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The road to the capital leads the carriage on the dirt path, the morning sun being high up in the sky with the bliss of spring and fresh air, distant sounds of towns and field workers painting the rustic abundance into the new, warming season. Hanseong has served as the capital of Joseon ever since it was renamed from its old title of Hanyang, the city where the Emperor resides at the palace along with his Empress, wives, concubines, and the rest of the population that make up the court; a grand destination for many guests of importance and travelers, especially now that a festival will be held at the palace to celebrate the rebirth of nature.


Hwa Dongha is a silk merchant who treasures nothing on this world other than his three daughters and the tradition of his trade passed down into their family from generations before them. After his wife, Miyeon, died in childbirth, the grief of his loss robbed the man of happiness with the death of his beloved, and as the eldest daughter, Hwa Narae shouldered most of the hardships the absence of their mother left behind, caring for her father and her sisters, Jihyun, the middle child, and Bom, the youngest. Trusted with her father's accounts books and silk shop back in their hometown at Jeonju, she has been humorously compared to the son Dongha never had for her agile wits and fierce tendency to protect and provide for her family, her beauty unattainable by suitors she turned down time and time. Whereas Jihyun followed in her footsteps to challenge the dainty expectations asked of them as young women, Bom inherited their mother's shy traits, often timid to their handling of matters: an age difference of two years between the three sisters. 


Today is a big day for them and their father. Over the decades of Dongha's famed trades which have reached Hanseong, Emperor Kim Jongseo himself has decided to grace the Hwa family with an invitation to the palace, a promise to personally view their varieties of silk.


"Say, sister..." Bom fidgets with the fabric of her pink robes, bitting her lip. She means to ask something that she can only encourage herself to murmur softly: "Will the princes be there too...?"


"My, our sweet, little Bom. She grew up so fast."




"To answer your question, yes. I, on the other hand, am rather excited. I look forward to meeting them." the middle sister fans herself playfully, a smile twisting her lips.


"Both of you should be careful, father best not hear you speak so freely about the princes." Narae's voice of reason cuts their discussion short, not turning her head from the window of the wooden carriage.


Jihyun pouts. "Even on this day you are being so uptight, sister. You will never find a husband if you continue to act like this."


"I am being responsible. Marrying is the least of my priorities in such times of..." "danger" she wants to say but she stops herself. Instead, her sentence trails off, words unspoken. 


The average people of Joseon are not privy to the knowledge they possess.


"You do have a point." her younger sister lowers her gaze as a sign of agreement, placing her hands in her lap. She's wearing the same design on her hanbok like Bom, except hers is mint green colored.


"We are not here just to sell our silks. Do not forget that."


"Yes, sister." Bom is quick to respect her advice.


"But if so," shine remerges into Jihyun's expression, tapping her chin with her finger contemplatively. "Should we not make use of our beauty?"


Finally, Narae's eyes peel from the fields outside, flitting to her. Strands of her hair slip from her shoulder, over the white and faint blue fabric of her hanbok, she prefers keeping it half up - half down than having it tied into an intricate updo at the base of her neck, like she remembers her mother doing hers. presses in a thin line. 


"Am I not right?" 


"You are."


"Then it is settled. We will not lose ourselves to leisure activities at the palace but we are aloud to have a few tricks up our sleeves." Jihyun's fingers interlace under her chin. She looks like a scheming princess would it not be for the modesty of her robes and jewelry, as she spies the eldest Hwa with her orbs. "And you, our dearest, beautiful sister are not an exception."


"Is that wise?" Bom ventures, glancing between the two females. She has always searched for the approval of both. 


"Why would it not be? I know that I..."


Narae's focus leaves Jihyun's speech in the background, a frown shadowing her features as they cross through the gates of the last town where a funeral seems to take place. An eldery woman's anguished yells can be heard from the road, her relatives holding onto her while whispers disperse throughout the crowd of commoners who laugh at her poor distress.


" daughter, my lovely daughter! The demons took her away from me! My Jooeun...they killed her..."


"Aunt Bo, please..."


"What is she talking about?"


"She has gone insane!"


"Halt!" Dongha's order causes their convoy to come to a sudden stop, carriage rattling.


She watches from the window how her father gets off his horse and pushes his way through people, walking over to the wailing mother. Her ears strain to pick up on the hushed conversation he initiates, proding for details; the woman gives him what she can. 


"...she went missing..."


"...deathly marks..."


" the fields..."


"...demons...they are here..."


Something ugly worms into her chest, squeezing at her heart. She hoped their father was wrong when he mentioned the legends warning the reawakening of evil amongst humankind...


It's official, this trail of murders has reached the capital. 


There is no telling if it has infected the palace or the root of the problem lives within its walls. 







The Kim monarchy has reigned for over two hundred years. Narae understands why, judging from the calmness Emperor Kim Jongseo portrays, and though he may not be a fair man in every decision, he does what is needed of him to maintain the precarious peace that threatens to crumble one day. 


Her father greets him and she mimicks his movements, before she and her sisters come forward torwards the throne bearing gifts. Her wooden box contains a green jade necklace from the province of Pyongyang, Jihyun's is of perfumed incense and Bom has a bejeweled hair pin. 


"We thank Your Majesty for your invitation, and hope that you will enjoy the humble gifts we bring to show our gratitude to you and Her Majesty, the Empress. It is an honor to be here."


"My wives and court speak fondly of the silks you sell, Hwa Dongha. The royal family buys silk from you for five years, you have not disappointed us once. Every color is unique, infused with the utmost care."


"I owe that to my daughters, Your Majesty. They are the ones who supervise my shop and the dyeing of our silks."



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749 streak #1
Chapter 6: I just discovered this story and I love your plot. Aside from that, I hope you are doing better. Sending you positive vibes and well wishes.
Chapter 5: Dear authornim, please take ur time and I hope you will be healthy soon/the symptoms are reduced! Stay strong! Take care
That poster is so freaking gorgeous omg ❤️
Chapter 4: Not her sister worried that her soulmate could not give her properly pleasure 😭😭😭🤚🏻

And gegegdhshsh THIS IS GETTING SO EXCITING !!!! Why Narae suddenly being a target? Someone might know about their soulmate right? And I bet misoo’s mark is fake ?

Ughhh i’m so exciting for the next update !
Endzii22 #5
Chapter 4: Im do hooked
gogogirl26 #6
Chapter 4: Ughh what a timing! He would know she is his soulmate
Chapter 4: Uwooooh it’s getting more and more interesting authornim! Thank you for the update! So many mysteries aww >__<
byunriee #8
Chapter 3: OH MY GOD!! i love it so much please the can't get far from each other?? gosh that is so y and sweet :')) And sehun is a bit sus tho but i'm kinda happy that baekhyun is not a demon. Thankyou for the update!!
Chapter 3: oh my god !?! I thought it was just a simple bond but it came with the conditions !!??!
Chapter 3: Okay im sold i love tgis stiry already Baekhyun is so cheeky i love how he was messing her right at the first meeting lmao and who would've thought they were a family of hunters thays crazy also love the fact that shes a badass So both sehun and baekhyun ain't demons? Why am I still suspicious abt sehun tho they were acting so shady in the beginning and whats up with the mom and I hope they hurry back and reunite them quickly