A bunny with a broken leg


A bunny with a broken leg

Yesung is very clumsy, but it has never caused such a serious injury. Yes, Yesung has broken a finger twice, he cuts his fingers quite often, but now he broke his leg. Siwon wasn't there when it happened, Ryeowook called him and told him that his husband broke his leg. Yesung is a high school teacher and he tripped on stairs and Ryeowook was the one who called an ambulance.


Siwon arrived in the hospital and doctors were already treating his husband. Due to the pandemic Siwon wasn’t allowed to visit Yesung after the surgery and he had to leave only to come back four days later because Yesung is well enough to go home. Yesung’s brother Heechul insisted on coming with Siwon, he will make sure that Yesung’s leg is healing properly. Siwon opened a bag where are clothes for Yesung and takes off the hospital gown.


“His pain toleration is very small so I gave him some stronger painkillers and the painkillers mixed with his antidepressant caused this.”


The doctor is referring to the fact that Yesung is high. He is giggling and keeps squirming while Siwon tries to dress him in a shirt.


“It tickles!”


Yesung is laughing and squirms away so his arm slipped out of the sleeve.


“It isn’t a good idea to keep him in the hospital when there is a pandemic. He will have safer convalescence at home.”


Siwon nods and finished pushing Yesung’s arms in the sleeves of his shirt.


“His brother is a doctor, he will visit us often to exam him.”


Siwon is speaking about Heechul who is standing there, laughing because of the crazy antics of his little brother. He remembers how he persuaded Yesung to drink alcohol just to see him tipsy because tipsy Yesung = adorable Yesung. Siwon managed to put a pair of shorts on Yesung and then sat him in a wheelchair. He thanked to the doctor and starts to push the wheelchair out of the room. Heechul keeps laughing because Yesung is waving to everyone while mumbling the words of some pop song. Heechul and Siwon carefully sit Yesung in their car and Siwon starts to drive. Siwon keeps reminding himself to take away the antidepressants as the doctor told him, Yesung won't take them for a few days until he doesn't need the painkillers. Meanwhile Heechul takes his brother’s small hand in his and smiles. He recalls how his mom showed him Yesung for the first time.


“He is a fragile baby, remember that forever.


He chuckles because that is still truth, even after their mom died, Heechul will protect Yesung and take care of him. They arrived home and Siwon carried Yesung in the elevator. Heechul unlocks the door of their apartment and Siwon carries his husband in the bedroom. He tucks whining Yesung under a warm blanket and places a pillow under the broken leg. Only then he can finally cuddle with Yesung.


“My poor bunny.”


Siwon is Yesung’s black hair and his husband looks at him. The nice haze from the painkillers is gone and Yesung is falling into a deep pit of sadness thanks to not taking his antidepressants. He caused so much worries to everyone he loves. And Ryeowook will need to teach his classes! Poor Ryeowook!


“Shhh it is fine, I am here and i will take care of you.”


Siwon kisses Yesung’s cheeks and tries to put him to sleep as soon as possible before he will burst into tears.


Heechul watches Siwon who is so gentle and loving, no one needs a big brother when there is someone like Siwon. Heechul feels a bit sad while leaving the apartment, he was used to being Yesung’s hero who always fixed everything and Siwon stole that from him.


Yesung is asleep and Siwon goes to finish some work. He will work from home until Yesung feels better which will last for a couple of days. Siwon occasionally peeks in the bedroom and after three hours found Yesung awake. He is dazed thanks to the painkillers and stares on the ceiling of the room while slowly blinking.


“Babe, you okay?”


Siwon watches Yesung’s face, but his husband only mumbles something and covers his face with the blanket.


“Do you need something?”


Yesung slowly shakes his head no and Siwon got up with a deep sigh.


“If you don’t look at me then i guess i should leave you alone to sulk.”


Yesung whines from underneath the blanket and throws it away. He wants something, but he doesn’t know what it is. Luckily for him Siwon sat down next to him and gently pulled him into his lap. Siwon is careful around the broken leg and rubs Yesung’s back.


“I was so scared, you can't do that to me again.”


He imagined so many gruesome things which happened to his husband after Ryewook called him and now when he has Yesung back at home, he feels a bit better. He is calmer.


“Are you hungry? Should I order something for you?”


Yesung is thinking hard for a moment, but his brain doesn’t listen to him. His mind keeps slipping away and he can't focus. Siwon sees that Yesung is struggling so he decides to step in.


“Fried chicken?”


Siwon smiles at him and Yesung nodded. Yesung is dazed and wants to sleep more, but in the same time he wants to be with his husband. The chicken arrived in a while and Siwon brings the food in their bed. Yesung is slowly munching and occasionally mumbles something. Siwon is patient, he watches his darling and then tucks him under a blanket. Yesung is so warm and comfy that he fell asleep in a few minutes.


Siwon needs some time to relax, to turn off his brain so he the TV and found some stupid comedy. He isn’t paying attention to the movie and then fell asleep. Meanwhile Yesung woke up. The bedroom is dimly lit and he stretched a bit before hissing in pain. His leg hurts again and he can't see his husband. However, there is one thing he can see - a big spider which is on the ceiling. Yesung hates spiders and bugs, so even if his legs are okay, he always calls Siwon to kill every scary insect. Once Siwon even had to leave a meeting because hysterical Yesung called him that there is a huge and black spider in the living room. Now when Yesung screams on the top of his lungs, Siwon imagined so many things which could be happening to him. He is bleeding. Yesung is bleeding for sure! The doctor did something wrong and now his darling is suffering!


Siwon almost killed himself while running in the bedroom in his half asleep state and found terrified Yesung pointing at the ceiling. Siwon tries to calm himself down and then removes the spider. He takes a shower and then snuggles close to his husband. Yesung swallowed another painkiller so his leg isn't bothering him anymore and he hugs Siwon.


“You are cuddlier than usually.”


Siwon smiles and kisses his chubby cheeks. Yesung feels so safe in his arms, his eyes are closing and soon he is fast asleep. Siwon rubs Yesung’s small back and finally feels calm. He is looking out of the window and enjoys that his husband is so close to him. Siwon pulls the blanket closer to their bodies and smiles after seeing that Yesung is slobbering a bit. Siwon uses the hem of his T-shirt to wipe the saliva and closes his eyes. He can finally sleep peacefully with his husband next to him after days full of worries.

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401 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oh Heechul, poor you! 😅 But hey, your baby brother met his soulmate, so cheer up!
Ms_koala #2
Chapter 1: Aww this is so sweet...
Bangtanboys1952 #3
Chapter 1: This was such a nice story. I loved it!
Chapter 1: i so like your stories you"re one of my fav authors here
thanks for this story
plz write new stories bout baby yesung and his dad siwon "not little space"
Chapter 1: "You're cuddlier than usual" awwwwww so sweet