Best Friends || SaiDa


*Short One Shot*



There were two best friends named Sana and Dahyun. They had been inseparable since they were young, and their friendship had only grown stronger over the years. They shared everything with each other, from their deepest secrets to their biggest dreams. They were each other's confidante, their rock, and their support system.

Sana had always known that she was gay, but she had never found the courage to tell anyone, not even Dahyun.

Dahyun, on the other hand, was straight and had always dated guys. Despite their differences in ual orientation, Sana and Dahyun continued to be the best of friends, never letting anything come between them.

As they grew older, Sana began to realize that her feelings for Dahyun had grown beyond mere friendship. She found herself thinking about Dahyun all the time, daydreaming about what it would be like to be in a romantic relationship with her. But she also knew that her feelings were one-sided, that Dahyun would never feel the same way about her.

Sana tried to ignore her feelings, to push them down and pretend that they didn't exist. But the more she tried to suppress them, the more they consumed her. She found herself getting jealous when Dahyun talked about her boyfriends, and she couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain every time Dahyun went on a date with someone else.

Dahyun, meanwhile, remained completely oblivious to Sana's feelings. She had no idea that her best friend was in love with her, and she continued to see Sana as nothing more than a friend.

Sana knew that she couldn't keep her feelings hidden forever. She knew that she had to tell Dahyun how she felt, even if it meant risking their friendship.

So one day, she took a deep breath and decided to tell Dahyun the truth.

"I...I like you, Dahyunnie"

At first, Dahyun was shocked. She had never even considered the idea that her best friend might be in love with her. But as Sana poured her heart out, Dahyun began to realize that her feelings for Sana might be more than just friendship.

For a few brief moments, Dahyun allowed herself to consider the idea of being in a relationship with Sana.

But as the reality of the situation set in, she began to feel overwhelmed.

She didn't know how to navigate this new terrain, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to take such a big step.

Sana could sense Dahyun's hesitation, and she knew that her worst fears were about to come true.

Dahyun gently explained that she didn't feel the same way, that she valued their friendship too much to risk losing it by pursuing a romantic relationship.

Sana was devastated, of course, but she tried to put on a brave face and accept the latter's decision.

Neither one of them wanted to lose each other, so she told Dahyun that she understood and that things could go back to the way they were before.

But just like all the other stories out there, things couldn't go back to the way they were before. The dynamic between Sana and Dahyun had changed, and there was a new awkwardness between them that hadn't been there before.

Every time they hung out, Sana couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness knowing that the person she loved didn't feel the same way about her.

As time passed, Sana tried to move on.

She went out on dates, tried to meet new people, but she couldn't shake her feelings for Dahyun.

She knew that she had to distance herself from her friend to allow herself to heal, but it was easier said than done.

Meanwhile, Dahyun couldn't stop thinking about what Sana had said.

She had never considered the idea of being in a relationship with another woman before, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized that her feelings for Sana might be really more than just friendship.

Dahyun struggled with her feelings for months, trying to make sense of what she was feeling.

She wasn't sure if she was ready to take such a big step, but she couldn't deny the fact that she was attracted to Sana on a deeper level.

​​​​​​​"Could I be...?" Dahyun mumbled.

One day, Dahyun decided to reach out to Sana and tell her how she was feeling.

​​​​​​​"I have something to tell you"

She knew that she had hurt Sana in the past, but she hoped that they could move past it and maybe explore the possibility of a romantic relationship.

​​​​​​​"I...I think I'm falling for you too" 

Sama was shocked when she heard what Dahyun had to tell.

It's true that she had given up hope of ever being with Dahyun, and the thought of having another chance with her was both terrifying and exhilarating bur the two of them decided to meet up and talk things over - reconfirm what they really felt for each other.

They spent hours talking, laughing, and reminiscing about their past.

As the night wore on, Dahyun, unexpectedly, but slowly reached out and took Sana's hand.

Sana felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her body at the touch, and she knew that this was the moment she had been waiting for.

Slowly but surely, they leaned in and kissed, and it felt like the world stood still.

For a few blissful months, Sana and Dahyun were together.

