Chapter 6 - The Girl in the Shadows, Pt. II

Black Mamba
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    Despite the chaos of the previous night, the comings and goings of Pharus did not halt the following morning. Through the streets of that ancient, glass-and-tar city, human bodies flowed like a sprawling, living river. Storefronts came to life, neon lights and glass-covered torches flickered out, replaced by the unimpeded sunlight of an azure sky. Bakers fired up massive, furnace-like ovens, filling the air with the sweet aroma of baked goods and succulent meats. Metal harvesters descended into transit tunnels, smoke-filled bunkers that held a plethora of vital resources. Stoneworkers donned leather harnesses, attaching themselves to pulleys as they collected brick and cement from crumbling, unoccupied buildings. Children marched to their classes, cloth packs at their backs, wearing their yellow-and-black dress clothes, evoking images of a swarm of hornets returning to their hive. Moonlight Guardian policed the streets, ensured that traffic - both foot, oxen, and the occasional automated vehicle - obeyed the convoluted laws of the road. 

    Once Winter had been discharged from the hospital, she and Karina made right for the Council building. They took the busiest of Pharus’ streets, a wide, neon-light flanked road referred to as “Broad’s Way”. Surprisingly, Karina’s behavior in crowds was… furtive. She hung near Winter as they walked, clinging to her elbow like a child with her mother. Karina shied away from physical contact, keeping a sharp, paranoid eye on anyone who strayed close or stared at them for too long. Which, as it turned out, happened very often. All Pharusian civilians had seen Crests before; some of them sported similar marks, even those who weren’t non-Moonlight Guardians. However, they’d never seen a black Crest before, or such an advanced tracing on someone so young.

    Admittedly, Winter enjoyed the feeling of having Karina so close to her. She wasn’t sure whether that came from her Crest’s effects or her own sentiments, but either way, Karina’s soft touches and shy demeanor were hugely endearing. Particularly when compared to the icy, nonchalant front Karina usually put on.

    “That’s the Council building, up there,” Winter said, pointing to the thin-tipped tower in the distance. They were about half a mile away, yet that skyscraper dominated the horizon. “Joohyun and Seulgi’s quarters are on the top floor, I think.”

    Karina raised her eyebrows as she regarded the Council building with its glittery windows, sturdy structure, and intricate decoration. It was the tallest building in the city by far.

    “Yerim did inform me that they lived on the top floor,” Karina said without looking away from the building. For once, she didn’t seem to notice the crowd swarming by them. “I knew that Joohyun and Seulgi were of a high station here in Pharus, but to think that they’re the leaders here… well, that’s troubling, to say the least.”

    “Troubling?” Winter asked, tugging on Karina’s arm to guide her away from a food cart. “Why is that?”

    Karina shrugged. “Joohyun and Seulgi never struck me as the types for leadership. They were excellent masters, yes, but to command an entire civilization of people? To rule them, to oversee the trade, diplomacy, and law keeping? I fear that neither of them are suited to such a thing.”

    “That’s what us Guardians are here for,” Winter said with a laugh. “They need people under them to carry out all their rules and laws.”

    “I suppose,” Karina replied, eyeing an approaching food cart, one that sold bacon and bread. “Joohyun’s nature does lend to positions of power.”

    Winter, following her companion’s gaze, pulled Karina over to the food cart and placed two orders. The taller girl made no protest about their detour. There was technically no specific time slot that they were supposed to meet up with the Council. That in itself was amazing; Joohyun and Seulgi must have had jam-packed schedules. Not only had they immediately made room for an appointment with Karina, they’d done so at what was essentially Karina’s own leisure. What had she done to earn such respect from them?

    Winter and Karina took a seat upon the marble steps of a nearby building in order to eat. Karina practically devoured her meal, eating with a ravenous grace that reminded Winter of a hungry predator. Tearing at each slice of bacon, ripping the bread to pieces in her hands, staring around all the while, as if someone was going to try and steal her food at any moment.

    Winter returned her attention to her own food, embarrassed at how shamelessly she was staring at Karina. The taller girl’s behavior made perfect sense, given the context that she’d lived in the wilderness for years.

    Midway through her meal, Winter felt a careful, measured Pulse from Giselle. A “How are you doing?” sort of Pulse. Winter replied mellowly, assuring her sister that everything was alright. Giselle and Ningning hadn’t gotten to the infirmary

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Gonna start outlining this story again soon. It's long overdue for an update, and the amount of support it's gotten recently has really motivated me to continue!


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Can we have this back? The plot was just too good to let it die like that 😭
Kmjcentric #2
Chapter 1: This sounds interesting🤭 Gotta dive in now
Newuser0001 #3
Chapter 13: love side character seulrene ♥️ im very intrigue about their story
Jiminez #4
Chapter 11: I'm stucked with heaven
starzrus #5
Chapter 7: I am happy and sad reading this. Hope to see updates one day!
Jiminez #6
Chapter 13: I hope you will continue this story author.
Jiminez #7
Chapter 9: We need an update (2) but take your time author
we need an update 😭
Jiminez #9
Chapter 1: Year rather huhu
Jiminez #10
Chapter 1: It's been a while