

I don’t know how it happened.

Suddenly, you started avoiding me, or better yet, you stop paying attention to me.

I didn’t even realized when it started.

All I just know is that, one day, we both woke up and you don’t care about me anymore.

At first, I thought, “Nah. Maybe she’s just not in the mood today”, so I forced myself to keep positive. It works in the first half. But then, sadly, it happened again.

And it continue to happen as each day passes.

There are some times where I end up drinking my red wine at the middle of the night because I can’t sleep thinking about what went wrong and what do I have to do to fix whatever the hell this is.

Because I’ve been missing you so much.

That I don’t mind doing even the most foolish thing in the world just for you to pay attention to me.

Funny thing is that realizing how much you’ve changes, or more like, how the tables have turned.

Remember when we are in colleges, when you always pass by to my work place just to score a date with me.

Good times.

You were so quirky, so dumb that I didn’t helped myself to finally agree with you.

And so I did.

It was really nice.


It was Wednesday in the late afternoon when the gang, Yujin and her teammates – Eunbi, Chaewon, Chaeyeon, Yena, Hyewon and Wonyoung, planned to eat at the local restaurant near them which is the Oneiric Misfit that recently opened. Their afternoon practice for the upcoming basketball inter-school competition just finished, so Eunbi— which is their captain— thought about eating first before going home. When they arrived at the restaurant, they took a seat at the table set-up near at the corner of the establishment. “Yena-unnie, are you going to pay for us?” Wonyoung asked Yena.

“Of course not!” Yena retorted. “Who do you think I am? Bill gates? Pay for your own food.” She added, with threatening gaze that made Wonyoung scram.

“Coming at me unprovoked. Chill unnie.” Wonyoung said.

Yujin could only smile at their interaction. They’re always like this, teasing and bickering at each other nonstop; fortunately, they will not let it go beyond that, just like any other friends do. She’s busy having conversations with Chaewon and Chaeyeon about the last game when she noticed a pretty– no, scratch that, a gorgeous woman casually walking around and assisting their guest’s orders, looking so ethereal; clad with clean white and blue uniform, and cute brunette colored hair bun and disheveled fringe.


Yujin thought.

She was never good with arts; she at that. But she surely knows when and how to appreciate one.

And this girl is a walking perfection.

Like, if innocent beauty is a person, she’d be it.

Yujin is intensely staring at the girl, the conversation is long forgotten. She watched how graceful this girl is while talking to the customers with full concentration, and that made the two of her friends flood with confusion. When Chaewon noticed that Yujin is not responding, clearly the girl’s attention is off somewhere else, she averted her stare to the direction where Yujin’s gaze is headed. When she saw where Yujin looking at, she instantly smirked. Chaewon glanced at Chaeyeon, who is beside the girl and seated in front of her, she gave the other player a suggestive look. When Chaeyeon got the silent message, she relayed it to the others which made them stopped talking too.

They watched Yujin daydreaming while she gawked at the beautiful employee.

Executing their improvisational plan, Chaewon raised her hand upward. Fortunately for them, the beautiful lady easily noticed them. Courtesy to Chaewon’s persistent waving. After successfully assisting the other guests, the girl walked to their table.

And of course, noticing that the girl she’s been simping over for the past few minutes is now walking closer to where they are, Yujin’s mind gone haywire.

Crap. Yujin, calm yourself.

Yujin diverted her attention from the girl to the cleaned tiled floor. She also fixed her position and gulped, a big one. With repetitive chants in her mind to get her together, Yujin will never be ready when the girl talked.

“Hello, how may I help you?” The beautiful girl asked, softly. Damn. Even her voice is so pretty. Yujin said in her mind. She slowly lift her head up, and taking a closer look to the girl’s name tag.


The girl’s whole existence is a beauty. Her face and whole look is pretty, her voice is pretty, even her name is so pretty. Yujin didn’t noticed that she’s been staring at the girl’s name tag for way too long already, that when Minjoo asked for her order, she didn’t respond.

Noticing how broke their dumb friend is, Chaeyeon nudged Yujin. The other’s watched the interaction unfold with smirks and smug expressions plastered all over their faces.

“O-oh, sorry. Are you talking to me?” Yujin asked, with quivering tone. Minjoo then smiled a little while looking at the other girl. “Yes, ma’am. What would you have for today?” She asks.

