Two feuding families


AN: I just want to warn you that there will be a bit of violence. 

Siwon hates letting go of Yesung. He is hugging the petite boy’s waist while sitting on his black Suzuki Hayabusa. Yesung has his arms wrapped around Siwon’s neck and they are enjoying the last kiss before going home. Their lips parted and the two young men pant for a while. Yesung Siwon’s muscular chest clad in black leather jacket and sighed. He is going to miss his boyfriend.


They both live in different worlds. Siwon’s father is the chief of police while Yesung’s father is the king of Korean mafia. They shouldn’t have fallen in love, but it somehow happened when they met in college. Siwon would describe it like being hit by a lightning and Yesung would describe it like feeling butterflies in his stomach. No matter how they describe it, it doesn’t change the fact that they are in love.


Siwon doesn’t want to let go of his cute boyfriend, but he has to. When Park Leeteuk says to his son to be back before midnight, then son of Park Leeteuk will be back before midnight for sure. Yesung is scared of his father who has a reputation of not very patient man and Siwon doesn’t want him to send crazy members of his triad to look for Yesung. Siwon begrudgingly let go of Yesung who quickly waved to him before dashing off. Yesung has ten minutes to run across the long street with dozens of fancy houses. On the end of the street are growing many old and tall trees and behind these trees is hiding his house. He got to the gate where are two guards sitting in a booth. Shindong, one of the guards, walked out of the booth to unlock the gate for Yesung and tsk-tsked over the appearance of the young boy. He is wearing a thin, black satin shirt and black Chanel coat. His long and slim legs are covered with skinny jeans with ripped knees and he is wearing a pair of black Converse. Shindong knows very well what kind of people are waiting outside for someone like Yesung but he isn’t his father. No, Park Leeteuk is his father so Shindong can’t say anything if he doesn’t want to lose his tongue.


Heechul opened the two wing door and helped Yesung to take off his coat. The house is silent and Yesung hurries in his room. He is walking around his father’s office when he heard a strict voice calling his name. Yesung slowly walked inside, but his father only nodded after seeing that his son is okay. Of course that he doesn’t know that his son has a boyfriend, he thinks that Yesung is spending time with his friends. Yesung went in his room and goes to take a shower. He got in his big bed and grabs his cellphone to send a short message consisting of red kisses to Siwon. Yesung smiled after getting a quick reply and then fell asleep.


The worst thing about their relationship is that they need to keep it as a secret. No kissing in public places, no holding hands or even speaking together. They study at the same university, but can't be seen together. Yesung’s heart hurts when he sees Siwon, but knows that he can’t run to him and hug him. Yesung has to casually walk around Siwon and his friends while heading at his next lecture. Yesung studies economics and Siwon studies law so they occasionally meet during lectures or courses. Yesung isn’t sure what would his father do if he discovers that his son is dating a guy whose father is the chief of police. Yesung is scared that his father would hurt Siwon and that can't happen. However, they are both smart and always find some way how to enjoy a pretty date. This evening Siwon is taking Yesung to an aquarium. It is a perfect place. It is dark, big and there aren’t many people. They soon stopped in front of a tank with glowing jellyfishes and sat down on a bench. Yesung treasures every moment he can spend with his boyfriend and Siwon starts to kiss him because his babe is simply the most beautiful creature ever.


Heechul knows Yesung so well. He started to work for Leeteuk few years before Yesung’s birth. One day a member from a rival gang shot him in his leg and since then Heechul limps. Leeteuk offered him to become Yesung’s nanny because his wife died shortly after giving birth to him. Yesung’s mom was five months pregnant when they found out she has cancer. She had two options - getting treatment and losing the baby or keeping the baby and dying. She chose the second option and Leeteuk can’t lose his son after he lost his wife. He truly loves his son and he is ready to do anything to protect him, but he isn’t able to show his love. He is a mafia boss, that isn’t a job where you can show emotions. Heechul is the one who raised him and he is always here for him if Yesung needs him. And he knows that Yesung is in love. Only Leeteuk has no idea about it and it has to stay this way.


Heechul sighs and continues in cleaning the kitchen while Yesung arrives. Yesung went in his room and opened a book with Japanese poetry. Inside is hidden a photo of him and Siwon. He must hide the picture, but whenever he feels sad and Siwon isn’t with him, he looks at this picture and everything feels better. Yesung needs to wait for three more weeks before they have a chance to have a date. They go in a karaoke bar together with Ryeowook and two more friends. Siwon and Yesung are a bit careless after being without each other for quite a long time, so they are kissing before walking in the private salon ... and that was a huge mistake.


