Little Kitten 🐰

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Chapter 20 – Little Kitten


[푸르게 번져가던 맘이 어느새

시들어버린 향기가 된 채

불러도 대답 없는 네 이름이

메아리처럼 울려

My heart that was turning blue

Became a wilted scent

There’s no response when I call your name

It rings out like an echo]

“So, what will it be?”

She thinks long and hard.

She takes a good look at the man sitting in front of her, looking all prideful with a smirk on his face. As much as she hated his entire being, she couldn’t help but be interested in his proposition. She realized that after meeting him for the second time, they are actually quite similar.

Well for starters, she hates to lose. She seriously, seriously hates losing and not to mention of all the people she could have lost to, it was Yu Jimin. She scowls at the thought of that woman and crosses her arms.

“Before I answer you, did you find out about his background?”

“Ah, I have a gut feeling he might be Minister Kim’s long lost son.”


“Don’t you recall a rumor back then? That there was an unidentified woman who kept entering the Kim Residence and it led to rumors that he had a mistress? I mean, if you think about it, he looks pretty identical to Minister Kim. Not now, of course but when he was younger. I’ll show you.”

Her senior quickly unrolls a canvas and places it on the table, proving just how similar the two looked. Indeed, at first glance, Jeongmin did look similar to young Minister Kim, but that wasn’t enough for her.

“I need more concrete evidence than just some painting and gossips you heard, sunbae.”

“Well, how do you explain Jinhee and Jeongmin’s friendship then? How would they have met?”

She tries to think of something to say but he is right, how did Jeongmin, a nobleman from the South randomly became friends with Jinhee who is already someone very prominent in the kingdom, unless of course, Jeongmin is someone prominent himself.

“Well, you won’t be the Queen that’s for sure but if Jeongmin is really Minister Kim’s son, I will grant you a royal title.”

“I have no interest in being the Queen.”

“Really? I thought you hated losing to Yu Jimin.”

“Don’t you know, sunbae? If she becomes your Queen, I win.”

“Ah, I see, I didn’t know you dislike her that much.”

Yuna pauses. Yes, why does she dislike Yu Jimin so much?

Is it really because of Jeongmin? Admittedly a little, yes but mostly it is all because of one passing comment from someone she once liked that really made her dislike the girl.

She recalled being very young then, hands tightly gripping onto the arm of her most favorite person in the world, at that time at least as the said person exchanged greetings with none other than Yu Jimin.

Annoyed that the two were familiar with each other, she found herself tugging at the sleeves of her favorite person, wanting to know the closeness of their relationship.

"Oppa, do you know her?

She asked then with a deep frown, her tiny pointer pointing at the said girl. Her question is responded with a knowing nod and a wide smile.

"Well, who doesn't? She's pretty, isn't she?"

Yes, call her petty but hearing that from someone you liked so much really made her upset.

Understandably, since then, Yuna developed a distaste for Yu Jimin. Not only did she capture her oppa's attention but now even Jeongmin's too. Well she can't have both. Not again, she thinks, this time she should at least get the guy.

“I don’t expect you to understand but I can’t lose again, not this time.”

“Why do you have a beef with her anyways?”

Yuna can’t tell her senior about her pettiness so she resorts for a logical answer instead. He isn’t the type to probe anyway.

“She rejected him, absolutely crushed him and just when he is trying to move on from her, she comes back and tells him she loves him.”

“Well, he could have said no, you know.”

“Yes, he could but it’s not going to work out anyway. Her father would never let her marry some nobleman. He is just wasting his time with her.”

“And your father will let you?”

“Father isn’t backward. He is strict and all but he is fine with whomever I choose, as long as it isn’t someone too…unworthy.”

“Not to worry, Jeongmin doesn’t seem ordinary. From the day he stepped into campus, he has always seemed different. He is definitely not your typical nobleman. Ah, you know how that clown likes to fool around in his younger days? Who knows? Maybe Jeongmin could even be my step brother? It’s very possible.”

“That clown?”

“Oh, I meant the King.”

“You really have no respect for his Majesty, do you?”

“Hey, it’s not like you don’t know his reputation? He is just a puppet, the real King isn’t him, it’s Minister Yu. So once you’ve decided, let me know. Don’t take too long though.”

