Chapter 19: Second Escape

Our Wish

Song Recommended: Express Moon - Jo Yuri

"Are we going to enter that?"Her fingers point directly to the amusement park which is only a few walks from them.

"Definitely." Yena answered in between her concentration on fixing her messy hair through the side mirror.

Chaewon folds her arm and her eyebrows to the older. She doesn't move a bit when the older excitedly walks towards the entrance and stops in the way after noticing her companion is not by her side.

"What's wrong?" The older frowns. 

"Unnie, you know how expensive the ticket is, right?"

"Is that a problem?"

The audacity.

Chaewon rubs the middle of her forehead with her eyes closed for a second before she voices out.

"It becomes a problem when that question came from the one who used my only $30 to refuel her scooter or else, we would have stuck in the middle of the road, with no money left!" She ends her words with a sigh.

Yena laughs it off which gains her a glare after that. The younger is telling the truth. They could have been left hanging in the middle of nowhere if Chaewon didn't notice the gas station and lend her money for the fuel.

"Okay, okay. Can I use your phone? I need to call someone." 

The request from Yena makes Chaewon frowns even more. Now that she realize the older didn't have the black sling bag which has always been seen with her in school. She looks so... free?

"You didn't bring your phone too?" 

"I purposely left it for charging at home." Yena smiles cheekily and it makes Chaewon amused. How can she resist that cuteness?

"Planning on an escape with no money and phone, huh?" She still offers what's being requested despite the dissing she gives.

"That's why you are here with me right now." Yena winks. Her hands skillfully tapping the specific numbers on Chaewon's phone and waiting for the call to get connected.

"Now I'm offended after knowing the exact reason I was invited here. Am I just a bank and a public phone in your eyes?" The younger purses her lips. She's about to throw her sight to other places when she catches a glimpse at the moving lips in front of her.

"Precious. That's you."

The older mouthed the words silently before hurriedly taking a few steps away from the younger when the call is already connected. Chaewon's face flushed so hard even her ears turn so red and warm.

That. Is. So. Random.

She doesn't have time to who Yena talking to when her mind is full of the previously said things. Chaewon could not understand why she become flustered when she already heard it before. She lets out a small snort and smacks her own cheek when she catches nonsense thoughts in her mind.

Get hold of yourself, Chaewon. It doesn't mean anything special. You are just her 'precious' friend. She might mean it from a different perspective. Maybe precious means 'yes, you are my bank, my public phone' and could be 'my punching bag' too. Who knows?


Chaewon quickly snaps back to reality when the older taps her shoulder. She faces the blonde girl and raises her eyebrow as her instinctive reaction.

"Can I get your Samsung Pay details?"

Not thinking much, she takes back her phone when the older offers it and slides her screen for a while, searching for the mentioned app. Two seconds later, she gives back the phone so the older can proceed with what she wants to do with it. No words from . Only a blank stare gave.

Yena reaches back the phone and concentrates to finish her task unknowingly getting stared at by the younger. A few more taps on the phone and it's complete. She grins widely as she passes back the phone. Her happy mood boosts up as everything is going smoothly for now and she hopes all the mess in her heart and mind will disappear with time. She needs some distraction and here it comes.

"All done! Let's go! " She grabs Chaewon's wrist and paces forward excitedly to the entrance gate after she gives back the phone. Chaewon checks her phone and her eyes widened at the receipt shown on it.

"Where did you get all these money?"

"Loan shark." The older easily answered while ordering two VIP tickets for them at the ticket booth. The lines for the normal ticket are quite long so Yena decides to go for VIP because the line is clear and yeah, the price is the same as having 5 servings of meat at the local restaurant but she doesn't care, they can afford it.

"This unnie." Chaewon shakes her head. She checks back the receipt and reads the sender's surname below.

"Impressive. You can easily get this huge amount from your father with only one call away but still call yourself broke huh?" She comments and Yena turns to her.