Yesung has no idea that one of the drug dealers who works for his father saw him. The man saw Yesung and Siwon kissing and he recognized Yesung as the son of his boss so the information quickly got to Leetek. And then it got to Siwon’s father. Two angry parents are heading to the karaoke bar and mister Choi glares on the mafia boss who ignores him and storms in the bar.


“Where is my son!?


Leeteuk yelled on a poor waiter and the two fathers angrily go from room to room until they found the right one. Yesung froze and let go of Siwon while Leeteuk runs to him and slapped him across face. Siwon wants to stop him, but his father angrily pushed him away from Yesung.


“Are you crazy!?”

Leeteuk drags Yesung out of the room and out of the club right in their waiting car. Yesung is crying and shaking while his father yells at him. They arrive home and pale Heechul is ready to stop his boss from hitting the boy. Leeteuk won’t hit him again, he is just going to yell at him.


“Do you know what is the problem?! I gave you too much freedom, but that is over now! A bodyguard is going to follow your every step!”


Yesung cries and takes a step back from him.


“I am going to run away!”


Yesung stomped his feet like an angry toddler, but his father slapped his palms against the desk of a table and yelled.


“No, you are not! Go in your room!”


Yesung flinches because his father is scary with his widened eyes and veins protruding on his forehead. However Yesung decided to be brave.


“No! I hate you!”


Yesung jumps back when his dad got up and strides to him.




Leeteuk’s face is red and he grabs the petite wrists of his son.




Heechul wants to protect Yesung, but Leeteuk pushes him away.


“I am mister Park for you!”


Leeteuk drags Yesung in his room and roughly pushed him inside.


“Stay here until you stop being a brat!”


Leeteuk locked the door and takes the key while Yesung is banging on the door.


“I hate you! You don’t love me and don’t let anyone else to love me!”


Leeteuk disappeared inside his office to drink in silence while Heechul presses his palm on the door of Yesung’s room and silently cries.





“Siwon, do you want to ruin your life!? You can’t be with such a filth!”


Siwon is watching his raging father and mother who tries to calm him down.


“Maybe that you hate his father, but don’t speak like that about Yesung.”


Another slap came from his father who is almost choking on his anger and Siwon calmly stood up. He closed the door of his room and tries to call Yesung, but a monotonous informed him that the number can’t be reached right now. Yesung’s phone is lying shattered on the floor of Leeteuk’s office where he smashed into into many pieces.


Leeteuk honored his word and the next Monday a bodyguard is waiting for Yesung.  It is Kangin, a very loyal and very intimidating man who will make sure that Yesung isn’t seeing that boy. Yesung is dying of embarrassment while Kangin walks next to him in the classroom. Yesung wants to sit down next to Ryeowook, but Kangin has his orders and Ryeowook is seems as an accomplice. The man gently pushes Yesung toward an empty desk where they sit down. Ryeowook is watching Yesung with worry written in his face, but he doesn’t want to argue with the bulky man. Yesung is forced to sit alone only with Kangin in every class and then during a break he spotted Siwon in a crowd. Siwon also saw him and tries to get to him only to be stopped by Kangin’s arm.


“I don’t want to cause a scene, but I will be forced to break your legs if you come close to him ever again.”


Siwon is staring at Kangin and then at Yesung who reaches his hand toward him. Kangin grabs him around arm and starts to drag Yesung away because a car is waiting outside. Yesung starts to cry while watching Siwon who is standing in the middle of the hallway with a broken heart. Yesung hides in his room and sulks. Days are slowly passing and Yesung is getting more depressed with every day. He wants to see Siwon so bad!


Yesung is collecting courage to escape from the house which won’t be easy. There are many bodyguards, but Yesung thinks he discovered a way out. He waits until it is almost midnight and then he walks on the balcony. It is high, but he can do anything to get to Siwon. He uses a bedsheet to create a rope and climbs down. Then he runs to a tall tree which is next to the fence. Yesung’s little hands are bleeding before he climbed on the tree and overcame the fence. He knows where Siwon lives and it is really far. Yesung started to run while looking around if he spots a taxi. He isn’t lucky, he is tired after a long time and sits down to rest a bit. Yesung has no idea that a member of a hostile gang is following him. Leeteuk’s enemies know that kidnapping Yesung would mean huge advantage. Yesung was walking through the empty city when out of nowhere a van appeared and two men dragged him inside the vehicle.



