From Under the Christmas Tree


Hi everyone, I am back with a Christmas one-shot! It's been awhile since I finished Fraternizing with the Enemy and I have wanted to write something else again so here I am! I have a lot of time these days after my semester has finished so what's better than some fluffy Christmas Eunhae? :)

P.S. the title is based off of Fall Out Boy's From Under the Cork Tree album since it is one of my favorites.


"Hyukjae!" A voice called from the kitchen. "Is this supposed to happen?" 

Hyukjae rolled his eyes from his position on the couch. His boyfriend, Donghae, was supposed to be checking on their Christmas cookies that were baking in the oven. "Can you be more specific, babe?" 

"Come here, Hyukjae!" Donghae called back. 

Hyukjae hesitantly pulled himself and headed towards the kitchen. The smell of fresh baked cookies filled the air as he walked towards his concerned boyfriend. Donghae gestured frantically towards the oven where the cookies were baking. Hyukjae chuckled at the brunet's actions before he opened the oven door and peered in. 

"Donghae! What did you do?!" Hyukjae asked in a panic. The cookies were rapidly rising, more than they should have been. 

"I followed the recipe you gave me." Donghae huffed. 

Hyukjae feigned hurt in response, which earned him a quick slap to the arm from Donghae. "Hey!" 

"Hey you! Look at our cookies!" Donghae responded, once again flailing his arms wildly in the direction of the oven. 

"I don't claim those cookies as mine." Hyukjae deadpanned and Donghae reeled his arm back to give him another arm punch. He grabbed the brunet's arm midair and laced his fingers with Donghae's. "But I'm sure we can fix them." 

Donghae huffed before his hand relaxed gently into the blond's. "We better be able to or you'll be sleeping alone tonight!" 


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1587 streak #1
Chapter 1: It's already been snowing where I live so I wanted some cute festive fluff, thankfully I found this! These two are adorable. ♡
1489 streak #2
Chapter 1: aahhhh just exactly what i need today. somethung fluffy and sweet and festive to make me smile.
Naomychan #3
Chapter 1: It was so cute :) Merry Christmas!
Chapter 1: Awwww that was so cute ❤❤
14_KateBeckett #5
Chapter 1: So adorable~ Love it!! Merry Christmas:)
JSHyukHae #6
Chapter 1: Cute cute cuteeeeee ><
Achichi #7
Chapter 1: So cute & heartwarming story, thank u! 😃
1122 streak #8
Looking forward to it