Kang Hyewon the Wise(?)

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"So, what did you want to talk about?" a dark haired elf, pretty was her face,  beauty was her radiance, aloof was her aura. Though, if anyone actually understood this girl, she was a cunning elf, food was one of the two things that drive her to live.

"I swear Kang Hyewon," it was the usual threathening tone but with less haughtiness that came from a certain pink haired half-elf. She had throw all her pride to tell the dark hair her worries in the past 10 minutes. The audacity of this girl. "I'll sent you to Niflheim and let you freeze to death."

"You can't, Snow," so said Hyewon begore she threw a ball of caramel popcorn into .

"I can't, yet," Sakura said with confidence. One day she'd crack a gate to Niflheim, it was one of her long term goals.

Hyewon stopped, staring intently at Sakura, her face remained stoic and the pink hair swore that Hyewon was one of that hard-to-solve puzzles even by genius like her. Three seconds passed and she popped another popcorn and continued swinging her feet. "Still, you can't," she said in between chewing her food, gaze straying to the trackfield below her. "I'm your sworn friend."

"Yeah, one who ditched me over black honey and left me dealing with an angry gigabear. Tch! Some sworn friend you are."

Hyewon hummed, another popcorn went to . "A sworn friend who knew your capabilities."

Sakura raised her tone in disbelieve, "It was a fu--"


"--effing gigabear, Hyewon-ah! A pissed-off gigabear protecting her two cubs!"

"You could survive alone in three minutes," she threw a side glance to her friend, "I came back in two."

"I could've died!"

"And you didn't, Snow."

Sakura let out an exasperated sigh. Aigooo this girl... "You'll be the end of me, Wonnie."

Hyewon smiled at the nickname, a sign of Sakura admitting defeat. She took the last popcorn piece and ate it in four chews before swallowing her food. She then said, turning  her head upwards, toward the branch slightly above and across the one she was sitting on. "I won't let you die, Snow."

Sakura heard that serious statement. She knew that Hyewon would throw herself in danger if that meant raising the pinknette's chance of survival rate.

"So, what happen to your falcon girl?"

The other elf perked up, she moved forward from leaning onto the tree bark. Flew to Hyewon's side and sat nect ro her. "She's been avoiding me again," disappointment clear in her tone. "And she's not mine," Sakura sulked, "she hasn't give me her answer."

"Did you scare her?"

"No! I saved her ."

Hyewon clicked her tongue at the word choice.

"But that's literally what happened!"

The black hair knew that but ignored Sakura's poor excuse to justify another cuss. "She might've gotten tired of your profanity tendencies."

"She did not!" The pinknette took a second thought, "Kinda." the mage genius stopped for a bit. Was that really the case though? But she cursed less these days... didn't she?

"I'm messing with you," Hyewon snorted and threw a light punch to her upper arm. She didn't need to know her friend's thoughts, that knitted brows and small pout was enough telltale. "But seriously, stop cursing so much." The ravenhair earned a hiss from her childhood friend. It was this side of Sakura that made Hyewon think, how dumb a genius can be.

"Wonnie, this is serious!"

"Yea..." she responded dismissively as her hand reached out fir the flyer she got near the campus' canteen earlier. The word social-dance short course was there. She skimmed at the words before shoving it for Sakura to read.

The pinknette rolled her eyes, after glancing at the head-title. "I thought you know I hate social meetings."

"I thought you know the falcon girl's with the dancing club," Hyewon retorted without missing a beat, a hand still holding that piece of flyer.

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Yep. Back from the dead.
This is where I stop this series before I make more empty promises.


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Chapter 3: Wow, this was really good :)))
baesjbae_ #2
Chapter 3: An update, yeah!
I love their interactions here, they obviously like each other and both knows that. They're dating now or...?
Thanks for the chapter, author-nim!
maomao88 #4
Chapter 3: Wahhh they’re so cute. They like each other but also like to tease each other
Chapter 3: hey, you're back! thank you for updating <3
Chapter 4: Excited to read this. 😍🥰🤭
Chapter 4: Hah! Can't wait. I wonder what Kkura would do? See you next update author-nim :>
Chapter 2: Either B or C? Can't really choose between them haha
Chichu_25 #9
Chapter 2: Maybe B :))
nayoonhyun #10
Chapter 2: Maybe first C then change to B