The Itaewon House I

La dolce vita

“Come on baby girl, let’s go home and I’ll take care of that cut.” Joong Ki brought his thumb lightly to the cut on my cheek. “But you’re all covered in blood.” I said. “It’s fine, let’s just go quickly to the car. Ji Won, can you take care of this?” Joong Ki nodded at Ji Won briskly, who gave a thumbs up while she was talking on the phone. We went to the garage via the elevator, and a man passed Joong Ki the keys as he walked by. He didn’t seem fazed by Joong Ki’s bloody clothes. “Is this a common occurrence?” I wondered. “Well… not exactly.” Joong Ki replied calmly. I didn’t realize that I verbalized my thoughts. A little embarrassed, I wondered what he meant by that.

The city streets were empty as it was already past midnight on a weekday. Joong Ki drove fast, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. I looked out the window at the night lights. I realized that this was not the route to Hongdae. “Where are we going?” I asked. “I’m taking you to mine so that I can take care of you properly.” Joong Ki glanced at me. “Is that okay?” I’ve not been to Joong Ki’s house yet and I had no idea what to expect, but the cut was really starting to sting so I agreed.

The neighborhood looked familiar; it was Itaewon. I didn’t know where Joong Ki actually lived, there were many news reports about the properties he had, but I just kinda assumed he lived in a normal apartment like a normal person. The car went up a hill with nice looking houses. There were no tall buildings here, just big houses that looked like mansions. We stopped in front of a two-storey large grey house with security cameras around its perimeter. “You live here?! All by yourself?” I couldn’t help but exclaim. “Well yeah, I hope it’s not too much. You’re not even inside yet.” Joong Ki rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. We got out of the car and he unlocked the house door via an advanced looking fingerprint recognition system.

I definitely gasped when I saw the interior of the house. It was tastefully furnished with designer furniture from the likes of Eames armchairs, tulip chairs and geometric-looking tables. A slate grey wallpaper gave the living room a moody vibe, and a deep brown Chesterfield leather sofa faced a gigantic flatscreen TV. Fancy lamps hung from the ceiling and walls, while fresh flowers and lush houseplants adorned the tables. He dropped our stuff on the valet tray near the hallway, and ushered me up the stairs to the bathroom. On the second floor, the furnishing was the same, but the bathroom was truly gorgeous, with a large framed mirror overlooking the dark marble counter of the sink. Matte black modern wall sconces cast a flattering light. Joong Ki sat me on the edge of the claw foot bathtub, dropped his jacket on the floor and got a first-aid box out of the medicine cabinet. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and saw that the cut was a little worse than I thought. The bleeding had slowed down, but blood was still beading at the edges of the cut.

Joong Ki rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt while he opened the first-aid box. “This might sting a little, but we have to make sure it’s clean so it doesn’t get infected.” Joong Ki said as he brought an alcohol-dipped cotton ball to my face. His other hand cupped the curve of my right cheek, and he kneeled on the floor to get a better look at the wound. I flinched as the alcohol stung. Joong Ki shushed me softly as he gently maneuvered the cotton ball around the cut. “Shh shh shh, oh poor baby, I’m so sorry.” Joong Ki sighed. He lightly dabbed some antiseptic cream on the wound with a cotton bud, then disposed of all the supplies. He knelt down again and took my face in his hands. “I’m really sorry that this had to happen, it was supposed to be a beautiful evening. Please forget what you’ve seen me do, I lost control for a moment there.” His deep brown eyes searched mine for understanding. My heart melted, I could get lost in those eyes forever. “Of course it’s fine Oppa, we couldn’t have had any control over the situation.” I said. “Thanks for taking care of me.” I added as I hugged him. “Why don’t you take a nice relaxing bath to calm down while I wash up downstairs? I’ll bring something comfy that you can wear.” Joong Ki offered. I gladly accepted, I really needed some time alone to process what happened.


