Ninth - The first Christmas with the triplets

Always, Yours: Three Plus One! Edition
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Warning: suggestive

“Wait, wait, sweetie, you’re a tad too fast for mummy,” you exclaimed as you made three quick steps to prevent Juna from throwing a glass off the coffee table you set up for the Christmas holidays. She was boldly standing on her chubby legs, tapping her chubby palm on the smooth surface of the table that you just spent five minutes cleaning. You quickly understood that it was impossible to have everything stainless with drooling, excited toddlers.

Swiftly walking up to her from behind, you grabbed her and lifted her up to your chest, her happy squeal making you laugh together with her. “Ha, got you!”

Just then a pair of arms grabbed you by your hips and you felt a strong chest behind you. “And I got you.”

You turned around with a scare. “Goodness, you scared me. Honey, what are you doing home so early?” you exclaimed as you settled Juna in your right arm. Baekhyun observed you with a wide smile, his eyes darting to Juna and then you.


Both yours and Baekhyun’s smile grew wider when Juna greeted her father, pointing her finger at him. Only now you could hear loud tapping, Junhee and Jun wildly crawling over, alarmed at Baekhyun’s voice.

“Brought work home,” he said sheepishly and kissed you loudly on your cheek while his hand squeezed your hip. Juna was staring at him, almost as if he wasn't allowed to do any skinship with you. “Wanted to spend more time with these rascals,” he added just before he felt a chubby hand pulling at his jeans.

“Uh, uh!”

Junhee was looking up at her father with huge, pleading eyes when Baekhyun looked down at her, asking her what was up. She reached her hands up, wanting to be lifted as she kept whimpering. “Uh, uh! Da!”

“Junhee is literally glued to you,” you commented as you watched him pick up the naughtiest of the triplets who immediately grinned when she was face to face to her precious daddy. 

Her teeth were already poking out, the tiny white bones making you happy and devastated at the same time. Their growing period was painful to you and Baekhyun as well. She and Juna wouldn't stop crying and being needy; constantly having to be in the arms of you or Baekhyun and even if you did lift them, they would cry into your necks. The only peaceful baby was, once again, Jun. Though at eight months, he didn't show any signs of teeth.

Speaking of the baby boy, Jun was frozen mid crawl, looking at you and Baekhyun with his mouth hanging open, taking in the way each of his parents had one baby. At that he turned sharply and started crawling away rather aggressively to their baby room where the playmat was laid down for them. You took away the playmat from the living room because it was Christmas and you’d have guests over. 

Guests as in Kyunghee.

Since Christmas wasn’t important in Korea, your parents promised to visit during Korean New Year and with that information, you invited Kyunghee over. You owed her a lot since she helped you develop your small YouTube account (that happened to grow exponentially just in a couple of months). Baekhyun also told her that he will take her to his university so she could see the campus life - even though it was winter break.

What you were very much looking forward to though was the well-deserved date you’d have with your gorgeous husband. Christmas was all about couples and dates and Kyunghee promised to watch out over your little, naughty munchkins for one evening.

With Baekhyun following what seemed life an offended baby Jun, you decided Juna would help you finish the recording of the youtube video you were currently in the middle of.

“Well, will Juna help me with the icing on the cake?” you asked the baby in high-pitched wonder as you went to the kitchen and stood in front of the baked cake. Usually it should have taken around forty-five minutes to prepare the delicious dessert but watching over three babies made it an additional three hour expedition.

You were tired but still very much excited.

“Juna is now my assistant for the icing,” you told the recording camera in your phone. It was on the whole time since you had to sprint off when Juna crawled over to the coffee table, leaving the scene empty and unoccupied.

The babies being eight months now meant a lot of movement in the house. Three times more responsibility than before, however their sleeping time evened out, all three of them being able to sleep through the night. 

You couldn’t have imagined having any more kids than this. If infants were a challenge, toddlers were a constant hard work.

As you chirped away to the camera with Juna in your arms, it also reminded you of the fake alarm you had in September. 

The scare of a possible second pregnancy.

When you told Baekhyun about your suspicions, he visibly paled. “You think you’re pregnant again?” he repeated, almost in disbelief.

You nodded and sighed. “Well, what did you think? We are so irresponsible…”

“It’s just an idea, don’t worry about it yet, baby,” he said after a moment of thinking. “Maybe we should go to the doctors to be sure?” He looked into your eyes as he stepped closer, curling a piece of hair behind your ear lovingly. “If you’re really pregnant we are in for something.”

