
Demon King
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"As soon as he starts moving again, he'll figure it out..."

"Then let him start moving first."

"King, you're giving yourself more problems."

Donghae shifts on his throne. To look at Sungmin.

"What use is this information now? He's traumatized and stuck in bed with nothing to do. Why would I make it worse? You don't know the dumb things this monkey gets up to when he's scared, Sungmin."




Or bored.

Because Hyukjae starts. With the dumb things.


The boy is in a blue patient gown. He has his arm out. To the side table. He's frozen in spot. Half out of bed. One heavily bandaged leg's out. His toe's almost touching the floor.

"I-I just," Hyukjae's voice still sounds frail. "Um... I wanted water?"

He's lying. Donghae closes the door. Steps over to the other side. Grabs a waterbottle. Several cups. Brings them back. Hyukjae's still in his position.

"You can't get back in bed and you thought you could move across the room?"

Hyukjae at least appears ashamed. Donghae places the water down. The cups. He holds his arm carefully. Lifts his stiff leg. Hyukjae lowers himself. Back into bed. Breathes out. Closes his eyes briefly too.

"You're in pain."

"N-No... I think... they inject medicine while I sleep..."

"You're not in pain?"

"Um... it hurts to move..."

"So why would you move?"

Hyukjae's pitiful. "How can I stay in bed the whole time?"

"How can you get rid of your only protection and then wander so far out of your house knowing demons are after you?"

The boy scowls. Turns his head.

"Here," Donghae says. "Take your water."


"You're eighteen now. Act like an adult."

"You first."


Hyukjae manages to shift. His body tilts away too.

"I don't want your help... I'll wait for Anna..."



Donghae has to move around. To see him. Because his mumbling's difficult. To understand.

"Did you say Anna?"


"Who the hell is Anna?"

"My doctor..."

"Your doctor -- wait, Dr. Goi?"


"She's... Anna?"


"I see. Anyways, here."

Hyukjae pouts more. But then eventually lets him help. He drinks his water.

"I'm hungry..." he murmurs. "I don't think I've eaten since I came here... and I need the bathroom... I haven't showered... I wanna take a hot shower..."

Donghae just looks at him. At his bandaged up state. Silently. For a few moments.

"Explain it to me, Hyukjae. How do you plan to do that, exactly?"

The boy's glum. He blinks at the door. The walls. The curtains.

"I feel cold... I wanna move and see the sun," the boy mumbles on. "I asked Anna for a wheelchair... she said they don't have any... what kind of hospital doesn't have any wheelchairs...?"

Donghae hums. Puts the cup away. Comes back around to sit.

"Well, Hyukjae, I don't know if you remember, but you were broke before the attack and you're obviously broke now. Even this service is too much for you, let alone a wheelchair that someone will have to push around."

The boy opens his mouth. Perhaps to bark an order. But he seems to realize. Or it's hard on his vocal cords. So he closes it. Quietly, he mutters.

"You said you have money..."

"Oh, you want me to save your life and continue paying your bills, even after you kicked me out and fired me?"

"Fired you? I-I was freeing you... and I didn't ask you to..."

Hyukjae's voice fails. So he stops. To glare. Donghae's chuckling.

"I'm kidding," Donghae says. "Sorry, I can ask Yesung to get you one. But not now, okay? Ryeowook said you've got a lot of deep tears... and you can just ask your Anna to turn up the heater? Did you tell her you feel cold?"

Hyukjae sinks further in. Angrily.

"No... she's gonna think I'm a baby..."

Donghae's amused. All this means: he's getting better. He's still himself.

"I see. Well, I can mention it to Ryeowook. We'll get you food soon, too. Dr. Goi had said it'll be okay."

Hyukjae mumbles a, kay. Lips fat. Slowly, a frown appears. Donghae takes that as his cue. To leave. Because he knows that face. The boy's thinking. Hard.

