
Keeping you near
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[Third's Person POV]



"You know I was really nervous about the results but I'm happy that we get to play the lead together"

Somi said with a smile


"Yeah me too since we already know how to work together" Dahyun replied


"Well if you're not busy we could meet up to practice"

she said putting a hand on Dahyun's shoulder


"Totally, I just have to make sure that I won't neglect my other obligations" Dahyun said


"Oh yeah of course, don't want your grades to drop"

the taller girl said with a chuckle nudging Dahyun's shoulder


"By the way, are you coming to the party tonight?"

she added the question


"I have to ask-"



the girl was interrupted when she heard her name being called.


She looked to the side to see Mina, her girlfriend standing there with her usual expression. If it wasn't normal, Dahyun would have thought Mina was mad at her since her voice sounded serious.

Dahyun smiled at her and stretched her arm out for Mina to come to her which the older girl did.

They intertwine their fingers naturally and Dahyun put her attention back to Somi


"Like I wanted to say. I talk to Mina and our friends about it and will let you know"

she said with a smile.


They ended their conversation since Mina was there to pick Dahyun up from acting class. She hugged Somi goodbye and Mina got Dahyun's bag before they got out of the room.

Dahyun wanted to take her bag back but Mina put it around her own shoulder


"Where is your bag?"

Dahyun asked, intertwining their fingers back together


"At the dorm" Mina said casually


"So you were coming back only for me?" the older girl nodded


"You didn't have to. I could have just went home alone"

Dahyun said but instead of a word, Mina gave her hand a squeeze.


When they got outside the building Dahyun gasped and stopped which also made the other girl stop


"Totally forgot to tell you. I'm the lead in our new play" she said beaming.

Mina gave her a small smile and Dahyun was happy that she at least got this small reaction from her girlfriend. Dahyun wanted to continue walking but was hold back by Mina


"Who is the other lead?"



Dahyun answered with a smile since she was happy that Mina seemed to be interested but after the first question no other was asked.

Dahyun sighed quietly not knowing that the older girl heard her.


The rest of the walk to their dorm was in silence but it wasn't new except that this time one of them was deep in thoughts.

Arriving at the dorm, when Mina opened the door to their apartment, Dahyun ran inside the living room where she saw Sana sitting on the couch


"Unnie I got the lead" she yelled in excitement.

Sana got up from the couch and crushed Dahyun in a tight hug


"That's awesome Dahyunie"

she said while Dahyun chuckled at how tight the older girl was hugging her


"What did I hear?"

the two pulled away to see Momo and Nayeon coming out of their room with Nayeon asking


"I got the lead to our new play"

Dahyun repeated and was crushed again by the two girls who joined her yelling in excitement.


Mina watched everything from the side with no emotion on her face. She went to Dahyun's and Tzuyu's room to put the bag she was carrying on her girlfriend's bed.

Tzuyu was also inside the room and looked up from the book she was reading from


"Why are they yelling so much?"

she asked with a chuckle


"Dahyun got the lead to her new play" Mina answered


"Ahhhh okay I get why she is so happy. She worked so hard for it"

Tzuyu said with a soft smile, happy for her best friend


"Yeah she was really happy"

Mina said and the younger girl could hint some sour tone in Mina's voice


"Aren't you happy for her?"

that question made Mina taken aback


"Of course I'm happy"

she said putting one of her hands on her hip


"And why doesn't it sound like it?"

Mina sigh, knowing she couldn't hide her feelings in front of Tzuyu


"Somi is the other lead" she answered.


She could see how hard Tzuyu tried not to laugh so she sent her a glare before wanting to leave the room. However Tzuyu got up from the bed and put her hand on Mina's shoulder


"You shouldn't be worried. That Tofu has eyes only for you"

she said before she and Mina got out of the room, seeing the four loud girls now sitting on the couch, chatting happily.


"Congrats Dubu"

Tzuyu said joining the girls while Mina stood there watching her girlfriend.


When she felt a hand on her shoulder she saw Jihyo standing next to her.

Mina didn't even realise when the older girl got out of her and Sana's room.


"Is anything bothering you? You seem a bit stiff"

Jihyo said and it made Mina groan since it was a bit annoying for her how quick Jihyo would catch on her mood, well as expected from her best friend but it still got on Mina's nerves from time.