"Nope. I would have been strangled to death before I get to ask him." Yena chuckles. She uses the QR code on Chaewon's phone to make the ticket payment. They need no cash here, every shop can use Samsung Pay even the food stalls.

"Then who is Choi Seungmin? Your brother?" Chaewon asked and Yena nods to her with a smile tugged on her face.

"You have a brother? Wait. Why I find his name is so familiar..." Chaewon rubs her chin, trying to regain as many memories as she can to find the answer to her own question but Yena doesn't want to let their times wasted when a lot of fun things awaiting. She takes off her cap and puts it on the younger. The cap is facing downward which blocks Chaewon's view towards the older so she lifts it a bit and sees a pair of captivating eyes gazing at her.

"No time to think. We come here to have fun, you know." Yena grabs Chaewon's right wrist and wears the VIP wristband tag on it and on her own wrist too.

"Let's enjoy this date to the fullest." She continues before intertwined their hands and walks through the gate together.

There are so many things going on Chaewon's mind right now. Swollen eyes, sad movie, precious, brother and now date? Too much information about this unnie and Chaewon still can't digest any of them. However, the most important right now is the older is smiling so much and Chaewon is pleased to see it. Her gaze falls to their intertwined hands and it gives her butterflies. She thanks herself for making a crazy decision to press on the doorbell after that 30 minutes thought inside the car. Look what she archive, a date with her crush. Hard to believe, isn't it? Let's enjoy it while it lasts.

"Which one should we get on first? Roller coaster? Or should we put it last on the list?" Yena's eyes can't stop wandering around. Everything looks so fascinating and she's like a child admiring her surrounding. Loud music, screams, laughter from the thrill ride, and lights flash all over the place bring out the excitement in her. This is indeed a true escape place for them.

"Are you sure can handle it?" Chaewon raises her voice a bit to counter the loud music. She too can't keep down her thrilling feelings that her heart can't stop beating so fast as if it follows the time of the music drifted to her ear.

"Piece of cake to me." Yena brags.

"Confidence. I'm impressed." Chaewon giggles.

They roam around the place, looking for the best option to start their adventure. Most of the rides have a full lineup but it doesn't bother them two because they hold the VIP ticket, they can easily surpass the line. Soft definition of capitalism there we see.

"Let's choose the simple one first to warm up."

They head towards the grand carousel situated in the middle, looking as grand as its name that caught every eye including them. Both of them choose the seats beside each other but struggle to get on. Chaewon succeeds first and contains her laugh looking at her unnie trying so hard to bring herself on the horse, which not just her,  even the other kids passing by also looking at her with a weird expression on their face.

"Need some help?"

Yena groans.

"It's just because my pant is tight, not that I-"

"I didn't say anything." Chaewon smiles as she offers her hand.

Yena stares at the hand. She rubs her nape out of embarrassment and still takes it in the end.

"Thanks." She maintains her expression, for the sake of her pride and Chaewon can't avoid letting out a chuckle.

So cute.

They are already on their fifth ride and now their legs are showing signs of weariness.

"Let's take some rest." Yena suggests and the younger instantly agrees. They bring themselves to a food truck and get themselves some refreshments before making their way to an empty bench facing the carnival games section.

"You are good at riding those scary rides." Yena speaks as she leans back, looking at her side.

"Scary? They aren't at all. Were you scared of them?" Chaewon questions back and it caught Yena off guard.

"Of course not." She shamelessly denies it and focuses on her drink as if there's something interesting on the surface.

Chaewon smirks. "Right? But I think I heard your loud scream when we go on the flying chair." She nudges Yena playfully. It's so fun to tease this scaredy-cat.

"You heard it wrong." Yena still wants to defend her pride and Chaewon just plays along with it. Yena finishes the last sip and throws the can into the bin near them. Later on, she extends her hand in front of the younger and Chaewon wants to take it when her phone suddenly rings.