Joong Ki stalked down the stairs angrily. He had been hiding his feelings from Mina as the poor girl was already hurt and shocked. How could they not have seen Mr. Kim at the event and even let him on the roof? They knew he had planned the tour for Mina. He went out onto the terrace and kicked at the ground. Frustrated, he shouted into the night. His hands shaking, he searched his pockets for his cigarettes and lit one. The first draw calmed him down, and he felt better after half the stick. He went to the washroom and scrubbed the bastard’s blood from his arms. He would have to take the suit to the dry cleaner’s tomorrow, how annoying. It was limited edition, and he hoped they would be able to get all the blood out. Well they did the last time, so it should be fine.

Joong Ki splashed some water on his face and dried it with a fluffy towel. He went upstairs again to the bedroom to pick out something for Mina to wear. After deliberating for a while, he decided on a soft white T-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. On second thought, he grabbed his silk robe in case she would get cold. Knocking on the bathroom door, he set the clothes down outside the door and went downstairs.  

His phone rang just as Joong Ki plopped on the sofa.

“Yeah?” Joong Ki answered the phone.

“Mr. S, it’s all taken care of. We are very sorry for the incident today, and will accept any punishment.”

“Right, that really upset me. I will think about what punishment fits. For now, tidy up and bring everything tomorrow night. Not today, I have Mina here.” He hung up and threw the phone aside.

Joong Ki was so done, tonight really didn’t go as planned. He almost drifted off when he heard the bathroom door open and close. He got up and slowly made his way upstairs. The bathroom door opened again and Mina appeared in the soft light, looking smaller and younger without the makeup, dress and heels. She had such an angelic face, bathed in the warm light, and Joong Ki wanted to protect her forever. He cleared his throat and said, “How was it? Do you feel better now? Are you hungry, can I get you anything?”

“Thanks Oppa, I’m good, maybe I’ll just make some tea or so.” She smiled at him.

“Let me do it, you can take a seat and relax.” Joong Ki switched on the TV and threw a cashmere blanket over the couch, then went to the kitchen to boil water for tea. He should have done this before, but was distracted by the call. Mina wrapped herself in the blanket and stared blankly at the screen. She shivered and touched the cut on her cheek unconsciously. He noticed this and immediately sat by her side on the couch. “What’s wrong?” He asked, putting an arm over her shoulder and pulling her close. “I don’t know. I’m just a little shaken, sorry.” She whispered. Joong Ki felt some wetness on his arm and saw tears rolling down her face. Oh, if only he could go back in time and prevent anything from happening. Then she wouldn’t have had to see that side of him. He held her tightly until she calmed down. The kettle clicked and he got up briefly to make tea. Joong Ki brought the two steaming mugs over and set them down on the table. He resumed holding Mina, alternating running his hands through her hair and rubbing her back. They sat like this for a while, enjoying each other’s company while staring at the TV but not really watching anything, and finished their tea.

“I have a guestroom so you can sleep there if you like.” Joong Ki said. Mina looked up at him, her eyes glistening, and said, “Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight? I really don’t want to be alone now.” Joong Ki of course didn’t mind, but wanted to be polite and respect her space. “Of course honey, should we go now?” They made their way to the bedroom, and got into bed together. Joong Ki couldn’t remember the last time he shared his bed with someone, it was definitely a first in this house. It had been a long time since he had any kind of intimacy. It was strange yet so cozy to have Mina here with him. “Oppa, I’m feeling better already. Thanks again for taking care of me. I’m not used to having someone to rely on.” Mina murmured as she buried her head in his chest. Joong Ki felt his heart stir and quicken. He said nothing and kissed the top of her head, inhaling her sweet scent. As Mina’s breathing slowed to a regular pace, Joong Ki too, drifted off to sleep.

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New chapter out! Have fun exploring SJK's new house and thoughts! ;-)


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2026 streak #1
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. But before I started reading it, I just thought I would ask you if you are still planning to update this story and that is not discontinued or on hiatus. Anyway, hope to hear from you soon ^^
extracurricular #2
please update!!!