“Umm, I- uhh,” She stuttered. “What- What do you recommend?” She carefully asked. Hearing the cute girl’s question, it made Minjoo pondered a little. “Hmmm,” Minjoo paused, thinking about her favorite food in the menu. “I would recommend their soft tofu stew and tteokbokki. Both are really good.” A smile slides across her face.

Broken by Minjoo’s smile, Yujin just agreed and nods her head. “Okay. I’ll have that. Thank you.” She added.

Cute. Minjoo thought. And as if one smile is not enough to send Yujin off to the moon, Minjoo flashed her a smile again. However, this time, it’s bigger than the first one. “Perfect. Is there anything else?” She asked the group.

This is it. Chaewon eyed the others and smirked.

“Would you mind if I ask you a question?” Chaewon started.

“Oh it’s okay, what is it?”

“With all due respect mademoiselle— are you, perhaps, taken?” She asked. Hearing Chaewon’s question, Yujin averted her gaze from Minjoo to her friend with wide eye.

What the hell is she doing? Is she hitting on her?

“Uh, that’s too personal.” Minjoo nonchalantly chuckled. “No. I’m not” She admitted anyway.

“Really?” All of them asked in unison. Yes, even Yujin.


Chaewon took a glance at Yujin and she can see her boring holes to her soul. This is for you buddy. “I see. You’re available then?” She asks.

Minjoo smiled a little and said, “Unsure.”

“That’s unfortunate.” They all deflated. “May I ask why?” Chaewon added.

“I’m not interested…” Minjoo replied, softly. “For now…” She added while staring at Yujin.

“Oh, okay,” Chaewon continued. “I’ve got a friend here though, and she seems like she’s interested with you.” She said. After realizing Chaewon’s intention, Yujin’s eyes went wide and panic shoots her mind. Luckily, Minjoo’s attention is on Chaewon so she can’t notice how Yujin’s freaking out right now.

Riding with the other’s game, Minjoo asked curiously, “Really? Who?”

Chaewon stared at her friend again and she saw how much Yujin is begging to not say it, but of course, she won’t be faze by that.

Don’t you dare, I swear to ing god, Kim Chaewon.

“Oh, this friend of mine, A-“

“Okay!” Knowing that her friend will going to give her the most embarrassing moment of her life, Yujin decided to step in and swiftly stood up. “Alright. I think that’s too personal now, aren’t it, Chae?”

Chaewon smirked at the other. “I don’t know, you tell me” She said, with taunting voice. Yujin flashed her friend a threatening look and then, averted her attention to Minjoo who is quite confused to the exchange.

“My friends are done with the interview. You can go now, miss.”

“Oh, okay.” The brunette paused. “Please, wait for the others to serve your orders. Thank you. I’ll go ahead now.” Minjoo bid goodbye, but of course, without forgetting to give Yujin a warm smile for the nth time.

“Yeah. Thank you too, miss. Bye” Yujin paused, doubting whether what she’s about to do is appropriate. “Fighting!” She said it anyway, albeit it sounded a little soft but Minjoo still heard it. Loud and clear. The beautiful woman turned around and pumped her arms down, motioning the fighting gesture. “Fighting!” She said, lightly, releasing a soft giggle.

And that made the hopeless Ahn Yujin breathless.

Oh, god.

If this is the last thing I will be seeing before I die, I really don’t mind going up now.

“Whoo, someone’s whipped.” Yena said, breaking Yujin’s daydreaming. She turned around and glared at her friends.

“What the hell is that? Chaewon? Really?” She asked, her tone hardening.

“What? We are just helping you. You are too engrossed staring at her that she might start to think you’re a creep.” Chaewon responded.

“Well, I’m not!”

Seeing how red their friend’s face is, it’s making them cackle. “What are you doing then?” Wonyoung sneered.

“Can a girl just appreciate beauty?” Yujin retaliated.

“Nah. That ain’t it,” Eunbi continued. “You are obviously smitten over her. You like her, don’t you?” She asks with a smirk on her face.

Rosy color creeps up to Yujin’s cheeks. “And what about it?” She asked, trying to sound strong she can possible uttered.

“Why don’t you go for it?”

“Just because.”

“Since when are you a coward?” Hyewon asked.

“Since today.”

“Yah! Your mother didn’t carry you for nine months only to get too shy asking a girl out.” Chaeyeon said.