"Your parents?" The older asked.

Chaewon shakes her head as she slides the green button on it.

"Hitomi." She mouthed.

Yena nods and slides back her hand into her pocket before sending some gestures to the younger telling that she wants to check out the carnival games section for a while. Chaewon acknowledges that.

"Hello, Tomi."

"Chaewon unnie, how's the appointment today?"

"All went smoothly." Chaewon peeks at her date, making sure she doesn't lose the figure in her sight. It would be hard for her if the girl gone missing. No money, no phone and still enjoying herself without worries. What a carefree person... And cute.

"Are you at home already? Can I visit you?"

Chaewon quickly helps herself with an excuse.

"Ah sorry, Tomi." She scratches her cheeks. "Something is up so I need to drop by the city first." Well, she is not lying, she just didn't put all the details in.

"Oh, okay. But, you are free tomorrow, right?"

"Tomorrow? Yeah. I am. Want to have dinner together as usual?" She means the birthday dinner they do every year.

"Hmm.. I will tell you when it is confirmed."

"Alright, sure."

"Bye, unnie. Call me if anything happens. Please Take care."

"Sure, Tomi. You too. Bye~"

Chaewon hangs up the call and walks towards the carnival game section. She finds her date in front of a claw machine, standing straight as her eyes focus on the machine but she's not playing it and Chaewon wonders why.

Yena notices the approaching steps and she turns to it because she knows it's Chaewon.

"Done with the call?" Her left hand quietly slides back the small box into her jacket pocket.

"Yes." Chaewon nods and raises her eyebrow spontaneously when Yena reaches out to her hand.

"You are not gonna play them?" She asks as she intertwined their hands. The way she comfortably did it as if it's a habit between them, as if they have been doing it always before. Yet, Chaewon is somehow confused about the older being extra gentle today. Yena could pass as boyfriend material, no doubt. 

"Not anymore."

Yena's lips curled up to a smile as they continues their walk back to the main path, towards the roller coaster entrance. Both of them talk about the call earlier to pass their waiting time at the queue and later about their next journey.

"How about we stop by the food market we went to before?" Yena suggests.

"Great." Chaewon abruptly agrees. She looks up at the fast-moving coaster and the sudden loud scream coming from it makes her gulp. She knows she will be the loser if someone makes riding it as a challenge.

"So, the one who screams on this ride will be the one who pays for the food~" A cheeky tone comes along with a mischievous smile from her side makes Chaewon hang her own jaws down. Just by the time she wants to avoid it at all cost, this unnie brings it up.

"What will you pay with?" Chaewon tries to remind the older but Yena didn't flinch at all. She casually leans against the railing behind her before bringing up her right hands and points at Chaewon's phone inside the pocket.

"That." Her tone sounded so confident plus her wink.

"Samsung Pay? At food market?" Chaewon attacks again with another question just in case it could change the older's mind. Thinking it back, her effort is worthless as she still has to face the scary ride.

"Ah-ha? Come on, we can cash it out." Yena brings herself straight back when the staff opens the gate for them. She leans closer to her partner.

"Loser pays everything." She taps Chaewon's pointy nose playfully and dashes to her desired seat. Chaewon shakes her head and trails behind with a nervous look. She doesn't care about the challenge as long as she can survive the scariest ride out of all she tried today.

As expected, none of them win the challenge. Chaewon feels like she lost her voice after those long screams while Yena couldn't feel her legs that she need to hold onto the railing to gain support as they exit the ride.

"That's.. the.. scariest..  sh-.. ever.." Yena mutters while trying to gain back her lost soul and spirit. She pushes her last energy, walking like a drunk girl towards the nearest bench (ing glad it's so near), and drops herself on it with zero energy left.

Chaewon disappears for a while and then comes back to the bench after a few minutes. She offers a bottle of cold water to the exhausted older.