It is late morning when Heechul decided to wake up Yesung. He is knocking on the door of his bedroom but no one answers.




Heechul opened the door and gasped when he spotted the empty bed.




Heechul runs out of the room and looks everywhere before coming to Leeteuk. They searched the house again but without results. Yesung is gone.


Meanwhile Yesung woke up in a dark basement with his wrists and legs tied together lying on an old bed. He has no idea what happened, he just wanted to see his boyfriend. Yesung starts to cry in fear and listens to the sounds of steps coming from the floor above him. A door he didn’t see before opened and two men walked inside. Yesung tries to make himself as small as possible and shakes in fear.


“What do you want?”


Yesung’s voice is shaking while the men come closer.


“We won’t nothing from you.”


One of them took a picture of Yesung and then they put a paper bag on the floor.


“I will untie your legs, but you need to behave.”


They really untie his legs, but locked a chain around his left ankle and secured the other end to the bed. Then they hand him the paper bag. Inside is a warm blanket, big bottle of water and a take out box full of warm food.


“Thank you.”


The men only frowned and left him alone. Yesung wraps himself in the warm blanket because the basement is really cold. His stomach hurts so he won’t eat right now. Yesung knows they want money from his father who might not be willing to pay after Yesung ran away from him. Yesung starts to silently cry and hopes his dad will save him.


Meanwhile Leeteuk heard the news and don’t know what to do. The men who kidnapped his son wants his entire wealth, but if he gives up his wealth to save Yesung, then they will be unprotected and weak. Leeteuk needs more time to create a plan, but his enemies aren’t patient. Nine days later they decided to send Leeteuk a message.


They came in the basement and one of them hands Yesung a bottle of vodka.

“Drink, you will need it.”


Yesung takes a long gulp of the strong vodka and then another man with a knife in his hand came in the room. His throat burns and they grabbed his arms and legs. Yesung screams when one of the men pulls out a knife, but they don’t mind his screaming and begging. A few hours later their message gets to Leeteuk. A small box was delivered and Shindong carries it inside. Heechul gaged after seeing what is lying in the box while Leeteuk grits his teeth. Inside the box is lying an ear. The ear is covered with blood but they both recognized the earring. It is a dainty heart-shaped earring with a blue-green opal - Leeteuk’s gift from last year Christmas.


Leeteuk is feeling lost, but then Hyukjae, a police detective who works for him, comes with an idea. He takes the box and hopes they will find some fingerprints. Meanwhile Leeteuk is staring into nothing and regrets everything he did. He is angry at Yesung for running away but it was him who caused everything. Leeteuk is preparing to give up his wealth, he doesn’t care about money when they are hurting his son. Meanwhile Siwon decided he won’t just wait for some news. One morning he packed a backpack and left. He is scared of Leeteuk but he still walks right toward the gate of his house. Guards are staring at him and Siwon cleared his throat.


“I need to speak with your boss.”


Shindong smirked because shaking his head no but luckily for Siwon, Heechul saw him and hurried to the gate. He leads Siwon inside the house and the young man anxiously rubs his hands.


“I want to help you. My father told me what happened.”


Siwon’s father was laughing after hearing that the filthy boy who seduced his son was kidnapped and Leeteuk is panicking. But Siwon is different. He is ready to sacrifice everything to save Yesung. Heechul nervously knocked on the door of Leeteuk’s office and silently opened the door.


“Someone is here to see you.”


Leeteuk hoped that Hyukjae is back with some good news but then Heechul fully opened the door and he spotted Siwon.


“You?! How dare you?”


Leeteuk wants to punch him but Siwon pushed his fist away.


“I don’t come to fight with you, I want to find Yesung.”


Leeteuk laughed bitterly and leads Siwon in the kitchen where he opened the fridge. He pulls out a box full of ice and opened. Siwon’s face paled after he recognized what is inside and Leeteuk looks in his eyes.

“This happened just because of you. You lured him away from me, from safety.”


Leeteuk hoped that he will find his son very soon and then doctors could put the ear back but he knows it is useless now, it has been too long. Siwon gulped to get rid of the feeling of being sick and turned to Leeteuk.


“If I have known about his plan to run away, I would immediately stop him.”