“Augh! Can you all chill? I just met her few minutes ago! Plus she says she’s not interested.” Yujin sighed in frustration. “Please, stop pestering me.”

“Okay, your choice.” They said.

After that conversation, their foods finally arrived. They didn’t talk about Yujin’s misfortune anymore and planned about their next strategy for the competition instead. It was already 8 in the evening when they finished eating. They were tidying up their things and was about to go home when Chaewon nudged Yujin.

“Hmm?” Yujin hummed.

“Minjoo’s alone now.” Chaewon says, eyebrows rising up and down.

“Ugh! Unnie!”

“I’m just saying this is your last chance. It will be hard making conversations next time. You know. She might forget about you.”


“Seriously, Yujin. Trust me.” The older insisted. “Do it.”

“What do I even have to say?”

“I don’t know. You’re the intelligent one here, you’ll think of something on the way there.”

Yujin sighed. She hates how Chaewon made sense. She don’t know when she’s gonna get this chance again so might as well grab it now. “Okay” She heavily breathed then gulped. She sauntered her way to Minjoo who is just standing beside the counter, observing. There’s not much of people around them anymore because the restaurant is also closing in 30 minutes, which is a relief to Yujin.

Minjoo noticed the girl from earlier walking closer to her and she beamed by the way how cutely the tall girl walks. Yujin’s head is hang low, with both of her hands clasped together in front.

Noticing how the other is intensely looking at her with a grin on her face, Yujin nearly backed out.

Get your together, come on now.

When she finally made her way to Minjoo, she stopped and stood in front of her. Yujin raised her head high and looked at the other. “Hey, umm, I just wanted to apologize about what happened earlier.” Yujin started, taking a good look to the girl in front of her. “This is the first time they got out from their cages, so they kinda wild. They are not usually like that.” Yujin reasoned. Giddiness embraced her when she saw Minjoo’s smile slowly getting bigger. Honestly, it’s already Yujin’s favorite sight in the world now.

“Oh, it’s okay. I understand,” Minjoo paused. “How ‘bout you? Is this your first time?” She asked, giggly.

“Not exactly,” Yujin said, chuckling. “Although I am quite doubting whether I am really on Earth or in Heaven.”

Minjoo’s face are painted with little confusion. “What do you mean?”

“Well,” Yujin continued. “It’s just that, I’ve got an angel in front of me right now” She says, with full conviction. Minjoo rolled her eyes playfully, but turned into a crescent nonetheless.

Yujin chuckled, seeing Minjoo’s reaction. “I’m Ahn Yujin.” She offered her hand which the other girl gladly shake.

“Kim Minjoo.”

“I figured.” Yujin paused. “So you work here, like regularly?” She asked curiously.

“Uh, not really. It's still a part-time but I'm usually here everyday after class,” Minjoo continued. “We go to the same school. I actually sees you and your team playing a lot”

Yujin face lights up at that. “Really?”

How come I’ve never notice her?

“Yup. You’re good.” Minjoo said, with a smile on her face.

“Thank you,” Yujin said shyly. “What department are you?”

“Medicine,” Minjoo softly answered.

Ah, maybe that’s the reason why. Med students are so busy. “I see.”

“How about you? What department are you?”

“Business” Yujin replied, all smiles. “So we’re kind of like 3 buildings away”

Minjoo lightly tilted her head to the right and smiled. “Indeed.”

Yujin is still panicking, obviously. But after debating with herself for the past few minutes, she finally gained courage and whole will power to ask the girl a question. She cleared and asked, “Hey, umm, so this might be weird and all, considering that we just met today. But I wanted to know if you’re available this Friday?”

Minjoo tilted her head right back and squint her eyes a little along with small smirk. “And why’s that concerns you?” Minjoo asked, playfully.

“Well, I was just wondering if you want to grab some coffee, or you might be interested on going to amusement park,” Yujin continued. “Maybe?” She added, albeit it sounded too cutesy for Minjoo’s liking.

“I’m sorry but I’m not. I’ve got shift.” She admits, slightly apprehensive. Because as much as she’s interested to go, she can’t take the risk of losing her job. Plus, considering all the things she experienced, Minjoo is quite wary about agreeing to go out right away. She knows handful of people who tried to pursue her just because she’s got the face. But they never really in it for her heart, and she loathes that.  She is pretty, she’s aware of it. However, that attracts so much attention, even the bad people. Not that she judges the girl. But then, even though it’s the cutest person she’d ever met— for instance Ahn Yujin— Minjoo would like to see her sincerity first.