Her groan however was louder than intended and Dahyun was suddenly standing in front of her with a hand on her cheek and a worried expression


"Everything okay?"

she asked softly and Mina nodded trying not to lock eyes with her girlfriend, feeling embarrassed.


They are only together for seven month now but Dahyun knew Mina really well since first they were friends before getting together and for Dahyun, Mina was just an open book even if the older girl tried her best not to show emotions at the beginning of their everything.


Mina was glad when she heard the front door opening and Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon getting inside. Before they could even pull their shoes off Dahyun run to them and told them the news about her play.

Mina smiled when she heard Dahyun and Chaeyoung screaming.

Jeongyeon came in sight, holding her ears shut but everyone could get why and laughed at it while the older girl went inside her room with her girlfriend Nayeon following her.


When Mina heard a giggle next to her, she looked to Jihyo, seeing that Tzuyu was whispering her something in her ear.

Mina raised her eyebrow but when she saw a smirk from Tzuyu and Jihyo she gasped and went to the two


"Only because she is your girlfriend doesn't mean that you can just tell her"

Mina said, glaring at the two


"Can't tell what?"

she heard Sana asking who was suddenly next to Jihyo and Tzuyu.

Both girls smirk deepen which made Mina's eyes widen


"Don't. If Sana knows, everyone knows"

Mina said with a warning finger


"Hey not fair. I'm your girlfriend too"

she said pouting at Tzuyu and Jihyo.

Mina sigh knowing it was pointless when Sana was pouting at her girlfriends.

They told her and Mina had to hold her ears shut when Sana squealed loudly


"Awww you're jealous"

Sana said loudly and was shushed by the other three girls


"Who is jealous?"

Mina's eyes widen and she looked to the entrance of the living room where she saw Dahyun and Chaeyoung standing.

Mina saw a confused expression on her girlfriend's face and got back to her poker face, looking at the poly couple giving them a last warning look


"Nobody, Sana was just joking around" she said


"Ahh ok"

Dahyun said nodding but Mina knew that the younger girl wasn't believing her fully.


"Dahyun, you still have your shoes on"

Mina said trying to distract the situation she was in right now.


The younger girl looked down

"Oh yeah right. Thanks Baby"

she said, getting back to the corridor to take her shoes off.


It was 5pm when the girls were all in the living room after doing their homework or cleaning their room.

It was a time where they just sat together and chatted.







They lived in the dorm together for three years now, well with Mina for two years but they grew to a family in the time and treated each other with love.


Jeongyeon and Nayeon are high school sweethearts and a year above everyone else in the dorm.

Because of short place, they couldn't be roommates but even after the people left their dorm and they got to know the girls they stayed in their room since they would live after college together and for the rest of their life.

It was also a way to concentrate better on college.

Jihyo, Sana and Tzuyu quickly got attached to one another's hips and only half a year after they got to know each other they started dating.



After their first year, they got a transfer student who would have her own room.

Mina was cold and didn't bother to talk to any of her dorm mates which made them a bit sad since they grew to good friends with each other and thought Mina would be a good addition.

Only three month later, it started, when Mina found Dahyun in the middle of the night crying silently on the couch she asked the girl what happened.

Dahyun explained that she had a fight with her parents who found out that she wasn't majoring engineering and instead majoring acting.

They wanted Dahyun to change the college and the young girl didn't know what to do.

Mina stayed with Dahyun the whole night, listening and trying to help her look for solutions, forgetting that she was only outside to grab herself a water.



The other girls were more than surprised to find out that Mina and Dahyun become friends.

Weeks later Mina helped Dahyun practicing when she got the chance to play one of the lead roles.

She even got Dahyun's parents to watch the play and in the end Dahyun was allowed to stay at the college. In this time, the younger girl was starting to fall for Mina but since the older girl never really showed any emotions she wasn't sure if it was one sided or not.


While the two didn't know what was happening between them, Momo got into a relationship with a man who was volunteered to work at the university for some month.

Her parents weren't really happy to hear that their youngest daughter was in a relationship with an older man but after a while they saw that he was good enough for her so they gave him a chance.


Chaeyoung was the only one who enjoyed her single life, having flings from time to time but never something serious.


After month past, Dahyun was getting frustrated with Mina and when the girls went on a trip together she wanted to talk to her but was always interrupted and Mina didn't seem like she wanted to talk.

When the two finally had the time to talk when they were alone at a river , Dahyun never thought that Mina could be bold but after she felt the older girl's lips on her own her eyes widen and she accidentally pushed Mina away short after because of the shock.