They stand in silence and Leeteuk put the box back in the fridge.


“I am going to lose everything but I am going to have him back. I will take him away from Korea, I will hide him from you.”


Leeteuk went back in his office and Siwon feels first few tears forming in his eyes. Is this really his fault? He loves Yesung but maybe he really caused this. Heechul pats his back and doesn’t force him to leave. He can stay in one of the empty rooms for guests.


Hyukjae really found a fingerprint on the box but it wasn’t a full print. He found eight people in the database of criminals who could have left the fingerprint and he informed Leeteuk. His men started to look for the eight potential kidnappers and in two days they reduced the number to two. TV and newspapers are full of stories about the gruesome war which is happening but Leeteuk’s men have clear orders - find Yesung no matter what. Leeteuk can’t wait when he is this close to having his son back, he can deal with aftermath of the war later. The kidnappers know that their death is near, they had no idea how was Leeteuk to track them down so they decided to save their lives and left Yesung on a bench in a park for someone to find him. Yesung doesn’t look very good. The wound after his ear got infected and he lies on the bench for a while before someone found him and called an ambulance. Siwon is worried that Leeteuk will kick him out of the house or get rid of him but the father is too busy doting over his son. Even Heechul visited Yesung in the hospital and Siwon is the only one who hasn’t seen him, he isn’t very sure if he is welcomed. The truth is that Yesung is too weak to even think about Siwon. Leeteuk is spending almost every hour of every day next to his son to make sure he has everything he needs.


Tonight Heechul came home from the hospital and Siwon sneaked out of the bedroom to ask how is Yesung doing. Heechul knows that tonight Leeteuk isn’t spending the night next to his son’s bed and he feels bad that Siwon is so sad. One look on the suffering young man in love and Heechul knows what he has to do. He drives Siwon back in the hospital and leads Siwon to the door of Yesung’s room. Siwon is a bit nervous while opening the door. The room is really luxurious, it is spacious with nice furniture and great view of the city. Siwon sees a small lump lying on the bed underneath a blanket. He silently comes closer and peeks on the beautiful face. Yesung is very pale with a thick bandage covering the wound after his ear.



Siwon hesitantly sat down and watches Yesung’s face. He is slowly waking up and blinks few times before his gaze focused on Siwon. Yesung weakly smiles and Siwon gently takes his small hand in his.


“How are you?”


Yesung silently groans and few tears appeared in his eyes. He has seen how he looks now and he is so ugly. Siwon kissed the top of his forehead.


“I was really worried, I am happy you are safe now.”


Yesung shakes a bit so Siwon fixes the blanket to cover him more.


“I just wanted to say how sorry I am. You ran away from home just because of me.”


Yesung weakly shakes his head no and squirms closer to Siwon.


“I was dumb, it was all my fault.”


Siwon starts to his hair and wants to calm him down before someone can come.


“You know what? I will work my off and after you get better, I will take you to Tokyo Disneyland.”


Yesung’s eyes shine with a bit of happiness because he really wants to go there and Siwon remembers this fact.


“Really? But that is expensive.”


Yesung pouts a bit but Siwon laughs.


“I am not afraid of work. Moreover we can take your father on our trip, he might start to like me.”


Yesung smiles and closed his eyes.


“Will you stay until I fall asleep?”


Siwon promised to stay and adjusted the chair so he isn’t sitting so far from the bed and doesn’t need to stretch his arm so much.


“Will you be here when I wake up?”


Siwon froze but then promised it too - he can survive facing Leeteuk if it makes Yesung happier. He watches Yesung who is falling asleep again and Heechul peeked in the room. The man smiles a bit before driving back home. Now he needs to mentally prepare his boss that young Choi won’t go away so easily but Heechul doesn’t mean this duty if it brings happiness to his baby turtle.



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390 streak #1
Chapter 1: Leeteuk actually loved Yesung 😭
Chapter 1: So cute i was waiting for your update thanks 😊
Chapter 1: So cute i was waiting for your update thanks 😊
Chapter 1: So cute i was waiting for your update thanks 😊
Chapter 1: So cute i was waiting for your update thanks 😊
Chapter 1: So cute i was waiting for your update thanks 😊
Chapter 1: So cute i was waiting for your update thanks 😊
Chapter 1: So cute i was waiting for your update thanks 😊
Chapter 1: So cute i was waiting for your update thanks 😊
Chapter 1: So cute i was waiting for your update thanks 😊