- 3 - The Arrangement

The Transfer (RV Version)

It's unbelievable, Irene thinks, that for once she wanted people to stop flirting with her.

Just because she loves attention doesn't mean it can't get overbearing at times.

In years past, Irene has had her fair amount of admirers. As ridiculous as it may sound, there has never been a day during the school year where someone hasn't come up and flirted with her.

But over the course of the first week, students have been approaching her at a rate she wasn't prepared for.

The last time she felt such a high rate was after she came out as biual and girls, albeit not as much as boys, started flirting with her too. (At least they were a bit more softer with their advances.)

Now, it was like the only time she would be left alone was in the solace of her own room.

It was becoming to get a bit too much. Suffocating, almost. 

At first, she loved the new abundance of attention and found ways to deal with it. After all, she hoped at least one person out of everyone would stick out to her and keep her attention, but now each student kept bringing up a sore subject. Somewhere along their conversation, the other person would always bring up Wendy in some way shape or form.

"Wendy can't treat you like I can." "What does Wendy have that I don't?" "In case Wendy breaks your heart, I'll be here to pick up the pieces."

(Irene scoffs at the idea of Wendy causing her any strong emotional damage. What an unrealistic thing to say.)

So, now not only was she overwhelmed with the amount of people approaching her, but each conversation would be tainted by the mention of the Ravenclaw.

This made her wonder whether or not it was because of her date with Wendy that had caused such an increase of interest in her from other students. They must think that now that Irene had finally accepted to go on a date (even though it was only as a form of an apology), she'll probably be more open to going on dates with others from here on out.

One student in particular never stopped bugging her.

Suho Kim.

If you needed to find a human embodiment of the phrase 'Never gives up,' Suho's your guy.

For as long as Irene could remember, Suho (who just so happens to also be a Ravenclaw) would always flirt with her at any given moment despite the countless rejections Irene has given him. She appreciates the boy's efforts, but Suho would keep flirting with her to the point where it got down right annoying.

Still, she puts up with Suho after all these years and allows their current conversation to continue. She was tuning out the boy for the most part, until of course, he brought up Wendy.

"I don't get why everyone is so obsessed with her."

At least someone agrees with me, Irene thinks.

"She is really hot though," Suho pauses, realizing his slip up. "N-Not as hot as you of course! You will always be number one in my heart!"

Irene quietly scoffs as she walks away from him.

----- Saturday Night -----

She's looking at herself in the mirror when she hears Joy whistle.

"For someone who isn't excited for their date, you sure dressed up."

"Well, it's my very first date so I at least want to look nice. Just know I'm dressing up for myself and not for her," Irene says defensively.

Irene thought her outfit was actually quite simple. Her hair was up in a loose bun and she was wearing a baby pink blouse underneath a blue jean jacket along with white pants and sneakers. She didn't want to wear anything too over-the-top considering that she has zero clue as to what she was going to be doing with Wendy (which is at her own fault).

Speaking of her date, it was almost seven and Irene was actually starting to feel a bit nervous. She tries to shake it off as she gives herself one final look in the mirror before turning to her friends.

"Well, wish me luck and pray that I won't die of boredom."

"Oh come on Rene," Jennie starts. "It's your first ever date! I remember my first date with Jisoo and it was one of the best nights of my life. Just give her a chance, it's not like she's really done anything bad to you."

Irene knows that Jennie has a point, but there's just something about the Ravenclaw that absolutely bothers her. 

"She's stealing my spotlight and that's reason enough not to," she tells her friends (and to herself).


She's late.

It was ten minutes past seven and Wendy was nowhere in sight. She thought about heading back up to the dorms until she finally spots the Ravenclaw speed-walking towards her.

"I'm so sorry," Wendy pants out once she reaches her. "It's just I had no clue where the Dungeon was and whenever I asked someone for help, they'd flirt with me. Like what? It was weird. Anyways, I just followed some Slytherins around hoping at least one person would be heading here. I'm pretty sure I creeped out the girl I followed, but at least-"

"Wendy, it's fine," Irene stopped the girl from rambling. "Let's just go, okay?"

