Someday, Yooji...I will bring them closer to you, I promise.

Cruel Summer
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“We should be sleeping by now, Mindongie,” said the raven-haired girl as she approaches her best friend, who was still busy admiring the stars at the window. “Mindongie?”




“You’re not listening to me.”


“The stars are beautiful, Yooji.” The blonde girl looked over to her best friend and exclaimed, “Look!” She took Jimin’s hand and dragged her to the window, ”they are shining so bright at us right now.” Jimin can’t help but be swayed by Minjeong and look up to the sky. 


Indeed, it was beautiful. “Woah,”


“I told you,” the blonde girl giggled as she returned her attention to the stars.


“I didn’t expect the stars could be this many,” Jimin expressed, “the sky is so wide too. It’s so vast.”


“They say we can only get this type of view when there are no clouds,”


The raven-haired girl looked around, “Oh, there are no clouds. So cool.” 


“The stars are beautiful, isn’t it?”




It was past their bedtime already, but the young girls continue to watch the stars. They were struck in awe by the beauty of the skies.


“It would be awesome if we can touch them,”


“Huh?” the blonde girl glanced at the girl beside her, “touch them?”


“I know it’s impossible, but at least be closer to them.” Jimin smiled as she looked at her best friend, “for sure they’d be more beautiful up close.”


Minjeong smiled back. She was happy that her best friend appreciates the stars as much as her, she looked up again to the stars and reached out, “someday, Yooji,”




“In the future, I will bring them closer to you,” the blonde girl looked at Jimin and smiled widely, “I promise.”




It was already in the middle of the morning when Jimin stirred up from her slumber. The rays of the sun had slipped through the windows, and it was slightly glaring at her. She tried not to be bothered by it, as she was still enjoying her dream, but as time went on, it was getting annoying.


Speaking of dreams, she dreamed of her. Again.


Ever since she and Minjeong are on talking terms again, her dreams lately had been mostly about her, and their time when they were young. It’s like her brain was doing a reminiscing spree about the old times without asking her permission.


It’s not like it’s a bad thing, but it does make her feel things. She feels warmth and happiness remembering the memories, however, it also lowkey made her guilty. She knows it was her fault for destroying their friendship years ago. She just missed what they used to have. 


Jimin groaned in frustration. 


This is not the type of mood she wants to wake up in. She needs to stop looking at the past and focus on the present. Especially now that Minjeong is by her side again. 


She smiled at the thought of this. 


She slowly opened her eyes and patted her side. When she felt nothing, this made her confused. Huh?


She was sure she slept last night with Minjeong and was not dreaming. Why was the blonde girl not beside her anymore?


This can't be happening again, Jimin sat up immediately as she panics. She looked around her room and didn't see any sign of the blonde girl. Even her bags weren't there at the place where she put them last night.


No. No.


She frantically got up from her bed and reached out for her phone when she felt a piece of paper on top of it. It was a note from the girl in question.


Good morning, Sunshine.


By the time you read this, I am at my house, cooking breakfast? Or cleaning the house? It depends. Hhahahaha.


Thank you for last night. Even after all of the funny and awkward happenings, I still had a great time. 


If ever you need me, I am one call/text away.




PS: It's been so long since I have slept in your room. It was nice to be back. (^◇^)/


Jimin smiled as she finished reading the note. She felt relief that Minjeong was still there. Even though she is a bit upset as to why the blonde girl didn't wake her up. Still, everything was good.


She went downstairs to eat breakfast, only to see her sister grinning at her weirdly. She hasn't forgotten the stuff her sister did last night.


"Good morning, my dearest sister. How was your sleep? Especially, when your girlfriend was beside you."


"Good morning." Jisoo whines when she hears Jimin’s lack of enthusiasm, "That is not the way you should greet your lovely big sister." The raven-haired girl could only roll her eyes at her sister's antics. She knows how much her older sister loves to play around, she just can't help but feel annoyed sometimes.


She went to the fridge to get a glass of milk and proceeded to the dining table to eat her share of the breakfast. "Where's Mom?"


"She went to the market to buy some groceries." Jimin hummed to this response and started eating, totally ignoring her sister who was still grinning at her.




"You haven't answered my question."


"What question?" Jimin monotonously replied.


"I was asking you how was your night with your girlfriend?"


Jimin slowly put down her utensils and looked at her sister coldly. "You think I don't know what you did?"




"You lied to Mom and told her about the lack of futons when in reality, the cabinet was full of it." Jisoo was about to retort, "Don't even try, Unnie. I checked the cabinets last night myself."


"If you knew there were futons available, then why didn't you get one for Minjeong and just let her sleep on the same bed as you?" The rave-haired girl wanted to retort but she knew she's losing the argument, so she kept quiet and continued eating. Jisoo, on the other hand, was smirking as she already knew the answer. "You know, Jimin, be a bit more thankful to me." She smiled widely, "I am helping you and your girlfriend to be more closer."


Jimin could only shake her head, "well, I don't need your help."


The older girl chuckled, "clearly." 


Jimin continued with her meal, and just let her sister do the talking.