"You look like a dead person comes back to life." Chaewon comments as she watches Yena chugging down the water carelessly.

"Frankly, I feel like it." Yena gestures to the younger to share the drink with her but Chaewon rejects kindly as she already got her own. Chaewon smooths down her shirt and pats her lap because she spots some dirt on it but Yena wrongly thought the younger is hinting her to rest on the lap so she did. Chaewon was startled at the action but she let it happens because, yeah, no reason to reject it.

"Never knew it would be that scary . I feel so dizzy right now." Yena mutters as she makes herself comfortable in her position.

"Now tell me who is that person came up with the challenge just now." Chaewon scoffs. She restrains herself although she is very tempted to the hair spreading on her laps. However, it changes her mind when the older coincidentally lifts her chin up and Chaewon's hand accidentally brushes a few strains off at that moment. She proceeds with her intention when the older doesn't seem to dislike it.

"I just make it up to reassure us." Yena smiles as their eyes meet and something crosses her mind which she blurts out next, unconsciously. "Beautiful."

"Hmm?" Chaewon was confused at the sudden word. She raises her eyebrow.

"The sky." Yena points up and Chaewon follows. In fact, the word that crossed Yena's mind just now was because she witnesses how beautiful the orangish colour reflected on Chaewon's hair and dances on her features specifically towards her eyes that allowed Yena to notice pair of brownish pupils there.

"It is." Chaewon enjoys the scenery full of her heart, not knowing someone is mesmerized by her beauty below her. Her hands gently the hair and Yena likes it so much as it is a point of her feeling so much comfort right now. It makes her feel reassured, she couldn't remember what messed her up before.

Yena remembers something so she take out the small box in her jacket and show it up to the girl.

"Happy birthday."

Chaewon captures the small gift and in a split second become flustered. She casts her eyes up and down between the gift and the owner and lastly accept it into her own hands.

"How did you know the date?"

"Well, I'm Choi Yena. Of course I will know it." Yena pats her chest proudly. She's happy with the reaction she got even though it was a last-minute idea.

Chaewon looks over the small box full of anticipation and slowly opens it when she gets a nod from the older. It is a simple silver chain with a ring-shaped pendant. She take the necklace out from the box and notice something engraved on the ring so she examine it carefully.

"So, you will become mine from now on?" Chaewon utters and she doesn't even know where the hell she got that courage to say them.

"Pardon?" Yena looks up and their eyes meet.

"Here, it said 'My heart belongs to you'." Chaewon shows the necklace, pointing to the engraved words mentioned and Yena quickly straighten herself up when she see it.

"I didn't know it has those words." The necklace is in Yena's hand now and she observe it again with a flustered expression.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Chaewon is half confused half amused. Her heart almost stopped when she read it just now but she managed to get herself not carried away by it because she knows, she is not Yuri. She is not the one who stole Yena's heart.

"I got it from the claw machine during your phone call. I couldn't take a better look of it because you came so I didn't notice about this." Yena explained as she brushes her fingers on the engraved words. "Ah don't worry, I didn't mean it that way. If you don't like it, I will take it back and give you another gift later."

"No need. I will take this. It's beautiful." Chaewon grabs it back from Yena and instantly wear it on her neck. She holds the pendant tight in her palm and let some silence fills in between them when a thought comes in.

You don't have to deny that hard, unnie. I know I won't get your heart.

Yena stares at the younger beside her for a while before turning her head to the front. She rests her chin on her palm as she sends a blank gaze to the front.

'My heart belongs to you.'

As if I got anymore heart now.

"Thank you for this gift, unnie." Chaewon's voice makes Yena turns back to the girl. A soft smile plastered on her face.

"You like it?"

"So much."

Yena chuckles. "I'm glad." She gets up from the bench and stretch herself a bit. "But it's not over yet. Let's go."


*** *** ***


"Ohhh~ Pretty ladies~! You come again~"

Yena and Chaewon giggle at the coo from the Ahjussi.