The taller girl nodded and started to lead Irene away from the Dungeon.

With Irene walking a step behind Wendy, she had the chance to take in what the Ravenclaw was wearing.

She looked fairly simple as well. Wendy's hair was in loose waves that cascaded over a white button-up with the long sleeves rolled-up a bit up her forearm. Then, it was paired with ripped black jeans and Nikes.

Irene would've said that Wendy actually looked quite cute, but didn't want to give the girl the satisfaction.

After following the Ravenclaw aimlessly around the castle for quite some time, she took a moment to take in her surroundings and was soon very confused.

"What in the world are we doing on the seventh floor?" Irene asked as Wendy appeared to be looking for something.

"You'll see," the other girl replies as she approaches a blank wall. "I know it was around here somewhere."

Irene rolls her eyes behind Wendy's back as she thinks that the girl must be crazy, "I have been up here plenty of times and I assure you that there is nothing-"

Suddenly, a door appears in the wall that Wendy was inspecting.

Irene's jaw dropped, "I-Is that...Y-You found the Room of Requirement?!? I've been looking for this room ever since my first year! H-How did you-"

"I was exploring the castle, trying to get familiar with it," Wendy starts to explain. "When I was up here, I was thinking about where our date was going to be because I had no clue where the students could go around here."

Irene just listens in astonishment.

"Next thing I know, these doors pop-up out of nowhere and when I went in, it was like it read my mind. It had everything I needed and well...," Wendy looks at Irene with a soft smile. "I'll let you see for yourself."

Wendy opened the door and lets Irene walk through first with tentative steps.

The Slytherin couldn't stop the gasp that fell from her lips as she stepped inside.

The room was lit up by dim fairy lights that were dangled across the ceiling as well as a lit fireplace at the center of the opposite wall for support.

At the center of the floor was a spread-out blanket accompanied with a few board games and a picnic basket.

Irene couldn't believe it.

It was... perfect.

She was never one that was into grand dates, instead she had always imagined small and intimate settings and this was exactly that. And the fact that this was what she got for her first date, she was speechless.

"Do you like it?" she hears Wendy approach her from behind.

Irene's thoughts were broken as she turned to look at the owner of the voice and a small pout formed on her face.

If only it were with the perfect person.

"Crap," Wendy mutters before sounding a bit saddened. "You don't like it."

"No, it's... it's actually quite nice," Irene reassures her and releases a sigh. "Let's just get this over with, shall we?"

Once the pair were in comfortable positions on top of the blanket, Wendy pours the two of them some hot chocolate while Irene looks through the games.

"So-uh, do you like what you see?" Wendy asks.

Irene's eyes widen at the girl's statement, "Excuse me?"

After a few seconds, Wendy understood why the girl was so shocked.

"Oh-OH! I-I wasn't referring to myself!" She says frantically, "I was referring to the games!"

"Yeah, sure you were," Irene says sarcastically, not believing Wendy's explanation.

Considering their last interaction in the courtyard, Wendy wasn't surprised at Irene's immediate shift in mood.

"You know, you're not how people put you out to be."

With the Slytherin's curiosity now piqued, she responds. "And how exactly are people describing me?"

"They act like you're a goddess around here," Irene smiles at the words, but it soon vanishes as Wendy continued. "Yet clearly you're quite the opposite. I was looking forward to getting to know you, but now I think it'd be a waste of time."

If looks could kill, Wendy would be a goner.

"You think I'm a waste of time?" Irene says angrily. "Tell that to all the people who've been approaching me ever since I agreed to go on a date," Irene holds up air quotes at that word, "with you!"

"Are you trying to make me jealous by telling me that other people are flirting with you?" Wendy teases, unaffected by the fact that Irene was really starting to get pissed off.

"In your dreams!" Irene says in astonishment. "You know what, you should be feeling bad instead. Because of you, I've yet to have a moment to myself whenever I leave the Dungeon. They all think I must be emotionally available now ever since I decided to agree to this," Irene gestures to their surroundings. 

They stare at each other in silence for a while, an odd tension growing between the two.

"You've got a point."