"I'll be honest, I still can't believe you and Minjeong are together. I mean, at last! It's a long time coming. You guys had known each other since kids, and it was about time for you guys to be a couple." Her older sister exclaimed, "Even Mom was elated."


“When I heard from people that Minjeong was straight, personally, I was bummed. It made me feel like my ship will never sail. But now, oh boy. I don’t know what you did, but actually turning the super straight Minjeong into your girlfriend. Damn, I am so proud of you.” Jimin rolled her eyes when she heard this. Minjeong is still straight as a ruler.


"I don't know what will be Joohyun Unnie's reaction to this, though. I mean, after what happened," Jimin glanced at her older sister, "Unnie." 


"I know, hahaha." Jisoo laughs it off, "For sure she'll support you. You're her baby, after all." 


If only you all know, Jimin can't help but feel guilty. Technically, she's lying to everyone, including her family. She didn't expect the arrangement she and Minjeong had agreed on would reach this kind of level. Okay, maybe she should have known. She should have anticipated the reaction of her family, but she was so caught up with everything and was only focusing on her relationship with the blonde girl. 


Still, she just needs to it up and wait until the time Minjeong decides when the arrangement is off. 


"You were too aggressive with Minjeong last night," Jimin expressed, recalling how Minjeong got scared of Jisoo. The older sister laughs, "I barely scratched the surface, Jimin. My questions weren't even on the hard level."


"And besides," she added, "I was just teasing the blondie." 


"We both know how animative and expressive that kid could be, her reactions are always funny to me," Jisoo expressed as she remembers the times she teased the blonde girl in the past. The raven-haired girl can't help but agree. Minjeong was indeed expressive, she won’t deny that she enjoys teasing her friend too. "I heard from Minjeong that you gave her a shovel talk."


"Yep, I did. I am your big sister, after all." The older girl drinks her glass of water before continuing, "but that doesn't mean you are not getting one, too." This perked up Jimin's attention. Her older sister stood up from her sister and went to the other girl. She stood at the back of Jimin and held both sides of her shoulders, "Jimin, you are my sister and I love you so much," she slowly bent down and whispered, "but if you dare and hurt Minjeong in any way, I won't hesitate to be your enemy." The older girl kissed Jimin’s crown.


Jimin felt shivers all over her body. She didn't expect her sister to give her a shovel talk too. Jisoo let go of her and patted her head, "don't be too worked up, little sister." She looked over Jimin and smiled comfortably, "I know you will take care of her." And then she left.


The words of her sister made Jimin eat her breakfast in silence. She knows her sister's concern was from a good place. After all, Jisoo also treats Minjeong like a sister, even though her way of expressing her love to her is kind of questionable at times.


She sighed heavily.


Of course, she is going to take care of her. It was her plan from the start. Jimin wants to restore their friendship. She's going to fix what was broken before, this time, with no unwanted feelings involved. Feelings that shouldn't have interfered in the first place. After all, she's not allowing herself to feel them anymore.


If she wants to keep everything within her reach and not lose anymore, she needs to keep herself guarded. Always alert. 


Heart, I won't let you be hurt anymore.




"What are you doing here?" Minjeong asked as she unwelcomely welcomed the guest to her house. "You're not happy to see me? You're favorite cousin? I am hurt Minjeong-ah," Wendy pouted.


The blonde girl could only sigh, she was enjoying the peace and quiet and her cousin came along. She closed the entrance door and went back to the kitchen. She just finished putting her stuff in her room and cleaned a bit before fully immersing herself in cooking. "What are you cooking?" The older cousin asked as she invaded Minjeong's space. "Bacon and eggs,"


"Yummy, can I have some, too?" Minjeong stared deadly at her cousin. "What, I'm hungry too, you know." The blonde girls' brows quirked up, "Auntie didn't feed you?"


"She did, but your food looks delicious," Wendy was about to get one bacon from the plate when Minjeong slapped her hand, "Oww."


"Hands off."


"Geez, why are you not kind to your favorite cousin?" The older cousin grumbled as she went and sat at the chair on the island counter. "You're really asking me that question," Minjeong didn't even look back at her cousin and continued cooking. "You're still angry about the reveal? Ah c'mon, Minjeong-ah. I said I was sorry," Minjeong continues to ignore her older cousin.


Personally, the blonde girl is not really angry. It's more on she is reminded of the arrangement and the hassle of all of it every time she interacts with Wendy. Even though it's technically her fault for lying in the first place, exposing that she has a girlfriend to everyone was a bit too much.


"Minjeong-ah," the older girl whined.


She sighed, "I'm not angry, Unnie." She finished her cooking and laid out her food on the island counter, "You shouldn't have exposed it to the world." Wendy animatedly clasped her hands together to apologize, "I know, I'm so sorry. I was just so so surprised, that's all. I couldn't help myself and just share it." Minjeong could only stare at her cousin as the older girl continued to explain, "I mean, hello? My super straight little cousin, out of nowhere admits to being in a relationship with the one and only, Yoo Jimin. The famous Yoo Jimin, where all the boys and girls want to be with. Of course, who wouldn't be excited."


"Why are you still shocked?" The blonde girl rolled her eyes, "you already know my preferences."