"You still remember us, Ahjussi?" Yena mutters in the same friendly tone as the older. Her eyes couldn't leave the mouth watering food in front of her right now. Chaewon already gulps twice looking at them.

"I remember pretty ladies~" Ahjussi answered in playful tone.

"Who's prettier, Ahjussi?" Yena asks and she chuckles again to see Ahjussi thinking so seriously about the question.

"It's me, right?" Chaewon points at herself, try to gain a winning point from the older man.

Ahjussi leans towards them and the girls react the same so they can hear each other more clearly.

"My wife is prettier." He laughs at the end of his words, before focusing back on his cooking.

"You said that because.." Yena points at the older woman sitting beside Ahjussi who is too busy making the rice cake to get involved in their conversation. Ahjussi gestures a thumb up towards Yena.

"Smart girl!" He laughs again, exposing crinkles at the corner of his eyes. Looking at his features, the girls assume he's in his 70's. Chaewon sends her glances towards his wife and she thinks Ahjumma must be around 50's, same as Mr. Hu.

"That's why I can't give you a discount today or I will turn into rice cakes." He pouts and the girls giggle because of the overloaded cuteness.

Yena shows cash in her hands and it is more than enough to pay for their desired meals.

"Don't worry Ahjussi! We come prepared." She winks.

"Good job my pretty ladies~ 2 servings of the most delicious teobokki coming up!" Yena cheers for Ahjussi as he skillfully preparing their foods while Chaewon couldn't hide her giggles watching the cute interaction between these two.

Chaewon wants to try the famous fish bun and they still didn't find the stall so they ended up making a tour at the food market. Almost giving up, Yena asks around as their last effort and a vendor told them the fish bun stall is no longer there. The owner already moved to his hometown in Busan.

Yena catches a sigh from her back as they heading to the skate park. She stops and turns around before poking the girl's cheek.

"I promise I will bring you there someday." Yena cheekily grins.

"It's too far." Chaewon sighs again. She pokes the last piece of the rice cake in the cup she holds, doesn't has any more appetite to finish it.

"No boundary when it comes to food.." The older pokes the fluffy cheek again. "And a precious one."

"Unnie.." Chaewon pinned a stare to the older and Yena did the same, waiting patiently for the girl to continue her words.

"I told you to stop."

Yena raises her eyebrow. "Stop what?"

"You are being so caring, clingy, and.." Chaewon has difficulty explaining what's in her mind properly.

"And?" The older still wait patiently. 

"Charming? I guess." Chaewon turns her face away to hide her blush face and she knows the older is gonna for saying that. For sure.

"You dislike seeing those in me?" 

Chaewon looks back at the older when she spots a change in the voice tone. She's wrong. The older didn't , she takes seriously about it. Chaewon suddenly feels restless because of the unexpected reaction.

"No, I mean.." 

"I know it's hard to handle someone like me. I'm extraordinary. Thank you for the compliment by the way." Yena pats her own chest with a proud smile. No shame in her voice and smile.

It's only a waste of Chaewon's cold sweats. Of course, the older would never get serious about such things.

"I would like to take my words back." Chaewon rolls her eyes.

Yena chuckles.

"I'm sorry. They are all parts of my personality. I can't change them. Especially towards you."


The older shoves her hands into pockets and stares blankly to their front. She continues her walk and Chaewon obidiently follows as she stares at the older's back, still waiting for the answer.

"Hmm.. I guess because I have a soft spot for you? Like I said, you are my precious. Precious friend."

Still a friend.

"I bet Yuri must be so happy to get these sides of you when you guys are together." Chaewon blurts out. She managed to catch up to Yena's side.

Foolish me still choose to hurt myself even more.

Yena turns her head. Her expression is uncertain.

"You think so?"

They take in the silence later on as thoughts fill in their mind.