They explored each other's bodies, talked about their hopes and dreams, and fell more deeply in love with each passing moment.

It didn't take them long to have a relationship.

They made sure to love each other truly, and deeply. But as much as they loved each other, their relationship was not without its challenges.

They had to navigate their new dynamic as girlfriends, and they had to deal with the reactions of their friends and family.

Some people were supportive, while others were judgmental and dismissive of their love.

Sana and Dahyun tried their best to ignore the naysayers and focus on each other. They went on trips together, cooked meals together, and celebrated each other's accomplishments.

They were happy, but there was always a shadow looming over them.

Sana couldn't help but wonder if Dahyun was truly happy with her, or if she was just experimenting with her uality.

Dahyun, on the other hand, was constantly worried about what her family and friends thought of her new relationship.

Their doubts and fears began to take a toll on their relationship, and they started to argue and grow distant from each other. They both knew that something had to change, but they weren't sure what.

One day, Dahyun sat Sana down and told her that she needed some space. She explained that she loved her, but she wasn't sure if she was ready for a serious, long-term relationship.

Sana was heartbroken, but she understood where Dahyun was coming from. She didn't want to force the younger into anything she wasn't ready for, so she agreed to give her the space she needed.

Over the next few weeks, the two didn't talk as much. Sana tried to keep herself busy with work and hobbies, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing from her life. She missed Dahyun, but she didn't know how to fix things between them.

One day, out of the blue, Dahyun called Sana and asked to meet up. They sat down at a coffee shop and talked things over. Dahyun explained that she had been doing a lot of soul-searching, and she realized that she loved Sana more than anything in the world. She was ready to commit to their relationship, and she wanted to make things work between them.

​​​​​​​"I'm sorry that it took me long, but...I'm ready. I'm ready for us"

Sana was over the moon. She had never stopped loving Dahyun, and the thought of being with her again filled her with joy. They embraced and kissed, and it felt like they had been given a second chance at love.

From that moment on, they were inseparable again. 

They worked through their issues, communicated openly and honestly with each other, and made a conscious effort to prioritize their relationship. They knew that their love was worth fighting for, and they were willing to do whatever it took to make it work.

Years went by, and their love for each other only grew stronger. They faced many challenges together, but they always emerged stronger and more in love than before. They moved in together, adopted a dog, and built a life together that was filled with love, laughter, and joy.

Sana looked back on the journey that had led her to Dahyun, her past, her present, and her future.

And she knew that it had all been worth it. She had been in love with her best friend for years, and she had never given up on the hope that they could be together. And now, they were happier than ever.

Dahyun looked at Sana and felt a deep sense of gratitude. She knew that she had been selfish and uncertain in the past, but she was grateful that Sana had given her a second chance. She loved Sana more than anything in the world, and she couldn't imagine her life without her.

As they sat on the couch, holding hands and watching their favorite movie, they knew that they had found something special.

They had found a love that was deep, meaningful, and unbreakable. 

They had found each other, and they knew that they were meant to be together until death do them apart.

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I tried picturing Dahyun in a different light with the A.O.O.Y. DaHyo fanfic. Many would describe her as a pianist so I made her an artist in this one, a painter.


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Chapter 3: I need part 2 of the feels ><
1188 streak #2
Chapter 6: I was thinking maybe you could write one with Momo and Dahyun going on there first date to a carnival and Momo the entire time is deadset on getting Dahyun the largest stuffed animal in the entire park and somewhere in there if you could throw in them going on a ferris wheel even though Dahyun's afraid of heights haha
1188 streak #3
Chapter 5: I definitely needed the fluff after that last one 😭💙🤍
1188 streak #4
Chapter 4: Oh oh oh oh yeah this one definitely hurt, threw me for the spin cycle can tell you that very much
canete714 #5
Chapter 4: Woaaaah this story is sooo good.
Chapter 2: part 2!
Blackshadow21 #7
Chapter 3: Author your back! Whooooo
Pika_Boo14 #8
Chapter 3: I don't think I ever clicked on an update so fast! Good to see you again authornim!
Jamess #9
saida 🤭🤭
Chapter 2: cliffhanger what is dahyuns reaction tho? in dahyo oneshot