“How about next Friday?”

“Hmm, I’m not really sure. I’m sorry” Minjoo says and felt guilty when she saw Yujin’s face slowly deflating.

Yujin pulled a small smile and said, “It’s okay. Don’t say sorry. I understand.”

Minjoo sighs in relief and her lips upturned. “I’ll go now. Time to work.” She said.

“Okay. Alright…” Yujin paused. “Umm, Minjoo…” She called.

Minjoo turned around and asked, “Yes?”

“Is it okay for you if I visit here every day?” Yujin asked, expectantly.

Minjoo playfully squint her eyes again then slightly tilted her head. “You like me that much?”

Yujin almost choked hearing that from Minjoo. She never knew the girl could be this spontaneous. “I-uh-well, umm-”

“I’m kidding,” Minjoo chuckled. “It’s your life, Ahn. Just make sure, you’ll buy something.” She jokingly added then walked to the guest’s table. Yujin watched Minjoo walked away.

It’s stupid because she just met Minjoo today, but girl, the affect she had on Yujin’s life? She’s doomed, for sure. Her heart is rapidly beating but not because of balling anymore, but because of this certain woman who definitely swept her off her feet. To say at least that she’s just interested is a lie. Because what she feels for the other girl is beyond that. She’s highly smitten, definitely floored and completely besotted to Minjoo.

“Sad to say this Romeo, but looks like it will take a lot of pick-up lines to get the princess.” Chaewon said, as they watch the interaction. She stood beside the tall girl and pat her back shoulder.

“Then, make sure you’ll count.” Yujin challenged.

“Kim Minjoo…”

Why am I so captivated by you?


Next day, Yujin visited Minjoo again, just like what she said. “What are you doing here?” Minjoo asks taken aback.

“Uh, eating?”

“Okay, but why here?”

“The last time I checked this is still a restaurant right?” Yujin asks, jokingly. She can see how Minjoo rolled her eyes, but then she smiled lightly again, and Yujin can only smiled back with that. The younger cleared after seconds of eye-contact and asked, “Didn’t I tell you before that I will visit here every day?”

“Yes, that’s right. But I didn’t know you were so serious about it.”

“Minjoo, I’m gonna tell it to you right now. I’m really serious about you.” Yujin said. She’s never been this captivated to someone before, and now that the woman who shook her world so sudden— completely without any warning— is right in front of her, she might as well grab her chances.

“I’m genuinely interested to know you more.” She professed.

Minjoo lightly giggled. “Right. Understood”

Yujin immediately changed her demeanor from serious to jolly one. “Hey, you looked great in your hairstyle, by the way. It suits you.”

“Flattering won’t get you a free food, Ahn.” Minjoo said.

“Oh, I’m not trying to get a free food.” Yujin paused, looking a little more intense to the girl. But it suddenly softens when she looked into Minjoo’s stunning eyes. “I am trying to win your heart…”

This time, the older one beamed at that. She lightly shakes her head, then she moved her gaze to Yujin again, still with a wide smile painted on her ethereal face.

Yujin saw the way Minjoo’s smile reach to her eyes, it was seriously the best sight she’d ever seen. “Question is, is it working though, mon amour?” She asked, her tone is flirtatious.

“Hmmm…” Minjoo hummed as response, preventing herself from smiling widely. The woman turned and walked her way back to the counter, leaving the confused yet giddy Yujin wondered what’s that “Hmm” stands for.

Little did the poor Yujin know, Minjoo placed her hand in front of her chest as she can hear the erratic beating of her fragile heart.

Oh, this is dangerous. She can’t be this weak.

She didn’t wake up every morning to give herself a speech to never ever fall for someone’s charm easily only to get herself swayed by an adorable basketball player that is perfect combination of golden retriever and a goddess.

Damn you, Ahn Yujin.


It turns out, Chaewon was right. Yujin spend a lot of her days ending up waiting for Minjoo’s free time to ask for a date, only to get rejected in the end because the girl is always busy. But of course, with her will and perseverance, Yujin never gave up. She always makes sure she visits Minjoo most of her days, just to make conversation. Her friends are quite bewildered by this fact because they never saw her this persuasive. Yes, she pursue them, but Yujin have this philosophy, it’s “one yes, two no’s” and it means that if the girl say no twice then she’s out. But for some reason, even though she got indirectly rejected more than the number of her fingers, Yujin stayed.