“Well, how many men do you need? I need numbers.”

“As many as possible.”

“And you swear that Jeongmin will not be hurt?”

“Yes, I’m only interested in that clown and his son. You have my word. Anyways, I have to go now but I look forward to hearing good news from you.”

He says with a slight nod before exiting the room, leaving her alone to contemplate on her decision. One very important decision.

Minister Jeon and Minister Kim may be influential but Yuna’s father isn’t just any Minister. As the Minister of Finance, he can easily secure an army of men from the neighboring kingdoms to assist her senior in subduing the kingdom’s defenses.

Yuna rubs her temples as she stares at the canvas on the table, specifically the painting, for the longest time. She studies the painting properly this time and realizes that her senior is right. Well, to be fair, they do look alike, they should at the very least be related, she thinks.


“Welcome home, my Lord.”

He nods his head lightly, taking big steps into the living room only to find his only daughter standing there, staring at him with hateful eyes, almost as if she found his presence so very much despicable. It catches him off guard because his daughter has never looked at him like that, especially with that expression, almost as if she found out something sinister about him.

They lock eyes for a moment or so while he tries to figure out the cause of her anger. And when he catches a glimpse of the unmistakable butterfly necklace on her neck, he knew right there and then.

Ah, Jimin knows now.

“I feel sorry for you, Father for choosing someone who never loved you back, but please don’t expect me to do the same.”

He hears her say with a somber tone, her eyes softening now.

“Do you even know who he is? Do you know what I’ve heard?”

“What, what did you hear?”

“I heard that he is Minister Kim’s bastard son. In other words, your friend, Jiwoo’s step brother.”

His daughter merely lets out a scoff, crossing her arms as she turns away, as if what he just said was something so ridiculous.

“Well, your sources are unreliable. He is not Minister Kim’s son. I think you should find yourself a better alliance, Father. How can you put your trust in someone like Kim Jongin, who is an actual bastard? I thought you would be smarter than this, Father.”

“How dare you judge my decisions? How did you even know about Lord Kim?”

He asks loudly with bloodshot eyes, his hands forming into fists. Oh, she is definitely pressing his buttons now.

“I told her.”

He turns to his left to see his longtime servant walking in with her face wearing the same expression as his daughter. He realizes then that his servants must have told her everything and that they must have taken her side, which means that she knows more than she should have. He lets out an exasperated chuckle as he breaks into a wicked smile.

“I pay them their salary every month and yet they listen to you? I should have all of them executed!”

His loud voice echoes in the room but his servant remains calm and unmoving. It baffles him how brazen she can be, given her social status.

“My apologies, my Lord. However, never forget that you are who you are today because of the late Queen.”

“Ah, that woman who lusted over my wife?”

“You know better than to address Her Majesty in that manner. You hold this minister position today only because of Her Majesty’s special request.”

“Nonsense, I sat for the exam, and I passed with flying colors. I should kill you for spouting such nonsense in my home!”

“If you don’t believe me, you may check with His Majesty accordingly.”

“This is nonsense, know your place, you lowly servant!”

He reaches forth to slap her on the face but finds his hand landing on another face instead. He pulls back immediately only to see his daughter staring at him, disappointment evident in her eyes.

“Jimin, I’m sorry, I didn’t…”

“Father, stop embarrassing yourself. Mother would be disappointed in you.”

“Don’t believe her, Jimin. She is just trying to turn me against you.”

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sorry for the hiatus everyone! Please enjoy Chapter 20! :D


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Kannakobayashi09 #1
Is this complete?
Chapter 20: Wow when will you up this story?:(
Chapter 20: oohhh?👀👀
Chapter 20: i did not expect that, wow.
Chapter 19: Omg lezzgowww! Finally get to catch up with the latest chapter and honestly I enjoyed every bit of it. Can’t wait for the next chapter😊
Hamsterjeongie #6
Chapter 19: Oh here we come
Chapter 19: hmmm👀
oofiee 1082 streak #8
Chapter 19: no cause why wont she tell her D:
Chapter 19: "Lady Jimin, it's time" (sound effect) babam
Hamsterjeongie #10
Chapter 18: Shi- oh no