rose thorns

Rose Thorns
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Professor Slughorn’s sixth-year Potions class was relatively small, as were most of the specialised NEWT classes. Joohyun picked Potions as one of her classes after receiving an Outstanding grade for her OWLs. It was one of her best subjects at Hogwarts and she always received top marks, ever since her first year.

The first Potions lesson, down in the draughty, dark dungeons, started on a Monday morning. Other people in her class did not appreciate this, however, as a chorus of groans rang and disgruntled faces were visible around her as they strode towards their lesson. What did they expect, thought Joohyun. This was a NEWT class after all. Joohyun made her way after breakfast, accompanied by some of her fellow Slytherins. They spotted some of the other Houses as well. Joohyun waved at Wendy, a Gryffindor. As the specialised class were so small, the Professor decided to simply merge the Houses as one class than the usual joint parings of Gryffindor and Slytherin or Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

As the class filed into the room, Professor Slughorn was already there, standing in front. His great walrus moustache curved above his mouth, and he greeted the students with particular enthusiasm. He didn’t seem to mind the grunts and yawning as he beamed at them, belly fit to burst through his robes. This cheerful attitude startled them as his demeanour was the opposite of Professor Snape, who took points away and glared at you so much as if you even coughed. Snape had particular favouritism with the Slytherins. The other Houses were always on edge in his lessons.

The dungeon was already full of vapours and odd smells. Joohyun sniffed interestedly as she saw the large, bubbling cauldron on Slughorn’s desk. She chose the one nearest which was gold-coloured. On the board, written in chalk was: “Amortentia – the most powerful love potion in the world.” Joohyun resisted the urge to groan. A group of girls inched forwards, closer to the Potion that was slowly steaming on Slughorn’s table, their faces one of contentment.

Joohyun peered around the students, searching for a particular individual. Her heart sank as she realised, they weren’t there. She knew she shouldn’t have got her hopes up. Seulgi probably had not even selected Potions for one of her options for sixth-year.

‘Now then, settle down, please,’ said Slughorn, whose massive outline was quivering through the shimmering vapours. ‘I am Professor Slughorn, and I’m to be your new Potions teacher.’

They all glanced at each other, hardly daring to believe their eyes. Joohyun was relieved, considering this change as a breath of fresh air. Professor Snape, she was sorry to say, was not a good teacher. Of course, he knew his subject and could perfectly make a Potion, he just couldn’t teach. He would write the ingredients and instructions down on the chalkboard and bark at them to make it without explaining the methods or properties. Now Joohyun may be able to learn something worthwhile instead of finding out the information by herself.

Slughorn continued, ‘Scales out, everyone, and potion kits, and don’t forget your copies of Advanced Potion-Making.’

Joohyun placed her textbook, fresh and newly purchased from Flourish and Blotts in the summer, on the table.

‘If you'll open your textbooks to page one hundred and twenty, you'll find the instructions for today’s particular brew. Every ingredient listed can be found within the classroom, but I do suggest that you collect and ready your ingredients before brewing as some steps can be time-sensitive.’

The room let out a collective low groan, to which Professor Slughorn grinned good-naturedly.

‘I know, I know,’ he chuckled, raising his hands to call for silence. ‘It’s the first lesson on a Monday, and you all at present want to be in your beds, but this is your NEWTs, remember.’ He clapped his hands together. ‘Now, as some of you may have realised upon reading the title on the board, this particular Potion requires a keen sense of smell.’

As Slughorn was lecturing the rest of the class, Joohyun read the section on Amortentia in her textbook:

Amortentia is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen and steam rising from the potion in spirals. Amortentia is known to smell differently to each person and is dependent on what attracts them. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker and is considered to be a powerful and highly dangerous potion. Despite its power, however, Amortentia does not create actual love as it is impossible to manufacture or imitate love. The person under the effect of the potion will only hold an obsession for the person who administered it.

The door slammed open as Joohyun finished reading. The class snapped their head around, and Joohyun felt her heart jolt. Seulgi stood there, one hand clutching the door, the other gripping her waist as she panted for breath. It looked as if she’d run all the way. Seulgi’s Hufflepuff tie hung loosely around her shirt collar and her hair, worn in a ponytail, was dishevelled. And yet, despite her ruffled appearance, Joohyun’s stomach did cartwheels. Seulgi had probably come back from early morning Quidditch training and hurried to wear her school robes.

Ever since their almost-kiss during the Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw match three weeks ago, she had been unable to stop her thoughts from wandering back to Seulgi.

‘Ah, yes, Miss – ?’ began Slughorn.

‘Uh, Kang, sir,’ she puffed, pausing to take a deep gulp, ‘I’m so sorry I’m late.’

Slughorn waved a hand, tone pleasant. Joohyun would probably have a hard time imagining the Professor angry. ‘Not to worry, get your book out and take your seat.’

Seulgi sighed in relief and made her way to the closest seat which happened to be next to Joohyun. The latter felt her heart rate increase as Seulgi’s presence came nearer. Seulgi offered her a crooked grin, and Joohyun had to swallow to stop the fierce fluttering that had abruptly erupted in her stomach. The fires from the torches flickered on the walls and threw shadows everywhere; Seulgi’s facial features were softened by the glow, illuminating her smooth sheen. Joohyun couldn't help but think how beautiful she was. If she weren’t careful someone would spot her staring at Seulgi longer than appropriate. Joy and Yeri already won’t shut up about her tiny crush after they found out. Okay, so maybe it wasn’t so tiny, but her point still stood. She swiftly turned to focus her attention on Slughorn, avoiding eye contact with the kind Hufflepuff.

‘Mis Bae,’ Slughorn suddenly called at the end of his lecture, though Joohyun hadn’t heard a word as she’d been too busy gawking at Seulgi like a love-sick fool. ‘Come forward. Don’t be shy. What do you smell in this potion?’

went dry at the number of faces that swivelled around in their seats to stare at her. She masked her nerves under her usual cold indifferen

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73 streak #1
Chapter 1: 💛💗
2188 streak #2
Chapter 1: rereading this again<3
Sir_Loin #3
Chapter 1: 🥰
Chapter 1: Their feelings were mutual 🥹
GoldenMultistan #5
Chapter 1: Yesss!!! Thank goodness I found out about Harry potter aus cuz I literally only checked the Hogwarts au page. This is so cute! I'm a huge potterhead and I'm a er for these aus so thank you so much for this. I hope this story and the Harry potter related aus get more popular cuz I'm a er for these aus but there's such a less amount, moreso for ggs😭
2188 streak #6
Chapter 1: I've been reading harrypotteraus and I really enjoyed reafing through this!!!!!
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cuteee
gcpt21 #8
Chapter 1: So cute uwu
Chapter 1: this is the cutest. i think harry potter aus are so great, really everything worked well with your portrayal of irene & seulgi in this world ㅠㅠ