It has been wondering in Chaewon's mind since yesterday but she still has no gut to ask. She needs to urge her courage out because this is the right timing.

"You guys are already... Right?" She peeks from the corner of her eyes to read Yena's expression. At the same time, she prepares her mind to accept the worse. She finally say it and she hopes she won't be affected by the emotions after the answer. Whatever happens, she needs to be strong for now. At least, for now, in front of her date.

"No. I didn't confess." Yena calmly answered. She then takes the last bite of the teobokki in Chaewon's hand and munch it slowly before pacing forward, because she feels like some warm liquid wants to squeeze out from her eyes.

"Eh?" Chaewon pauses her steps due to shocking news. "But, why?"

The older turns around and they are two steps from each other now. Thanks to dim lightings at their spots, Chaewon could not see Yena's face clearly and she doesn't know the pair of eyes in front of her are already full of tears, just finding the right time to drop.

"I change my mind." Because Yena's voice was already husky, the younger doesn't suspect anything. When Yena notices the girl starts to approach, she quickly wipes the tears and let out a fake cough and sniff to distract the younger.

"Ahh, the night is getting colder." She changes the topic but it doesn't work for Chaewon. The girl still wants to know more.

"Why suddenly? You said you will do it no matter what."

Yena sighs. She kinda feels irritated right now. She really doesn't want to get deeper into this topic. Her goal since this morning was to forget everything about yesterday and suddenly getting dragged back into this matter, her plan is spoiled.

"I just feel like it. By the way, don't you think you are not in the right position to ask? You didn't confess either." Yena tilts her head. She tries to endure the sparking irritation inside her.

"I already said my reason. I follow the rule of our deal." Chaewon defends herself.

"And I feel like want to do the same too." Yena rubs the back of her neck. "Can we not talk about this?"

"Unnie, you like Yuri. She likes you-"

"And you want to say it will work well?"

Chaewon gasps at the sudden interfere. Plus, the sharp tone she received sent shivers down her spine.

"Y-yes." She stutters and Yena abruptly snorts in response. Chaewon feels like she's being mocked with that response.

"So are you. Minju likes you. It will work well for you too. Why don't you do it?"  Yena pulls out the reverse card, causing the younger to lose her words. Yena notices drastic in the girl's expression so she softens her voice afterwards.

"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to get on your nerve or what, but your words lead to this. I couldn't help myself but asking this to you, there's something you've been keeping to yourself, right?"

Chaewon stills can't bring herself to speak up. Instead, she lowers her head. 

"I know you are a person that wants to keep everything inside. I respect that but after what happened yesterday, I feel like you are in other pain besides the injury. I try to ignore it but I couldn't because it throbs me hard when I saw you cry so bad yesterday. I wish you can open up to me, I wish I can make you feel better. Because you are precious. So precious to me, Chaewon." Yena speaks softly and her stare is full of honesty. She gives time to the girl because she knows the younger needs it and she's willing to wait, as long as she gets the answer. An answer that can help her to make the girl happier than before because a kind girl like Chaewon really deserves happiness.

"Our situation are different."

Yena frowns.

"How is it different?"

"You will never know it." Chaewon starts to walks away but Yena's reflex is faster. She grabs Chaewon's hand, forcing the girl to face her.

"Then, just ing tell me what is it?!" Yena raises her voice but regrets it later. It's too late, it already triggers something inside Chaewon. Atmosphere turns intense between them in a split second.
The younger harshly pull her hand back but too bad, she's not the strongest there.

"Let me go!" Now, their tones are on the same level but Chaewon's pitch was higher.

"No. You should tell me first. " Yena still firm with her decision. If she lets it off, none of it will get solved. She wants to take the risk, no matter what.

"Let! Me! Go!" With each word, a pulling force come along with it and Yena lets the hand off at the last word. She thought the girl will leave but instead, the younger bursts into tears. As Yena mentioned before, her heart will throbs hard whenever she witnesses the scene.

