You're a flight risk and I don't fear falling

tinysparks ficlets

The spires that shot up into the sky were so sharp they looked like thorns piercing through the clouds. Sehun swooped, catching an updraft on his wings. He cawed, relieved to see the curtain twitch.

The midnight blue fabric was drawn back, a sliver of tanned skin appearing in the crack. Sehun called again, landing onto the tiny windowsill. There was not enough room for him to change but it was enough, just being close.

Jongin stepped out from behind the curtain, casting a furtive glance around before sliding open the catch on the window.

“You shouldn’t be here,” he hissed even as warm hands cupped around Sehun’s body, drawing him close.

Sehun clicked his beak, ruffling his feathers before settling against Jongin’s chest.

I can’t be anywhere else.

“I’m to be married,” Jongin said, cradling Sehun’s tiny body as he made his way over to his bed. “You shouldn’t be coming to see me anymore.”

Sehun squawked, pecking his arm lightly.

“He’s a lovely man,” Jongin continued. “Kind and beautiful.”

Sehun drooped, cocking his head when Jongin lifted him into the air, studying his expression. Despite all that he said, Jongin did not look happy. His skin held a grey sheen and there were hollows beneath his eyes as if he had not slept in days.

“But he is not you,” Jongin said, his voice soft, pained. “I cannot love anyone but you, Sehunnie.”

Sehun leapt off his arm, his shape twisting and changing until he was a man once more.

“Neither can I,” he said, curling his arms around Jongin’s shoulders and drawing him close.

He rested his chin atop Jongin’s head, inhaling the smell of feathers that always clung to him. Owls and ravens should not mix. They were not suited for each other and yet, they had fallen anyway.

“We could run away,” he said. “Leave our kingdoms behind.”

Jongin laughed, body shaking in his arms. He shook his head, caramel hair fluffing in the draft that swept in.

“And what? Be chased by my brothers from kingdom to kingdom? You know Minseok. His distaste for your kind outweighs everything else.”

Sehun huffed, kissing his forehead. He traced a thumb over Jongin’s temple, releasing a long sigh when Jongin wrapped his arms around his waist, dragging him closer.

“Who is he?” he asked roughly. “Your new husband?”

“A Snowy Owl,” Jongin breathed, face buried into Sehun’s stomach. “His name is Yixing.”

Sehun laughed, his tone bitter.

“He will never love you,” he said, his tone as cold as the ice that covered Yixing’s lands. “I have seen him on the Eastern winds, visiting Yifan.”

Jongin’s breath hitched, and he pressed his face harder into Sehun’s black sweater.

“Then we are even, for I will never love him either.”

Sehun tugged himself free, crouching to cup Jongin’s face in his hands. He leaned in, sealing their lips together in a kiss so fierce that a gasp escaped Jongin.

“It would be cruel-.”

“Yixing hyung will do anything for the sake of his kingdom,” Jongin cut him off. “Including giving up his happiness. The ice is melting. His people need the security.”

“What about you?” Sehun snapped.

Jongin looked away, a muscle in his jaw jumping. Before he could speak, however, the door opened and a face peered in.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Sehun leapt away but not fast enough. He staggered when the flat of a sword swung towards him, stumbling back. Jongin was on his feet at once, eyes wide. The sword flashed and Sehun backed away, yelping when he hit the wall.

Pain flashed through his throat and he gasped, tipping his head as far back as he could when the sword point pressed into the hollow of his neck.

“Hyung, don’t-.”

“You’re a raven.”

Junmyeon sniffed the air, his eyes narrowed. He was the second eldest of Jongin’s brothers, known for his soft nature and kind heart. But there was none of that now, fury rolling off him in waves choked Sehun.

“How did you get in here?”

“Hyung,” Jongin started. He stepped around his brother, raising a shaking hand. “I let him in.”

Junmyeon turned, his expression incredulous.

“Jongin, you know-.”

“I do,” Jongin said, eyes flitting to Sehun. “But I love him. You of all people should understand.”

Junmyeon made a wounded noise, his sword point digging into Sehun’s skin. The wedding ring on his left hand gleamed and Sehun could not help but stare. He knew Junmyeon’s marriage had been arranged. But he thought he had been the sole lucky one who had loved his partner.

“Yixing knows his duty,” Junmyeon snapped.

Sehun made an understanding noise in his throat. Of course, Junmyeon would know about his best friend’s dalliance with the honey buzzard, Yifan.

Jongin in a sharp breath and fell silent. He would find no sympathy with his brothers, not when all their marriages had been arranged as well. There was no reason they should listen to his pleas and it would be unfair for him to ask.

“You will learn to love him,” Junmyeon said after a long beat of silence. He sheathed his sword, jaw working. “As all of us did.”

Jongin bowed his head, a visible sign of submission and Sehun could stand it no longer.

“How can you bear it?” he asked. “Knowing that Jongin will be unhappy for the rest of his life?”

Junmyeon narrowed his eyes at him, straightening.

“Duty comes first,” he snapped. “Jongin knows this.”

He flung open the windows, gesturing to the looming clouds outside.

“Go. And don’t let me see you here again. Be grateful that I am leaving you with your life.”

Sehun gritted his teeth, casting Jongin one last glance. He sidestepped Junmyeon, reaching out for his beloved.

“He could duel,” Jongin said before Junmyeon could cut Sehun’s arm off for his audacity. His teeth were clamped down on his lower lip, eyes cast down. “He could duel Yixing for my hand.”

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2438 streak #1
Chapter 8: now this one i really remember reading from AO3!
gad, i really wish this was expanded into a full story... this would've been very exciting!
2438 streak #2
Chapter 5: who is Yifan courting again, Jun or Yixing??? HAHAHA
this is gonna be interesting indeed...