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After showering, Sung Kyu plucks up him courage and leaves his habitation to go to Woo Hyun's room and ask him to eat together. However, upon reaching the door, Nam suddenly opens it and is amazed to see him there. Sung Kyu smiles at him and clears his throat as he tries to calm the furious beating of his heart.
     "I..." he begins, feeling totally embarrassed. "I thought we could go eat together. Although, if you prefer to rest..._" he ventures to say, and his eyes shine with joy when he sees the older man nod.
     "I was just going to your room to invite you to lunch," Woo Hyun says prompting him to follow.
     During the rest of the afternoon, Nam is more relaxed and calm. Sung Kyu feels better seeing that the man's spirits have returned to the same. Sung Kyu wants to believe that everything is thanks to him, and that he would actually be very happy to know that he represents some kind of emotional support for Woo Hyun. Even if he doesn't tell him anything; even if there is nothing but a professional working relationship between the two.
     But, Sung Kyu knows that he would do anything if he asked, even if it was something of the craziest; however, at that moment, he can only dream that they are both having a great time, even though that trip was made for the sole purpose of resolving business matters.



The next day, the important meeting and all the other activities that Woo Hyun has on the agenda, are carried out successfully. Nam is happy and as always satisfied and impressed with Kim's excellent work.
     It seems that, despite having already seen his best performance, Sung Kyu continues to impress him. And he can't blame his heart for being overjoyed and overly excited. He believed that those days he would spend thinking about Sung Jong and his outright rejection of him, but Woo Hyun feels surprised that it has not been like that at all.
     Late at night, the older man decides to invite Sung Kyu to dinner at the restaurant where he has reserved a table that, originally, he was going to occupy with Sung Jong. And it does not seem to him that it is reckless to take Sung Kyu instead of him, because, he feels that they have started to be good friends, and that is just a simple kind gesture to thank him for all his splendid efforts.
     "I know it's a bit rushed, but I'd like us to celebrate the early opening of another of our warehouses here in Japan," Woo Hyun says in after ordering a very expensive bottle of wine. Sung Kyu nods and lifts his glass for him to fill it with the drink.
     "It seems appropriate to me. Everything went as planned. Congratulations, Woo Hyun," expresses Kim with sincerity and pride.
     Nam smiles at him and the youngest finishes all the crimson liquid that sits in the glass container.
     An hour later, Sung Kyu begins to feel sleepy, as he isn't used to drinking alcohol. On the other hand, Woo Hyun is in his five senses and has realized the effect that wine has had on his brother-in-law, especially when Sung Kyu 'relaxes' a little more and begins to tell him very personal things. Things like, his mother does not appreciate him enough, nor does she thank him for everything he has done for his family
     Woo Hyun is surprised to learn that Sung Kyu has not had anything easy in life, but especially to learn that he has carried a lot of emotional load and that, in addition, he thinks he is useless.
     "Don't say that," Woo Hyun interrupts. "I have met many useless people and of course you are not. I don't like it when you put yourself down like that, Sung Kyu."
     Kim watches him with cloudy eyes and is silent as he admires Woo Hyun's words. His face reddens and the alcohol ends up numbing his thoughts. Although, it is not difficult for Sung Kyu to

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Hello everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update, hopefully I can make it up to you in the next few weeks. Thank you for continuing to read this story.


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703 streak #1
waiting authornim 😭 i found some of your untranslated fics in wattpad which wasn’t here in aff… i wish i can read it too 🥺
khaulabear #2
Chapter 19: Thanks for the update!
703 streak #3
waiting for update 🥹
Simran20 #4
Chapter 19: Oh my god I feel so relieved at the moment....Woohyun wanted this unknowingly. Thank you so much for the update author nim ♥️♥️
Chapter 19: Finally Woohyun found out... I hope Woogyu don't deny a chance for their love just because they feel guilty. Can't wait for the next chapters!

Thank you for the update💛
703 streak #6
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update 😊 I can’t wait for woohyun to confess to sunggyu. I hope they’ll be together soon.
dgh2673 #7
where are you😭
703 streak #8
Waiting authornim 😁
Simran20 #9
Chapter 18: I wonder how much Woohyun will be hurt when he knows the truth.