“I really like Minjoo” Yujin said to them. So after that, Chaewon and the others didn’t try to stop her craziness anymore. Luckily though, it seems like Minjoo is starting to warm up as she can already see Yujin’s sincerity. So for the first time, she gave her number.

[phone conversation]

Yujin: You know when we first met, you looked so familiar to me.

Minjoo: Really?

Yujin: Yup. Pretty sure I’ve met you before.

Minjoo: Where?

Yujin: In my future. *heart eyes*

Minjoo: *rolls her eyes*


Yujin: You said you like Nayeon, Jennie and Irene, right?

Minjoo: Yes, why’d you ask?

Yujin: So your ideal type is short people then?

Minjoo: I don’t think so. I mean, you’re not short.

Yujin: Oh yeah right

Yujin: WAIT

Yujin: WHAT





Yujin: You have 5 dogs?

Minjoo: Yup

Yujin: I see. So, you have now a six puppies then.

Minjoo: Huh? What do you mean?

Yujin: *sent a photo of her with golden retriever’s smiling photo right next to her*

Minjoo: *heart eyes*


After getting the numbers of each other, they unexpectedly got closer. They messages each other, even call each other, more or less, every day to say at least. They have become more aware to one another’s likes and dislikes, fears and all that. In short, Yujin knows lots of things about Minjoo, and it is the same for the other. Weird thing about it is that they still have not officially went out.

Yes, most of these days Yujin still visits Minjoo, but she never really got a chance to ask for a date again. Sometimes, the younger accompany Minjoo to home, but nothing more than that. But it’s okay for Yujin, she’ll ask on the right time.

As for Minjoo, she can feel and see Yujin’s sincerity now. She’s happy that she gained new friend, so she’s letting herself view the other more than that. She just met Yujin but she feels like the girl have known her for years. They talked about things about each other lives, but sometimes, Yujin can read her in a way no one in her life can possibly do.

Yujin is so attentive and so caring. She listens to Minjoo’s stories and outburst surprisingly well. The younger don’t judge her, she just listens and understands. Sometimes, she will say some advice which is to the older was great because the way Yujin’s mind work is so fascinating.

And that made her more attractive than Minjoo can possibly think of.

She’s so comfortable with Yujin, that when Minjoo finally let herself be swallowed by all the stress she’s been getting from med school and work, she did not hesitate to ask for Yujin’s presence.


“Oh, Minjoo? Hi? Why’d you call? Is there a problem?” Yujin asks through the phone, and Minjoo chuckled.

“Do I really need to have a problem before I call you?”

“Um, no. I’m sorry. It’s just that, you never call me.”

“Ah, I see. I apologized for being too harsh on you…”

“No! no, it’s okay,” Yujin says, with her head shaking as if the girl can see her. “I don’t mind you calling me. I like hearing your voice.” For a moment, Yujin thought that Minjoo already ended the call because the older is not responding, so she pulled the phone away from her ears and looked at the screen. When she saw the call is still on, she placed it back to her ear again and said, “Hello? Minjoo? Still there?”

“Yeah…” Minjoo paused, taking a breather. “Yujin-ah…” She called, softly.

“Hmm?” Yujin hummed in response.

“Do you want to go to the Han River today?”

“Oh, right now?”

“Yeah… are you free?”

I’m always free when it comes to you. Yujin thought. “Yes, I’m free. Are you?”

“Yeah… meet me at the bus stop by 7 PM?”

“No need, I’ll bring my car and pick you up.”

“Okay… be safe and see you, Yujinie…”

The way she said Yujin’s name is a little bit sadder than the other girl expected to. There’s must be something wrong with her right now. Yujin thought.

After one hour of preparing, Yujin drove off. It only took her 15 minutes to arrive at Minjoo’s house. When she got there, she saw Minjoo already outside waiting for her. Her head is slightly hanging low and her shoulder is also slightly droopy.

There’s definitely something’s wrong.

Usually, whenever Yujin will fetch Minjoo on the way to school (yeah, they do that and what about it?), she will always welcomed her with bright aura and grinning face. But this time, she looks like she’s carrying the world. She pulled in to the curb near the house and went outside. Occupied by thoughts inside her mind, Minjoo didn’t notice Yujin already arrived. She’s just staring at their porch’s floor, trying her best to not breakdown.

