Chapter 26 Love and War

My Turn

Break time…


*Serim is at the vending machines grabbing a drink for him and Sawyer when he sees Sawyer and Allen talking and laughing amongst themselves. He budges in the conversation.


Serim: What do you think you are doing? Didn’t I tell you not to hang out with her anymore?


Allen: What if I don’t want to? I am not going to give up my heart like that you know.


*Serim and Allen glares at each other and Sawyer stops the fight.


Sawyer: You guys, please don’t fight. 


Serim: Not unless he stops it first.


Allen: Not unless you give up your love for her.


Serim: That will never happen.


Sawyer: You guys, seriously *facepalms*


Serim: *glares at Sawyer* Well than Sawyer, who’s it going to be? Me or him?


*Serim and Allen looks at Sawyer 


Sawyer: I don’t want to be part of this. I’m leaving.


Serim: Sawyer, wait-


Allen: Sawyer-


*Serim and Allen glare at each other one more time before they head separate ways


Serim: I’m not going to lose my opportunity to win her heart. Unlike you.


Allen: We’ll see about that. 


Later at lunchtime…


*Sawyer and Dayoung are already at the cafeteria eating and talking when Allen sits down beside her.


Allen: What are you ladies up to?


Dayoung: Planning Wonjin’s birthday party.


Allen: Really? Cool. Where is it at?


Sawyer: At the arcade. No matter what you can’t tell him, okay?


Allen: *shh sign with his finger* Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.


*Suddenly Serim walks up to them and grabs her left hand 


Serim: Come on, Sawyer, let’s go. 


Sawyer: What? But-


Serim: *ignores her* I said let’s go.


Allen: And where do you think you are going?


*Allen grabs her right hand 


Allen: She’s with me. *pulls her close to him*


Serim: No she’s with me. *pulls her close to him*


Sawyer: You guys, I-


*Sawyer looks at them and sees them glaring at each other.


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This story has now won first place for my university creative writing romcom writing contest


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