If yesterday Yena could just freeze at her place and malfunctioned, this time she definitely don't want to do the same. She should learn from the experience. She takes off her jacket, leaves herself with the sleeveless shirt, kneels down and wrap it around the younger, hiding her crying state from other people there. They are so near to the skate park and she knows at this time, many teenagers and young adults will come to the place. More people will see them.

"I'm sorry.." Yena whispers softly as she hugs the girl.

"I told.. you.." The flow of her speaking doesn't go well because of the sobbing but she still try her best to speak. "It.. won't change.. anything.." Yena can hear clearly despite of the low almost inaudible voice of the girl.

"I promise you, I will do whatever to make it changes as you wish." Yena whispers softly. A few seconds later, she notices the girl stops sobbing.

"Take back your words." A sudden firm voice comes out behind the knees.

"No. I say what I said." Yena shakes her hear repeatedly. She won't budge. She will do it if it can make the girl smiles.

A snort can be heard from Chaewon and she lifts her face up after that, staring which almost like glaring at Yena.

"You have no idea about it, unnie. You don't know anything."

"Then you should tell me."

"I told you.. I told you already, nothing will change. Stop being kind, stop bother about my-" The girl starts to punch Yena's chest repeatedly while sobbing but Yena still there, not budging an inch.

"I told you it won't change anything-" The punchs won't stop but Chaewon already break off their stares and Yena don't want to let it off so soon so she cups the girl's cheeks and lifts it up so their eyes would meet again. So that she can look into those beautiful brownish-colored eyes clearly again.

"It won't change the fact that-"

Chaewon loses her consciousness and her heart is overwhelmed with emotion when she meets the eyes, making her lips moving on their own.

"You can't be mine."


*** *** ***

[Next morning]


She slowly open her eyes when her body and mind detects a small movement on the bed. Being uncomfortable with her sleeping position, she wants to adjust her body but pauses right away when she realizes her right arm is stucked under a small head.

A head? Human?

Yena blinks repeatedly to make sure she is not seeing wrongly and she really is not. It was really a human lying beside her, peacefully in sleep. Yena try so hard to connect all her brain cell to bring back her memories.

Ah, yeah, right. Now I remember.

Yena uses her other hand to rubs her forehead, cursing to herself for not realizing sooner about it. She casts back her eyes towards the sleeping girl, her short hair spread over her pillow and Yena realizes it already got longer since the first time she met the girl. Her eyes trace every feature on the calm face and she thinks God really put alot of effort when He create this human. The other students really make the right decision when they put this girl on the list of school beauties.

'She's Yena's type'

Considering it back, Hyewon might be right.

With full of gentle, Yena pulls up the blanket, covering the girl's exposed shoulders as she doesn't want her to get cold and when she did it, the girl fidgets in her sleep and slowly moves her body closer to the older. Yena spots a pout on the girl's face, and she couldn't hide her silent chuckle because it looked so cute. She can't contain herself from poking the girl's fluffy cheek.

Everyone can be childish and clingy while in sleepI swear if she's awake right now and realize everything, I might get kicked out of this bed right away. So glad, she's unconscious.

Yena twists her torso slowly to the back to get her phone from the bedside table but remember she still didn't turn on her phone so she check the digital clock beside it instead.


8.30 a.m


It's still so early. Ah, it's Chaewon's birthday today. I wonder what's the girls' plan. Having a birthday party? Where did they plan to have it?


Thinking it again, she really needs to check on her Kokotalk or else, she would get killed by them especially Hyewon. And Yujin will join up to finish her. Chaeyeon would laugh while watching and the others might having a bet on the winner from the side. And Yuri..

Ah, forget it.

She turns back to the sleeping girl and plans in her mind on how to escape from the position at the same time doesn't want to wake the girl up. In the end, she still doesn't get the solution.

Let's just try the basic one.

"Chaewon.." She whispers slowly but no response is received.