"Really?" Irene says in disbelief. She didn't actually think that Wendy was going to take responsibility of something she had zero control over. But since she did, Irene quickly composes herself. "I mean, yes. Yes, I do have a point."

"Well, how about I help you out then to make up for any hardships I may have caused you," Wendy sincerely offers.

Interesting, Irene thinks as she starts to sip on her hot chocolate. Maybe I can use this to my advantage. Make her do something embarrassing perhaps? 

Before Irene can make any suggestions, Wendy beats her to it. 

"Let's pretend that we're together."

Irene nearly spits out her drink, "What?!"

"Let's act like we're each other's girlfriend. Right now, people know that this date doesn't exactly mean that you're no longer single. So in their eyes, not only are you still available, but like you said, there's been an overwhelming increase since it also seems like you're more willing to go on dates."

"So, you're suggesting that-"

"If we tell everyone that we're official, hopefully they'll respect our relationship and stop bothering you. That way, you'll get to walk around the castle without constantly having to look over your shoulder."

Irene hates to admit it, but what Wendy is saying actually makes sense. 

I guess I could get a break from all the flirting for a while... especially from Suho. Joy and Jennie would stop teasing me too. And on paper, Wendy and I would make an amazing couple. Hogwarts' It Girl with the Quidditch Prospect who shocked the world by being the first female student at Durmstrang? That alone would put me under such a spotlight that I've never experienced before-

Omo-No. Am I really considering this!? There's absolutely no way... right?

"Is this some joke? Am I being pranked right now?" Irene looks around the room, searching for non-existent cameras.

"Look, it was just a suggestion. All I'm saying is that it's a pretty darn good solution to your problem. We only have to pretend for as long as you want to, of course."

"Well, what's in it for you?" Irene asks skeptically as she crosses her arms. "There's no way you'd sacrifice your dating life to simply help me. You've literally only been here for a week."

"I have my own reasons and I'll leave it at that. I'll help you and you help me," Wendy grins. "So, are you up for it or not?"

As much as Irene dislikes the girl, the pros seem to outweigh the only con: Wendy. 

It's only for a few months and at least Wendy is decent looking...ew...

"I can't believe you're actually serious about this. You want to fake date, but you don't even know my last name," the Slytherin laughs mockingly. 

"How about you tell me what it is so we can start setting up the ground rules?" Wendy raises an eyebrow. 

It was then when Irene heard Jennie's voice in the back of her head. 

"Give her a chance."

This was probably not the situation that Jennie had meant it for, but she guesses it was a sign. 

Irene sighs, "Fine. It's Bae and firstly, absolutely no one else can know about this."

"Of course, Bae. Second, I need us to last at least until the end of winter break. If you want to go longer, that's fine with me."

"Odd request, but sure. I doubt I'll need you any longer after that anyways. What about our backstory? Everyone knows why we went on the date, but how did we make it official?"

"Oh that's easy! You fell for my charms and you couldn't possibly say no when I asked you to be my girlfriend," Wendy says playfully. 

"Impossible. Can you at least make it sound a bit more romantic?"

"How about you kissed me," Wendy pauses after seeing Irene pull a face. "Okay, I kissed you and it left such an effect on me that I just had to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

"That's better."

"Oh! Speaking of kissing, how do you want to handle PDA?"

Irene froze at the thought. When she agreed to this scheme, she completely forgot that they'll have to do that in order to make their relationship look real. But she felt like it was too late to back out now. 

"Okay-um, you can initiate anything that you think is necessary," Irene says a bit shyly. "As for kisses, pecks on the cheek or my-um forehead is fine. But for the lips, only I get to initiate them, okay?"

Wendy nods in understanding before adding on with a bit more serious tone, "That's fine with me, I'm up for whatever works best for you. Just make sure to tell me if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable right away and I'll stop immediately."

Irene nodded in return.

"No other rules?" Wendy asks. "No cliché 'don't fall in love with me'?"

"We don't need it because you don't like me in that way and I definitely do not like you in that way," Irene says plainly. "So neither of us need to worry about that."

"So I guess we're really doing this, huh?"

"You're the one who suggested it," Irene says matter-of-factly.