“Hey…” Yujin called.

“Oh!” Minjoo slightly yelped. “You’re here”

“I’m here.” She smiled. “Let’s go?”

“Yujin-ah…” Minjoo called, softly.

“Hmm?” Out of all the things that could happen, Yujin was not expecting that Minjoo will going to hug her tightly without any warning, she just did. So, of course, she got shocked. She did not prepare herself for this that she almost fell over because of the impact. But then, the immediate reaction of her body when Minjoo let herself be engulf by Yujin’s embrace, the younger unwarily hugged back too.

Yujin placed her right hand at the back of Minjoo and the other was on her head, caressing it so softly and delicate, that it almost made the med student cry. She succumbed between the younger’s neck and stays there. Yujin’s warmth brought so much comfort to her whole being that she just wanted to stay there forever.

Almost ten minutes had passed, Minjoo unclasped with the embrace. Afraid that Yujin might notice the lone tear from her eyes, she hangs her head low. But Yujin did noticed.

She always does.

Looks like she’s not ready to talk about it yet.

“Let’s go?”

“Okay…” Later that, they both walked and went inside to Yujin’s car. The car ride is comfortably silent and it took 20 minutes when they arrived at the Han River. After Yujin parked her car and went out, Minjoo held her hand and guide her to the nearest open food stall.

“Let’s eat first.”

“Alright,” Yujin agreed. “What do you want?”

“Cheese hotdog.” Minjoo said cutely.

“Okay,” Yujin said. “Two cheese hotdogs please.”

“Copy that.” Said by the staff.

“You know,” Minjoo started. “I just realized that this will be the first time we are “officially” hanging out. I’m surprised you’re still here.” She says with cheeky grin.

“I think I have mentioned that I am serious about you, didn’t I?” Yujin asks, softly.

“Yeah, yeah. So serious.” Minjoo giggled.

When they received their food, Minjoo tugged Yujin’s jacket and take her to seat at the nearest bench, which the younger gladly obliged. No one’s talking, they are just enjoying the cold breeze of the night and the calming sounds of the river while munching the delicious cheese hotdog.

Minjoo does not know how she’s going to take it out. Where does she even start?

So without any thoughts, she said, “I don’t think I can continue med school anymore.”


Hearing no response from the other, Minjoo stared at Yujin and she saw her, already looking at Minjoo, dearly. Enough to say that she can continue and Yujin will just listen. With that, she continued, “My prof told me earlier that my grades went from the ceiling to the floor, he said, that if I don’t want to continue anymore, just give up my dream…” She said, and it seemed to take her a world of effort to get the words out.

“And it hurts so much because I know it’s my fault. It’s just that I don’t think I have the capability to be a doctor, or have the courage to be one anymore. I’m slowly starting to lose my passion and my willingness. I am starting to doubt myself and I’ve been thinking about this for so long, like when I was still 2nd year and now I’m on my 4th year, and it bloody terrifies me. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been dreaming to be a doctor but now, I am not so sure anymore. And I think that’s the most disappointing and scariest thing that could ever happen…” Minjoo continued. “All those years I overcome, only to realize that maybe, this course, is not really for m-me…” Her voice cracked, indicating that she’s starting to cry.

The younger reached for Minjoo’s hand and intertwined it, telling that she understands, just let it all out. Yujin saw how the tears starting to welled up in her eyes. Minjoo tried to hold back the seething stream of tears that had been building up since the moment she’s been keeping it for as long as she knows, but once the first lone tear flows down across her cheeks, the rest followed. Yujin immediately cradled Minjoo as she started to break down. She embraced the older girl, caressing her arms and back up and down, trying her best to comfort her, to silently convey that, “I’m here, it’s okay.”

Minutes had passed, Minjoo finished crying. She moved away from Yujin’s embrace and wipe the tears in her eyes. “Thank you…” Minjoo paused. “And I’m sorry…”

Yujin smiled. She put her left hand and caressed the older girl’s head. She waved off the hair that are showing in front of the other’s face and hide it behind her ear. “What for?”

“For crying so hard. Now I wet your shirt.” Minjoo says.