"Chae.." She calls again and this time she hears a slow ruffle sound from under the blanket and then it turns silent again. No more movement and sound. Only rise and fall from the calm breathing of the girl. A few strains of hair fall on the girl's calm face and Yena tucks them behind the ear. She becomes a little panicked when she sees tears falling down the cheeks next.

"Why are you crying?" She asks the question for nothing. No response from Chaewon because she is still lost in her dream. Looking at the girl's expression, Yena can tell what kind of dream the younger had. She definitely can tell because she is the reason. Without anymore thinking, she wipes the tears gently with her thumb and her arm under the girl's head bends up slowly, pulling the figure to her hug, and the way she holds the younger is the best thing a single person like you could ask for. (Writer's sobbing)


"You guys know the passcode?"

Yujin, Hyewon, and Chaeyeon nod simultaneously to Sakura's question with the same cheeky smile on their faces. The door gets unlocked on the first try and the other girls are amazed. It's the second time they show the same reaction. The first one was during their arrival. Never knew the owner had such great taste in choosing the house.

"It's our second home." Yujin tells proudly as she push the door open.

Yuri quietly observes every inch of the interior as she steps in. Not just the exterior design looked modern, the interior also deserves applause. The furnishing is simple and streamlined, yet employs a sense of modernity and youth with the matched black and white in color. So exclusive.

Rich. Pretty. Yeah, I'm nothing compared to her. Her living room is double the size of my room. Own a house at a young age? She sits at the same table as the other elites. Yeah, She's much more suitable for Chaewon unnie, same league. Me? Just a pluto.

"Close your mouth. It's just the house, not the owner." 

Yuri was startled at the voice behind her.

"You get it wrong." She covers up and act busy with the stuff in her hands but Hyewon reacts faster. The older take all the groceries from Yuri's hand. She put up her teasing smile afterward.

"I know you well, baby." The older whispers close to Yuri's ear before walking to the kitchen counter with her poker face, leaving the girl into a mad blush.

"Quit it.." The younger said in an undertone while covering her face.

"Daebak! Yena unnie bought the new game! A new game!" Yujin exclaims as she lifts up a dvd box in the air.

"A game?!" Sakura was the last one to enter the house and about to dash excitedly towards Yujin but she stops at the doorway when her eyes notice a familiar pair of sneakers.

"Quit messing around, Yujin. Go check on Yena. She must be in her room. We need to start the preparation right away." Chaeyeon addresses firmly and Yujin pouts but still obey her unnie.


Chaeyeon turns her head to the direction of the doorway and approach her girlfriend soon after.

"What's wrong, dear?"

Sakura points at the sneakers she has been staring at.

"Isn't this-"

"OH! MY! ING! GOD!" Yujin shouts from inside the bedroom.

*** *** ***
[Writer's Note]

Don't blame me, blame the majority vote. 🤣🤣🤣


Don't get too far with your imagination. 🤣🤣🤣


Maybe you can?


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My favorite story overall~~~~ HyeYul endgameee
Heyboiii #2
Chapter 27: This story is really nice thank you for updating it!
Chapter 27: 💖💖💖💖💖💖
ssamyenahn #4
Chapter 27: Yayyy you updated🎉🎉🎉. I hope that Yena would give Chaewon a chance 😭😭😭. My ssamyen babies~
1762 streak #5
Chapter 27: hello authornim, i'm fine with whatever, go at your own pace. don't feel pressured because this is your story that you are sharing with us.
Chapter 27: 2, :)
Loving_eclipse #7
Chapter 27: 2, i prefer the longer updates, you can take your time, we'll wait for you ^^
ssamyenahn #8
Chapter 27: 2
just take ur time, we'll still be here to read whatever u write
Loving_eclipse #9
Chapter 26: I don't know what's happening and I'm intrigued 😳
ssamyenahn #10
Chapter 26: yay ssamyen~