However for Mina it meant something different and from then on, Mina avoided Dahyun.

At their last night Dahyun found the older girl at the river where they kissed for the first time.

When Mina saw Dahyun she wanted to leave but after she heard a


"Please just stay and listen"

from Dahyun, hearing how tired and sad the younger girl sounded she stopped in her tracks and looked back at Dahyun.

She was trying hard to keep her poker face on but with Dahyun so close to her it was hard, even more after the rejection she received days ago.


Mina never really showed emotions but since that one time when Dahyun caught Mina crying in her room she was more open about letting her feelings out even after her father raised her to never show her fragile side, saying it makes her weak and other people dangerous.


"What do you want?"

Mina asked trying not to let her tears showing.

It was painful to get pushed away from Dahyun, since she thought Dahyun was feeling the same.


"Can you please stop the facade and just listen to what I have to say?"

Mina nodded and she tried to stay still when Dahyun got closer.

She flinched lightly when she felt Dahyun's hand on her own but she quickly soften by the hold and she could look in the younger girl's eyes


"I'm sorry"

Mina's expression harden again, feeling a rejection coming her way.


She opened to stop Dahyun before she could rip her heart out more.

The younger girl luckily catched that her words made Mina only more nervous so she quickly continued


"I shouldn't have pushed you away. I was just really surprised that you would do something like this"

Mina kept quiet, not knowing what to say about it


'Does that mean she likes me too?'


Her thoughts were bringing question after question inside her mind but all of them where gone when she felt soft lips on her own.

She wanted to keep kissing Dahyun but she had another idea so she pushed the younger girl away who looked more than confused


"I'm sorry. Was I reading something wrong in it?"

she asked with tears in her eyes. Mina would have continued teasing her but she just wanted to feel Dahyun's lips again and pulled her in for another kiss, smiling a bit when she felt the younger girl kissing back this time


"I just wanted to get you back for last time"

she whispered between their kiss and was hit on the shoulder by the younger girl



she heard Dahyun saying and just chuckled before deepening the kiss.


Before they got really together Mina wanted to take Dahyun out on dates that she was experiencing her first love the best way she could. Everything was just new for Mina and with Dahyun it had to be perfect since she was the first who got inside Mina's heart.

Since then they are glued together.

Of course they had arguments like any other couple but most of the times there were just misunderstandings and after being together for longer they knew how each of them ticked and could avoid stupid fights.

Most of the time they were in Mina's room since she had her own but Mina was still not really used to all the skin ship so they kept a bit down in contrast to other couples which Dahyun didn't mind.





"Oh girls before I forget. The Drama club organized a party for tonight for everyone to come. It is to bring luck for our play since we can't really join parties when we start to practice" Dahyun explained.


She looked around to see that her friends were thinking about it.

Okay rather Chaeyoung and Momo quickly agreeing, Sana pouting at Jihyo and Tzuyu, Nayeon doing the same to Jeongyeon who tried to cover Nayeon's eyes which led to a bicker and Mina giving her a frown.


"Come on it could be fun before we have to study every day for upcoming exams"

Sana said not giving up


"You won't study either way"

Tzuyu said which got her a small hit from Jihyo and a frowning pout from Sana.


She then sigh and  agreed getting kissed all over the face by Sana.

Jeongyeon also agreed not wanting Nayeon to be mad at her.


"Awesome the party starts at 8pm so we should eat something before getting ready"

Dahyun said knowing none of them is really good at handling alcohol.

She stood up but was stopped by a hand on her wrist


"I won't go"

she turned around to look at Mina


"Why not?"


"Just because. I'm not in the mood for a party"

Dahyun was a bit hurt since she wanted Mina to support her since it was also about the play.

All of her friends were really excited for her except Mina but she knew that her girlfriend was just a bit different.


"Okay fine, then don't. I call Somi that the rest of us is going"

Dahyun said going to her room with her phone on her ear since she wanted to be alone right now.


Mina felt eyes on her and saw that the girls were looking at her, most of them with a frown




"She is really excited for her play and would love to have your support"

Nayeon said softly, knowing how to handle Mina now too after living together for so long.


"I support h

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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 1: This is so underrated omggg so good
Ice_berg #2
Chapter 1: The ending tho- :0
Quite well written author :]
17 streak #3
Chapter 1: Well done!!

And alcohol op op