“It’s okay,” Yujin chuckled. She moved closer to the other and hold her cheeks. “Never say sorry for having feelings again. Understand?” Yujin says, and Minjoo nods. “You’ve been keeping it with yourself that it bubbled up. Now it was the last straw, you cried. And it’s okay, Minjoo. It’s okay to finally let yourself be drowned from all the things you’ve been avoiding. It’s okay to cry and to feel the pain, because after all, that’s what makes us, us. So never say sorry because you deserve to rest and cry sometimes…” Yujin stated, and Minjoo wailed. This girl, Ahn Yujin, makes her feel so much, so great that Minjoo can’t help but to succumb to her, so she did. She moved even more closely and cuddled the younger girl tightly.

I really like you.

Minjoo really likes Yujin.

In more ways than one.

She knows this fact for the past few months that they are talking, it was just this moment she saw it and assured about it for what it was.

“I’ll take note of that.” Minjoo says, albeit muffled because she’s basically in between Yujin’s neck.

Yujin caressed the back of Minjoo’s head and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll always be here to make sure you remember that.” The med student moved away from the comforting hug and look at the younger one, with gratitude and admiration fused beneath her eyes.

“Thank you…” She said.

“You’re always welcome.” Yujin smiled.

“You are really a good listener.” Minjoo complimented.

“Of course, I am a good listener. I am a Virgo after all.” Yujin proclaimed with cocky brows, and Minjoo laughs.

“Oh, so you believe those huh?”  Minjoo asked, playfully. “Umm, what if I tell you that Virgo and Aquarius are not fitted to be together?”

“I am completely prepared to debunk that theory; that is, if you are with me.” Yujin said, with a little smile on her face.

“Hmm, I like the sound of that.” Minjoo says suggestively, with a smile on her face.

“Then let’s make it happen.”

And in that night, for once in her life, Minjoo never doubted nor prevent herself to be engulfed by the overwhelming feelings that Yujin’s lips could possibly offer.


Minjoo is at their living room right now, sitting on the couch whilst the TV is on and random cartoon is playing. She’s waiting for Yujin to finish whatever she’s doing that keeps her busy. She shoot her stare to her girlfriend’s leisure room and there she saw her girlfriend playing at her computer, comfortably seated to her customized gaming chair, with her eyes laser focus to the screen. For the whole day, the moment she woke up from her good sleep, Yujin is already occupied by her game, which is PUBG, from what she remembers. And this is not the first time. For the whole week, Yujin’s attention is always in her computer that Minjoo is starting to get frustrated.

She’s the girlfriend, but she looks like a stranger now because Yujin can’t fully pay attention at her at least for one day. Minjoo even have come to the point of threatening the younger that she will turn off their electrical switch if she won’t go to bed.

Getting irritated again, she released a sigh and picked up their cat. “Milo-ah, looks like your mommy is busy again. What do you want to do? Let’s take a walk?” She asked the cat, and of course, the cat didn’t answer and just stare. “Yeah, probably wrong idea. I forgot it’s winter.” She said, making her sadder because it’s a cuddle weather but she don’t have the girl she wants to cuddle with.

After minutes of pondering, Minjoo finally made up her mind, this shenanigans of Yujin needs to stop now. She’ll do everything she can just to get Yujin’s attention get off from her damn computer. Minjoo picked up their new dog named Azzo. “Let’s get your mommy, you might be able to help me take her away from that black hole.”

Minjoo sauntered her way to the room and walked closer to Yujin. She heard her blabbering that are probably about the game. The only thing she understand is, “Heal me, Yena, you !” Minutes in but she stays in her position. Looking at Yujin’s back, witnessing her playing her games. She walked a little bit closer and placed Azzo at Yujin’s lap.

But nothing works. Yujin continued playing and Azzo ended up sleeping on her girlfriend’s lap.

“Of course, he’ll cuddle with you. I should have known you’re his favorite.” She said.

This woman didn’t even notice I’m here. Minjoo sulked that her plan didn’t work. She slumped into the chair, placed her elbow on her knees, then her chin atop her palm and pouted. If only she knows that Yujin would end up like this, she won’t agree to have this room be their leisure room.

The older woman stared at Azzo, and her stomach twists. She’s starting to get jealous at how comfortable the puppy is looking. She want that for herself too. So without much thinking, she took Azzo away and carefully placed him on the floor then sat at Yujin’s lap and snuggled to girl’s warmth. She quickly wrapped her arms around Yujin’s nape and basked to her girlfriend’s body.

