Dormmate's Darling

Dormmate's Darling
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Hyukjae arrived at the dorm. Two minutes ago.

Because of his dormmate, the dorm he moved in from last year were used for many things now. Studios. Variety shows. Even a concert. Having guests, plenty of staff, cameras here and there when he came home didn't shock him anymore. He's more than used to it now. Usually, he will just let them be, doesn’t think too much about it. He actually likes it. Because it gives him more screen times and gave him works.

But not today. He has something to do today. It’s been a long time since the last time he spent the night with someone. Hyukjae’s of course a healthy man. He also needs to release his need. He always waiting for the right time, counting days by days, for his next rest day to come. And his dormmate’s rest day. Or at least when there’s no filming schedule at the dorm. He needs the dorm to himself.

Today is the day. Based on Hyukjae’s calculation and observation. Today is his rest day, he has no schedule. Plus, his dormmate won’t be in the dorm today. He expected to comes home to an empty dorm. He was not expecting to get involved with any cameras today. Not when he brought...


"Hyung, why are you just standing there?"


5 minutes has passed when he arrived at the dorm. When he was about to go to his room and found Kyuhyun with Heechul and Shindong in the kitchen. When he noticed the cameras are rolling and every single thing he'll do now will probably come out on TV later. When he realizes that they won't let him alone tonight. The night with...


"Hyukjae-ah, come here Kyuhyun cooked delicious meat let's eat together," Heechul said.

"Kyu, is the cameras on?" Hyukjae ignored Heechul's invitation. Asked Kyuhyun instead. Make sure.

"Of course it is. Why?"

"I thought you have a schedule today?"

"I am. I'm filming it now."

"No. I mean, not in the dorm."


Oh, Hyukjae almost lost his mind. He’s so frustrated. It's not what he has planned. He’s certain when he looked up to his dormmate's schedule it didn’t say anything about filming on the dorm though. Looks like the god of fortune was not on his side today. Hyukjae scratched his head in frustration.


"Why Hyukjae-ah? You're not usually like this."

Yes. He knows. It's so unusual of him, he should stay calm. But he's too surprised. He was so excited before. Until he found out he can't have the dorm to himself today. What should he do now?


"Are you not in a good condition to show up on tv?" Shindong asked. Naturally.

"No, It's just-"

"Are we bothering you? You bring someone here?" Heechul said.


But no way he could say that. Damn. Heechul's really scary sometimes. Hyukjae suddenly can't think of any excuses.


Hyukjae tried to acts natural. He really tried. He's usually so professional with it. He should've calmly managed it. But he's just not ready today. He has zero thought, all he can think is the person he should’ve spent the night with tonight.

He’s so nervous. He hopes he doesn’t look too obvious. With his finger fidgeting. Sweating. Legs shaking. Yes of course. No one couldn't see that he's nervous now. At least the editors are smart enough to edit his appearance and make him not so obviously nervous.

Should he just run away from here? Maybe he still has enough time to meet the person outside and prevent the person to get into the dorm. Uh, but that won’t look good on TV. Maybe he should just explain it to them, naturally, with a little bit of a lie. He can act it out. Like usual. Then maybe they’ll shut up. And Hyukjae will be safe. Yes. You are so smart Hyukjae…


Hyukjae inhaled a deep breath. "Alright. Actually I-"




…But not fast enough.


Oh. God. Why. When he thought he can finally get out of the trouble. Another trouble comes. The person that makes him nervous from the start, finally makes an appearance. And Hyukjae knows already that it was not a good sign for him. Hyukjae's panicked, take a deep breath, getting ready for the troubles. Today won’t be easy for Hyukjae.


A hand caught Hyukjae's. Oh no. Pulled him closer before the hand reached Hyukjae's waist. Placed it there. Hugging Hyukjae from the side. No no. Kisses his temple. .


"I thought you're already in your room? What are you do- Oh. Hi, hyung!"

"Donghae? Wh-"

"Oh, umm, I have promised to meet Hyukjae in the dorm. So I'm here," Said the man innocently. As if he hasn’t just called Hyukjae 'Darling' and kisses him two minutes ago. As if what he

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I hope you enjoy this short story! (⋆ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)”
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LeeLenaMx #1
Chapter 1: This is nice! Th Al’s for sharing!
Chapter 1: this is adorablee,, so cute to see hyuk panicking and hae just calm
MinraKimAlpacaPanda #3
Chapter 1: This is too cute 😭
Az_StMd #4
Chapter 1: Lloró 💙💙💙
Sjhyukkie #5
Chapter 1: It’s rare to see Hyukjae’s the one gay panicking 😁
1588 streak #6
Chapter 1: Hyukjae really is cute when he goes on blaming Donghae for causing trouble (even if it isn't actually his fault). As he's said, guess he let him "loose" too much. Poor frustrated Hyuk. Hahaha. Hopefully they will get their quality private time together, and only share their love with others on their own terms. :)

Thanks for this pretty story. I like your style. ♡
Chapter 1: Awwww.... This is so sweet.. Kyu really is a good dormmate :D

Love the last part. Really hope one day they can tell the whole world about their love without any secrecy.
Chapter 1: Poor Hyukjae so frustrated.. Donghae go help! Lol
Chapter 1: Omo this is so adorable ~~ but poor Hyuk xD hahahaha next time just tell Kyu! He's the master planner lol
Thank you for this ~ ^^