You let out a tired chuckle, your eyes wandering over his features. “I don’t want another Byun in this household if it’s really true.”

“Why excuse you,” he fake gasped. “You want every piece of me so bad,” he whispered, leaning in. Teasingly he hovered above your lips, and he got a certain reply when your breath hitched and you inched your lips closer to his, eagerly awaiting a searing kiss.

“I do, so give me a kiss,” you demanded when he wouldn’t move.

Baekhyun chuckled and pressed his lips to yours in a little, innocent kiss. He massaged your pillows gently before parting with a sensual smooch. “I will have to work on my self control around you from now on.”

You pinked at his words, and you smiled abashedly. “Well, hopefully it’s just a fake alarm.”

“You’d like that?” His palm was warm on your cheek. “You’d like it if you’re not pregnant?”

“I mean, would you like it? It would be hard,  Baekhyun. Very hard. And I don’t know how I would manage with three babies and one in my belly and soon out here, wanting my attention nonstop.” Let alone, the birth itself was making you nauseous. The pain you went through to bring the little ones to the world, and the pain after that… no. You were not ready.

He nodded as he listened thoughtfully, wanting to hear your opinion. He had to make sure that he himself wasn’t being excited only about the idea of you having his child again. He shouldn’t have been thinking about it as a man and his ego. You were his wife after all and you came first and foremost before his own desires. “I know, it would be too harsh.”

“And also money-wise…”

He pressed his lips together but nodded nonetheless. “Yeah, you’re right.” He kept looking into your eyes, his hand mindlessly sliding to your hair that he brushed back with his slender fingers. “I’ll go and get the test, hm? Let’s do that for now before we go to the doctors.”

“Is that okay for you?” you bit your lip.

He smiled affectionately and his thumb was fast to free your lip from under your teeth. “Yeah. Of course it is.” He pecked you before letting you go. “I’ll be back in a bit. Call me if you need anything else.”

And then, while you waited anxiously in the bathroom, you almost bit off your fingers.

“Don’t stress,” scolded Baekhyun gently, standing closely next to you. He had Jun in his arms whom he picked up on the way to the bathroom when he arrived home with the pregnancy test. Jun was up and restless and to prevent him from waking the energetic girls, Baekhyun swiftly took him and now, the three of you, though unbeknownst to Jun, were waiting for the results. “It’ll be okay.”

How. You wanted to ask, how on earth would it be okay when you were barely making some progress as a mother of triplets.

Baekhyun picked up on your internal turmoil. “Listen,” he brought his free hand up to your cheek, tilting your head so that you had no other choice but to pay attention to him. “This isn’t easy for me either. I mean - having a baby now is so hard to imagine and…” he bit his lip for a second. “I don’t want you to go through what you had with the triplets. I really don’t, sweetheart.” His thumb ran gently under your eye. He seemed conflicted and you found yourself touched, because he cared. He still cared when he had Jun in his arm; Jun who resembled him so much.

“Yeah, I have to admit it’s super scary.”

“Exactly. Just know that we are in this…?” he trailed off cutely, expecting you to finish the sentence.

“Together,” you whispered and smiled, satisfied.

“That’s right. You and me, together,” he whispered back and pecked you gently on your lips. Jun stared in awe at the sweet exchange and threw you a look to monitor your reaction to his daddy's sweet kiss. “And I think the time is up so let’s look.” He was fast to lace your fingers together, the act still leaving furious butterflies in your tummy no matter how many times you had held hands like that.

You wanted to chicken out, not ready for the situation but Baekhyun wasn’t one to lurk around in the shadows.

“Negative,” he stated nonchalantly and you felt your lips parting in a small surprise, not expecting him to just blurt the results out like that. Taking a quick peek, you looked to find the result indeed negative.

“I’m not pregnant,” you muttered to yourself.

“I want you to go to the doctors, just in case,” told you Baekhyun quietly. You couldn’t read his facial expression well in that moment. “And maybe ask about your period.”

“Should I… uh, should I do the pills… I mean… birth control… they’re expensive and… mess with my body and…”

Baekhyun chuckled gently when he saw you all flustered. “I want you to decide about that, baby. You didn’t do the pills before so it could be a change but if we want to be really safe…” he trailed off as well and leaned a little forward, resting his lips against Jun’s temple. The baby was so peaceful in his arms, his chubby hands playing with Baekhyun’s shirt collar. He was breathing loudly and you found the act endlessly endearing.