"Maybe, but you never acted on it, Minjeong-ah. That's why I never took it seriously. But now, damn. For a first girlfriend, you actually went for the gold prize, immediately."


The blonde girl can't really blame her older cousin for not believing her confession years ago. Even herself can’t believe it. It was true, she never acted on it. She never tried to date a girl. It's not like she didn't try, it's just that the people who courted her happen to be guys, and if she does like a girl, she doesn't know how to approach that person. In other words, she is a gay mess when it comes to girls. To spare herself from embarrassment, she tries to admire from afar and not act on her feelings.


Minjeong offered some slices of bacon to Wendy, for the other girl to get some. "Was Yooji angry?"




"Was she angry?" Wendy asks, "That I kinda exposed your relationship with her."


Minjeong remembered Jimin's face when she first broke the news. Until now, she can't seem to grasp all of the emotions that had run through the raven-haired girl's face, "Her reaction was mixed but she understood."


The older cousin sighed in relief. Having one Yoo girl angry with her is enough, she can't handle it if they are two. "How are you two, by the way?"


Minjeong was caught off guard, "what?"


"How are you two? Like, how's it going? Was being the girlfriend of the baby Yoo hard? How long had you guys been dating? I need answers, Minjeong."


The blonde girl could only shake her head. Here she thought she had warmed up to the fact that people will bombard her questions about their relationship. Definitely not.


I really need to get used to this.


"Me and Jimin just recently dated. Everything is going well, and she takes care of me." That’s it Minjeong. Keep it short and concise.


"Did you guys go on dates?"


"Dates?" She saw Wendy nodding too enthusiastically. "Nope, not yet."




"We never got a chance yet. Too busy with school."


“Even within the campus? Like lunch dates?”




“No wonder the news about you two being official spread like wildfire,” Wendy expressed, “You guys hid it too well.” Minjeong could not comment. It’s not like we are official, Unnie. Everything is fake. 


"You guys are dorm mates, right?" The older girl suddenly asks. "Yeah," Wendy hummed in response. "For sure you guys had kissed already.”


Minjeong's eyes widened as she listened more, “I mean, it's the perfect place to hide your relationship, within the four walls of your room.” Then Wendy thought of something, "Have you done the deed already?" The question made Minjeong accidentally spit her water. "Yah!"


"Sorry, Unnie but what the hell! Don't ask those kinds of questions to me," Minjeong expressed defensively. She remembered something she didn't want to.


"What? It's normal for couples to kiss and make out," Wendy nonchalantly said, "and besides, from a person who dated a Yoo to another, they are quite good kissers." Minjeong blocked her ears from the stuff her cousin was spouting, "Unnie, please stop."


The older girl shrugged, "I'm just telling the truth."


"Oh god, you are much worse than Jisoo Unnie,"


Wendy immediately caught that, "Jisoo? Why is bestie's name dropped out of nowhere?" The blonde girl sighed heavily remembering the happenings from last night. "I also got grilled by Jisoo Unnie with these kinds of questions." Noticing the confused face of her older cousin, she explained further, “rather than staying here, I stayed at the Yoo's last night."


"Wait," Wendy was processing what she just heard, "You stayed at Yoo's...last night?"




"Damn, girl. You speed." Minjeong was now the one confused. "Meeting the family so soon. So, when's the wedding?"


Minjeong slapped the arm of her older cousin, "Unnie!"


"Oww, I was just joking," Minjeong shooks her head in disbelief. "Jimin was just concerned that I will be staying here at home alone and offered. That's all." She explained further, "Jimin and I are still in the early stages, Unnie. It's not that deep."


Wendy hummed in response, but she's not yet satisfied. "Jimin, huh."


"Yeah, Jimin."






"Why are you not calling Yooji by her nickname?" Minjeong choked on her food. She didn't expect this question, "excuse me?" The older girl looked at her warily, "you used to call her Yooji nonstop, and now, Jimin? That's odd."



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Next chapter on Sunday 👍👍


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0 points #1
Chapter 26: a grear story, love it
Chapter 6: i hope you will update this story author
Chapter 23: rereading one of my comfort fics :<
I hope you're doing okayy authorr
Faithyouri #4
still waiting for you:))
moshiryu #5
Chapter 26: miss u :(
will this continue?
naevidzy #7
Chapter 26: hope this will be updated soon
Coleeee #8
There's been a lot of hindrances since the moment they met. They do have little happy moments buy it only lasts for a while and it doesn't justify the amount of pain that they have to go through in exchange for it. Kinda makes you think that maybe they are not really meant for each other?

Winrina learning about Ryujin's intervention in past could have been the perfect of the story. Ryujin's acceptance and Winrina finally being together with no strings attached could have been the perfect ending, but it seems like they're facing yet another dilemma and I don't think I can take it anymore 😅

It's been fun reading it but this is it for me. Had enough of winrina angst 😅 God they're everywhere. Wish you all the best author! Hope your hand heal soon.
Chapter 26: damn. i reread the whole story coz i forgot the plot 😂 welcome back! thanks for the update hehe
Chapter 26: yeayy you updated ! thank you ^^
they are so cute