"And you're the one who agreed to it, Bae," Wendy counters. 

Soon after, the pair decides to play a few rounds of Jenga because this was technically a date.

They would go back and forth when it came to winning. With both being so competitive, the loser would always demand another round after a defeat. Finally, Irene managed to pull off two wins in a row which caused her to jump up in joy.

"Game over, er!"

"You cheated!" Wendy let's out with a scowl. "You purposely put your hand on my thigh when I was pulling the block out!"

"It's not my fault that you jumped," Irene pokes out her tongue. "Stop being such a sore loser. "

Afterwards, Irene stands up to put her jean jacket back on prompting Wendy to give her a confused look. Irene starts to make her way to the door before she stops and looks back after realizing that Wendy wasn't following her. 

"You're not going to walk me back to my dorm? As my fake-girlfriend, you're not starting out too hot," then Irene continues to walk forward. 

"My bad! I didn't know our night was over," the Ravenclaw says as she quickly catches up to Irene. 

For a moment, Irene thought she heard a tinge of sadness in Wendy's voice but just shrugged it off. 

"Don't worry, sweetie," Irene teases, catching Wendy completely off guard. "We're dating now, remember? Sadly for me, this means I'll be seeing your annoying face around more often."

Wendy sends the girl her classic grin at that, glad to see the old Irene back. "And then this annoying face will keep reminding you that you agreed to this too."

Irene just rolls her eyes, reminding herself why she went along with the whole 'fake-dating' thing in the first place.

It's just to get a break from all the flirting and teasing from everyone, but still of course, gaining more attention because of the fact that I'm now going to be in a relationship with Wen-ugh-Wendy.

Once they reached the Dungeon, they parted with an awkward goodbye.

Thankfully, Joy and Jennie were already sleeping by the time she returned to their room. She won't have to deal with their nosiness until tomorrow.  

Now, Irene is laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling as she remembers her night with Wendy and their newly formed arrangement. 

What did I just get myself into? 

A/N: And so it begins!

How well do you think their rules will hold up? What do you think Wendy's reason was?

Well, let's just hope neither of them regret it...

Let me know what you think in the comments and Happy Seulgi Day!!

- S

(Uhhh I created a twitter sooo...Let's be moots!: rv_twice5)

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Million thanks to everyone for the congratulations and it warms my heart knowing how much love this fic has received. I started this over a year ago and never imagined this to happen. Thank you and I hope to see you all when this story comes to an end <3

- S


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Chapter 29: Please comeback author-nim we've veen waiting for an update so bad .
Hope you update this soon
Chapter 29: With a beauty like Bae Irene's it's hard to missed her in a sea of people. I remember Hermione and durmstrang guy on HP. I'm guessing that Sehun holds higher position in their school now after Wendy left? Can't wait for Wendy to become jealous tho i know her and Rene are moving forward. The feeling is still there so yeah I'll just see your next update hehe
Chapter 29: Hello there, author! Thank you for your continued updates despite of your busy (most probably) life. The story is becoming even more interesting so I'll keep on waiting for your next update :)
rvlv_bless #4
istg wenrene authors are too nice lol. Even the most recent popular fics from y'all never really put particular other member in the same group to be the loser/ bad guy and Wendy/Seungwan was often being used as one in other ship fics 😭😭 Y'all really mind your own business huh
mklarisse_ #5
Chapter 29: Phmygosh i missed this story 😭😭 so refreshing thank u for the update!!! Cant wait to see wan's reaction when she meets sehun n rosie again
157 streak #6
Chapter 29: Yay update~ thank you~ 😄

incoming drama 😅
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 29: OMO! welcome back author-nim!!!
Chapter 29: I think when U put them all in the same place see what it will happen next
109 streak #9
Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Chapter 29: idk what to feel anymore 😬😬😬
Chapter 29: i think it’s good to have rosie back imo cause wendy can finally have closure, rosie pretty much traumatized her relationships and made her feel unwanted. they don’t have to get together but maybe even having a talk would be good cause wendy seems like she could have some support and encouragement. sehun though i couldn’t care less about him 😭