“And we should start using…” you grew pink, looking anywhere but at him. “Your protection, too.”

“My protection?”

You almost cowered away at his voice and to hide your blush, you pecked Jun’s cheek loudly, making him giggle and touch the kissed skin on his cheek in joy and a little wonder. His eyes were alight and it was a beautiful sight.

“Just say it’s a condo-“

Your palm was fast to muffle Baekhyun's mouth as you leaned in over Jun’s head so that only Baekhyun could hear you. “Don’t say that word with Jun in your arms.”

Baekhyun pretended to swallow hard, widening his eyes at you. When you thought he wouldn’t say anything, your hand went to caress the back of Jun’s head.

“Your mother is very scary, Junnie,” he murmured innocently and hid his face in the baby’s neck, blowing a raspberry.

You giggled when Jun’s joyous laugh resembled the bathroom, the sensations ticklish to him.

“What do you say, buddy?” cooed Baekhyun who could barely fight his own huge smile as he observed Jun’s red face. “Is mummy scary?” He blew another raspberry, and Jun was squealing and trashing in his arms with delight.

You couldn’t help but laugh loudly as your hand went to the baby’s back, wanting skinship with your little one. “Daddy is being a meanie, Junnie, don’t listen to him,” you pouted, looking spitefully at your husband.

Baekhyun shook his head albeit his face was lit up and handsome. Whenever he smiled that brightly, he stole your breath just a little every single time. “You’re in it for later,” he murmured so that you could hear the little warning and that warning in his tone only ignited more excitement.

Currently, back to December, you had a busy day going on. Preparing for the upcoming couple’s date with Sonhee and Junho, you were also anticipating Kyunghee that day. As much as you wished to make bigger preparations for her arrival, you still had triplets to take care of. You didn’t bother filming properly as everything became a mess.

“Baby, darling, wait,” you murmured as you saw Juna purse her lips and you knew exactly what was coming. Her tongue pushed out the fruit purée and within a second, it was dripping down her chin, her huge eyes carefully looking at your reaction.

Baekhyun didn’t make a big fuss whenever she did that; and boy did she like to do silly stuff. You even caught Baekhyun following her actions, pushing his own tongue against his lips like a little baby. Juna must have loved her father being silly together with her.

“Byun Juna,” you groaned as you reached for her (already stained) bib to clean her up but there was no point as the cloth was already dirty and drenched. You sighed when you saw Juna smiling cheekily. “You want to stay hungry? Mummy won’t be feeding you her milk anymore. You’re graduating from it soon, so you might as well start eating proper food now.”

Tap, tap, tap made you turn to the next baby which was the forever impatient and attention seeking Junhee. Her chubby hands were tapping away along with her legs as she awaited her portion. “Okay, okay, mummy is coming.” You pushed the pink plastic spoon with the purée into , and she happily accepted the food.

“Junnie,” you turned to him with the next spoon. “Aaaah,” you opened your mouth widely, mimicking for him to follow. “Big mouth, Junnie.”

He wasn’t reacting much to the spoon and only opened his mouth a little which you, of course, used and pushed the spoon through. Jun tried to close his mouth but you kept your own open wide so he would understand to keep it open for you.

“Why wouldn’t you want to eat, Junnie,” you murmured, disappointed. Since he was born you and Baekhyun always hoped he would start eating properly like a healthy baby he apparently was according to the doctors.

“Okay, well then, Juna, you’re up next and no games,” you said sternly just as she let out a loud squeal when she saw you scooping up the remaining purée to feed her.

She squealed and yelled happily, most probably looking forward to pushing the food out of again. Even though the sounds were so pure, innocent and happy, you were irked with her refusal to cooperate. It made you feel annoyed because Baekhyun always managed to make their feeding a happy time in which all three of the munchkins ate whatever he offered until their tummies would be all round and full.

Before you could push the spoon into Juna’s mouth, your phone vibrated, alerting you about a message. Quickly checking the preview of the message, Baekhyun wrote:

arrived, waiting for her train to arrive now
its delayed by 15 mins
so we will be a little late
love you ❤

Your heart fluttered as he also sent a picture but since you were busy, you couldn't check it. Just at the same time, the doorbell rang and you knew Sonhee had arrived.

