.



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Chapter 1: Coming back to read your stories was a good idea, because this is very good. Love that you done the research because it shows.

Also love how you portrayed Jongin. His character was well thought of , having his bad and good sides as well.

Now onto the story. Jongin for sure was shocked that he will have to perform with other student. It’s understandable, having to work with other student might be quite hard, especially when you are used to working alone. But I am sure that once he will actually meet the student he has to work with, he will be surprised, pleasantly hopefully.

You can tell that Jongin is hard working, putting in lots of effort to achieve his goal . It is good that the academy takes care of their students by monitoring them and using technology to make sure that everyone is doing okay. More schools and universities should be like that instead of overworking their students.

And we have a mystery- Junmyeon’s secret plan with one of Jongin’s parents. Let’s see how this plays out.

Thank you for the good story and chapter!
Chapter 1: omg 2K words is short?? That's a lot, by the way I love this!!
Chapter 2: Very last bit, why my guts tells me it's our Marianne Mager πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Chapter 1: I can't wait for more! I adore first chapter! <3
Holy- what an interesting plot. Love it and so looking forward to how it plays out!!
I can't wait to read this one. Love you lots like jelly dots! <3 <3