“Baby?” Yujin almost yelped when Minjoo suddenly placed her whole body in front of her. She can still see the screen, however she cannot move her limbs to play properly as the other girl literally locked herself with Yujin’s. Yujin moved her character to hide then let go of the keyboard. With that hand, she caressed her girlfriend’s back head and Minjoo purred like a cat.

“Hey, love. Are you okay?” Yujin asks, worriedly.

“Cuddle with me…” Minjoo said softly, although her voice is muffled because her face is still buried into the younger’s neck. Yujin smiled after realizing what Minjoo trying to do. At first, she was confuse why her girlfriend suddenly come up to her like that, but then she knows it now. She can tell that she’s been a for always playing games, she’s not going to deny that and she’s very sorry about it also. Playing games is the habit she never knew she enjoys so much until now. They were about to win the game, but looking at how adorable her girlfriend is, Yujin can’t help but to just ditch everything and focus on her girlfriend.

"Ey guys"

"Oy," They answered back. "Yah, what the heck are you doing Yujin? Why did you quit? We were about to win" Yena cried out.

"I'm backing out"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Hyewon asks.

"I've got something to take care of. Enjoy the rest of the game"


"Aigoo, you big baby." Yujin quitted the game. She wrapped her arms to her girlfriend’s body and moved her head closer to other slightly. She snuggled between Minjoo’s neck and shoulder, taking in the comfort it brings. "I'm sorry… "

"What for?"

Yujin kissed Minjoo’s temple, lightly. "For neglecting you these past few days"

"Glad you noticed." Minjoo pulled away from burying her face to Yujin and glared at the latter, although it instantly went away when she saw how Yujin looked at her like she's the most precious thing in this damn world.

"Don't worry. I won't let that happen again. I won't let myself be eaten by games anymore." Yujin said, as she soothingly caressing Minjoo's hair. Their lips meets at the softest touch, and they apart. "You have my full attention now.”

"Baby, you don't have to give all your attention to me. You can go ahead and play, just don't overdo it to the point that I am starting to doubt whether I am dating a human or a ghost"

Yujin chuckled at that. She pressed a feather kiss at the top Minjoo's closed eyes, sending so much comfort to the other girl "Okay. Got it, ma'am," She said. "Come on, let's go to bed." She gave the other another kiss on her forehead as she stands up.

Yujin carried Minjoo who still clings into her while they walked to their bedroom. She carefully laid down her girlfriend to their soft fabric of a bed, then she lied down beside her.

Minjoo almost hurriedly crawled to Yujin's embrace, she wrapped her arms around the taller girl’s waist and put her legs atop of her girlfriend's cuddly body. Yujin circled her arms to Minjoo's and cradled her like she's the most precious thing in the world that exists, truthfully the one Yujin will always protect.

"Finally..." Minjoo whispered, and Yujin could only hummed in delight as she embraced the feeling of having her girlfriend to give her warm in winter season.

The brunette gaze up from snuggling to Yujin's neck and gawked at her beautiful face. Minjoo got flustered when she saw her girlfriend already looking at her.

How wonderful it is for her to look at Yujin's face and knowing that her stare and the love in her eyes remains the same the moment they've met.

She's so in love with Yujin.

Hopelessly, passionately, unconditionally in love that it hurts.

With all the things she is.

And lucky for her, Yujin feels the same.

The calm sound beating of Minjoo's heart are in pace with the moment Yujin professed her affection.

"I love you, mon amour"

“I love you too, Yujin.”



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Chapter 1: that was such a nice read 🥹 clingy and cute minmin with attentive and caring yuj is such a nice combo :D
Jannel #2
Chapter 1: So cute... I love it! Thank you for writing this 😊
Chapter 1: You didn't really wrote about Yujin played basketball, but idk, I just love it when someone wrote Yujin as basketball player like it really suits her :)
Thank you for this! It's cute!
Chapter 1: Damn, it's so cuteee, I'm glad I found this gem. Thank you for writing this author! :))
Nimeriaaaa #5
Aaahh this is so cute
Chapter 1: Re-reading thissss and omayghad I feel so single
Chapter 1: Waw I love thisssssssss
Chapter 1: Nice
taequeen10 #9
Chapter 1: I enjoyed it.. No i like it... No scratch it.. I love it
Chapter 1: This is so cute!😩💙🤍