The triplets perked up at the noise, and you smiled at them, sending air kisses before putting the spoon on a clean plate. “Mummy will be back in a second,” you told them and hurried to let your friend in.

Sonhee arrived with an elegant bag in her hand and she giggled while hugging you. “How are you, dear?”

You did the small talk as you went back to the kitchen. “It's feeding time, but we are almost done,” you told her and she gasped with a smile. The girls were excited about someone new arriving at the feeding scene while Jun bulged his eyes on you.

“You are probably asking what is auntie Sonhee doing here, hm?” she said, leaning her face closer to the triplets. “Sonhee came to make a princess out of your mummy!”


Baekhyun tried his best to look out for a young girl that was supposed to be mingled among the huge crowd arriving from the platforms. He shot her a message with a photo of his waiting place just to be sure Kyunga's little sister wouldn't get lost.

Little did he know that the ever-so energetic teenage girl was walking slowly, her eyes focused on the male that was looking for her. Did she even remember Baekhyun properly? From the couple of times she saw him together with her older sister, she wasn't exposed to their generation. Besides, he was a very busy guy, so seeing him either from far or on  a couple of occasions, she wouldn't have otherwise remembered how he looked. He was much older than her anyway.

But she was still taken aback that someone old could still look good. Wasn't he soon thirty? Yet he seemed to have a baby face despite looking handsome and put-together just like a professional hapkido master should be. Built up well, clothes fitting just right, a broad chest in the middle of which a long chain was hanging. He was biting his lip in thought as he was looking around, still clueless she was approaching him.

Oh right, she thought to herself, as she was taking careful steps, her heart gently beating against her ribcage, anticipation rising. He was also a professor. Within a heartbeat she could conclude half of that class was barely paying attention to the word he said. He was haaawt!

Just for a second she wished you would have picked her up, but knowing you were more than busy with the triplets, Kyunghee had to understand. That’s why, after clearing and brushing her long, black hair behind her ear, she made the final step, standing in front of him with a bright smile. “Hi! I’m Kyunghee!”

Baekhyun jumped at the sudden intrusion but collected himself when his gaze fell on the young girl in front of him. He didn't know why he was expecting a girl in a high school uniform. Instead, she was still in a short skirt but a long winter coat was tightly hugging her body, preventing the cold air from leaking in.  “Oh, goodness, hi,” he smiled back, mirroring the brightness. With ease he pushed his hand out, wanting to make the meeting official. “Even though we met before, you were still quite small. I’m Baekhyun.”

She shook his head, smiling politely. “I'd prefer to call it young,” she corrected.

That made

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Daron128 #1
Chapter 14: Miss this story 😓
31 streak #2
Chapter 14: Woah... really enjoyed reading this sequel...loved it so much authornim... love thecway they're still together in this and living their best parenthood moments. The triplets so cuteeee... really loved their these new journey.. there was so many ups and downs but they fought and consoled each other together..they r really so admirable dreamy couple..I'm so in love with them and their so lovely family..woah.. another edition is coming up...hope all things go well for the couple and their family.. I'm already missing them but I'll eagerly wait fir the updates...thank you so much authornim for writing such an amazing story and sharing this prequel. Totally worth reading.. really glad that I find and read this awesome story. All the best authornim for your study. Fighting!! :) <3
mrvnrky #3
Chapter 14: Omg I missed this story so much even the snipped exited me like nothing else these days. Can’t wait to read about this cute family. I’m this close to read all both stories from the beginning to the end again 😂
mrvnrky #4
Chapter 14: Omg I missed this story so much even the snipped exited me like nothing else these days. Can’t wait to read about this cute family. I’m this close to read all both stories from the beginning to the end again 😂
Chapter 14: It's been awhile and I'm excited for the next chapter! It's good to be pregnant again but i understand her concern. The triplets is still small and having another one can be so stressful. I've seen how stressful she is. She really need a time for herself away from them for awhile. She's been through so much. I hope Baekhyun will help her throughout this phase
Chapter 14: Yesss a baby is a blessing! Hardships won't matter as long as they are together as family
Endzii22 #7
Chapter 14: this is just so sweet and domestic
Chapter 14: Excited!!!
Chapter 14: I MISSED THIS STORY SO MUCH GLAD UR BACK!!! SLAY 💅This story is amazing 🥊👶🏻
Nlnz2016 #10
Chapter 14: I’m so happy to see an update from you. Hope you are well. Cant believe they’ve got another one on the way.