"Well, kid, I have to go. Ryeowook can put you to sleep--"

"Wait..." Hyukjae manages to grab him. His hand's healing well. His bandages aren't too restricting. "Donghae... are we in a basement?"


"You said... you sent Kyuhyun up..." Hyukjae's eyes move again. To the windows. "Up... where?"

"Oh. Yes. We're... below ground."

"Does Kyuhyun have my phone?"


He doesn't seem happy. At all.

"Kyuhyun's just making sure everything continues as normal, that's all. He's not doing anything weird. We want you to recover and go back to your life like nothing ever happened."

Hyukjae's hand slips. He seems to have more. To say. Ask.

"Ryeowook's here, Hyukjae..."

"Wait..." he says again. Ryeowook's entered. Hyukjae inches away. Closer to Donghae. Whispers. "Heechul's okay? Is he doing... anything dangerous? He's still supposed to do regular check ups..."

"I can get someone to check, sure," Donghae says. Gently takes off his hands.

Hyukjae sighs in relief. But then dubiously turns to Ryeowook. Seems to sink backwards. Into the pillow.

"Each time I see you," Ryeowook says. "You seem stronger than the last. That's great, Hyukjae."

Donghae nods to Ryeowook. Leaves. He catches Hyukjae's forlorn gaze after him.




Donghae hastily calls Kyuhyun down. From Donghae's apartment. He's himself. Dressed in a bathrobe.

"You're not playing with Hyukjae's phone, right? You're only answering Heechul whenever he contacts you, right?"

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I've broken this fic into sections. They're all different stages of the plot. Hyukjae in demon world will continue for a few more chapters. Then it's back to the human world.
Thanks for reading.


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HelenDamnation #1
Chapter 44: This only clicked in my head recently, but the do the demons take a turn for the more fluffy after they come into contact with Hyukjae's mind? Because the timing seems to work out that way...
Annroy89 #2
Chapter 44: This gets more intriguing with every new chapter. can't wait to read about how and why hyuk's mum found him and his eventual healing
165 streak #4
Chapter 44: Everyone is starting to baby Hyuk. All the fuss and Hyukkies. LOL

Is Lust beginning to take action? Or just trying to mess around a little? What happens if she breaks their deal? Will hae kill her? Then he'll become more powerful. Will he still be able to control all that power? 🥹🥹
970 streak #5
Chapter 44: The demons are fussibg over Hyukjae. It's hilarious. As always, Kyuhyun needs to correct Hyukjae's mistake re Frankenstein! Kyuhyun is so on brand. This was what I thought was familial. Or are you referring to his mom's image?
Thank you so much for the update.
1588 streak #6
Chapter 44: Hyukjae can't get a break from the torment. Whether it's the physical pain or another knock to his already tiny confidence, to the point of hopelessness. Now (the illusion of?) his mother appearing as if to taunt him at one of his lowest moments... It's a lot.
1455 streak #7
Chapter 44: Kyuhyuuuun 🤦‍♀️🥹
The demons were all so cute going over hyuk and feeding them; seemed like they enjoy eating as well.
Hyukkie~ guess it’ll imbe in no time when everyone will call him that 😁
Oh noo. Does the lady demon started her action? Idk how hyuk will handle the truth tho. Hae really should not keep him in the dark and be honest w everything.

Thanks for the update, authornim! :)
HelenDamnation #8
Chapter 44: Chapter 44: You really captured something about their chaotic group interactions, translated into completely different personalities and a demon world. And yet not completely different personalities...

I don't know how to put it into words, but the way the group interacts definitely seems like them and no one else.
ldh2013 #9
Chapter 44: I wonder what Lust's true motivation is. Sounds like she decided she didn't care about having a demon offspring and decided to go after Hyukjae after all. Either that or someone else is playing games. It's funny how all the other demons have taken a caring interest in Hyukjae. Even Kyuhyun, who seemed upset that Hyukjae had gotten upset over something he said. Donghae has some explaining to do now.
Chapter 43: Poor Hyukjae must be devastated with how he looked 😭 thank u for updating